《Axe from North》Chapter 21. The world of tastes.


It’s been some time almost 2 weeks… Finally I finished this. At the beginning I got sick a bit so I was in no mood to write. Later I don’t know maybe I lost some of my motivation but somehow this chapter just didn’t want to be written. And also this week I started working again after vacation. But the problem is we got transferred to some little town (it has only 1 small shop, where u can hardly find anything…). And the house where company put us is… No TV, internet, microwave and you can forget about pc ( we 10 people live in a small house with main floor and the attic (no doors except to the outside) more over I and the other 4 got beds in the attic, which has 0 electrical sockets). Finally for a weekend I am back at home…

This week I am taking brothers old laptop and got myself a internet for 15 euros (only 10 gb a month and after I reach that limit internet speed will fall down drastically, anything else is too expensive for me…). God I hope it will work there...

Anyway I think I will ask for permission to get a donation button. In case there is some really nice people who like this story.

Chapter 21. The world of tastes.

With a frown on my face I walked beside my father.

At the moment we are leaving town and going home.

‘Damn, I let my tongue slip there…’ I think as I am remembering what happened at the chiefs place.

‘Haaa… I didn’t expect them to question me so much. I hate being interrogated, since I am a bad liar. But I must have gotten lucky because they believed in all that bullshit. Ha ha ha…’

Instead of telling them all of the truth I changed it a bit.

In the new version I have no memories of the past, nor I know the other star holders. Also all of this I learned in my dreams and because I though that this is just my fantasy I never told anyone about it.

After I finished my tale, I saw their faces becoming paler than a snow as if they already are seeing armies of evil marching toward us. Then the white witch suddenly stood up and said: “I must go and meet with the elders in Deirdalgil . This is a very, very serious matter.”

With this the meeting ended and we were free to leave.

I look at my dad walking beside me. ‘I love being part of this family. So I don’t want them to see me as a some kind of freak. That’s why… I will just have to lie my ass off.’

As I was boiling deep inside my head, I didn’t notice how time just flew by. One moment we are still in town and next we are already standing in front of our house.

Dad walks to the door and knocks a few times.

‘Hm… Looks like door is locked from inside.’ I think looking at my father.

Suddenly I hear a sound of a door latch being lifted.

And immediately the door opens, with a small squeak from the iron hinges, and I am almost instantly tightly hugged by my mother.

“I was so afraid that we have lost you…” She says in a somewhat emotional voice.

“I am fine, mom. So you can release me now.” I am a bit embarrassed and her grip is bit too tight too. ‘Yep, she is a tough mama…’

“Ha ha ha ha… He’s not just fine, he’s a real fighter. Our boy took down three wolves and saved a merchant. More over after talk with chief and his wives it looks like he has a great destiny ahead of him.” I think I can hear pride in my fathers voice.


My mother looks at dad for a moment, when with a bright smile she turns back to me, while still kneeling down. “Are you now? Then we should celebrate this.”

About two and a half hour later.

“Ughh… My bed. Where are you?” I say crawling up to the second floor.

At the beginning I still didn’t understood what their ‘celebrate’ meant. But as my mother started cooking meat with special sauces from human kingdom, I started to get the big picture. And when the smell came I thought, I died and went to heaven.

You might be thinking that my reaction is a bit exaggerated. But try eating food without any spices or seasoning for months or years and you will get the point.

North is full of strong monsters, ancient ruins, dungeons and still unexplored lands. It’s a paradise for any adventurer. But because of a cold climate it is suffering from a lack of food.

Long ago this led to Northmen attacking human settlements and pillaging their villages. To stop raiding parties human kingdoms would join forces and lead massive armies, while thousands upon thousands of northmen tribes would rally under single banner and march to help their kin. This continued for many ages. To the point where ‘Tarin’s Gap’, connecting North and South, became better known as a ‘Hell’s Gate’. A single place, where you can literally feel a death’s presence, as the whole place is a one massive graveyard with countless lives lost over the course of time.

Until finally about 1000 years ago Brent Keen, a king of Ramir, achieved an impossible by making one of the greatest trade agreements in the history of the world. Even today he is still remembered with respect and known to everyone better as a ‘Brent the Pacifist’.

To this day traders are journeying thousands kilometers in hopes of getting rich. They bring vines, jewelry and most importantly food from southern lands. Of course a simple bag of flour cast with preservation magic costs about 30 – 50 silver coins. But what they all are really after is the piles of cores in North, which nobles, from their kingdoms, are fighting over.

Anyway what I meant is that the food was special and not the regular simple meat or eggs…

“Ah… Here is my pile of straw.” Words get out of my mouth as I am nearing my bed.

“Come here! Daddy wants to embrace you…” I says while falling down on it.


“I hope to celebrate like this again… Food was extraordinary… But those three mugs of beer was unnecessary…” I talk to myself, lying face down on my bed.

Apparently dad thought that three mugs is a must, for a three wolves I killed. I got to admit I was intrigued to taste it, so I didn’t resist more than needed.

‘I thought it would taste better. I don’t understand why they like such bitter drink so much…’ I try really hard to not let my mind drift away.

“Next time… I… Shou… Just… S… *Snore*” Without even finishing what I wanted to say I venture to the land of dreams.

And with this a long and tiresome day finally comes to an end.


Sounds of birds singing and bright rays of sun entering through the window. Tells everybody that it’s another beautiful day.

“Urghh!! Ahh! Can’t that fucking bird just shut up?” I say in a tired voice while rubbing my head.

‘Looks like Ingliv is up already.’ I come to this conclusion after seeing an empty bed.

“Damn I need to get up. Even thought I feel like throwing up… But I am so thirsty…” I agonize over what to do.


With slow motions I get up, put on my clothes and walk down the stairs.

“Ager!” Shouts my little sister.

She is already starting to talk. Of course it’s only one or two words which can be understood.

“Yeah… Yeah… Morning to you too.” Still I say this in a tired voice and wave to her.

She smiles brightly looking at me and goes back to playing with a small sculpture made of wood.

“Oh, Asger, you are up already. How are you feeling?” Asks my mother with a wry smile.

“Like I have died and now I am in hell…” I answer to her.

“Ha ha ha ha… I told Gurd that it’s a bit too early. But he insisted, since it’s something like a tradition… Anyway it’s harder at first few times but later you will get used to it.” Mother started explaining with a smile on her face.

“Tradition?” I inquire.

“Yeah. It’s an old thing. To let young warriors taste beer after they brings home their first loot. But normally they are already over 8 years old before that. Ha ha ha. Why is it you do everything unlike others?” Answers mom.

“Why are you asking such hard questions first thing in the morning. Ahhh! I am feeling extremely weak from nausea…” I say to her with a face twisted in pain.

“Mmm. I will prepare a special herbal tea, it will help you. But I have to warn you, it tastes really bad.”

“I don’t care as long as it helps!”

My mother gets up and walks to the kitchen. While I on the other hand not feeling good enough to walk and sit in the chair, just lay down on the floor.

‘Ah! Get used to this? Never!’ I state this as I am lying on the floor.

About five minutes later mother comes back with a cup of her tea.

“Try to drink everything in one go. It will end faster that way.” She says while giving me a cup.

‘What’s with this explanation? Is it poison or something?’ I wonder looking at the greenish liquid in my hands.

“Whatever! *Huhh*” I make one deep breath and start gulping it down.

‘Oh my god! WTF is this? It is so horrible.’ A few thoughts run across my mind as I drink it. I think even tears are coming from the corners of my eyes. But I am not 100% sure since my all senses are being attacked by this green slime from the underworld.

“How can this… This thing make me feel better?” The moment I finish drinking I shout with teary eyes.

“Ha ha. I told you it tastes bad, but give it some time and you will be back on your legs.” She says with a wink.

My mother takes the cup from my trembling hands and walks back to the kitchen.

“Life sucks…” I say silently while holding back my tears.

But strangely that toxic drink works like a charm. In about 10 minutes nausea started retreating and about half an hour later I am back on my feet, feeling much better.

“Haaa…Well I have to admit that it works. But I wouldn’t be amazed to see that my vitality has dropped by a few points…” With a sight I talk to myself.


Status WindowLevel72RaceNorthmenStrength607Defense431Vitality132Intelligence277Stamina266Vigor209Agility183Presence44ResistanceWater0%Earth0%Ice8%Fire0%Lightning5%Darkness0%Nature0%Wind0%Poison0%Alcohol1 %*Titles*

(Note: he has darkness 0,25% but I left at 0 % because I don’t want to start writing such small numbers. When he gets over 0,5% I will write as 1%.)

‘1% to alcohol…’

“Ha ha ha ha…” I started laughing after noticing it.

‘Anyway my stats are climbing pretty nicely… I wonder how others are doing?’ I start thinking as I look at the screen in front of me.

I suddenly face palm myself, after I remember something important.

“Cores!” I say only one word.

“Mom! Where is the cores I brought yesterday?” I shout while running to the kitchen.

“They are in your room on the table.” She answer the moment I get inside.

“Thanks!” And without stopping I turn back.

“Wait! Do you want to try them?” She suddenly asks me in a serious voice.

“Yeahhh… What’s wrong?”

“This is a really serious matter! So bring the yellow one to me and I will show you how to do it.”

“Oh… Ok!” With that I run back to the second floor.

After I enter the room, I immediately notice them. Three cores neatly put together on the middle of the table.

I grab the yellow one and run back to mother.

“Here!” I say as I am giving it to her.

“Great! Now listen, Asger. It’s not hard to prepare it. You simply need to boil it in a water and about 5 to 10 minutes later it will be ready.” Mother says this while putting the core I brought into the pot with water.

“But the most important part is knowing how much you can handle.”

“There is a limit?” I immediately ask her.

“Of course you idiot. This is a pure magical energy, which your body need to change to strengthen itself.” She explains to me.

Mother picks up the spoon and starts to stir carefully the water, which is starting to boil.

“And what happens if you drink more than you can handle?” I ask her looking at the pot.

“The energy will start destroying your body from inside. And if you drank way over your limit, you might even die.”


‘I guess nothing is simple…’ I am starting to worry.

“Ha ha… I might have scared you a bit too much. But don’t worry I think you should handle yellow one easily. But that blue one… In your place I wouldn’t touch it before you get to about a level of 150.” Finally she dropped the serious tone and laughed a bit.

“That means I will have to wait for years before I will be able to use it… What a bummer…”

“Of course! Blue cores, even small ones, are on a completely different level than yellow ones. To get it you need to buy it, but it costs a lot, or to hunt monsters like a brown grizzly, but they are very a tough opponents, equaling a warrior of a around 250 - 300 level. That’s why for a kid to have one is a strange thing.” Speaks my mother while shaking her head.

‘Oh! What is this warm feeling? Ah, yes it’s a pleasure of being superior to others. Ha ha ha ha…’ I muse myself.

“Alright it’s done.” Suddenly says my mother.

I look at the pot. The core is gone and water has became a bit yellow.

“Now we need to wait until it gets colder.” My mother tells me.

‘Ahhhh… How much longer? I can’t wait to try it.’

I know it’s been only a few minutes but it felt like an eternity, while waiting and just looking at it.

“Ah… Impatience of young people. Ok enough of drooling over it, since it’s time.” She says while giving me a cup.

“But remember don’t rush. Drink slowly and after about half of a cup wait for a few minutes before continuing.” She warns me again.

I, hardly listening to her, scoop my first cup of a bit yellow water and drink some of it.

But suddenly a smile from my face disappears.

‘What? All this anticipation and nothing? It tastes just like a normal water…’ I am dumbfounded a bit.

“Ha ha ha ha… Oopps! Did I forgot to mention that cores have no taste?” Tells me my mother with a big smile across her face.

‘You b… Ah… No it’s my fault for expecting something…’ With my expectations shattered I look at my cup.

‘Anyway I still need to drink it all…’ I think this while I looking at still almost full pot.

In due time bit by bit I finally finished it.

‘I am somehow feeling tired a bit. I guess I will just go to my room and rest…’ I think while leaving kitchen.

“Asger, before consuming the other yellow core wait for a few days or even better for a week. And let your body rest. Since if you rush this too much, it later might bite you back.” Mother gives me another advice.

With this I walk back to my room. And lie down on my simple bed.

‘Wow I am starting to feel tired as if I have worked all day long…’ I am somewhat amazed at my condition.

‘I wonder did my stats change? .’

And a blue screen like always shows in front of me.

Status WindowLevel73RaceNorthmenStrength619Defense440Vitality137Intelligence279Stamina269Vigor213Agility186Presence44ResistanceWater0%Earth0%Ice8%Fire0%Lightning5%Darkness0%Nature0%Wind0%Poison0%Alcohol1 %*Titles*

“Wow I got a whole level and points worth about few weeks of training…”

“If others are born rich, they might be a somewhat hard to surpass…” I start to worry a bit.

== End of chapter 21 ==

I had quite a tough time writing it for some reason.

Some question LiefzDell asked me I think might be interesting for others.


There was few questions I meant to ask + some small bits that dont add up:

1) Wolves - from rats, dogs and peoples i got impression that northern creatures are bit of giants. On the other hand, wolves seamed small, probably around normal size, which begs question, how they were able to get over the wall designed to hold out big northern creatures (I suppose dogs are big because of extensive breeding) + how it is possible they give so relatively high quality core (simply said they should be weaklings - I was thinking they maybe got some regeneration ability to offset it or something), and if they are so big, then simply said they dont need to jump so much as they do. So how big they are?

Personaly i imagine them somewhat biger then earth wolfes (90x180 cm and waight up to 50kg - well record is 86kg but that was beast) so about 140x280cm (they would still need to jump to get throat of male north Very Happy ) with waight of around 200kg (basicaly like tigre on Earth) with high agility and minor regenerative powers so they deserve having yellow cores.

2) Number of kids deaths - sorry but 17 seemed disproportionate (as is story now it would seem almost 1/8 of kid population - since from 8 they are considered teenagers and groups of kids in each age were still too small - Asgers pears number 13 and there was 17 of those 8years olds), that are not small loses but almost crippling genocide for city (too little of new blood).

3) Witches dress different - does that have significance? Something like enchanted robes making casting magic easier or maybe status symbol?

4) Army of bad guys - since they came from north of last line and were composed of orks, goblins, trolls and dragons, can I assume they are monsters naturaly inhabiting cold climates in your story or were they something like subspecies adapted to cold, maybe creating primitive sociaty beyond last line?

5) Strenght of dragons - considering they were labeled "small fry", are black dragons weak in comparsion to other dragons (maybe they have only small purple core - I dont see them weaker then Ice wyvern. So how strong are they.

Well that is all for now.


Ok lets begin:

1. I cut out this part from text and left it as mystery. But wolves pretty much worked as one (under mind control) So they made something like a pyramid and jumped over each other.

2. I told earlier to you I will write that there were few groups making more of them. Also by kids he meant those who are still not warriors (from age 1 to 14)

3. No. Since northmen dress simply with clothes mostly made from leather. While witches... ( look at Elise picture got pretty modern)

4. Maybe I wasn't really specific but the kingdom of Astana's territory was current North + Land beyond The Last line. Army of orcs came from other side of the world ( Meaning from a different continent beyond the North pole)

5. They are strongest in this world. (But the main treat is beings from other realm, which comes through the crack in dimensions. So knowing this Astana's forces abandoned their kingdom and marched to fight beings from other realm before their numbers were too big and hopefully close it.)

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