《(Discontinued) Aevitas - Not an NPC [unfinished]》Chapter 3: Alone
Chapter 3: Alone
Your Linguistics Skill has reached Beginner Level 15.
You can now begin learning a second language.
You have gained 1 intelligence
Tobi sighed and put down his book.
"Open Skill window; Cooking."
Intermediate Level 3: 98.9%
Open advanced window to see all known recipe's
Looking at the familiar 98.9% experience, Tobi's frustration grew. A lot had happened in the year since he'd become trapped but the thing concerning him the most right now was his lack of progress in cooking.
Every possible recipe in and around Brackley had been cooked to the point that it no longer gave him experience. Still, he was earning a comfortable income, owned his own shop and had his own home upstairs. His intimacy with all the residents of Brackley were also at their maximum.
Looking at the plaque he'd had the local Carpenter make, Tobi frowned.
[Those who fail to spend their lives will have it spent by others.]
He'd had it made to remind him that this wasn't his world. In recent weeks it had been hard to come to terms with his identity. If it weren't for the occasional visits from Skea-Tech employees, he might've thought people had forgotten about him entirely.
In the real world, Skea-Tech were facing many difficulties:
Their game had been closed until they could prove it was safe; Many players were filing for compensation to get money back for their Dive Units; Tobi's parents were refusing to hand over custody of Tobi's body, and they were still paying for all of Tobi's medical and care expenses.
Long summary short, they were looking at bankruptcy if the courts ruled against them. Meanwhile, Tobi was still stuck inside the game.
Without other players, Tobi had thought the world of Aevitas would be safer for him. Turned out that the opposite was true. Animals around the borders of Brackley such as wild dogs and wolves were leveling up by killing rabbits and foxes. After killing those low level creatures, they were killing each other. After killing each other, the survivors were at a level able to face the average town guard. Soldiers were often sent out for monster subjugation. Without players, the beasts of the world were running rampant and wild. The Lord of Brackley feared a return of the old days; of what life was like before the Travelers came and killed every monster they came across.
Picking up one of the sweet-cakes he'd prepared that morning, Tobi took a bite and contemplated his future. Living in Brackley had been safe but it was also incredibly boring. Who the hell stays in a game for a year and remains level one?!
Of course, things weren't all bad. Thanks to his Intermediate 3 cooking, he'd received 53 HP stat points.
Beginner Levels of a profession went up to 50, Intermediate went up to 25, Advanced went to 24 and Mastered came last. In total there were 100 levels in a profession. If he Mastered cooking, it was the equivalent to 100HP stat points (1,000 Health). As things were, he had 545 Health.
Then there was his Reading. He averaged 3 intelligence points every linguistics level. Linguistics itself gave no stats, but reading the material to raise the skill did. On top of the Intelligence stat he'd started with, he'd earned an additional 45.
I really should go and become a mage. Tobi thought as he picked up another sweet-cake.
Actually, what I really want to do is play a game of chess. It sucks that this world doesn't have one.
As if a bulb had gone off in his head, Tobi smiled and put the sweet-cake back down.
Slowly rising from his seat behind the counter, Tobi's smile turned into a huge grin. Quickly rushing around and locking up his shop, Tobi changed the sign on his door to closed and left.
"You want to learn Lumberjack?" The burly man asked.
"Yes...I could just buy the wood but it is painfully obviously how weak I am. I need to start doing something to stay fit. What better way than chopping down trees?"
"Well, I can't argue with that. But are you sure? What about your shop? Your sweet-cakes are a rival for Madam Bakewell's Honey Tarts."
Tobi laughed and thanked him for the compliment. "Come on, Joe. Teach me what I need to know. There is a batch of sweet-cakes in it for you."
Frowning but unable to resist, the Lumberjack agreed to take him out on the next trip into the woods. Before they could go though, Joe had to hire some mercenaries to protect the group from wild beasts. Tobi chipped in a Gold toward the costs knowing that it covered almost the entire protection fee.
Whilst Joe was busy sorting out mercenaries for the trip into the wood, Tobi ran next door to see Jasper and learn Carpentry.
Unlike Fletching and Carving that people normally requested to learn, Tobi had found out that Carpentry was unlimited in what it could make. Bows, Arrows, Staffs, Tables, Chairs, whatever... Carpentry could do it all. Whilst normally an archer would learn carving and fletching in order to make bows and arrows; had they learned Carpentry, they could have done both and not wasted a profession slot.
Being mistaken for an NPC by the NPC's was a definite bonus at times. All NPC's accepted Tobi as one of them and not a Traveler on account that he didn't disappear with the rest of the Travelers.
"You really want to learn Carpentry?"
"You're as bad as Joe. He just asked the same thing about Lumberjack. Why everyone insists on focusing on one trade I will never know. I will still be baking cakes, probably, but between baking and selling I find myself with a lot of free time. Normally I spend that time reading, but I am thinking of starting a crafting hobby instead. Make some ornaments to decorate my home with. Maybe make myself a new chair for the shop. Who knows?"
Of course, Tobi didn't plan to do any of that. Tobi planned to make the worlds first chess set.
"You can read?"
"Really, after everything I just said...that's the part you focus on?"
"That's not it..." Jasper replied shaking his head, "I purchased a book from a Traveller almost two years ago but all those who came to learn my trade couldn't read so I still have it. It's a skill book."
Tobi frowned, "A skill book that teaches a profession?"
Jasper nodded with enthusiasm, "Sure does. Really rare too. These things haven't been made for centuries. Only the Gods know where he found it."
Tobi agreed to purchase the book. Jasper told him he'd paid 10Gold for the book so expected only 15Gold for it.
Knowing that Jasper was a professional conman on the side, Tobi didn't believe him at all. He paid 15 gold just the same.
Opening the book to the first page, Tobi realized the book wasn't in 'human'.
You have begun learning Elvish.
You may begin learning your third language once you hit Intermediate Level.
"Damn it! Jasper, this is in Elvish!"
"You knew!?"
Jasper didn't reply and crept behind the counter. Tobi pointed a finger at his face before storming out. Elves lived on near to the other side of the world, the chance of Elvish coming in useful was next to none!
Trying to focus on the good points instead, Tobi tried reading the letters.
One by one the words changed from squiggles and jargon to words he could read. Each word required being stared at for a long time though.
Ugh, this is going to take a while.
Whilst piles of logs had built up behind his bakery, Tobi was still trying to finish deciphering the Elven book.
Each day he went out to the woods with Joe and each evening he sat with the book in front of his face. He didn't know why, maybe habit, but he spent his time deciphering his book behind the counter of his shop and the sign flipped over to closed.
It was for that reason Tobi was surprised to hear the bell above his door jingle.
"Hello?" A shadow called from the doorway.
The shop wasn't dark, but compared to the bright sun outside it would appear that way to someone coming in from the outside.
Squinting at the shadow with a daylight backdrop, Tobi called for the person to come in and shut the door.
Sure enough, it was Lorry who had entered. Tobi put the book down straight away, "Everything OK?"
"Same as last time you were given an update. I watched Byron's feed after the last time he visited you. I have nothing to report one what he told you back then. Court cases just keep getting adjourned and run around in circles. Feels like we aren't going anywhere."
Tobi nodded. Whilst it was a long time for Tobi, it had been little over 3 months in the real world. What kind of company lawsuit is finished after just 3 months?
"So what do I owe the visit?" Tobi asked as he started mixing some herbs and put some water out to boil.
"Just stopping by, seeing how you are doing. How come the shop is shut?"
Pouring the already boiled water (courtesy of the game design that allowed instant boil) Tobi answered that he was taking a paid leave of absence.
"Be careful, your boss will give you the sack if you take too many liberties."
Tobi nodded seriously, "I know. That Tobi is a right slave driver. Temper on him too. Just the other day he stubbed my toe with a curb!"
Watching as Lorry resisted a smile, Tobi laughed. He knew that Lorry hated corny humour yet for some reason it was the only thing that made him smile.
Maybe that's why he hates it...
Back when they first met, they didn't get along too well. Since the game closed however and all the players were forced out, they had found mutual ground and became something similar to friends.
"How are the monsters in the area?" Lorry finally asked as Tobi passed him the drink.
"Getting bad. Joe was attacked last week and has started hiring mercenaries again. They got into a tough scrap yesterday too. Joe ended up helping them in the battle."
"I will get some staff in to do a little monster subjugation sometime during the week."
As the pair sat in comfortable silence, Lorrys eyes turned toward the book on the counter.
"You are learning Elven?"
Surprised, Tobi asked how he knew it was Elven.
"Ha! Who do you think I am? I have Advanced 11 Linguistics. Elven, Dwarvish, Orcish, Racian and Malanchite are the languages I know right now. I wanted Dragon next but Dragons can't write so I am not sure how to go about learning it."
"First... what is Malanchite? Second; you could just try talking to a Dragon. If your Linguistics is at the stage it is ready to learn a new language, it could work. If not, then hope the Dragon realizes you want to talk and maybe it will show you the way."
Lorry sat in silence as he gave it thought. After a while he shrugged and changed the subject.
Before he finally left Tobi back to what he was doing, he informed Tobi that he was definitely going to have fun when he learned what the Elven book had to offer.
Ha, jokes on you...I already know what it is.
Lorry however shook his head and laughed. Remembering a time when he thought Lorry had read his mind, Tobi looked at the book suspiciously.
Book of Elven Carpentry 100% translated.
Linguistics has reached beginner 17
Book of Elven Carpentry.
The Woodland Elves of Llysfaen abhorred the use of tools on wood or nature.
For this reason, they hoped to teach their skill to lesser beings in hope to save nature from their greed.
This book will teach you how to carve wood without tools.
Do you wish to learn Elven Carpentry?
Carve without tools? "Yes."
You are learning Elven Carpentry.
1% Complete.
You may pick up and put down this book whenever you wish.
The completion will only go up whilst the book is in your hand.
Speed of completion depends on intelligence, wisdom and any related stats that have been unlocked.
After three long, boring and tedious hours; Tobi's Elven Carpentry had only reached 30%.
Resisting the urge to throw the book at the wall, Tobi went to bed with the book in hand in hope it would continue whilst he slept.
Sadly, the system didn't incorporate subliminal learning and he woke to find the book was at 31% - the 1% being how much he'd completed in the time it took to fall asleep.
Instead of stressing over the book and sitting around doing nothing, Tobi went to do his weekly shopping around town and visit some friends he hadn't seen in a while. Chief among them being the old innkeeper he'd rented a room from during the first few weeks the game had closed.
"What you got there, Tobi?"
"A book." Tobi replied as he sat on a stool at the bar.
"Well colour me purple, I would have never guessed." The man replied sarcastically.
"It's an Elven book on carpentry. I am trying to learn the skill for a side hobby."
"You can read Elven?" the man asked surprised.
After confirming he could, the barman asked Tobi to go through to the back. Whilst Tobi was making his way there, he heard the man clear out the bar area and tell them he was shut for the day.
Leading Tobi down into the familiar cellar, Tobi asked what was with all the secrecy.
"Before I show you, promise it is a secret. I wouldn't trust anyone else with this, only you."
Too curious to consider refusing, Tobi swore on the Twelve Gods honoured by all Anderons.
After pushing on a brick in the wall and pulling a lever at the side; the wall opened to reveal a small room lined with bookshelves and crammed with books.
"They're all Elven?" Tobi asked as he tried to guess the amount of books in storage.
"No. 'bout half are though. Never had much patience for readin' so never proper learned. In here somewhere is an Elven Diary. You find it for me and there is a reward in it for you. Don't read it though. Find all the books titled Diary and give them to me."
New Quest: Find the Diary of Ellenestri.
Difficulty: Unknown
Find the Diary of Ellenestri and give it to Ranall.
Maximum intimacy with Ranall the owner of Brackley Inn.
Able to read Elven.
Being caught reading the book after finding it.
Failing to find the book.
Damaging the books contained in his collection.
Concluding that it would not be hard to read just the title of a book (and due to curiosity), Tobi agreed to the quest.
"Excellent. I will pop in ev'ry now 'n' then to see how ya gettin' on. Try not to damage any of them. These are my prize possessions. Even if I can't read them, they been in me family for gen'rations."
"OK. What will you do with it when I find it though? If you can't read it, why bother?"
Ranall frowned at him, "My business that, init?"
With a shrug, Tobi set to work on the books straight away. As soon as he walked in he realized the greatest problem. Many books were stacked haphazardly on a rickety table above a floor full of water. The shelves were also so cramped that pulling one out without dragging out others was also a pain. To top it off, he had his Elven book in one of his hands and was determined to not put it down.
Dragging over several Kegs, two barrels and a second damaged table; Tobi set about dividing the books into safer piles just outside the secret room.
With a single barrel left over, Tobi began sorting through the books.
Your Linguistics isn't high enough to understand this title.
Unsure whether the book was Elven or other, Tobi placed it onto the barrel and called it the 'maybe' pile.
With each book he ruled out, Tobi placed it safely on the rickety table back in the room. He continued the process half the table was full and there was no room left on the barrel.
Dragging along a second Keg to be used for the 'maybe' pile, Tobi moved on to books from the shelves and started moving around books as needed.
"How's it goin'?" Ranall asked when he finally returned to the cellar. As soon as he seen the various stacks of books everywhere, he rushed over and made sure none were damaged.
"It's fine, but my Linguistics isn't high enough for some of these books. I might have to go away and learn some more before I can find the book you want."
Looking concerned, Ranall asked if there was any way he could do that learning with the books he had.
"Sure. Might take a while... There are some Elven books on that table over there I can read, but I didn't want you think I was reading the diary so I never opened them. Just read the title."
"As long as you know it's not the diary, I will trust you to read them."
Agreeing to the conditions, Tobi continued sorting through the rest of the books. He would use the Elven books to further his linguistics later; when he'd confirmed he needed to in order to find the diary.
When at last one quarter of the room had been sorted through, Tobi took his first break. He was about to take a look at the progress of his Elven Carpentry progress when he spotted something that made his face turn white.
A rat. As big as a cat and as black as the ace of spades. The yellow teeth seemed to sparkle as the creature opened its jaws wide ready to clamp down on a corner of a book.
"NO!" Tobi yelled as he threw his hand out toward the rat. There was no way he could reach it but the sheer dread of the rat ruining his quest was enough to cause the involuntary action.
Without warning, the rat was suddenly blast away from the book with enough force to slam it off the back wall.
Confused about what just happened, Tobi wondered if the book was magical and protected itself.
You have killed the Black Sewer Rat.
You have gained 15 experience.
New Spell Discovered: Mana Thrust.
Basic Arcane Spell that allows one to push back their enemies.
Force: Dependant on the amount of mana applied.
Damage: Dependant on the amount of mana applied.
Mana Cost: Casters choice.
Quickly glancing at the rat and confirming it was dead, Tobi checked his mana. His original mana had been 15, but with the now 49 intelligence bonus gained from reading, his mana was 305/505.
"Open basic information window: Arcane Magic."
Arcane Magic
Arcane Magic is the purest form -and believed to be the original source- of all magic.
Whilst knowledge of this magic has been lost over the centuries, many magicians covet Arcane power.
The only known sentient race still able to use Arcane magic is the Elven race.
This magic has the ability to kill the caster if used unwisely.
Those who discover this magic accidentally or otherwise are advised to find a master.
"Open Advanced information window: Arcane Magic."
Advanced window on Arcane Magic not available. Must be learned to gain access to this window.
Spying another rat keeping its distance, Tobi decided to try it for himself.
After several minutes of looking like that idiot spiderman trying to sling his webs for the first time, Tobi gave up.
Returning to his task of sorting the books and finding Ellenestri's Diary, Tobi kept an additional eye out for anything that mentioned Arcane Magic. If the Elves are the last to be able to use it, perhaps they had books on its use.
"Brought you a drink?"
Tobi jumped at the sound of Ranalls' voice. He hadn't even heard the man approach.
"Thanks. Now you mention it I am pretty thirsty. Could use a bite to eat too if you have anything."
"I am sure I can find summat. Looks like you are mostly done."
"Yeah. About twenty books to go. Then I just need to start sorting through the maybe pile. Those are the books I can't read the title of."
Nodding as he looked at the large stack of books now covering two barrels and a broken table, Ranall began to fidget.
"Something wrong?"
"No. Just been wai'in' for this a long time. Excited."
Tobi looked at the books on the maybe pile(s). There was at least seventy to sort through.
Finishing his drink as Ranall left, Tobi wondered if he'd be able to resist reading the book once he found it.
"Found you!"
Typically, the very last book that he checked turned out to be the one he was looking for, he didn't even need to check the maybe pile.
Looking around the area and confirming there were no rats immediately tempted to ravage the books, Tobi ran out of the cellar and up the stairs.
"-be sure?"
Pausing at the stop of the stairs, Tobi listened to the voices beyond.
"Who do you think I am?"
That's Ranall ... I think.
Whilst it was true that the voice was Ranalls, the speech had changed and the voice was different. More confident. More commanding.
"You put too much faith in that skill of yours."
"It hasn't failed me yet."
"Yeah, well. One day someone will figure it out and use it against you."
I know that voice!
Resisting the urge to look around the corner, Tobi wondered what skill Ranall had.
"You know my skill and you can't stop it working. What makes you think some silly baker will figure it out."
"The same silly baker that can read a language you can't. The same silly baker that can read in the dark?!"
Huh? Me?
"Funny eyes that glow doesn't mean he can lie to me. I only have to ask if he found the book and I will know if he is telling the truth."
My eyes glow?
"Be that as it may, how can we be sure he won't tell anybody about it?"
Tobi backed away from the door a little. Whilst he wanted to listen in, he didn't want to be caught eavesdropping.
What would he do though?
"I will just ask him if he will ever tell anyone about it. If he is honest when he says he won't I will believe him. If it were up to me, I would bring him in on it anyway."
"And if he can't convince you he will keep it a secret."
... Tobi waited for the reply but none came. He took that as his cue to leave.
Rushing back down the stairs as quiet as he could manage, Tobi wondered what to do. He also tried to figure out who the other voice had belonged to. He knew he'd heard it before but couldn't remember where.
Come on Tobi, think. This is just a game of chess. You have seen his moves and know what is coming. What do you do next?
Looking around the room in a mild panic, the first thoughts of a plan started to emerge.
Only one way out and a man I can't lie too. Death if I fail. He can't read Elvish though and I am guessing his partner can't either. So where is the book going?
With the Diary in his hand, Tobi focused on how to lie to someone. It clearly depended on how it worked. A lie detector read emotions, but this was a game; anything could be the reason he knew when someone was lying. Being a Traveller didn't necessarily mean he was immune to mind reading.
Ignoring the implications involved with mind reading, Tobi was reminded of Lorry. That man seemed to know what you were thinking too.
How to lie?
The answer to that question was kind of obvious. All good lies contained a portion of truth. What he had to do was tell the truth in a way that tricked the listener.
Smiling, Tobi cleared one of the barrels of stacked with Elven books by shoving them into his backpack. He'd originally been planning to read them to raise his linguistics anyway so he hoped Ranall wouldn't notice.
After placing the book on the barrel, he took it off again and put it in his bag. Immediately after, he grabbed another book from inside the room: The Diary of Llewellyn.
Placing the second diary onto the barrel, he called upstairs to Ranall; "Hey! Ranall. I found it!"
The sound of Ranall pounding down the stairs was enough to make Tobi imagine an earthquake. Just without the quaking.
"Where is it?" He shouted before he'd even finished rounding the bottom of the stairs.
"I put it on the barrel there." and then took it off again.
"This is one?" He asked as he picked up the book.
Crap! Erm... "Hey. That Diary in your hands, why is it so important?"
"I can't say. I want to, but... you didn't read it did you?"
"No. I didn't read a single book in your collection, only the titles. The Diary of Ellenestri was the very last book I checked, would you believe? Typical, right? Fortnately it meant I didn't have to go through this maybe pile."
Ranall nodded, satisfied.
"You won't ever tell anyone about this will you?"
"About the Diary of Ellenestri?" Tobi asked in an attempt to keep the conversation specific. The last thing he wanted to do was trip himself up.
"About the Diary, my request, my book collection or my secret room."
After considering various ways to answer the question Tobi shrugged and resisted a smirk, "I will never tell anyone about anything that happened here today. Not what I seen nor what I did. Not about the books, the room or even ever being in this cellar."
"Good man." Ranall grinned, "I knew I could trust you."
Tobi opted to stay silent. He was too close to escape to risk saying something stupid now.
"Here, for your troubles."
Tobi accepted a small package from the barman he though he'd known.
"That is another family heirloom. Don't lose it. I want you to keep it. Don't sell it. Was my treasure, but now its yours."
Nodding and trying to remain silent; even going so far as to not say thank you, Tobi looked back at the books in the secret room.
"Don't worry about that. I will put them away."
"I will be leaving then. If you ever need someone you can trust again, let me know. Especially if it means I can read some of your books." With a quick wink, Tobi made for the stairs in the calmest manner he could manage.
As soon as he reached the doors to the inn, Tobi took a quick look around and slipped out.
Quest Complete:
Rewards: To be identified.
For deceiving Ranall in the completion of the quest, the matter is not yet over.
Bonus Rewards:
For deceiving Ranall in the quest to find Ellenestri's Diary, you have secured several books and the Diary Ranall desired.
Tobi quickly closed the window and attempted to keep his composure whilst making a direct line for his home and bakery.
He'd just reached the front doors when another window appeared.
Elven Carpentry has reached 100% Completion.
Back to Main Page
Authors Comments:
Hope you all don't mind the time skip. I wrote this several ways but this was the one I was most happy with. I have gone through and made the corrections, but if I missed any please let me know.
Some strange new words in here, like Malanchite - [Mal an kite] ... you will find out about that stuff in the future. I don't want to give spoilers.
I will however give you some spoilers on Tobi and Arcane Magic.
Looking is up to you:
Tobi's Stats
Spoiler :
Name: Tobi
Level1Health: 545/545Mana: 505/505Energy: 100/100Satiety: 55/100
[td100]STATS[/tds]Distributable Points40Health Points54Intelligence50Strength11Wisdom1Attack1Dexterity1Agility1Defence1???-???-???-???-???-???-???-???-???-???-???-???-
[td100]Additional Information[/tds]RaceHumanGenderMaleAlignmentNeutralClassNoneAffinityUndiscoveredAllegianceUndeclared
Strength is a result of Lumberjack.
Intelligence is a result of reading.
HP is a result of Cooking. (1 stat that he started with and 53 from his Intermediate 3 cooking)
Arcane Magic
Spoiler :
Arcane Magic:
The ability to mold mana into any shape or form and apply it at will.
If you feed mana into a ball of magic and throw it with the intent to make it blow up on impact. That is what it will do.
Any action you do with raw Arcane Magic will be saved as a spell you can use later.
Unlike normal magic, the mana cost isn't specific; it is entirely dependent on how much mana you put into it.
Arcane strike for example. 10 mana might kill a level 1 rat. 100 mana might kill a level 10 boar. How much mana you apply is down to you and your ability to control mana.
Don't take it lightly though, controlling mana is like:
1) Cupping water in your hands without spilling any
2) Throwing an over-sized water balloon accurately over any given distance
3) Forcefully opening a stubborn bag of peanuts without having the bag suddenly explode and have the peanuts fly everywhere
4) Post thread through the eye of a needle.
Another example would be akin to controlling the flow of qi [chi] and applying it in strikes and so forth. Although we can all imagine it, it doesn't mean we can do it.
Another way to imagine it is 'The Force' from Star Wars.
Whilst some may take to it naturally, others will never be able to.
Among the many reasons Arcane Magic is coveted:
1) Necromancy is the only known form of Arcane magic that can be controlled by a novice.
Unlike Arcane magic in its purest form, Mana application in Necromancy is easy.
2) Arcane Magic is known as 'Life Force Magic' which is why the Elves are still proficient with it and why it can be deadly to the users.
- If Arcane magic is used when the caster has no mana left in their mana pool, the ratio of Health consumption vs Mana consumption is 10:1. Meaning a 100mana spell will reduce Health by 1,000.
Healing with Arcane magic has only ever been achieved by an Elf and only rarely.
3) It is believed by many that Elven Life longevity is a result of Arcane Magic. [probably true]
I don't want to make it any more complicated or give away any more. I hope this is enough to satisfy your curiosity.
Though it is a little more complicated than I have described, it shouldn't ever come across as some mind bending ability during the course of the story.
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8 167 - In Serial24 Chapters
Sold To Be His
(Mafia Series#3)He advanced towards me and grabbed my arm painfully. I hissed under his hold and tried to pull my arm away from him but all in vain. "Who are you?" I asked, sacredly. He squeezed my arm which was causing pain in my arm. It would leave a buries for sure. He chuckled darkly and pulled me to him which made me hit with his chest. He quickly moved his hand from my arm to my waist and pulled me impossibly close. I looked at him in uncontrollable fear. I felt his other hand move on my back and felt something pinching on my arm, painfully. I looked at him with wide eyes and tearful eyes which were flowing through my eyes, that were slowly closing."Your future!" I heard him saying in dangerous voice as my eyes were closing without my permission. I tried to open them but failed and let myself sunk in the darkness. - - -Izzah, a beautiful and talented doctor. Always there to help and support anyone in the hours of need.But what will she do when she is sold to a mafia man?Daniel, handsome and dashing mafia man. Who hates lies and don't know the meaning of love.But what will he do when Izzah enters in his life? And why he kidnaps her and bought her?- - -Status~Started: 15/06/2019.Completed: --/--/----.
8 136 - In Serial11 Chapters
Unprotected Sects
When freshly-graduated Dr. Selva Imroth accepted a short job from her former doktormutter, she had expected to interview a few PhD washouts and write a report to the Dean. Unfortunately for Selva, everything in her life has to be an ordeal. Updates every weekday, but not on the weekend. I hadn't planned on doing NaNoWriMo, but then on Halloween night I was sharing an old plot bunny with a new friend and realized, "oh shit I can actually use this." So, here we are. Thanks, friend. In true NaNoWriMo fashion, I will not be using my typical editing process here, and will instead simply vomit words onto your screen as quickly as possible, trying valiantly to avoid asking myself "oh my god who CARES" because tangents are important to wordcount. [Participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
8 105 - In Serial51 Chapters
When Death walked the world
An Overlord fanfiction. (AU) Momonga arrives first in the new world. How will he change the course of history? Will the name of Ainz Ooal Gown inspire despair or hope?
8 132