《Axe from North》Chapter 9. My stats.


Few notifications:

I decided to use this when he is opening a screen;

And some bad news. My holidays just ended. So from tomorrow I am going to work, this means my releases will slow down greatly (maybe to 1 – 2 chapters a week). And on Sunday I got my last test ( I even need to do 2 reports for it). Yes, I am busy person. In other words this week I will try to make at least 1 chapter, but don’t expect much.

Chapter 9. My stats.

I was sitting on the chair in my room with a heavy expression on my face, not counting the blue eye.

“The things I have learned today…” I mumble to myself deep in a thought.

“First of all this ‘Status window’ I can’t touch it and apparently I can only see mine. Others can be seen only when they are using magical tablet. And in this town only chief has it.” This is what I learned in class.

“Second thing is the existence of energy cores. They can be found in the hearts of every beast and monster you slay. These cores are mostly used in two ways. As a fuel for magical items and as something similar to what I call an experience. The strangest part is that you need to boil these cores in water and when they melt, drink the mixture. Apparently this should increase your inner energy or something like that. But in the end your stats and level will go up.” I remembered, what I got out from my parents, when I asked them to explain some stuff in detail.

“So if I sum everything up. Only one word emerges in my mind ‘game’.” I frown a bit.

“And this thing…” While saying this I think ‘’.

Once more before my eyes starts to float this strange screen.

Status WindowLevel4RaceNorthmenStrength12Defence8Vitality8Intelligence42Stamina6Vigor10Agility3Presence1ResistanceWater0%Earth0%Ice1%Fire0%Lightning0%Darkness0%Nature0%Wind0%Poison0%Alcohol0%*Titles*

“Those who created this magic really wanted to make it feel like a game. Hmm… Thank you!” Even if I am a bit confused for now, but deep inside I am really grateful.

From the furrowed face and heavy atmosphere someone might think that I really hate this. But in reality this is how I show that I like it.

In my past, even when I played online games, I was always wandering alone. Only on rare occasions I would join parties or guilds. But even then, since I never followed hot topics, I always stayed as a silent member, who hardly talked. Don’t pity me, since I liked it that way. I found simple joy in reaching my goals like better equipment or higher level, which to most looked impossible. Since to reach it one needed to play not for fun, but sacrifice himself to the cause... To the grinding.

‘I feel like the old flame inside of me has been rekindled once more.’ I thought to myself as some old emotions surged through me again.

There are mostly two kinds of people in games. Those who go with a flow and those who know what they are doing.

“I can’t charge blindly. Need to first create a plan.” I try to calm myself down.


“What is on this screen is pretty much basics. Only this ‘*Titles*’. What’s that?” I say as it picks up my interest.

‘Hmm. Well it won’t hurt to try… ’ I say it in my head with a hope that it will do the trick like with a ‘Status’.

To my amazement the screen which floated before my eyes suddenly changed into different one.


“Wow!” I let out a shout.

“ Blessed? Ah yeah. Lyru said something about this. And also that mark, on my right shoulder, it should look like a star. But for the most of time it looked like a dot. And even now it’s shape hardly looks like a star. I guess it needs time to form.” I started to wonder, remembering last moments before rebirth.

‘Now is not the time. Need to focus!’ I noticed that I was getting distracted.

“More importantly will it also show, what it is?”

‘Right... ’ I concentrated all my attention on the screen while thinking this.

And I wasn’t disappointed as it changed again.

BlessedIncreases every stat by +10%

“In other words from each ten points I get one bonus. Nice one, Lyru!” I say it, while giving a thumbs up and looking at the sky through my window.

“Now I probably should check everything while at it.” I wonder loudly.


I wait for a bit, but nothing happens.

‘Ok… ’

NorthmenRace who focuses on strength.

Special trait: strength x3, defense x2 and vigor x1,5 times increases easier than other stats.

“Pretty good, but a part of me wants to really shout: shiiitttt!!!!!!” after I let out some of my emotions, I once more concentrate and continue.


StrengthIt determines power of your muscles.

Increasing points in strength makes body more muscular. Especially race’s based on it.


“Does it mean, if I don’t increase current points in strength, I won’t become one of those terminators?” I ask as joy runs through my face.

‘This old fear is really strong.’ I think to myself after taking better control of my emotions.

‘Next… ’

DefenseIt shows resistance to physical attacks.

Increasing points in defense makes skin harder to penetrate, but it doesn’t lose, it’s softness and flexibility.

“In other words skin becomes like an amour. So what would happen in a hospital if you needed a shot?”

‘Next… ’

VitalityIt shows how full of life you are.

Increasing points in vitality makes wounds heal faster and your life longer.

“I am definitely maxing this out!” I immediately state this after reading about longer life.

‘Next… ’

IntelligenceIt shows your understanding of the world.

Increasing points in intelligence makes your soul essence stronger. Letting you increase number and level of spells.

“Heh. Expected this.”

‘Next… ’

StaminaIt shows your will to not give up.

Increasing points in stamina does not let you get tired fast. Allowing to perform your actions longer.

“Another basic thing.”

‘Next… ’

VigorIt shows your energetic side.

Increasing points in vigor makes you a true beast in a bed. Also slightly increases wound healing speed.

“WTF is wrong with this one? I even got it in a special traits…”


‘Next… ’

AgilityIt shows how efficiently you can move your body.

Increasing points in agility makes you able to change the direction of the body in an more efficient and effective manner.

Slightly counters strength’s special effects on a body.

“This could be answer to all my prayers!” I say this while reading the last sentence of the description.

‘Next… ’

PresenceIt shows your influence.

Increasing points in presence allows you to intimidate others more easily and expands your range of detection.

“Oh this one is also interesting.” I mumble to myself while reading the description.

I take a look through my window. ‘Sun is still up. I should not waste time.’

With this I finish my inspection and using both of my hands I slap myself on the face.

“I am a gamer till the end and collecting points is what I like the most. He he he. With a plan, to spam agility and vitality. I should start the game!” I say while rising from a chair.

“From what my father said there are two methods to increasing your stats. But since I still can’t hunt monsters for cores. I will simply have to train. Well what ever the case I would have started from this anyway. Since considering later stages, from what I understand, it is better to consume cores with trained body.”

I close the door to my room and walk towards the stairs.

“With a lot of running I should be able to increase my agility at least a bit.” I wonder to myself.

“With points as my goal no one will be able to stop me now!” I almost shout this.

“Mom, I am going outside. I will just run around the house.” I say while walking towards a door.

“You father is hunting and I need to prepare this boar and fishes for smoking. So NO OUTSIDE!” She was especially clear on the last part.

‘You got to be kidding me. Am I already stopped before even starting?...’ I stood there for a moment thinking about how to get around this obstacle.

Then suddenly an amazing idea came to me. So I turned around and looked at simple wooden stairs which with 14 steps led to a second floor. And decided ‘this will be my first training ground.’

I walked to the stairs, took a deep breath and started to hastily climb up. It didn’t take long until I reached the top. So once there I turned around and started climbing down. After reaching bottom I turned around and again started to go up.

I continued to do this until finally mother came into a room to look what’s going on.

“Asger, what are you doing?” she asked while wiping her hands in a cloth.

“Nothing I just want to train so I could increase some of my stats.” I said this as I was looking at her with a few drops of sweat already on my face.

“Ha hahaha. Good boy, but it won’t be easy to raise them even by one point.” She tried to warn.

“I understand.” After giving her an answer, I started to climb the stair again.

And so after going up and down for more 12 rounds, I am already sitting on the floor near the stairs and breathing heavily. “Damn my stamina is too low…”

I took few more heavy breaths and stood up. My legs were already throbbing a bit, since this was the first time I moved so much since birth. But I gritted my teeth and walked straight to the kitchen.

“Mother I need a full pot of water.”

We have a well somewhere, even thought I haven't seen it. So there is always two buckets of fresh water in a kitchen.

My mother just smiled at me, took a pot, sipped some water and gave it to me with words “train hard”.

“Thanks.” While saying this I took a pot full of water and walked back to the stairs.

I put it down on the floor and stated to run up the stairs again. But now after going five times up and down I decided to sit down on the floor a bit and take a sip of water. Few moments later I stood up and started to climb up once more. This is how I started to use a small breaks from time to time.

As time went on and I continued to climb up and down, I hardly noticed anything else. Since I already reached such a state of mind that only one word sounded in my mind which drove me forward ‘points… Points… Points…’. I didn’t even notice as at some time mother came from kitchen and started watching me. Nor did I notice my father, who already came back.

I long ago stopped running I was hardly even walking now.

Since my hair, clothes and face was wet from sweat you might think I was poured all over by the whole bucket of water.

Each step was making me feel like my legs were on fire, but never less I still climbed while only seeing the top.

I put one leg before the other not stopping until I reached my goal. “It can’t be I didn’t even manage to get one frigging point…” I say it through heavy breathing while laying down on floor.

“I didn’t want to gifff up until I at least goffff one point, but I gufff I have to admit defeat since I can’t make another round.” I am still trying to catch my breath so some words didn’t came out well.

‘Wait this isn’t really a game. So no notification…’ I shout loudly in my head.

Status WindowLevel4RaceNorthmenStrength14Defence9Vitality8Intelligence42Stamina8Vigor10Agility4Presence1ResistanceWater0%Earth0%Ice1%Fire0%Lightning0%Darkness0%Nature0%Wind0%Poison0%Alcohol0%Titles

‘Yes, I have done it! I have increased agility by 1 point!’ I am really on the cloud nine now.

Looking through the screen I see both of my parents, with bright faces, climbing up the stairs and holding a small tunic. But then something caught my attention.

‘Wait! Wait! Wait! Didn’t I had 12 strength before? No…No… No no no no no…NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!’ A scream from the bottom of my soul is heard in my head.

== End of chapter 9 ==

All those tables was a pain in the ass .... Hope you will like it and have a nice day!

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