《Axe from North》Chapter 16. Wolves!


5568 words in this chapter…

This is the longest chapter which I have written until now. And it took so much time… Since after writing it I try to make it nicer by rereading it again and again (out come of this rereading: chapter is about 800 words longer…).

I think from now on I will try to stick with a shorter chapters of 1500 – 2500 words

Also I want to thank you all. At the moment I even find my story in a best rated section with a number of 45. That’s a really nice thing to see.

I can only hope I will not disappoint you in a future.

Chapter 16. Wolves!

Days just went on one by one without anything interesting happening. I like always kept training, my father started collecting wood for winter and Elise sometimes glared, sometimes frowned at me and sometimes gave a strange look, which made me really uncomfortable.

‘I am starting to think she will never stop doing this…’

So in this manner my days went on for about a month.

At the moment our whole family is sitting outside and enjoying warm summer evening. ‘At least as warm as it could get in the North.’

Ingvil is playing with flowers and I am of course sitting silently while training my other arm.

My mother is talking with father about daily things and at the same time keeping an eye on my little sister. Sometimes she even glances at me.

I hear them, but I don’t pay much attention to their conversation.

“Ah! I almost forgot. Today I met Bjorn and he told me something worrisome.” Said my father while caressing his brown beard.

Mother looked at him showing that she is interested.

“He said that for almost two weeks the patrol groups didn’t encounter any wolves.” I think I can hear a little bit of worry in his voice.

“How can this be possible?” Asked mother.

‘Well I have heard about it few days ago from my friend. But why are they so worried? Isn’t it good that beasts disappeared?’ I start to wonder while listening to them.

Our house is positioned on the plains, west of town Landamot. Here are only few smaller forests. But towards the east land is covered by a dense forest which span hundreds and hundreds of kilometers.

Patrol groups are scouting only its borders to find anything that ventures from within it.

“I don’t know usually every week they killed about 10 of them. But now… Something is going on but the problem is just what?”

“And what does Bjorn thinks about this situation?” Asked mother with a worried voice as she was giving a glance to me and my sister.

“Well he’s Bjorn… Always excited about strange and dangerous things. But apparently quite a number of people are feeling uneasy and with each passing day a number is increasing.” Said father in a serious voice.

“To be expected. As much as I can remember, such thing never happened…” Added my mother.

“Indeed… I heard even town chief is worried. He is even planning to make an expeditionary force to venture deeper into the woods.”

“From your voice you sound like in a thought. Are you thinking about joining it?” Asked my mother now looking straight in the eyes of my father.

“Ha ha ha! I really can’t hide anything from you.” Answered father with a laugh.

“Haaa. If you think this is right, then pick your axe and walk forward…” After giving a deep sight my mother started speaking in a really serious voice while looking at dad.


“… without a fear of darkness.” Added my father and for reasons unknown to me both of them started to laugh.

I just looked at them with a face showing, that I clearly don’t understand what is happening.

Apparently my mother noticed my look and said: “Asger, you see this is like a tradition, which comes from ancient times. More than a 1000 years ago, before trade agreements were made and 3 great roads built. We Northmen waged endless wars against human kingdoms and pillaged their villages. So as parents sent their children to battle, only this one sentence was their goodbyes, their support and their blessing.”

“Long goodbyes is not for us, boy. So this is enough to show your love or friendship.” My father added to mother's explanation.

“Well enough about that. So how is your levels climbing up Asger?” He continued with a smirk on his face.

“Yes, lately you have been spending a lot of time just sitting. At the beginning you were so energetic about training, but now…” Also said my mother with a worried expression while looking at me.

“Well I am progressing quite well. My level is already 68. Also even now I am training.” I answered looking at them.

Well it’s not like this a secret. They never asked and I never told about my stats.

“68 that’s quite high for your age…” Said dad with a pride in his voice.

“But what do you mean you are training even now?” Asked mother with a puzzled expression.

“I am learning magic.” I answered it as casually as if saying that the sky is blue.

“Magic?” Almost shouting said both of them.

“Um boy where did you get such a strange idea as ‘magic’? White witches can use it but the rest of us are not suited for it.” Tried to explain my father.

“Yes. Why are you always doing everything backwards? First interested in agility and now this…” She looked down and shook her head, with a sad expression, while saying this.

‘I think she is on the brink of crying…’

“Why are you reacting like this is the end of the world?” I am somehow starting to get annoyed by them.

“How can we not react like this? If your son is wasting his time on nonsense like this…” Said father with a worry written all over his face.

“Nonsense? Are you saying this is nonsense?”

I lift up my right arm and show them lightning bolts running between my fingers with a huge grin on my face.

“Asger…” Only said mother with astonished expression.

“That’s lightning… How did you pull this off?” Asked father.

“I told you, I am learning magic. And my aptitude with lightning is advanced. Ha ha ha.” For some reason their reaction made me laugh.

Mother and father just looked at each other and after nodding they turned back towards me.

“Since you made so much progress already, we won’t stop you.” Said mother.

“But know this boy you are playing with your future. So we hope you will not regret this later.” Added my father with a serious voice.

“Thank you.” I felt like I needed to say this now.

“But promise me this. If before your test on summer festival you still have not progressed far in this ‘field’, you will keep on training like a normal boy.” Looks like this idea really doesn’t sit well with my mother.

“Ok. I promise…”

‘Lucky I already trained one of my arms. Otherwise if I had nothing to show to them, I might have been in deep trouble.’


‘I was too naive. Next time I should most likely think hard before answering anything related to my stats.’ I decide to give this matter a status of ‘Classified’ from now on.

“Haaaa… So much tiring news. And sun is already disappearing beyond the horizon. So I guess we should call it a day and go to sleep.” In a tired voice said my mother.

And that’s how another day came to an end.

It didn’t take long until sun has risen again and a new morning has come.




“Ahhh!!” With a shout I wake up.

I am breathing deeply while looking around with my forehead completely wet from a cold sweat.

“Ohh just a dream…” I calm myself.

“That was a really disturbing one.”

I dreamt that it is already a summer festival and with my hand on the magical tablet, I am showing my status to all townsfolk. Everything went well until I decided to show my magic with some kind of ultra skill. As I was preparing to shoot it, I felt a killing glare. And with a corner of my eyes I noticed a murderous look from Elise. So as a chill ran through my skin, my magic failed and only a huge ball of smoke came out with a sound of ‘pooof’. Whole square started laughing, except my mother who was crying in the corner and repeating same sentence over and over: “please, forgive my retarded son!”.

What’s more taken over by anger I also started shouting: “It’s not my fault. It’s that god damn witch’s.” At the same time pointing towards Elise.

After that she started screaming: “You broke your promise! I knew I needed to kill you long ago!” And suddenly she began to run towards me with a long dagger in her hands.

Being afraid for my life I tried to get away from her and somehow in a process I managed to lose all of my clothes. And here came another surprise. My body was abnormally freakish even by North’s standards. So in the end everyone started laughing even harder…

As I was standing there completely naked I once more heard my mothers screams: “please, forgive my retarded son!”

“God this was… I don’t even have words to describe wtf was this.” I say while sitting still shocked in my bed.

“I need to get some fresh air…”

I get up form the bed, put my clothes on and walk down the stairs.

“Ah looks like our little magician is awake.” Says my father as he sees me coming down.

“Please, I already had a huge tiresome nightmare about this…” From my voice you could easily understand that I have no will to joke around.

“Ok ok. It clear that you really had an unpleasant dream from your looks. So I will let you off the hook for now.” Sounding like he is not letting this matter go so easily said dad.

‘I got a feeling my parents will get a heart attack, when they will see my stats…’ I make a comment.

“Thanks, dad.”

After this. It didn’t take long before I had my breakfast and was already prepared for another marathon of running.

So without wasting any of my time I start going towards a town.

‘Ah! This is what I needed… I am already feeling much better now.’ Feeling a fresh air and a soft breeze surrounding me, I think to myself.

Few minutes later I reach town. From this point on I take the cobbled road, which leads toward Hisargafl. This is the place where I have been jogging for quite a while.

“Patrol groups are hunting down any dangerous monsters alongside it. So it is safe for your training.” This advice, from my father, was the reason why I started using it.

As I keep on running leisurely forward. At a speed which doesn’t take my breath away or make me break a sweat. I take my time and look around enjoying beautiful nature. Since I can do this only for a short time. It won’t take long before white snow will return to the land.

From time to time as I am going on, I pass by merchant groups that are going to one or the other direction. Well they are mostly human males. And only on a rare occasions my eyes can have a pleasure of seeing a slim figure of a woman.

‘Ah… Seeing all these normal people around me again. I just can’t help it but get nostalgic remembering my past.’ I think with a small smile on my face as I remember bustling streets full off cars, huge shopping malls and my old home…

“Asger, looks like you are energetic as always. Ha ha…” Suddenly a voice wakes me up.

“Oh Osfrid! You are patrolling today again?” I reply to the younger man from the group.

I used this road everyday for a month already. By doing this I constantly met patrol groups. So in due time I made a few acquaintances. And this Osfrid is one of them. I get along with him quite well, most likely because he’s still, if I am correct, 18 years old.

“So how was todays catch?” I ask him.

“Just small fry. Only few foxes...” He says with a wave of his hand as if they were hardly worth any attention.

“But try to be alert today.” Suddenly his voice for some reason became very serious.

“Why?” I immediately as him back.

“Ha ha ha. This guy he keeps on insisting that he heard a wolf’s howl somewhere in a distance.” Says another older man with a dark brown beard.

“But I really did.” Osfrid’s voice lost all seriousness from before.

‘He must have it rough being in the same group with everyone at least twice older than him.’ I pity the guy.

“Well we scouted the area but found no traces of any wolf.” Said a very hulky female warrior with a big scar on her face, as she was walking by. I am not great at recognizing people emotions but I think she frowned a bit.

“But to be safe don’t go too far.” This last part she added while looking straight at me.

“Understood. And thank you for your advice.” I bowed my head a bit to show my gratitude for an advice. After all she’s the captain of this group.

I say my goodbyes to them and start to run along the road again.

For one more hour I keep on going in my comfortable pace. Well I could rush it and start on using my top speed. But one day after making some tests and calculations I came to a conclusion, that few extra points are not worth killing myself over them. So yeah I am enjoying my new life.

I take a look at the sun in the sky and after considering the road to get back I immediately stop.

“Well it’s about time to turn back.”

I turn around, make a few stretches and take a deep breath. This ritual is like a tradition, which I do before every run. So now with preparations done I am already starting to move.

Suddenly my all insides start to twist and only one word rings inside my head: ‘DANGER!’

Cold sweat immediately soaks my whole body. And with mind only focusing on how to escape, my body runs automatically towards the nearest tree.

I have to admit. In my whole existence I have never climbed into a tree before. So if anybody asks me now, how I got into this huge one, I would simply answer: “Don’t ask such hard questions.”

Few seconds passed. I am still hiding inside the tree and only barely able to hold myself from shaking.

‘What’s going on? Why did all of the alarms in my body suddenly went on?’ I have so much questions but what’s worse not even one answer.



In a distance I start hearing a sound which is coming closer with every passing moment.

‘It sounds similar to a cavalry ride from the movies.’

My eyes are running wild going left and right trying to locate the source of this sound. But it doesn’t take long until I notice a movement on the other side of road, on a small hill, by the edge of the forest.

At first I can only see shadows moving between the trees, but shortly after a wide, grey mass emerges from them.

‘What’s that?’ I ask myself with my eyes glued on it.

‘Wait is that wolves?’ As this moving mass gets closer I make out individual beings.

‘So many of them… And they are so fast… I have no chance to escape them if they notice me.’ I understand that who ever is caught by that, only a certain death awaits them.

‘First ones already reached road, but I still don’t see the end. There must be thousands of them…’ I gulp down my saliva.

‘Oh deities in heaven or hell please give me luck at least this once to remain unnoticed.’ I try praying in my mind.

I can’t say if praying helped or I am just lucky today. But they don’t run towards me. Instead they turn south and move along side the road.

‘Shit…This is bad they are all going towards the town.’ Flashbacks of people I passed on the road surfaces in my mind.

‘If I just had a cellphone…’ I fell so helpless now.

This huge mass didn’t linger long in front of me. It took maybe few minutes until they all disappeared from my sight and ran south. From just this you can easily see the extreme speed of wolves.

Many mixed feelings run rampant in my heart. And tears start to form in the corners of my eyes, thinking about those who will die today.

‘What new world? What hero? I might have a different body, but I am still a helpless weakling deep down, like I used to be.’ I curse myself for not being able to do anything to help my family and friends back at home.

The more I think about them, the worse I start to feel. Since I don’t know if after this day I will have home to return to.

As dark thought started running wild in my head time lost its meaning.

So it’s hard to tell wherever it was 10 or 20 minutes. But out of nowhere I heard a shout, which woke me up.

“Please anybody help!” A man almost screamed this.

I lifted my head up and noticed a middle aged human with short, dark hair, wearing a travelers clothes. He was panting heavily while running for his life from 3 wolves that chased him.

‘Judging by clothes he must be a merchant. But what’s this a black wolf?’ As dark clouds disappear after the storm, so did my mind cleared up as I saw what is happening before me.

“Please… Arghhh…” The man was desperate.

‘But it looks like wolves are only playing with him. Since they don’t give him any fatal wounds.’

I don’t know by coincidence or by fate but he is running straight towards my tree.

As they get closer I see something really unusual.

‘Now that I take a better look that wolf isn’t black. But instead he is surrounded by some kind of dark mist…’

‘Simple wolves are already bad news but this hell hound definitely looks more dangerous…’ I start to panic a bit.

While I was still studying the dark one. Exhausted merchant reached my tree and stood with his back touching it’s trunk. Suddenly he pulled a dagger.

‘Damn it! Are you serious? There is tons of other trees. After all we are close to a fucking forest. So why is it that you are planning to make your last stand here?’ As I notice, that I am getting in danger also, fear starts to get the better of me.

‘Ah… But if I just do nothing and allow him to get slaughtered, I can guarantee that I will regret this for the rest of my life.’ My consciousness finally speaks.

‘Also even if he dies, being so close wolves will still smell my scent. So chances of 2 vs 3 is nicer than 1 vs 3.’ Gives a green light my selfishness.

I take a deep breath and slowly pull my dagger. ‘This is the breaking point which will show if I still am Markus Ryley or have I become Asger Haraldson.’

‘Since something so brave and stupid Markus would never do…’ I criticize my past myself.

Two grey wolves move to the sides of merchant while the hell hound, with his mouth showing sharp teeth, is slowly walking straight to him.

‘It’s as if that dark one is taking pleasure from torturing it’s prey.’ I comment in my head as I am observing the situation below me.

Merchant is standing with his short blade in a hand while shaking from fear like a leaf. He already can see that this is the end since other wolves cut his escape routes to the sides.

“Grrr!” The hell hound stops and growls loudly with his saliva dripping from the mouth. This makes merchant twitch even more.

‘Now! Let’s do it!!! Bombs awaaaayyyyyyyy!!!’ I shout in my mind as I jump from the tree with a dagger in my hands.

At the moment dark beast is about 2 meter away from the shaking man and also directly below me. So I shift my body in hopes of stabbing it the moment of impact.

It took only a blink of an eye until I came down crashing on the hell hounds back and at the same time thrusting my dagger with a full force of the fall, directly at his skull.

As my blade is piercing it’s skull I fell a huge resisting force, which almost knocks it out of my hands. But in the end my grip on the dagger wins over as I drill though the beasts skull and into it’s brain.

It makes only few stagger before falling down dead on the ground.

I don’t waste time on getting my weapon out of the hell hounds head. I simply pull out my axe and jump on my feet.

NotificationYou have gained a new Title

‘What get out of my sight you piece of shit. , , , .’ Since even the smallest mistake might mean my death. So with ¼ th of my vision getting blocked I get really angry.

“Wha…” Merchant is still in shock.

Finally screen disappears from my sight.

‘What’s going on?’ I get a bit confused as I see other two wolves. Standing still and shaking their heads as if they both got a huge blows to them.

‘Who cares… This is my chance.’ With these word in mind I hold my small, sharp axe and jump towards a closer one on the left side.

Still being a few steps away from it, I already turn my body sideways in a preparation for the strike. By swinging my weapon backwards a bit.

And the exact moment I get close to a wolf. I let it cross the distance between us with a full strength, while still running at the top speed. Since I don’t know how tough my opponent is, I try to land on it the most powerful attack, I can use now by combining my strength and a law of inertia.

“Ahhhhh!” Wolf is still in a confused state as I deliver my attack directly to it’s throat with a shout.

My axe tears through the beasts skin quite easily. And as it goes deeper inside I start to feel some kind of small snapping along the wooden shaft of my weapon..

‘I just crushed it’s throat. This should definitely be a killing blow.’ I think to myself, still waiting for a confirmation.

For a few blinks of the eyes it looks like everything stopped. Me, wolf and time itself. Only when blood begin to seep through the gap of my axe and it’s skin, I begin to breath again.

‘Two down and only one left.’ Thinking this I turn my attention towards the last beast.

But what I see in front of me isn’t good.

“Ggggrrrrrr…” Wolf starts to growl as it comes back to his senses.

“For the love of God! Move!” I shout to the merchant. Since he’s still standing frozen at the same spot, which is now between me and the wolf.

‘That idiot he’s an easy target…’

I with a haste pull my bloodied axe from the now dead body. And run as fast as I can closer to the tree.

Since I still don’t know how strong my enemy is, I try to be careful and stay close to the only cover, my old pall made of wood.

Now three of us make something like a triangular, while me and merchant stands in one line wit a tree growing between us.

“Oi you piece of shit come here!” I try to attract it’s attention from a still shaking man.

It hard to tell wherever it’s my shouting or the bloodied axe that works, but…

“Ggggrrrrrr…” Wolf suddenly turns his head towards me and growls, showing his big, sharp teeth.

Not waiting for anything he leaps straight at me with his mouth wide open.

‘Shiiittt!!!!’ I scream in my head as I am trying to avoid an upcoming attack by shifting sideways.

Today luck really isn’t on my side. Since even if I managed to evade his mouth, the beast is too fast and I fail to completely avoid him.

“Ughh…” I let out a sound as my body loses it’s balance after a collision with wolfs shoulder.

As I am falling on the ground with my hands still flailing. I can pretty much already guess that this is my loss.

‘That bastard doesn’t waste even a second before charging.’ I curse while seeing my death coming. But I am not afraid, on the contrary I am unexpectedly calm as I close my eyes.

“Aughh!” Suddenly wolf let’s out a shriek full of pain.

I hurriedly open my eyes and notice the beast jumping away, a good few meters from me.

‘What has happened?’ While thinking this I hear a shaking voice. “Run boy!” It was the merchant.

I jump back on my feet as fast as I can. And at the same time putting my whole attention back on the wolf again.

It doesn’t take a huge imagination to figure out what happened after I see a dagger sticking out from one of it’s back legs.

“Grrrr…” It growls once more, with it’s attention now going between me and the other man.

“Ha ha you forgot him, idiot!” I laugh at it. Of course there isn’t even a hint that I also have put the man out of the equation.

This time wolf roars loudly and jumps straight at me again.

‘Don’t tell me he understood.’ I wonder while seeing it’s reaction.

But now it’s speed isn’t even half of what it was. So I easily evade it’s attack.

‘But his speed is still great. I won’t make it if I try to hit him with an axe…’ Since I don’t have time for a swing, I try to get the best outcome this moment by kicking him.

But I am performing this attack from a standing position with no swing back. So as I deliver my kick to it’s abdomen, wolf only releases a small growl before getting away from me.

As it runs away, I can see that it’s condition is already quite bad from the beasts heavy limping and breathing.

Once a wolf gets about 4 meters away from me, it stops and turns back.

“Ok let’s try to make this the last stand off.” I say this while we look each other straight in the eyes.

I take a better position by shifting my body as I am tightening grip on the axe, while wolf once more shows it’s teeth. For a blink or two we just stood like that. And I have to admit strangely it felt like this is how it should have been all along. As if in this world there is only beast, me and nothing more.

Such tranquility doesn’t continue long. It gets dispersed by a sudden rush of the wolf. As it’s pawns with the help of it’s strong muscles dig into the earth.

‘You or me, my friend!’ With this thought in mind I starting to swing the axe with both of my hands.

While still being about two meters away it already jumps at me with it’s jaws wide open.

From past experience I have expected this. So I used all the strength I can muster as I began to swing my axe in an upward trajectory and straight for my enemies neck.

Everything happened so fast that before I noticed anything I am already standing with my face covered in blood while the 3rd wolf is lying on the ground in a big puddle of the red liquid with his head twisted unnaturally.


I breath loudly as I am looking around with my mind completely blank. I can’t say if it is from excitement or shock of almost dying. But I simply stand there.

“Thanks! I own you my deepest gratitude.” Suddenly brings me back to reality the merchant.

“Instead you should thank goddess of luck since you decided to pick a tree in which I was hiding.” I say back to him.

“Maybe. But no matter what luck I would have been slaughtered by them if not for you.” While saying this he shook his head a bit as if trying to forget a bad nightmare.

“I am in a greet debt to you.” He added looking at me.

‘I am not so ignorant of the world. So I can easily see that you aren’t very rich. Also I don’t have plans which would involve money for a near future…’ After thinking for a bit I say to him: “We helped each other. So let’s just leave it at that.”

“But…” Before he could protest I interrupted him: “also I will take wolf cores as my reward.”

“Well… Ok… If you are fine with just that. By the way my name is Nestor Yellott. As you can most likely guess I am a simple merchant from Ramir kingdom.” With a bit of the brighter note introduces himself the man.

“Ah. Nice to meet you. My name is Asger Haraldson I am from town of Landamot.” I try to return his politeness.

“Pleasure to be an acquaintance.” He shows great manners for a one talking with… Let’s face it I am still a brat who isn’t even a six years old.

“But this is strange… This was the first time I saw a this kind of wolf. I have seen before wolves with a black fur, but nothing like that one.” As he is still wondering what it was. I decide that I should collect my cores. And for that I am walking to the dead hell hound.

“Huh it’s no different from the other two wolves…” I say it out loud after seeing a completely normal dead wolfs body with my dagger in it’s skull.

“Really the mist is gone… I wonder what does it mean?” Says a merchant with a hint of interest in his voice.

But I don’t have time to idle long. ‘I need to get back and see what happened back in town.’

So I pull out my dagger and get to work.

Five minutes later I stand with a three cores in my hands. Two yellow and one small blue core, from the one with a mist.

I already learned this some time ago in a class that cores have different colors. And by it you can determine it’s quality. Their rank up goes like this:


Grey ones come from the weakest creatures like rats, while black ones are legendary. For a reference matter Ice wyvern gives a big red core.

“Wow! So young and already so efficient with a blade. That’s North for you.” Says merchant

“I already had a great practice.” I answer him while remembering a mountain of rats.

“Let me see…” Says Nestor while looking at the cores which I hold in my hands.

“Hmm… These two yellows should be worth about 2 gold coins each. But this blue even thought it’s a bit small, it still should fetch about 9 gold coins.” He quickly evaluates them.

I look a bit at the crystals in my hands. ‘Shit! I got no idea if that is a lot… And if I ask about it I will definitely look like an idiot… Got to change the subject.’

“Anyway I need to get back to the village. So I will be saying my goodbyes.” I try to end this conversation as quickly as I can.

“Ah I am also going there.” He says with a smile.

“Going south might be really dangerous now.” I tell him this already walking towards the road.

“Why?” he asks in a serious tone walking beside me.

“Well the reason why I hid in a tree was a huge horde made of thousands upon thousands, of wolves. And they all ran along side the road towards the town.”

For a few moments he got silence. But after thinking a bit he spoke: “Either way I am still going south. In other words please take care of me.”

“Just please wait a bit until I pick up my backpack.” And after saying that he dashed off.

‘Maybe I should just take this time and run?’ I started to wonder.

‘But because of this situation I was able to overcome my fears… Ah what a pain in the ass…’ I thought while waiting for him.

‘Wait… I think I am forgetting something… Hmm…’

‘Right I believe I got a notification for acquiring a new title.’ This helps me to get in a better mood.


*Titles*Blessed; The last one standing; Son of Thunder; Magical knight, Shadow killer


Shadow killerArmies will march, battles will be fought and innocents will die. For darkness is coming. So pick your weapons and fight for all that’s good.

+15 to all stats; +0.25% Darkness resistance

‘Ahh… This is definitely the reason why Lyru got us here…’

== End of chapter 16 ==

Some questions and answer to the coments under chapter 15:

Q: Many asked me to make a picture of mc.

A: I will try next week. But I will remind you, I am not an artist, so if I fail I will not post it.

Q: Promicent:

thx for this chapter Very Happy a bug --" i thought it will be monster bug lol..elise the stalker!!!(yandere?)..will he enter other academy far from his village?cant wait to see his harem and lightning axe...and can u describes his current appearance...i hope his dont have bulky muscles like body builder

A: This will be too big of a spoiler if I answer everything, but about his appearance. He still is too young so I don’t want to go into too much of a detail. But I can say this later on I won’t make him on the absurd level of the northmen, but he will still look like someone who almost live in a gym. In other words intimidating to other races.

Q: lightflash94:

1.how about letting him learn blacksmithing it will open open some new path for him.

2. he can static charge the anvil and his hammer while black smithing ( make his hammer is like an eletric magnet that he active it when swinging down to add to the force) the more hits he does, the more static charges make the force stronger

A: 1. In a vrmmo I would support this idea, but this should be like real life so it would take many years to learn this craft. In other words I don’t want him all the time hammering an iron.

2. Hmm charge I think I got an idea from this so thanks.

Q: bludvein:

If he's going to exercise anyway, he should get his father to teach him how to use that axe. Or are Northmen kind of just learn as you go?

A: Well I mostly think they learn from life. But later on his father will teach him some skills (Battle auras I mentioned earlier)

Q: shuiko:

sooooooooooo when is Elise going to jump his bones?

I sort of want to see Elise force him to marry her early on in life and they travel together... hehehehehe

A: Well he’s still too young but it will come. Hehehehehehe

Well that’s it… Finaly of to play some Dying light

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