《Axe from North》Chapter 22. Skills. Part 1.


I want to put up a donation button and for that reason I have to change a title of the story: Re: Axe from North ----> Axe from North

Yeah it’s a short chapter and I wanted to wait until I wrote part 2 to put like a full chapter but I was asked... So next chap might also be not long. But will try to finish on this weekend.

Why silent so long? Life happened to me… I even had work for 9 days straight without a weekend. Also sorry for not being able to get into the mood of writing in these living quarters, which my company provided for 10 of us.

My bed is in a corner behind the chimney and yes this is an attic... 

This house wasn’t made for living… It’s more like to sleep after you get too drunk in a party…

Chapter 22. Skills. Part 1.

Finally the crisis with wolves came to an end. But never less it left deep marks on our wooden walls and in our hearts for years to be.

The first morning that came after the attack was dedicated to mourning, for those who will never return. To give our respect a tombstone was commissioned of stone. It will depict a strong warrior of North, wearing leather armor with iron helmet, which has bull horns, and holding a simple axe and shield in his hands. While standing in a defensive pose and facing off three fierce wolves.

At least that’s what my parents told me. Since I pretty much slept through that day after drinking the yellow core.

On the second day town celebrated like there was no tomorrow. This time I was able to participate or more to the point I was dragged in by my mother.

Of course I kept my distance from any alcoholic drinks and went directly to the main square.

It was bustling with people going one way or another, or simply listening to the chief, who was standing on the stage, in the far end of the square.

In this moving mass it took me some time until I was able to get closer.

It came as a small surprise to me, but it looks like all cores were collected and handed to the chief. Not even one was stolen… Apparently Northmen are quite prideful. So they might kill you, but rest assured, they won’t steal from you.

In other words what was going on here was awarding ceremony.

In the end Osfrid's group and gate guards gained 30 cores each for holding beasts back. Families who lost their loved ones gained 20 cores. To every Northmen, who joined the battle, chief gave 3 cores each. But what came as a surprise was that even I gained 5 of them from him.


To sum everything up, a huge number was given away that day. But from what I heard about 2000 still remained in the treasury of town.

Weeks later a rumor have spread like wildfire around the town. That chief has made a massive order from dwarven blacksmith's. Many started speculating for what purpose those new weapons were made, but only few of us knew the truth... War is coming…


Days went on.

Life in town returned to it's usual pace little by little.

With only a few exceptions. Like an increased patrol or tripled guard numbers.

But the most disturbing one happened in my class. As I found myself sitting near Elise. I can’t exactly guess what’s going on in her head but she suddenly changed a seat from a front row to the back, which me and Hege were using.

I get it that she kind of likes me. But with a zero desire from my side… I’m really having a blast focusing on what’s important at the moment rather than trying to satisfy my lust. In other words with Elise becoming more clingy I feel like there is an invisible rope around my neck and with each passing day it is just getting tighter.

‘Wow… How much have I changed. If I would be able to meet my past self. And say that girls attention is so suffocating. I think Markus would most likely kill Asger for being a douchebag…’ I wonder, as I’m bored from simply sitting and moving my inner energy.

“Time sure flies by…” A rough voice suddenly awakens me from the train of though I was having..

I turn my head and look at my father, who is sitting in his chair and looking at the lit fireplace.

“Huh?” I’m somewhat surprised. Since for the last half an hour both of us just sat quietly. While dad was carving some wooden statue, I sat on the floor and trained my right leg in magic. By the way it is the last part of my body, which still needs to be trained. After this I will move on to the next stage and begin learning some real shit. Hell yeah!!!

“What I mean: you are already over six years olds and closing in on your seventh birthday. But to me it’s as if you just yesterday sat in the same spot playing with your little sticks… Ha ha ha ha…” He starts to laugh, while gazing at the fire, as if seeing something funny in there.

(Note: The mc is about six and a half years old. For the sake of reference: he was born in the late September. And the current time is around march or april. Wolf attack happened in the middle of the summer. So around 7-8 months have passed.)


“Ahhh… Please stop talking about that. Those days were … Ohh! God, I don’t even know what that was…” I say to him in a tired voice, as I am trying to suppress some lingering memories from that time.

‘They are extremely embarrassing… Like one time after finding some old cloth. I put it around me and started calling myself a BATMAN.’ Disturbing memories flash in my mind again.

‘Fuck! Erase! Erase! Erase…’ I face slap myself trying to get my composure back.

“What’s wrong? Is our little Asger ashamed?” Now he is definitely trying to mock me…

“No… I have no idea what you are talking about.” I say back to my dad with a best poker face, which I can manage to make at the moment.

“You mean you already forgot how strange and at the same time interesting you were back in those days?” Asks dad holding back a chuckle.

“As much as I can remember, I was always normal…” I just used a skill from my past life. It’s name is ‘Complete Denial’.

“Normal? Normally children’s first words is ‘mama’ or ‘papa’. But yours was a really strange one… You would crawl to the dark corner and shout ‘baman’. Hahahahahaha…” I think my dad gave up on holding his laughter back.

“That does sound like me… But I am afraid you are mixing up something. Because this never happened!” Once a skill is used you must hold your ground till the very end. No surrender or retreat no matter how stupid you might sound.

Dad without saying a word just looks at me. And few seconds later he starts laughing.

“Ha ha ha… Anyway for me, your father, it is one of the most beautiful memories, which I will remember for the rest of my life.”

“Dad… Ugghhh!” Before I’m able to say anything, burning pain pierces through my right leg.

‘It’s official I’m a Magical kni… Um… Fighter! Yeah, let’s go with that.’ I think this with a grin on my face, while rubbing the right leg. Since it really is painful.

“What’s wrong? Are you ok?” Suddenly inquires dad with a worried face.

“It’s nothing. I just finished preparing my body for the arts of magic. Anyway it’s already late, so I think I will go to bed.” As I say this I’m already limping towards the stairs.

It’s a bit hard to climb them up, but with gritted teeth I manage.

As I’m little by little going up, I hear my fathers voice. “See, you don’t change. Still doing strange things. Ha ha ha…”

“No, I don’t.” With a shake of my head, I return to the task in front of me.

Suddenly he starts to laughing really loudly. And before going into my and Ingvils room I even hear: “Stubborn like his mother! Ha ha ha…”

It wasn’t an easy task to get some rest with this throbbing leg. But still after some difficulty I succeeded .

“Ugh…” Suddenly I’m woken up by a small spike of pain in my chest.

“Wake up! Wake up! It’s morning, Asger!” Shout’s Ingvil.

Lately she gained a nasty habit of jumping on me every morning…

“I’m up.” Only after I say this to her she leaves me alone and runs to the first floor.

‘Everybody say hello to my frigging alarm clock.’ While thinking this, I follow her with my eyes, until she leaves the room.


It kind of became a habit of mine to check my status every morning.

Status WindowLevel89RaceNorthmenStrength758Defense550Vitality160Intelligence297Stamina317Vigor279Agility246Presence49ResistanceWater0%Earth0%Ice10%Fire0%Lightning6%Darkness0%Nature0%Wind0%Poison0%Alcohol1%*Titles*

“Hu hu hu… Even thought it’s becoming a bit harder to get points from training, but those 7 yellow cores really boosted me. Some gave more points and some less but in the end I gained around 8 levels worth from them. The only down side is they increase based on racial traits. So I got a lot of strength with defense and little of other ones…”

“All in all cores are great. But one must always be careful and know his limit. That’s why I only drank it once a week. Not that I was in any rush since I doubt I will be getting my hands on them for some time.” I spoke my mind out loud while looking at the blue screen.

“Ok. It’s time to get up.” Even thought I would gladly sleep for a bit more, but today I’m going back to the cave. So if I don’t want to wander in darkness I shouldn’t waste time.

After eating breakfast and preparing my bag. I start my journey to the cave again.

== End of chapter 22 ==

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