《Axe from North》Chapter 14. It’s Elise!


It’s a small chapter done in a short time.

Chapter 14. It’s Elise!

“I will be going.” I said that while going through the door.

“Take care!” Shouted my mother from inside.

It’s already been few week since I gained new Title. And every day from that time I have been going to my cave for studying.

‘Haaa… Somehow learning magic is harder than I expected.’ I sight heavily while thinking about what I managed to reach in this period of time.

Apparently before I can start learning any of the awesome skills, I need to be able at least wrap the elemental energy around my hand. And that is really hard…

So today like every other day I am running on this road towards the West.

But when I climb up the hill I notice something out of the ordinary.

===== =====

Elise’s point of view.

Today my mother sent me with a task outside of town.

I have to bring a package to my relatives house, who lives in the plains.

“Ah… What a nice day for a walk.” I comment while looking at the clear sky, where sun is shining brightly.

“Few more week and summer should finally come.” I added with a smile on my face.

“Oh. Who we have here!” Shouts someone from behind me. So I turn around to look who.

And I notice as Asger, from my class, is running down along the road, towards me.

“Yo, Field boy. What are you doing here?” I greet him.

He frowns a bit after hearing how I called him.

‘As long as you are going to make that face, I will call you by that name.’ I think with a little laugh in my head.

Well it’s not that I hate the boy, but we got a interesting relationship of rivalry. So it’s my kind of duty to get on his nerves.

“I am traveling somewhere. And, Elis, I got a name! It is ASGER!” He almost shouts the last part.


‘If you are annoyed so much by it, maybe you should first stop cutting my name!’ Of course I don’t say that out loud. Since this would kind of mean my loss.

“Field boy is also a good name! So what’s the problem?” I ask trying to look as if I don’t understand. ‘He he he.’

“And here I am trying to talk with you normally like with a decent person. But you…” He’s clearly getting angrier.

“You mean you can be even more of an idiot? Ha ha ha.” This time I could stop laughing a bit.

“Tch.. Even thought I noticed some time ago but I tried to be understandable, so I didn’t pry into your condition.”

“Excuse me? What? Condition?” I really don’t get him.

‘Maybe this sun completely fried his little brain…’

“I mean just look at yourself. You are smaller than any boy our age. So I was being considerate and didn’t ask what kind of illness it is.” As he was telling this I could clearly see a pity in his eyes.

I am dumbfounded.

‘No one really notices this in here.’ This is what I was told by Aesa, one of the White witches who lives in our town. And even after sometime I noticed this myself.

‘So how is it that this idiot did it?’ As I think this in my mind I am becoming a bit nervous.

“What are you talking?” With all my strength I try to fake it.

“No need to hide it. I can see from your face that you are lying.” He said that while putting his arm on my shoulder and looking straight in my eyes.

‘…’ I think for a bit.

“Haaa… Just promise me not to tell this to anyone. Promise me with your honor as a warrior on the line!” Better I say this and silence him now, before he has a chance to tell others too much.


“… Ok! I promise with my honor as a warrior.” He answered me in a serious tone after thinking for a bit.

“Haaa… I don’t know how you noticed that something is wrong, since others doesn’t. But I guess I got caught. You see I was born with a title of a White witch.”

‘I didn’t want anyone to find out my secret. Since when people know who we are. They start to act differently.’

‘Some look at us with a pity, because by North standards we are bound to look ugly. Others start to keep their distance, since they think we are some kind of holy beings. So in the end we are left alone with no friends or those who would love us.’

‘That’s why I want to have as much friends as I can have. At least until time to leave to Deirdalgil comes.’

‘So what will you do when you know, who I am?’ I look at him questioningly.

‘As expected. His face is becoming a pure shock with his mouth and eyes opening widely. This would have made me laugh if the reason would have been different.’ I think this as sadness is taking control of my heart.

Suddenly he shakes his head and starts walking. As he goes by me he doesn’t say anything. I can only hear him mumble something under his nose.

Since I always feared to be ignored and left alone, emotions suddenly surge through me and tears are starting to form in a corners of my eyes.

“No no no… How can this be? What kind of nonsense is this?” He almost shouted this.

So I turn around and notice him looking at me with a confused expression.

He doesn’t wait for anything and continues: “are you kidding? You mean to say that you a friggin GIRL?”

All emotions that ran rampant in me just now disappeared and I was able to say only one word to his comment: “what?”

“What ‘what?’ How can a brat like you be a girl, more over with a name like Elis?” Now he looked almost angry.

“It’s Elise! ELISE!!! You!... You, field boy!” I don’t know why but I suddenly got angry at him.

He looked at me for some time, but without saying even one word, turned around and started walking.

After going for about 20 meters he turned his head back, looked at me again and he waved his hand, as if giving up, while shaking his head.

I just kept standing there and looking at him, until he finally disappeared behind the next hill.

“Ha Ha Ha… That idiot! That… Asger, is truly an idiot.” I suddenly burst out laughing.

“Well I shouldn’t waste this nice day.” I say that while starting to walk with a smile on my face.

== End of chapter 14 ==

There is quite a lot of people asking about how often I release. So know this I AM A WORKING PERSON (11 HOURS A DAY AND 5 DAYS A WEEK), I AM NO LONGER A STUDENT. In other words after work I am too tired (today was exception) so I mostly write on weekends, meaning about 2 chapters a week (be happy I think I will write 2 more this week if plans don’t change)

People talked about his weapons. But I am thinking I am gonna stick with an axe because of the title (axe/shield ; axe/axe or axe/hammer I still didn’t made my mind. But I think I will give him a skill to make a shield of magic so…).

And about him being Thor. Yeah I had something else in mind but in one of the chapter comment someone mentioned lighting and I thought it was a nice touch so BAM we are here.

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