《Axe from North》Chapter 17. The horde is coming.


I took two week of vacation from works so yeah all weekend I didn’t write even a sentence. I was lazy playing games and reading novels… (And it’s definitely not because I read whole spectral regalia in one go and understood how great it is while my work kind of suck. At the same time shaking my will to write… *cough* if not for people reading this I would have started other story. I even planed two new one’s about vrmmo and other simply about the person who is born in a kingdom torn by wars (“Soldier’s life”)*cough* )

But I am back and with a new short chapter which I wrote today. I had plans to also include fighting and aftermath but since it would take few more days to write. I came to a decision to cut it shorter and give it to you today.

Chapter 17. The horde is coming.

Osfrid’s point of view.

“Today was really disappointing…” Said a mans voice.

“Yeah… No game at all.” Agreed one of the few women in our group.

But I didn’t pay much attention to them.

At the moment I am taking a look back with a worry.

‘Be safe, Asger.’ I think to myself. Since I like that brat. He’s a hard working, always cheerful and somehow really easy to get along person.

‘It would be sad to find you dead.’ I add while turning back at the road.

“Are you worried about that boy?” Asked our captain in a strong voice.

I got a bit shocked since she rarely talks and especially with me.

“Ha ha. A bit… I don’t know why maybe because of a howl I heard earlier, but I am feeling really uneasy like something bad will happen.” I try to answer her as normally as I can.

After all this is one of my rare chances to talk with this beauty.

This goddess of war with a perfect body, which can only be sculpted by heaven itself. Is also a reason why I tolerate being in this group, even thought everyone is older and look at me like a kid.

“To me he looked quite smart. If anything happens he will find a way to get through.” Said captain.

‘I will have to give a thanks to Asger later. Since he gave me such a chance to talk with her.’

‘It is hard to believe that with legs, which can snap trees in half, and arms, which can crush boulder, she is still single…’ I think to myself while admiring her.

“Yes, he’s a fun lad. It would be sad if he died.” I try to keep the conversation going.

She looked at me for a bit with her face marked by a huge scar, starting over her left eye, which is white and looks like made of glass, and going down towards her chin. Then with a small nod she turned to look back at the road.

I heard from others about this. Apparently she once had a husband but he died the day she lost the sight in that eye. It happened some years ago in a battle against the ice wyvern.

‘Damn it the conversation is coming to the end. I need to say something…’ I rack my brain in a hopes of chatting with her a bit more.


“Um…” I stopped myself after noticing here expression.

Her face is becoming really tensed while looking back from where we came.

Suddenly in a loud voice she roars: “Run as fast as you can! To the town! Something is coming and really fast!”

Without even looking back I dash forward. Since I know that I won’t be able to see or hear anything. Captain has high presence. She can detect huge animals even over 1 km distance. So if she says we have to run, we do it.

As we climb on the next hill I can already see the town of Landamot in a distance.

“Keep going, don’t droop your pace.” Shouts the captain.

“Andrea, what’s coming? That it is able to make you so nervous?” Asks one of the women our captain as we start to go down the hill.

“There is too many of them so I can’t identify the enemy.”

“…” After her answer no one spoke.

We are already few hundred meters away from the gate as we notice a bunch of merchants leaving the town.

“Get back inside! Gate guards call an emergency!” Shouts in a strong voice our captain.

Town of Landamot has four gates leading west, south, east and north. Each gate is every day guarded by 3 or 4 warriors. Their duty is to stop unwanted guests and sound the alarm in times of emergency with a gong, positioned near each gate.

I heard last time an alarm was called when about 150 years ago a huge bandit group tried to infiltrate Landamot in hopes of assasinating some prince from southern lands.

As we reach the gate.


We hear loud, strong sound.


When we enter the town we met the merchants and guards with the same puzzled expressions.

“What’s going on?” Asks one of the warriors on duty today.

“A horde of monsters is coming. We need to close the gates!” Shouts captain with sweat drenching her forehead from all the running.

After seing us and hearing this merchants with fear written on their faces run deeper into the town.

‘I didn’t believe this can happen but she is even more beautiful than before.’ I think in my mind while looking at Andrea.

“Enough daydreaming come over here you lover boy…” With a smile says Gunnar.

‘That bastard… We would get along much better if he didn’t annoy me so much with those stupid remarks…’ I almost mumble this loud. As I am going to help move a huge wooden door, reinforced with steel.

There is five of us pulling one side.

“Come on… Pulllll!” Shouts Gunnar thought his gritted teeth.

“1… 2… 3… Pullll!” And again.

“Damn they are stuck quite well…” He comments

“Once more 1… 2… 3… Pullll!”

“Shit these doors are hardly moving. Does nobody remember to inspect them from time to time?” He yells this while looking at the guards.

But they only shrug their shoulders.

This is to be expected. Town of Landamot was built about a 1000 years ago. After peace and trade treaties were created between south and north. Finally stopping bloodshed which went on for ages. Combining this with the fact that town is inhabited by strong warriors. These hardly penetrable doors have never been used even once, from the time they were built.


“Ahhhh… One more time pulll!” We try and try but to no avail.

“They are here…” Says our captain looking towards the hill from which we came.



Suddenly I hear the charge of the horde.

“Forget the doors! Come here and form a line!” Shouts my goddess of war taking position in the middle of the gate.

Northen and southern gates are the largest ones with almost 6 meters of width for merchant carriages to pass. So 8 of us and 3 guards will be just barely enough to leave no gaps.

As I walk to take my position I see as a mass is rolling down the hill with no end in sight.

“Oh! Look Osfrid! Here comes your wolves. Ha ha ha…” Says Gunnar and almost everybody starts to laugh.

‘Oh I hate him…’

“Enough chit chat. Not even one gets in! Hahhh!” Says captain and at the end of her sentence, she activates defensive aura. Her whole body covers in a small, hardly seen, red mist.


“Hahhh!” Not waiting for anything. Everybody follows captain and activates their own. Including me.

The horde as a masive wave of the ocean is rolling down the hill and with each passing second coming closer to the town.

Like everybody else I slide one of my legs back, turn sideways and lift my shield up holding it with my whole body. In a preparation to take enemy charge head on.

“Since northen district is full of warehouses, ins for merchants and stables. It will take a few more minutes for reinforcements to come. So we only need to delay them.” Says captain as wolves get close to the town.

‘We don’t need to win. Only to hold out long enough for other to come.’ I keep repeating this to myself as I tighten my grip on the straps of the shield and the hilt of my axe.

In the last seconds before the collision with that mass of sharp teeth and red eyes, captain shouts: “pick your axe and walk forward…”

“… without a fear of darkness!” We all in unison shout back as we hold our shields tight and wolves finally not slowing down jump at us.

== End of chapter 17 ==

Answer to questions from chapter 16:

Q: Khress:

isn't she a white witch? so doesn't she have to go to a school in a different place? or does it not matter cause the 1k wolves kill his hometown?

A: Didn’t you read manga, novel or watched anime. Don’t you know about such thing as a stupid, impossible coincidence. Like meeting in a dungeon or on the road while traveling… Seriously…

Q: nasir05:

and I bet he got some sweet levels ups from killing the black wolf

A: To make it clear to everybody such thing as experience doesn’t exist in my story. In their place I put cores which work as energy source for magic and magical devices and increase energy level in your body (gives stat points when eaten). Since I don’t really like a experience system except in a vrmmo. In other words even if he kills a hundred wolves he will only get few points from moving a lot (also cores).

Q: bludvein:

Oh, and 0.25%, really? +15 to all stats is fairly nice, but I'd think he'd at least get 1-5% darkness resist if you were going to add it at all. It's a little too insignificant as is

A: It’s a bit of a spoiler but I am planning to make titles stackable (In other words after killing another shadow it will give +30stats and 0,5% resistance). Thinking about future I put it so low.

Q: bludvein:

I forgot to ask before, but do the red tattoos have any real significance beyond "this is badass looking"? It was mentioned that he was going to look into it during the early chapters and then seemed forgotten.

A: Imagining them I felt like they should have something like tribal tattoos. So they don’t really have a deep meaning. I will try to think more about this but I doubt I will give any important role to them…


Love the story so far. My only suggestion is that he should do more exercises other than just running. His strength keeps increasing but in real life, how much strength can you get from just running. Never seen a buff marathon runner.

A: Yes but his racial trait is strength x3. Meaning even if he do nothing simply walk or by lifting a cup of tea his strength will still increase bit by bit.

Q: Decieve:

It was a bit hard to read in some areas (won't harp on it because I CBF correcting it) i could get through it though o_o.

A: Is it really hard to read? Then sorry since English is only my second language (I write in word so it at least correct my grammar) and I don’t have a pr

Q: bludvein:

Gravity aptitude doesn't even seem to be a thing going by resistances. If it exists at all it would probably be a subset of Earth.

Speaking of which, there doesn't seem to be a wind resistance either, which seems a little strange. Not having Light resistance makes sense since that probably includes healing and purification, so being resistant to it would just be dumb.

A: My reaction reading this: Hmm… Ok… Ok… Wait what holy shit!!!! *Running away from my pc*

After some thinking I came with a solution I will put in wind if you name me another magic (I like when a table of stats is perfect without empty spaces)

Ice – White witch (Northmen)

Earth – Green witch (Elf)

Darkness – Dark witch (Demonic race)

Water – Blue witch (Humans)

Fire – Red witch (Dwarfs)

Lightning – Yellow witch (Beastmen)

Maybe: Wind – Grey witch (Fairies)

Your suggestion: ??? – ??? witch (extinct race)

Only witches are locked to their racial magic. While others like mc can be born with different aptitudes. Meaning even if that race is extinct there will be character who will use it.

Suggest in the comments (light and gravity already mentioned earlier but I would like something else)

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