《Axe from North》Chapter 20. Chief.


Like I told you yesterday a new chapter. But next one I think I will make only for a weekend.

Also from Monday my vacation ends and I am going back to work. So I am planing to make this story like one chapter a week.

Chapter 20. Chief.

Havarr’s point of view.

I have been chief of this beautiful town of Landamot for over 50 years. I don’t even remember when or how it began but people at some point just started to come to me with their problems. At times there were even lines to my door. And I got to admit I always liked to help them by giving advices.

But today is a bit different. Today is one of those days I hate being a chief.

“So how many did we lose?” I ask Brondolf in a heavy voice.

He’s the one who holds the rank of commander in town. Meaning all captains report directly to him. And like in any other town this rank is given to those who have the most respect among warriors.

Those who meet him for the first time can get quite confused. Since Brondolf is one of the smallest northmen I ever met. He’s hardly taller than a human. Maybe this is a reason why he always worked the hardest. As he would be the first to come and the last to leave.

In due time he managed to earn recognition from his fellow warriors because of such stubbornness. And about 30 years ago he was given this rank, when the previous commander has retired.

“6 warriors and…” He paused for a moment and frowned deeply while looking at the floor. Clearly seeing something more. “... 17 children.”

“Haaa…” I sight.

I have known him for many years. So I can pretty much guess that he is blaming himself for the death of those kids.

I try to help my old friend: “Something like this never happened in these parts of North. I have heard about monsters night raids near the Last line. But here never! It’s not your fault, Brondolf, that we were caught by surprise this time. ”

“Maybe… But I have never thought about checking whether or not if those old doors can even be closed.” He said shaking his head.

“If the doors were closed situation might have gotten even worse. Since the wolves would had lost interest in attacking the gate and would have dispersed and attacked the houses outside. More over they somehow even managed to get over the wall… So looking at the bigger picture it's better that they stayed open .” Suddenly interjects my dear wife, Gerd.

Since this is such a serious matter both of them, Gerd and Jodis, is in the room.

“I understand that. But still deep inside I feel responsible… Anyway I am putting two patrol groups each made of at least 40 warriors. First one will scout the road, while second with a few carts will collect all dead bodies along the way.” Says Brondolf.

“Good. But just in case send more groups. For at least few days I want everyone to be on high alert.” After I say this the short man nods and leaves.

“I am worried about him. Events like this can give a huge burden on ones mind.” Says Jodis after Brondolf left the room.

“Yes. We all need to be strong on days like this.” I say this as I rub my forehead with a hand.



“Come in!” I shout to the person waiting behind the door.


And a quite young man, maybe not even 100 years old, get’s inside. The man bows his head and says: “Good day my name is Gurd Haraldson.”

(Note: I plan to make their average life span about 250 years.)

“Ah! You are that person which wanted to go outside to look for a kid. So has the boy came back?” Suddenly says Gerd.

“Yes, he has. This is also a reason why I am here. He saw something out there, which I believe is important.” With those words he turns around and says in a strong voice. “Come here, Asger.”

And immediately a boy almost runs inside.

As he enters I can see his eyes running wild around the room until he notices my wife, Gerd. Apparently she also caught that.

“Do you see anything interesting?” She asks with a smile.

I want to laugh as I see his ear becoming a bit red from embarrassment.

“I am sorry I don’t spend much time inside the town. So I have never before had a good look on a witch.” He says in a kind of shy voice.

“Oh and what do you think when you see one from this distance?” As much as I remember my wife always liked to watch children reactions to her appearance.

“Your white hair and eye pupils look a bit scary. But your clothes look much nicer than local ones.”


“Boy you are being disrespectful.” Suddenly says the man giving kid a small smack to the top of his head.

“Ha ha. Don’t worry it’s ok.” Says Gerd almost laughing.

“Haaa… Let’s get back to the subject. What do you want to tell us?” I ask looking at the boy.

“Ah!” He let’s out a sound as if remembering a purpose why he came here.

“As I was training, a bad feeling came to me, so I hid inside the tree. And then all those wolves came. But they didn’t notice me and ran straight to town. I can’t say for sure how long I stayed in that tree, since I was scared a bit. Anyway at some point a merchant showed up while being chased by three wolves. And what’s important is one of them was covered completely in a black mist, as if surrounded by darkness.”

“Kid, I have never heard about such wolf. Aren’t you exaggerating something just to show off in front off your dad?” I say in a tired voice.

I don’t have any strength left to listen to some childish fantasies.

“But it’s true. After I killed it with a surprise attack, other two wolves stopped moving for a moment. I also even gained a title ‘Shadow killer’.” Kid tries to convince us.

“I met the merchant. He also said that he saw a wolf covered in a black mist.” Adds child’s father with a serious face.

“Haaa…” I give a sight. Because it’s hard to believe that something like this might be true.

As I look around the room I notice that Gerd is making a really worried face.

‘Hmm? Does she know something?’ I wonder. So I try to ask her.

“Ger…” But before I can say anything, she interrupts me. “Dear bring out the tablet, we need to see that title.”

“Why are you so fired up? Do you know something about this black wolf?” Asks Jodis before me.

“It’s hard to tell. But first we need to see that title.” Answers Gerd.


So without saying anything else. I get up from my chair and walk to the chest. I unlock it with a key, which is dangling under my neck, and pull out the tablet. Since last time I used it in the summer festival, I change it’s energy level that the screen would be perfect for this room.

“Come kid. Show us that title of yours.” I say this while beckoning him with one hand.

He strides through the room and puts his right hand on the tablet, which I am holding. And almost immediately a screen appears over us.

Shadow killerArmies will march, battles will be fought and innocents will die. For darkness is coming. So pick your weapons and fight for all that’s good.

+15 to all stats; +0.25% Darkness resistance

“Wha…” Only comes out of my mouth as I read what’s written on the screen.

“Kid was saying the truth…” Says amazed Jodis.

“Oh! My! Oh!!! MY!!!” Only says Gerd before dashing to the second floor.

“What’s wrong?” I try shouting to her.

But I hear no answer. Only about a few minutes later she comes back with a book in her hands.

“Do you know something about this strange title?” Asks Jodis.

Gerd looks at the book and says: “White witches apart studying magic have something like a groups. Where they do one or the other thing. Like create clothes. Just like that I joined a group which studied kingdom of Astana”

“Where is it? I have never hear about such a place.” I say looking at her.

“Of course since ancient ruins, which are found here, in North, and beyond the Last line, are what’s left of it. Anyway long ago a party of adventurers while searching one of the ruins found 4 books protected by powerful magic. It took centuries until my predecessors finally managed to translate the language, in which they were written. And here I hold a translated copy of one of the books.” She explains to us.

“So in it there is something written about this black wolf?” I ask her.

She looks at me for a few moments and without saying anything opens the book

“It’s name is ‘The last days of Astana’. I will now read a part from it, which I believe might be important:

Finally the fateful day is nearing as all of my kin is gathering in Whitewood. For one last march.

We all knew that this day was coming from the moment a first forerunner was spotted a decades ago. Galaris, we called them, which translated from an old tongue means ‘shadow’. A formless being able to take control of a less intelligent creatures.

For years we tried to persuade foolish humans, stubborn dwarfs and prideful elves about the dangers lurking beyond the known world. But they were too blinded by the hatred to each other, which came from decades of warring.

So today we stand alone. Preparing for a dangerous journey across the mountains.

Our scouts already report a massive war hordes of orcs, goblins and trolls, followed by a few black dragons, on the move towards this side of Raghel.

Since we don’t want to waste time and manpower on these small fry’s, we will take the harder path to avoid them. We will march straight to the heart of all evil, Azamir, where the crack between this world and the void exist. And from where a true masters of night are coming.

May the goddess of light smile upon us all. And help us stop them once and for all…”

“…” As Gerd finishes reading a complete silence surrounds this room. No one speaks even a word.

Then suddenly a boy breaks it.

“That bastard! Hah disaster? It’s more like a fucking apocalypse...”


== End of chapter 20 ==

Few answers.

Q: Trollzor:

I want ask something about the tribal tattoo since the only one who has it is his family.

A: Not everyone has them on the face. Also all men has a beard so litle of the face you can see there. And more over they aren’t anything important. I just wanted mc to have one…


Thanks for the chap tech sama~

Despite being the race of gorilla, he wasn't even ten yet so it should be normal that he won't get boner from that

A: I wasn’t trying to write about the boner but more about not having no urges… (Anyway they kinda go hand in hand so…)


Special (these people should go and by a cookie for good work ):

Grimlaw for answering :

09/02/2015 11:22:16Ignis Wrote: [ -> ]I Love this story, the characters are great.

I agree with you... it pisses me off that the MC doesn't share his secret with anyone.... But, for me its a bit more specific. It pisses me off that the MC doesn't share with his immediate family.... Not some strange merchant he just met....

But honestly, your family is most likely to believe you, and if you tell them that you need help to save the world, they will do everything in their power to help you train, learn magic etc... Get tutors, talk to the town to get you special treatment, like extra food for a growing boy... the List goes on an on.

Anyhow thanks for another great chapter and reading my rant... Love the joke about the vigor stat. Looking forward to the comments about his Insanely high vigor stat during the coming of age ceremony.

It's way more easy to tell things like that to a stranger, because it's more likely that nobody believes you. Wouldn't want your parents to think you're mentaly sick and worry about you. But a stranger, especialy a traveling merchant, you most likely won't see him again so it's not important if they believe you or not.

09/02/2015 12:12:09gadexxx Wrote: [ -> ]Story do far so good, but one thing concern me. He at lvl65 has 1940 points total, so if u look at your table point it shows that he has quite avarage stats for his lvl. And that's my point, though he has tons of blessing which burst his stats, and none burst his lvl, so i think he has to little less stats than he should has.(sry for my eng but i end school quite long ago and my eng is bit rusty)

Lv is just an easy way to compare, without counting all the stats together. Because you gain lv through accumulating stats, regardless if the are from training, consumated cores, or titles. It's impossible to gain more stats without gaining lv in the process, and impossible to gain levels if you didn't gain stats. If he had more stats, his lv would be higher. I think his lv is pretty high for his age, he got 61 lv in 4 years and has still a little more than 2 years for the last 15 to get over 80 so he is no weakling. The 35 to get over 100 and be considered really strong (for his age) should also be possible.

And LiefzDel:

For giving an idea about a Bear brigade.

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