《(Discontinued) Aevitas - Not an NPC [unfinished]》Chapter 20: History is a Riot.
Chapter 20: History is a Riot.[b]
Standing on stage with both Selene and the Talin, Tobi watched as several men began chanting spells on the stage.
“So what are we doing up here? What are we supposed to do?”
Smiling, Saron looked out at the heads beyond the stage and told him they would be learning about each other.
Oh yeah, because that explains everything. Why can’t these kinds of people ever speak plainly? Self-aggrandizing prick.
“What do you mean—learning about each other? And what are those men doing?”
“They are just preparing the lighting using magic, after that they will amplify the sounds made on the stage so we can talk normally and won’t have to shout.
As for learning about each other, we will just be having a chat. We are all very interested in you and why you are here. We are interested in the White Priestess and the Talin too. We also know that you wish to learn about the great Chadú so we will try to cover some of that also.”
Some of that also? As if you don’t know that is the reason I am here in the first place!
Sighing with frustration and looking at Selene who seemed perfectly composed and dignified, he turned instead to the Talin. Even he seemed to appear dignified on the stage—despite carrying several bags of items like a woman who’d gone clothes shopping.
How can they look so calm? Did she know we’d have to talk in front of all these people before we got up here?
Spotting several men bring in four large chairs from a back room, Tobi was starting to get the impression he was on some kind of crappy talk show. If it was Ellen Degeneres or something, he didn’t mind. If it turned out to be Jerry Springer though, he was definitely leaving.
Amused by his thoughts, he accepted the chair designated for him.
Once the podium was removed from the stage and Saron took his seat, the room quietened and Saron put on a smile only TV celebrities could manage.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, our star guest tonight is a very special One and known by many names. He is The Prophet, Gods’ Chosen, Inventor of Chess and World Chess Champion; Tobi of Brackley everyone!”
Wow, he even speaks like a talk show host.
The room gave a small round of applause that seemed to be orchestrated by some Priests and a few mages.
“Master Tobi; Can we start by having you introduce your two companions and telling us why you have come to Chadú.”
Thinking of all the times in his life where he’d been put on the spot and succumbed to a large bout of word vomit, Tobi did his best to calm his heart and just breathe.
“My companions are Selene, the White Priestess; and a Talin with no name from the distant North reaches of this continent. Selene is a chosen representative to the 12 Gods of Anderon, that is why she wears white instead of red, blue or black. She does not just represent the Gods to me though, she also represents me to them. The role goes both ways, like a link between the 12 and myself.”
“Wait…” Saron called holding up a hand and smiling smugly at the crowd before turning back to Tobi, “She represents the Gods to you? As in, what she says and does may affect their standing with you?”
“Isn’t that what I just said?” Tobi answered frowning. “Selene does affect what I think of the Gods. If she tells me something I don’t like, then my opinion changes—obviously.”
Clearing his throat and nervously looking at the crowd as they broke into whispers, Saron shifted uncomfortably in his seat, “I am sorry, but you make it sound as though the Gods must prove themselves to you. Why would a God have to prove himself to a mortal man? Which of the Gods do you even follow?”
“I didn’t ask for these titles and duties and I don’t follow any of the Gods. They seek my favor, I don’t seek theirs. Be that as it may, some of my actions do seem to favor certain Gods. This made the other Gods angry. It was obvious that I needed someone to represent me to each of the Gods. That is why we are looking for a follower of Chadú here in Lybernia. That person will represent me to Chadú and be Chadú’s representative to me.”
“And Chadú is OK with this? Has he told you so?” Saron asked sounding offended.
Rolling his eyes, Tobi shrugged and looked at one of Chadú’s images in the stained-glass windows; “His call. We either do it this way or I simply won’t do anything for him. He hasn’t disagreed to it. If you want someone to do you a favor, you can’t begrudge them a few leniencies.”
“You said your actions may displease some of the Gods—” Saron continued quickly moving on as the crowds chatter reached a new volume, “Does that mean you have done things that displeased other Gods? Have you granted favours to the 12?”
“Unintentionally it seems some of the Gods believe so. Let’s paint a scenario: if I help in defending a city in Anderon. Am I favoring Anderon over other countries, or the 12 Gods of Anderon over other Gods?”
Saron shrugged as he shook his head.
“That is what happened in Cohol. I helped defend Cohol from an attack of Axolotl. It wasn’t much, but I did what I could. The Gods viewed this as me favouring the 12. Now imagine if I had a follower of Chadú with me who also helped. It would not have been just me helping Cohol, but it would seem as though Chadú himself was helping Cohol.
Would that not make each of you proud of your God? To know that he helped the Gods of your neighbours in a moment of need?”
A murmur of agreement went through the crowd but Saron looked doubtful.
“I still don’t follow. Do the Gods seek your favor or favors from you?” Saron asked staring at the floor with a frown creasing his brow.
“Both. They haven’t made a specific request of me yet though. I cannot favor any of the Gods so before they can make requests, I must first gain a follower to represent each of them.”
“So your solution is to gain followers of all the Gods and...what?”
“If Chadú appeared now and asked something of me, I would have to say no. However, if I had a representative for each of the Gods, I would ask them all if they agreed to accept the request. If they all agreed, I would do what he asked.”
“And if one refused?” Saron asked with sudden interest and a gleam in his eye.
“Do not forget, they also represent their God to me. If they refused to accept the request without a good reason, their God would lose my favor. Should their God then ask me to do something at any point, I would remember the refusal and demand a good reason to do what they asked.”
“You would make demands of the Gods?”
“I would make demands of anyone or any thing that attempts to use me for their own gain. Man, woman, beast, dragon...god. Do you think the Mother Selest spoke to me because I said please? I demanded answers that she owed me—that is why she answered.”
As murmurs broke through the crowd, Tobi felt a bubble of annoyance appear in his chest and his anger begin to simmer. From the sound of the crowd, they disapproved of his actions and words.
“It seems our listeners want to know why you think you have the right to make demands of the Gods.” Saron note. He was clearly disturbed by how the crowd was reacting but a little excited by it too.
“You think none of you make demands of the Gods?” Tobi demanded of the crowd, “When the Gods first said ‘Worship Me’; do you really think man said ‘OK’ and continued with their lives? Hell no. The response was: Why? Why should we worship you? What do we get out of it? What reason do you have to demand this of us? Why should we listen?
The only reason the Gods are worshipped is because questions like those were answered. Whatever the reasons were, the answers were good enough for men to obey and worship the Gods. At what point did man think it was no longer OK to question the Gods?”
As nobody in the room offered any answers to his question, Tobi turned back to Saron and directed the next question at him.
“Tell me, Saron, why do Lybernian people follow Chadú?”
Due to the look of confusion on Saron’s face, Tobi turned to the crowd and asked if any of them could answer the question.
“Chadú owns the land!” A member of the crowd shouted.
Tobi shook his head, “If Chadú owns the land, why do you pay your taxes to the King? Why does the King give land to the Nobles to govern?”
“Because only Chadú will answer prayers in Lybernia.” Another voice called.
“And you can’t live unless he answers your prayers?” Tobi asked addressing the crowd as a whole, “I have never prayed in my life and I am doing just fine. That isn’t the reason you follow him, that is just a bonus of following him.”
The crowd went quiet before a man stood up and claimed that Chadú created them.
“Finally, a decent reason.” Tobi answered, “But did your father not also create you? And your mother—did she have no part in it? Did he create all men or just those born in Lybernia? Or did he only create the first men and women born in Lybernia and have no part in your creation at all?”
“All true Lybernian’s were created by Chadú in his image, that is why we are all dark of skin.” The man answered avoiding half of what was asked.
“And yet the light of skin follow him too; explain that to me.”
Listening to discussions break out across the hall, Tobi turned back to Saron to see if he had any answers. Appearing as confused as the crowd, he turned to Selene and asked if she knew anything of the Chadú faith.
“I know some.” Selene answered getting the attention of the entire room, “The reason they follow Chadú started with the original Lybernians. It is said that the first God to create a person in their own image was a Dwarven God who made life from stone. They are named the Craggyn. An Elven God appreciated this and went one step further to create a being of flesh and blood—an Elf. The Dwarven God had been fascinated by them and made another race in his image—the Dwarves.
The Anderon Gods were next to follow suit and before long, all the Gods were making a race in their own image. Chadú was not so interested in making a race like the other Gods, instead he created forests in a land of sand and desert. He made a home for the beasts of the world. When the Anderon Gods began to misuse their creation for games of war and entertainment, Chadú became angry with them. He reinforced his boundaries and protected his land from the other Gods and their creations.
Enclosed in his own land, Chadú eventually became lonely. He had cut himself off from the rest of the world and had only the trees and beasts for company. He finally created the first Lybernians. He went on to teach them how to fish, live, grow, build and more. He never demanded their worship, but he did live through them. He was no longer lonely and became happy once more.
The people were satisfied with their lives and idlized Chadú, but they did not leave the settlement given to them by their creator. Chadú had urged them to explore the lands he made, he wanted them to appreciate all of what he had done and not just the area they lived in. The people however were content with the boundaries they were first given and did not stray from their lands.
Not wanting to upset the people, Chadú made more people in a different part of the land. It is said that he got carried away and made too many. They eventually became too numerous and fought with the beasts and even each other for space.
Angry at what they did, Chadú destroyed half of the country and many of his people. To this day, much of the land is still sand and desert following that destruction.”
The room turned silent in surprise.
“Lady Selene,” A man called from the crowd, “We are all familiar with the founding stories, but we often argue over which faith is the original faith of Chadú. Do you happen to know which of the faiths is the original? Is it really the Sanctum that was here first?”
“I cannot answer that, I can only tell you that if you read all of the texts, the answer will be there. Take my knowledge for example. I was taught about Chadú when I was a child. I was taught by a Son of Chadú. After half a year however, I began to question which of the Chadú faiths was the true faith.
Do you know the story of how Chadú destroyed part of the country?”
Watching the room turn to the man who’d asked which faith was the original, the man nervously looked around and wiped sweat from his head. After giving a small nod, Selene asked him to share it with the room.
“As you said, Chadú was angry with the people he created for what they did to his lands. Outraged, he returned to those he created first. As he expected, they were still living the peaceful life they were given in the far South. Chadú went to them and told them of their brothers and sisters to the North. He explained to them how their brothers and sister had become corrupted, greedy and evil. He told them that they were a plague on the land that would destroy the world.He went on to ask the people of the south to donate their sons to him so that he may wipe the evil from the world.
The sons agreed readily and trained under Chadú for a year. Chadú named those chosen sons ‘the Novali’ and marched them North. Made up of freshly trained warriors, healers, shamans and hunters, the Novali followed Chadú and cleansed the land of their filth.
Once the people were destroyed, Chadú began making the land impossible for humans to live in. It was to stand as a reminder of what happened to those that abused the land and refused to listen to Chadú.”
Taking note of how even Chadú had used people to kill people, Tobi once again wondered just what the Gods were. Had Chadú been unable to kill his own creation so passed the duty on like a coward? Or did he not have the power to kill so many men at once? Were the people able to fight back and possibly kill Chadú if he’d tried to do it alone?
If the Talin God could be killed by a single Basilisk, it was possible men could kill Chadú, right?
Betraying none of his thoughts, Tobi looked back to Selene and waited for her answer.
“The answer to me is in that story.” Selene answered referring back to his question about the original faith, “The man who taught me about Chadú had told it almost exactly the same way. He said the Sons of Chadú were named after those sons that went to do Chadú’s bidding; that is why men are favored over women in the eyes of Chadú.
That is not what I gained from the story though. Chadú gave those men a name. They weren’t just soldiers or just priests, there were common men among them too such as hunters. He called those people ‘The Novali’.
Of all the faiths in Lybernia, only one has the Novali; that is the Sanctum. Saron here is a Novali himself. Whether he is a hunter, shaman or soldier I do not know, but he is Novali. Equally, there is plenty of evidence to suggest the Sons of Chadú didn’t appear until after the great war 500 years ago. The same for the Daughters of Chadú and all the other Chadú religions. Only the Sanctum has proof of existing before the great war.
In Anderon, we believe the war divided the faith. We believe that all faiths of Chadú once belonged to the original Novali religion. The primary surviving faction of that faith—we believe it is Sanctum.”
When conversations in the hall finally died down, following Selene’s logical summary and conclusion, Saron jokingly claimed that Tobi didn’t need a follower of Chadú; The White Priestess knew enough to perform that role for him.
“Is all Novali stupid?” The Talin whispered to Tobi. The whisper was pointless considering his amplified voice, the sound was heard in all parts of the hall. It was spoken in Elven though so Tobi thought he got away with it.
Trying not to laugh, Tobi shrugged and put a finger to his lips.
“Why did he ask that?” Saron asked, “I was only jesting. She does know enough to teach you about Chadú though; why do you need a follower of Chadú to travel with you?”
Growling like the beast he appeared to be, the Talin leaned forward and looked into Saron’s eyes, “You not listen or you just stoopid? White Priest woman only follow twelve. She not have right to talk for Chadú.”
Amazed at how quickly the Talin was picking up human—but equally amused at how he spoke the language, Tobi looked to Saron and waited for his response.
“Oh.” Was all he said.
“I have a question for Master Tobi.” A woman called.
Looking through the gloom beyond the light of the stage, Tobi located her quickly and asked what her question was.
“Do you think all men and women are equal?”
“No.” Tobi answered instantly with a straight face. As murmurs of agreement went through the crowd whilst many angry women scowled, Tobi looked to Selene and smiled, “Women are far superior.”
Listening to the uproar that followed with a smile on his face, Tobi watched Saron as he struggled to calm them down. When at last it was quiet enough to at least be heard, Saron asked him to explain. His question at least had been enough to shut them up so they could hear Tobi’s answer.
“The question was loaded from the beginning.” Tobi answered being more serious, “Are men and women equal? No. You can’t argue with a fact. Does that then mean that they are unequal? The answer is still no.
Men and women are different. We are built differently and have different abilities, tasks and roles. Neither is more important than the other. We are two halves of the same whole. As long as you think in terms of man versus woman, you will always fail. When you start thinking in terms of Man plus woman...only then will you start to succeed.”
“So you’re saying the Queen should run the country as much as the King?” A man shouted in disbelief.
“I am saying that they should run the country together. We are off track though, I am not here to talk philosophy and politics, I am here to learn about Chadú. The God, not the city.”
Ignoring Tobi’s attempt to get the conversation back on track, a member of the audience asked for his views on slavery. Looking to Selene, he wondered as to whether or not he should answer.
“Selene once told me that slavery was started by Chadú. Or that’s how I interpreted it. WIthout knowing the full story, I cannot have a clear view on the matter.”
“I will tell you the story.” A man called walking toward the stage. He was dressed in full steel armour despite the hot day and had two shields hanging on his back.
Noting how Saron gave a bow to the man, Tobi guessed he was another Novali.
Turning to face the crowd and putting his back to Saron without so much as acknowledging him, the man looked in the general direction of the person who asked the question.
“You have heard the story of how Chadú created Lybernians. That is one of the purposes of a Listening. We revisit old stories and remember our beginnings. You also heard the story of how people abused the gift of life granted by Chadú and the wrath they faced. That is not where the story ends. As the story goes on to tell...not all of the people plaguing the lands were killed.
When the battles were over, many of the people still lived. Chadú had originally planned to destroy them all and kill every last one down to the mothers and babies. Listening to the plea’s of his chosen people, Chadú granted mercy on the survivors but under a condition. They were to live in service of the men that spared their lives. In time, they could prove themselves and regain their freedom, but until that time they would remain slaves. Not just them but also their children and their childrens children and so on for eternity.
That was when things started to change for Lybernia. Many Novali returned home where they were welcomed as heroes, but not all of them chose to return. Some made new homes and new lives in other parts of the country. The Novali were disbanded until such a time that Chadú would need them again.
It wasn’t long until that time came. Invaders from a forest to the North came to our land and the Novali raised their flags once more. They drove back the invaders but worried that it would happen again. They chose one of their strongest warriors to build a new settlement in the North in case the invaders ever returned. The warrior accepted his task and took many of the slaves with him; Almost as many slaves as his own people.
Throughout history, many things occurred but as we have since learned—history has a way of repeating itself. The descendants of the Novali warrior were discontent with ruling their little settlement and expanded their territory. Before long, they were making deals with men of light skin from across the border and plotting against their own people. They even adopted the title of King as was common in Anderon.
Others that witnessed this did the same and the country was eventually divided by 12 rulers...each of them a descendant of the Novali. Rules of slavery changed and they were no longer just members of the families from long ago. Even light skinned people from Anderon were enslaved.
I would like for people to remember how slaves began and who they were. I would like for you all to remember why they were forced to serve and who they were told to obey. I would also like for you to remember that Chadú was willing to forgive and release them if they proved themselves.
All these slaves that exist today. It is a crime. The slaves were to serve the Novali, not the people. They were to be released if they proved themselves to be good people and true followers of Chadú. Not to be beaten and abused by masters that had no right in owning a slave.
You asked for this man’s view on slavery. Well I ask you...what do you think Chadú thinks of how we have abused the people he left in our charge? How do you think he feels about his people kidnapping innocents and turning them into slaves? The opinion that should matter to you is Chadú’s. Stop asking this man to involve himself in our affairs and instead, join the true followers of Chadú and put this world right again.”
Staring off into space as he imagined everything the man had described, it was several moments before he turned his attention back to the room. Hearing words like traitor followed by shouts of both approval and disapproval, the man walked back and forth on the stage. He didn’t know when the man had equipped both of his shields but he was carrying one in each hand as he paced up and down.
Spotting three men begin to argue about slaves, Tobi cursed. Standing up as the shouts became louder, he knew beyond doubt that a riot was ready to break loose at any second. To confirm his suspicions, Saron and several priests fought each other to escape out of the back door.
“Why are they fighting?” The Talin asked in Elven as he too rose from his seat.
“Politics.” Tobi answered as he watched a fight break out in the center of the hall.
“I don’t know that word.”
“Two Turok with different opinions try to get warriors on their side. When sides are made, they fight each other and winner becomes leader.”
“Oh. That is bad.”
Nodding his head, Tobi held his hand out for Selene, “Come on, we should leave too.”
Selene accepted his hand but shook her head, “I want to know who he is. You said you would do something about slavery one day, now might be our chance.”
Damn it…
“Congratulations on instigating a riot…” Tobi offered as he approached the man. “Tell me, what was the aim of your speech? You trying to end slavery or just stir up trouble?”
“Shouldn’t you be leaving with all the other priests?” The man responded with contempt and ignoring Tobi’s attitude.
Annoyed at the man’s dismissal, Tobi looked to the crowd and assessed the situation. Almost everyone seemed to be wearing regular clothing and they weren’t carrying weapons. Glad of that fact, Tobi shot a dirty look at the man with the shields and looked to the Talin.
“Do me a favor. Try not to kill them, but jump down there and start breaking up the fights. You can be rough if you like. Just toss some people around and get everybody’s attention.”
The Talin nodded. With a resounding roar that echoed around the room, a notification popped up in front of Tobi claiming he’d been buffed for 5 minutes by a battlecry. Amused by the increase in various stats, Tobi watched as the Talin jumped into the crowd and plowed through everybody like a mower. It wasn’t long before the fighting stopped and the Talin stood at the center of a large, empty circle.
Not sure what to do now that the crowd was quiet and confused, Tobi tried to think of something to say to them all. Some grand speech perhaps that will have them all come to an understanding. Without even a clue on where to begin, he gave up and went with the only thought that came to mind.
“Shame on you all—fighting in a house of Chadú. Do you have no respect for him at all?”
Noting how the crowd realized their mistake and worried expressions replaced angry ones, Tobi mentally applauded himself.
“I suggest you all go home and reflect on your actions here today. Tomorrow, you should come back and pray to Chadú for forgiveness.
Well? What are you waiting for? Go home.”
Watching the hall slowly empty, it came almost as a surprise for the room to light up and the spells on the stage to end. With his voice no longer amplified, he asked the soldier what he was planning by stirring them up.
Before the man could respond, Selene stepped forward too and asked why they’d called him a traitor.
The Talin pleased with himself at ending the petty human fights came over too and asked Tobi if he did a good job.
“You did awesome.” Tobi answered with a smile, “Without any armour too.”
The Talin snorted with satisfaction and went off to get the bags he’d left by one of the chairs.
“So, why did they call you a traitor?” Selene asked again as the man had yet to answer either of their questions.
Sighing, the man sat down on the edge of the stage and put his shields down, “You know by now of the upcoming games to marry the Princess?”
Both of them nodded despite the fact he was staring in the opposite direction.
“You know the nobles that are participating to win?”
As Selene answered no, Tobi answered with Baylon, Sennu, Rosol and Linux. Captain Horts had told him as much.
“That’s right. They called me a traitor because I am hoping that Baylon wins.”
Remembering that Captain Horts also wanted Baylon to win the games, Tobi asked why that made him a traitor.
“Remember in the story how one of the Novali had a settlement in the North to repel invaders? Well that is Baylon’s ancestor. Baylon wanted to join the Novali too but as the only son, his father forbade him. The Novali have duties that don’t always coincide with the politics of the country. Slavery is a clear example of that. All Novali are supposed to believe that the slaves should be set free if they prove themselves. Saron is an example of that not being the case; he is in complete favor of Linux who plans to reorganize slaves and the slave trade.
Despite his fathers wishes, Baylon still learned the way of the Novali. He took to our teachings so well, we truly believed he would join our order. That was before he accepted a task from the King though. Baylon’s father feared he would oppose him and join the Novali so he asked the King to send him away as an Ambassador. He wanted Baylon to be sent to Magrathea for a couple of years—far away from the Novali order.
The King sent him to Anderon instead where we have had bad relations lately. Disputes over trades mostly but other things as well. Whilst Baylon was there, a rumor reached this country that Baylon was frequently visiting an Anderon woman. His father demande him home immediately but the King couldn’t afford to break the negotiations.
Baylon finally returned earlier this year and all rumors about him were put aside. Life returned to normal but Baylon was not the same. He had learned much in Anderon and he didn’t like what was happening in this country. The people saw this and new rumors started. He does nothing but good deeds and yet he is cursed for it.
When he signed up for the Kings tournament to win the Princess, a new rumor started. They claim he already has a wife in Anderon. Shortly after another rumor started. They are now claiming that he plans to kill the Princess when he is King. He will then bring his Anderonian wife over here to be our new Queen.
Even if he wins the games, he will have a tough time as King. I am trying to get people to agree with his ideals by reminding them of Chadú’s teachings. If they could see things from his perspective…”
Sighing without finishing his story, the Novali soldier slumped his shoulders and called himself a fool.
Breaking the silence that followed, Selene dropped from the stage and introduced herself. Offering her hand to him, she explained that he was supposed to shake it and introduce himself.
“Er… Sax.” He replied shaking her hand awkwardly.
“You shake a hand like this,” Tobi called hopping down and grabbing his hand. Gripping the hand firmly and shaking it twice, he introduced himself.
“Ah. Good to meet you, too. Sorry for ruining your Listening. I didn’t really mean to get the people to start fighting, I just took the opportunity to remind them of a truth they try to ignore.”
Tobi shrugged, “I didn’t agree to the listening in the first place. Saron tricked me. Anyway, I want to know more about Baylon. Have you by chance met a city guard by the name of Captain Horts?”
Sax shook his head.
“You kind of remind me of him. Thought you might have been related. He supports Baylon too. Right now, I think it would be best if we head back, but do you fancy meeting with me tomorrow?”
“Why would you want that after what I just did here?”
“What do you mean? If you answered me when I spoke to you on the stage, I would have enjoyed the show with you. You snubbed me though and called me a priest, so I got mad. That’s why I had the Talin put an end to it. I really am interested in the games though—you could even say that I have a personal interest in the matter. What do you say? Meet up with me tomorrow?”
“—Good. Meet us at Bernie’s Spindles tomorrow at around noon. Selene here will be working there for a while so I can’t really meet you anywhere else.”
Gesturing for the Talin to follow, Tobi held a hand out for Slene. As they came close to the Sanctuary doors, Selene asked what he was planning.
“You want me to end slavery, right? Seems I might not have to, we just have to make sure Baylon wins the upcoming games.”
“And how do you plan to do that?” Selene asked looking back at Sax in the hall as they exited the building.
“First; I have to find out how this game is played.”
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Authors Notes:
Spoiler :
Shout outs for today:
First to [b]FallenWind — Thanks for your vote and review. Much Love Mythu
And to Aheael — Thanks for helping me resolve some issues I had with this chapter. Greatly appreciated.
Thanks to everyone giving their comments and votes too. Your support gives me the motivation to continue when I am in low spirits. Without your support, I would not have continued as far as I have with this fic.
I continue to write this for those of you that have been with Tobi and I during this journey. I hope you all continue to enjoy the story as it continues on. ^_^
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8 91 - In Serial58 Chapters
Fire Dublin (A LitRPG Fantasi–Sci-Fi Adventure)
The royal conflict will never stop raging. Betrayal, coup d'état, usurpation for the throne, have become part of royal life. Plus, there’s a strange material that’s spread across the world through a major catastrophe. A strange virus spreads all over the world, causing death for all humankind. Elisia Naumann, a princess from the kingdom of Gwelissa, has to accept an astonishing fact in her life. It sent her to an unknown place, alone with no experience. Her journey with her new partner will determine the course of her life and unravel all of her past. Join with Elisia on an adventure to seek the truth in a post-disaster world that will fill with mysterious material infections, agents and bandits, dangerous places, and strange monsters that will confront her with a game system she has never seen before. Cover art by @fireytika Update schedule: Saturday and Sunday on 07.30 (UTC+7) (1 chapters in each day)
8 303 - In Serial25 Chapters
pears for breakfast
living proof that art is fluid in form___________________________________________a poetry anthology written in fruit juice and cheap ink -----------------------------in loving memory of the past @timespieces copyright 2018
8 126 - In Serial54 Chapters
Destiny That Binds Us
• An arranged marriage love story •❝ His soul was tainted with darkness,Hers was full of light.One without the other,they knew they wouldn't survive! ❞' 𝑺𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒐𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒃𝒐𝒙, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑵𝒂𝒓𝒄𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕. ' • • • •It all started with a hug!"Hey wait--- I need you to do something in return!" His words sent chills down my spine, along with confused thoughts in my mind."What kind of help?" I tried my level best to act normal.𝘓𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘥 𝘐 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘯, 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘐 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘥𝘦𝘦𝘱𝘭𝘺 𝘳𝘦𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘵.𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩'𝙨 𝙝𝙤𝙬 𝙄 𝙢𝙚𝙩 𝙈𝙧.𝙉𝙖𝙧𝙘𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙨𝙩. • • • •𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘵, 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘵𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺?Peep in to know how destiny binds them together.#11🏅#Humor (208K)#8🏅#Lovestory (242K)#1🏅 #Indianstory#3🥉 #Arrangedmarriage(15.4K)#34🏅 #Emotions(28K)#41🥉 #Destiny(24K)
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