《Axe from North》Chapter 24. Preparations.


I hardly find time to do this… God chapter 24 and mc is still just 8 years old… That’s the speed of a snail xD. What can I do. Since for me this is the most interesting part: the origin. Anyway don’t expect the ultra op mc. Who can single handedly destroy armies. Since I like when the story got some realism in it. So sorry for those who I disappointed.

Also this was supposed to be Skills part 3. But because of time skip I left it as a stand alone chapter.

Chapter 24. Preparations.





"For today it will be enough." I say getting up.

"Can't idle..." I wipe away more than a few beads of sweat from my forehead and without wasting any more of my precious time I start running towards the usual place.

As my legs are taking me through the dusty road to the training ground, I use this time to relax a bit.

"Shit... Shit... Shit... I'm behind a schedule today again. It takes way too much time doing even 500 push ups... And there is only one month left till the fucking festival." I begin to nag at myself like usual these days.

Reason for this is my huge urge to show off *cough* I mean my competitive spirit has been lit. And it’s making me only think about my goal of being a number one. To the point that for a past few months I even gave up on agility and am completely devoting solely to the strength. Since I need a strong body to use magic on stage...


Once more I decide to check my status and level. Lately this table is turned on pretty often with a hope, to see a new point added to my pool, or with a burning passion in trying to get the second one.

Status WindowLevel132RaceNorthmenStrength1215Defense845Vitality217Intelligence431Stamina501Vigor473Agility368Presence66ResistanceWater0%Earth0%Ice14%Fire0%Lightning9%Darkness0%Nature0%Wind1%Poison0%Alcohol1%*Titles*

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!" The moment I saw the blue screen a laughter, which makes me for some reason remember villains in anime, leaves my mouth uncontrollably.

“I will definitely be the star of the evening. Ha, ha, ha! Well it’s a given after all I will be one of the older ones. Since even though theoretically I will be 8 years old, but practically almost 9, with only few months left till my birthday.” I’m really excited. This will be my first time standing in the front rather than being always forgotten in the back.

‘Huh? Already here?’ While analyzing my stats and thinking something new I didn’t notice how fast time flew by and my destination was already in front of me.

As I stand on a small hill I look down to the valley which is at most about two kilometers wide. It is completely surrounded by smaller or bigger hills, but the most important part is that trees are for some reason are growing only on the outskirts of it. So the center of the valley is a nice plain with a small river flowing through it. In other words perfect place for training.

I start running down the hill avoiding bushes and trees which try to get in my way. But even in this relaxed state a part of me is working nonstop scanning surrounding.


I learned to be always cautious the hard way. As about seven months ago I took another stroll to the cave and almost died from a sudden attack. Apparently a pair of white foxes thought that my cave is a nice place to call a home. Anyway in the end I gained two small yellow cores, a few painful scratches and a lesson that I should never let my guard down…

Suddenly trees begin to be densely packed together. To the point that I have to stop running and start walking.

“But really such a valley, surrounded by a ring of trees so dense that a ray of sun is nowhere to be seen, makes one imagination run wild…” I wonder loud trying to make my way to the center.

I even asked my parents about this place, but apparently it always was this way…

“It’s kind of sad that whatever happened here is long lost to the river of time… Haaa… Anyway I should just concentrate on my training and slowly but steadily move forward.” I say finally getting through the last bush.

With a few looks around I rush straight towards a pile of rocks laying further ahead.

When I get closer to them, I find a comfortable spot to sit down. Not waiting for anything else I immediately start gathering my magical energy in the right hand. It only takes a second before a small prickles warns me that I already reached my limit. So I release it from my hand and form it into a bolt.

“Now that I think back the first one was only a small charge, but I wonder what my father would say if he got hit by this? I’m pretty sure this would hurt quite more than a bite of a mosquitoes.” With a small grin I say while looking at about 60 centimeters long electrical charge, which is the shape of a small spear.

What’s more as this small, bright light emitting spear is floating in front of me, my ears are being filled with a sound of a electrical crackling. Warning anybody around that it’s a condensed lightning.

*Note: In the name of imagination Electrical crackling*

“It looks like a simple thing but it took me so long until I reached this point…” I say while gently wrapping my fingers, covered in magical energy, around it.

The moment I feel that it is firmly in my grasp I throw it forward with a full power. And in just a blink of an eye my electrical charge is already more than a 100 meters away.

“This is why I like this place: wide, empty space.” I say not letting it out of my sight.

It doesn’t take long before the spear is starting to close in to the edge of the field. And as it is about to crash into the trees, it begins to turn.

“Haaa… This is the best I can do. Making it fly along the ring of trees surrounding this field is already so hard.” I sight a bit while still staying focused.

In the end I manage to hold out for about 20 circles before I crash my little plane.


“Dammit! Magic is no joke. Once you are able to do something and think about celebrating, you notice that there is a thousand more steps to improve it. And the worst part is that it takes too long to learn even a smalest thing. As it took me a whole month to make it float, another month to touch it and about two more months to simply make it turn… I’m beginning to understand why magicians are often portrayed as geeks and shut-ins… You got to have no life if you want to achieve something great…” I speak to myself while taking a short break.

“Well let’s try again!” I shout a bit, trying to motivate myself.

I straighten my back and am about to prepare to gather my energy as an idea suddenly comes to me.

“Hmm… I have been practicing this one skill for ages… How about I try something new?” I ask myself while racking my brain.

“And I think I know just the thing I want to try. Ha, ha, ha.” As I get excited, a small laughter leaves my mouth.

I immediately stand up and run away from the boulders, where I was sitting, and further to the center of the valley, where ground is completely flat and only a small grass is growing.

“As much as I remember there was always one skill that gave me a goosebumps while watching a show. Nothing can be more badass than a energy blast, which blows everything around you away. It is one of the top priority skill I want to learn. But how do I make it?” I immerse into a deep thought.


“Most often they strike ground and make everything around just disappear… Hmm…” I speak my thoughts out loud while rubbing my chin.

“Since I don’t have anything at hand to use as a conductor, I should collect energy in my legs and let it run wild. Ha, ha, ha…” Once more a sinister laugh takes over me.

Few moments later after calming myself down I begin to collect magical energy in my legs. The hardest part is to imagine what I want it to do. Since from the moment you begin gathering your energy it must have a purpose and once you release it. The magical power will do what you wanted to do. Of course you can still manipulate it later, like making it float or fly, but to change magic from one to other is impossible.

So now I’m imagining a blast which will happen once the energy runs into the ground.

“Ugh…” I release a groan after a sharp pain pierces both of my legs.

Clearly I reached the most I can gather.

“Let’s do this!” With a shout I force my energy out of my legs and into the ground.


Suddenly my vision blurs and mind begins to black out. The last thing I hear is a loud wind blowing sound.


“Ahhhh… Dammit… What happened?”

“My whole body hurts like I have just been hit by a car…” I say still with a closed eyes and not moving a muscle as every inch of my body is hurting like hell.

“Have I used too much energy?” I say while finally trying to open my eyes.

Suddenly a light floods me and it takes a few moments until I get used to it.

“Huh?” What surprises me is a familiar blue screen floating in my vision of a clouded sky.

NotificationYou have gained a new Title

“Well let’s see what I got this time…” I say clearly not in a good mood, while still laying down on a grassy field.

*Titles*Blessed; The last one standing; Son of Thunder; Magical knight, Shadow killer, The Grand Archmage of Northmen, A Lucky person

“Lucky person… Why do I feel that this is going deeper and deeper into the uncharted territories?”

A Lucky personThere are always people, born under the lucky star, and who are called a Lucky Bastards by others. So congratulations on becoming one.

Increases every stat by + 5

“Somehow I feel like I have just been mocked…” I say while reading a text in front of me.

“Anyway what have I done to deserve this?” I begin to wonder.

“Ugh..” With few painful moans I start to get up and look around.

In doing so I notice as my clothes are almost ruined and a great part of my body is covered in red

Then suddenly my eyes are caught by a small crater some good 50 meters away from me. Where earth is as if blown away by a huge force and is littering around it completely covering the green field.

“What? Wasn’t that where I stood?” After seeing what happened to ground where I just was, a few beads of a cold sweat began to show..

“Am I lucky because I survived that? Ha, ha.” But I cut my laughter short, as I notice something.

Right in the middle of the hole I made there is some kind of black rock. Well at least it’s part is showing covered in dust.

“What’s that?” My interest is picked up.

“I’m begining to feel with my guts that I might truly be a lucky bastard.” I say with a small smile on my face.

== End of chapter 24 ==

Some answers:

Trololo: Q: is he going to be able to combine his electricity whit his defensive aura and have something like red lightning instead of red mist

A: Maybe (in reality I never thought about this, so thank you for this).

Alex798: Q: Why mc doesn't approach Elise even without sexual desire? Why don't make her a girlfriend and when vigor unlocked- go berserk with her?

A: Well call me a romantic but I think it should be a bit more natural. Also I don’t think this goes well with mc (previous virgin/loner and no urge what so ever now).



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...............................................................Thank you for your support!............................................................


P.S.: I will put only the nicknames from forum. So you will have to pm me to not stay anonymous.

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