《Axe from North》Chapter 28. Goodbye.


Finally finished this chapter...

It got delayed because like i told in a comment before 07. 20 (on monday) was my birthday so that weekend I pretty much wrote nothing... Then next sunday my pc broke luckily problem was only with a power supply unit...

Hope you will like it.

Chapter 28. Goodbye.

The moment I climb down the stairs, I take a glance back, where I can still hear Ingvil's angry shouts.

A small smile surfaces on my face.

'Anyway after staying awake for so long I'm really hungry.' Focusing now my full attentionon the kitchen.

"Hmmm hmhm hmmm..." Maybe because I'm in such a good mood, I start to humm some old tune from my past life as I'm walking through the room.

Suddenly the front door to our house swings open, revealing a giant shadow standing there.

"Mother! You scared me there for a second..." I say in a relieved voice after noticing that it's truly her and not some big grizzly.

"Ah! Asger, the person I'm looking for." She says directing her look towards me.

"Huh? Why?" I ask a bit worried.

"Just now a girl from your class came and is asking for you." She says pointing behind her with her thumb.

"Is it Elise?" My voice carries a small spark of hope in it.

"I don't really know their names but it's the one with a title of White Witch." She answers with a small frown on her face.

"Thanks!" Is the only thing I manage to say rushing past her.

The moment I get outside, I immediately notice her standing near our bench looking around.

She is wearing the same white dress and her hair is tied back in the same pony tail like yesterday.

"Elise?" I say in a quiet voice, as if almost afraid to be heard.

Even though I had so many questions forming in my mind just a few minutes ago, but now, as I look at her somehow nothing really matters.

"Wow! That was fast..." Elise says in a bit surprised voice.

"Anyway come here and sit. We need to talk." She adds pointing to the bench with her hand.

'Uhm. Nothing good ever comes after those words.' I think to myself.

"O-ok." I say in a somewhat meek voice with my eyes cast down.

Remembering her actions from yesterday I'm a bit reluctant, but in the end I still take the seat.

'Ok! Asger, the best course of action for you now is to play along and agree with everything she says. Even though it's still unclear what you did wrong yesterday just nod your head.' I think while trying to look apologetic.

But what comes next is something I haven't even dreamed about.

Elise with a relaxed expression get's closer to me and gently slides her left arm around my neck as she sits on my lap, like this is her usual place.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!" I only shout as confusion and embarrassment takes over me.

But Elise pays no attention to me and with her arm makes a few fixes to the dress while she crosses her legs taking a more comfortable position on my lap.

'God… It’s hard to admit but it looks like I’m a pathetic loser!' A thought almost putting me to tears flashes through my mind.

Because I'm still sitting with my arms spread in the air, while I'm trying to decide where to put them. And my eyes are darting all around, since I'm afraid to make eye contact with her, knowing that it would be an overkill to me at the moment. Also it's too embarrassed to look down at her smooth white thighs revealed by a too short dress or at those swollen, braless breasts and erect nipples in a near see through white dress.


Don't get me wrong! I like women. I mean I really like them, but only from a comfortable distance.

Like once there was a girl from other class who I had a crush on, so I kind of stalked… I mean watched over her for about a month. But I never talked with her. Not even once.

"OH? Is our little boy afraid of a little skin ship?" She practically whispers this to me, since her face is

so close to mine that I can easily hear each breath of hers.

"M-Maybe."As always in a situation like this my mind is completely useless.

She chuckles a bit noticing my nervousness.

After some thought I add, while still avoiding the eye contact."And isn’t it a time you stopped calling me a boy."

"So what would you like me to call you? Huh? A man?" She asks me in a somewhat mocking tone.

"..." I remain silent trying to figure out what to say and not sound stupid.

Noticing that I'm stuck she continues with a small grin on her face: "Ha, ha, ha... Well if you were a man and not a boy, your left hand would be resting on my tights and your right one would be wrapped around my waist."

"I - I can do that." I state trying to convince mostly myself as I slowly start to move my arms.

"Hoh! But that's only a first step. Next you should lift me up and take me to the barn, where you will prove to me that you are truly a man." She says in that sweet, innocent voice of hers.

As her words hit me, my eyes widen from a shock.

'Wait a moment! Did she just suggest what I think?' I start to wonder.

"Pfff... Ha, ha, ha..." Elise suddenly starts laughing.

"That face... That face was amazing. Don't worry I have been having many private classes with Gerd so I know very well about this 'Vigor'." She says still chuckling a bit.

"That's not nice..." I say shaking my head a bit as I feel that I’m being led by the nose here.

"Oh, right! About faces what was that reaction yesterday?" I suddenly remember a problem that was keeping me awake for quite a while last night.

"Yesterday..." Saying this Elise frowns a bit, at least that's what I notice from a few small and fast glances.

"Well you see I had a lot of things to think about." She adds.

"Things?" I inquire.

'I was worried all night and she just had 'things' to think about...' I’m a tad bit angry.

"You see at the beginning I was planning to say my farewell to you and leave. But after you pulled that stunt I understood that I don't want to let you go and most likely never meet again." She says looking at me with a warm expression on her face while keeping only a few inches of the distance between us.

I notice it from a few more glances I make her way. Apparently I'm getting used to this situation slowly, since the glances that I shoot her way are gradually getting longer.

Suddenly she frowns a bit and says: "But as I was starting to think about how to hold on to you, you surprised me again with those stats of yours."

"Yeah, I worked hard..." I say with pride not understanding that she isn’t complimenting me.

"Haaa... You are a bad boy, Asger Haraldson." She says with a sight.


"What? Why?" I say with a questioning face.

"I'm leaving to Deirdalgil today. And because of those stats of yours I lost quite a huge load of confidence.” She says in a serious expression.

"You are leaving? So soon... Wait a moment…And what does my stats have got to do with you losing your confidence?" I ask her quite lost.

"Umm? Hello! Didn't you heard what chief said yesterday about you becoming a legend?" Once more I can hear bits of anger in her voice.

"And what about it?" I ask her.

'I feel like Elise is trying to explain something to me but I still don't get hang of it." I think as I try to understand her.

"Well there is going to be quite a number of girls who will start to pay attention. After all, who wouldn't want to be married to a legend? Evena strange one like you." She says with a hint of worry in her voice. At least that’s what it sounded to me.

"I’m sorry... What? Who's going to marry who?" I ask completely dumbfounded with my spider sense shouting 'DANGER' in my head, as I look directly in her eyes.

Is it because of my sudden courage to look her straight in the eyes or the stupidity of my question, but for a second or two we simply stare at each other, while she continues to sit right there in my lap with my arms wrapped around her.

“Huh?” Is all she says after the silence with a questioning look on her face.

“Don’t ‘Huh?’ me and explain yourself. What is this nonsense about those… Girls… Paying attention to me?” I ask with a sour expression.

“Ok I will try to make it simpler for you. Think about this for a moment: we live in a land where a strong and muscular people are the standard of beauty plus there is a 1 to 2,5 ratio of male to women in our town. So what do you think will happen to you from now on?” She speaks in a serious voice and looking directly in my eyes.

To tell you the truth I understood her the first time, but I still had some hope.

So now after hearing these tragic news I sit silently still looking at Elise. But my body is stiff and eyes are lifeless like a dolls, because at the moment somewhere deep in my mind I’m shouting and crying at the same time: ‘AHHHHH! Damn those terminators… Everything was going so well… Fuck.. Damn them! NOOO… Why? Why? WHYYYYY?’

Suddenly Elise's expression softens up and she puts her soft and warm right hand on mine, which is resting on her tights.

Then she moves her head closer and starts to speak so silently, that it felt like she is whispering into my ear: "Asger this is also the main subject I wanted to talk to you about. I want you to promise me with your pride as a warrior on the line that one of your finger will be mine."

Elise says something so strange that I even wake up from my despair.

"What? Do you want me to cut one of my fingers and give it to you?" I ask with a dumbfounded expressions.

"Seriously? You said that you are smart yesterday, but somehow you are asking one dumb question after another..." She says shaking a head.

And immediately she add: "Listen up. Rings on the fingers of the left hand indicate slaves, while rings on right hand indicate partners in marriage. So then I say that I want you to promise me your finger what do you think I mean?"

"It can't be... You want to be my wife?" I ask quite shocked.

"Yes. I already thought and decided that you will be the father of my children. Since this is also your fault you will have to take responsibility and promise me that when we meet again one of your fingers will be free for me no matter what." Elise says with a serious expression.

'OMG... Don't tell me... It's a fucking proposal??' I shout from surprise in my head.

"Y-you got to be kidding..." I say with a doubt.

"Do I look like I'm joking? This time I'm dead serious." Elise says to me.

'... To be with a girl like Elise...' As I think this I take a few glances at hers nicely shaped body sitting on my lap.

"Asger? Why do you stay silent?" She asks in a somewhat worried voice.

"Ah! Yeah, yeah! I promise this to you." I pretty much shout this.

Suddenly Elise's eyes lit up and a warm smile spread across her face like the sun lighting up the sky.

Seeing this I got mesmerized by the beauty in front of me and didn't notice how her right arm moved. So when her warm hand gently touches my cheek I'm a bit surprised and I try to turn my head away. But she catches me by the chin and holds it firmly.

As I want to ask what she is doing, Elise's face closes in on me and she presses her lips against mine while holding me tightly with her arm around my neck.

Few moments later she releases me and stands up.

She looks at me and says: "It's time for me to leave. Studies at school should take about 5 to 6 years. After which I will come back. And if you decide to leave before my return then at least tell your parents where you are going so I can find you... Remember that you promised Asger! Well then... Goodbye!"

Some moments later, I still sit frozen from shock as my eyes follow Elise walking away in big strides. And while I have been spacing out I failed to notice the crimson red ears of the girl, who just declared that she will be my wife, as she walks away so fast that some might say that she was running.

With Elise's silhouette gone from my sight I'm left pondering whether this was reality or just a wonderful one time dream.

And as I touch my lips with a slightly trembling hand I finally break into laughter: "Ha, ha, ha, ha..."

Even if it wasn't that long, and wasn't the kind of kiss I saw in the movies, but I can say with a complete certainty that when our lips touched, I just knew I will remember this moment for the rest of my life.

== End of chapter 28 ==



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