《Axe from North》Chapter 13. Test.


Chapter 13. Test.

“Phew I made it!” I say that as I am looking at the last rays of sun from the entrance of my home.

With one hand I open the door and enter inside.

“I am back!” I shout that happily.

“Oh Asger how did it go?” Full of excitement came my father from second floor.

“What happened to you? You are all covered in blood.” Said my mother as she saw me.

“Ha ha ha! You might not believe me but I found a rats lair. And before I knew it hordes of them came at me. There must have been hundreds of them. I slashed left and right, killing one after ano…”

“How much coins did you get?” Interrupted mother with a straight face.

“Ah …” I found a problem with my story.

“Jensina, how can you ask for such a trifle thing?” Inquired my father.

‘Thanks dad.’

“It’s because his story sounds really familiar to someone, who told me that he killed hundreds of wolves.” Said my mother giving a glare to my father.

I didn’t really get what’s going on. But my father just went quietly to a chair in front of a fireplace and sat in it.

She turned her look back to me and asked again. “So how much coins did you get from Vilmund?”

“Uh… That is 20 copper coins.” I said that while also going to a fire place.

“20 so you mean you killed 60 rats?” Asked my mother quite amazed.

As I picked up a branch and started to a poke fireplace. I said in a silent voice. “No only 48.”

“And from your appearance it looks like you didn’t listen to me and charged at them. Am I right?”

“Yes, ma’am.” I said in a really down voice.

“Haaa. What I am going to do with both of you? Well I am glad that you came home with only few scratches, but don’t do something this reckless again.” Said my mother.

“I am going to get you a warm water. You should clean yourself.” She said while leaving for a kitchen. And just as she walked through the door I heard her say: “like father, like son…”

“Don’t worry one day they will come. And then we will shine ma boy.” This time talked my father from his chair.

“Who will come?” I asked not understanding what he was talking about.

“The hundreds of enemies.” He said looking at me with a smile on his face.



After washing myself I went to bed.


‘I guess I overslept a bit too much…’ I comment in my head as I see that sun is already up.

I get up, go down the stairs and eat my breakfast like any other day.

“Mom, I am planning to go study somewhere.” I say that with a serious voice.

“What? Where?”

“Rats had a lair in a cave. After killing them all I went inside to check and found there is a lot of books about magic. So I want to go and study some of them.” I explained everything trying to convince her. Since I know if my mother will say no I will have to forget about the cave for some time.

“Hmm… Ok! You can go. Since you proved yourself yesterday. But if anything dangerous shows up, you RUN.” She especially emphasized the last part as she looked straight at me.

“Don’t worry I am not an idiot to fight someone who I have no chance to win over. Also I still didn’t eat the food you gave me yesterday. So I will just take it and go.” I said in a happy mood.

I picked up the same bag from yesterday and walked through the door.

‘Phew. For a few second I thought she will definitely say NO.’

Once I got on the road I started running immediately. Since even if I run to reach a cave will take about an hour. In other words every day I will spend at least 2 hours on the road.

“Day isn’t infinite. Need to hurry.” Said as I looked at the sun already climbing up in the sky.

So I picked up my pace.

An hour later I am already inside a cave.

As I was coming here, I came to a conclusion that the first thing to do is to test myself for magic.

“So the first of all I need to learn how to manipulate my inner energy.” I talk to myself while looking through the books in the shelf.

“No… Not this one…And not that… Ah here we go. ‘Basics of magic’ a title I was looking for.”

I pick up the book and walk to the table.

I don’t know how long it was but I read a whole book in one go. Maybe not really read as more likely ran through it.

“This book contains about 100 pages, but there is a lot of talking about the same thing over and over like explaining to a little kid. And if you cut it out, the essential information would take only about 10 or so pages…” Somehow I got annoyed reading it.


“So a witch and magician is basically the same thing. The only difference is in a talent. Since magician will never surpass a witch of the same level.”

“What’s more it is good to know that most people have at least low aptitude for an element.” I am a bit at ease since I know that my chances are looking quite good.

“In a book it was written that controling the inner energy is quite easy. Only for a first few times I need to imagine something like a waves of water and move them through my body. In time I will get used to the sensation and will be able to do this easily.” I remembered the most important things.

I sit on the ground with my legs crossed like I saw people do while meditating. Since I feel that’s how you should learn magic.

‘Ok! Let’s think the waves of water… The waves of water… Oh I am really starting to feel something. Now let’s move it.’ I continue to concentrate intensely. To the point where even beads of sweat appear on my forehead.

“I am definitely feeling as a some kind of force is moving inside of me. Who knows I might be a genius at this.”

But suddenly this force is starting to run uncontrollably in me.


“Ah! Maybe this was a wrong energy. Damn it!”

“I should start aga…”



“I am feeling too much of the negative energy is in here. I should probably move outside closer to the elements of nature.” As I am still saying that I stand up and run outside.

“Ah now this is what I am talking. Fresh air and nature. Since meditation pose didn’t worked I should try to sit comfortably.”

I walk towards a nice smooth stone and sit on it.



I make a few deep breaths and concentrate again.

‘Energy within me like the waves of water…’ I try to move those imagined waves towards my right hands palm, but nothing happens.

I keep on trying over and over, and over. Until after a long time I fell some kind of tingling in my palm.

‘It’s hard to tell did I succeeded or did my hand just went numb.’

I move my arm a bit but it looks everything is normal. So I try again to move those waves.

‘I am finally making a progress.’ Joy runs through me as I feel tingling again.

“But strange I didn’t notice anything. Only this tingling after trying to move it inside of me. Maybe I am wrong? I should probably test it on that globe.”

I get up and walk back to the cave.



“Negative energy is gone let’s proceed.” I say that after I finished checking my surroundings.

I walk to the shelf, pick up that globe and put it on the table.

While standing nearby, I put my right hand on it.

“One more time. Let’s concentrate on the waves of water going to my palm.”

First time I try but nothing happens. So I try a second time and the feeling that I felt not so long ago return to my palm.

Globe under my hand suddenly starts to shine. And a familiar see through screen appears before me again.

NotificationYou have gained a new Title

Without even waiting for a second I think to look what I got.

*Titles*Blessed; The last one standing; Son of Thunder

Son of ThunderBe proud since lightning is running through your veins.

+35 intelligence; +20 agility.

Advanced affiliation with lightning magic.

“Yes!!!! Can I get an AMEN!” I shout from the bottom of my lungs as I read the message.

== End of chapter 13 ==

A bit of answers to posts under chapter 12


Nasir05 asked

“that is an amazing drawing, think you can give me some links where you learned how to draw so well?”

I didn’t learn how to draw anywhere (I was too lazy to go to art school or even learn it…) because of that I copied a stance of a character from another picture and put my clothing, hair and shit like that. (If I would need to draw it from the beginning till the end it would really suck…)


Slime313 asked

“Good chapter, i wonder how he will progress with his build. I can see him becoming something like an elemental swordsman. (High int and High strength)”

So do I.


Nekosama asked

“wait isn't elise is northmen and northmen is all muscle body. but your drawing showing her a beutiful and nice body o.O”

I thought I made it clear in past chapter that Elise will be a White witch. In chapter 11 i wrote ‘Reduces all racial special traits’ meaning no high strenght and only light, normal muscle builds for witches.


lightflash94 said

“.... still waiting for his Vigor skill Very Happy especially after seeing Elis's drawing.”

I am planing to do a funny situation where I will make him suffer because of vigor. So wait for like 4-6 chapter ;D

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