《Axe from North》Chapter 6. Asger, you are still too young!


When I was writing chapter 6 I noticed that it was starting to get really long. But most importantly mood in changed a bit to sad as mother was telling some story to mc. So I decided to make 3 smaller chapters instead of one long.

Chapter 6. Asger, you are still too young!

The Sun is still only starting to rise in the East. But I am already pacing through my room fully dressed. I am wearing my usual clothes. A bit big wool tunic, which goes down and ends like skirt, trousers made also from wool, leather belt and shoes. While adults don’t wear that much. Instead of trouser they put on something like shorts. Also they wear sleeveless wool tunics or fur vests, or go half naked with just some arm guards. That last part was including women, but it isn’t such a big deal since they look like men either way. As for their boots they reach almost to their knees. Apparently it is that they could move better. I wonder how they don’t freeze outside?

“Damn I am so excited like a little kid.” The reason is what my parents told me yesterday evening.

“Haaaa… You are growing up really fast, Asger.” My father gives a deep sigh as he looks at me doing some push ups.

I got a feeling I have to explain something. You see at the moment I am extremely bored and I always wanted to do this like a tough guy in my past. Well my arms are swelling either way, so doing some push ups will hardly make a difference.

“Already over 2 years old…” He thinks a bit and turns to my mother. “Dear, don’t you think it’s time to let him see the town?”

“Now that you mention maybe we should. Also I heard that old goat tomorrow shall take a new group. So we might put our Asger in it.” Mother get’s quite excited.


“Well Asger what do you think? Do you want to…”

“Freedom!!!!!” I shout while running to my room with one arm raised high in the air. Of course I am running to my bed while thinking ‘if I go to sleep now, then tomorrow will come faster!’ I know. I know. This is how little kids act waiting for Christmas.

And that’s how we get to the current me. The me who didn’t sleep a wink. ‘Why do I feel like a part of me was crying without a break?’

“Come on rise you god damn ball!” I say through gritted teeth while standing before my window. At the moment my right hand is in such position that from my point of view it looks like I am holding the sun. Sweat is running down through my whole face and dripping on the floor. And at the same time it’s as if I am hearing these word in my head ‘use the force Luke’.

“I am definitely getting a hang of this. Since it’s moving… I am telling you it’s moving!!!” Well I stood there for about an hour so the sun had to move, but that’s not the point here.

Most important part is that I am this desperate. Of course I tried to get out few times before. I even used 2 out of 3 my best plans.

Plan A was simple and sophisticated.

“Mom, dad can I go outside?”

“No!” They both answered at the same time. Making me lose any hope of using Plan A in a near future.

So Plan B came into motion. It was also simple but less elegant then Plan A.

‘Oh here comes my chance’ I secretly waited until my mother opened the door and then I activated my skill ‘Dash’. So I ran with all my might, but the moment I passed my mother she grabbed me by the collar of my tunic and literally threw me back about a whole meter.


That was the first time one of my parents used a brute force against me. It gave me a shock and maybe put a little fear of my mother, who didn’t even look back, just stormed through the door and slammed them behind her.

After a crash and burn of my Plan B I decided for some time to stay low. And not use Plan C.

===== =====

Jensina’s point of view.

Finally the time came which I feared the most.

“Mom, dad can I go outside?” Asked my little Asger.

I take a look at my dear, he looks at me and we both say “no!” at the same time.

‘He still doesn’t understand how dangerous it is. Well I can’t blame him since everyone doesn’t when they are little. But a fearsome fact speaks for it self that about 2 kids die every year.’ I look to my son with worried eyes.

Few days later that sneaky boy decide to run past me. ‘He he you are still too young’ I tried to grab him but at that moment I felt that something is near our house. So in a rush I might have used a bit too much strength. But this wasn’t a time to worry about that. After moving Asger back inside I closed our door which is heavy and reinforced with iron. Now knowing that he’s safe inside, I went to look for whatever dared to get so close to my house.

The closer I walked to the presence, the better I felt it. This is a skill everyone learns here at some point in their life. ‘Hmm. It doesn’t look like anything strong…’ After turning a corner of our house I see a white fox eating my chicken. ‘Thieving bastard’ I cursed it in my head.

I start running with my full speed and since fox was preoccupied with chicken, she failed to notice me fast enough. At the last moment it tried to start running but it was already too late. As I already launched a kick at it’s abdomen. Of course I used my full power, so after the impact fox flew about 10 meters and hit the tree.

While I walked to her, fox didn’t move even a bit. ‘But need to be safe’ so I snapped it’s neck.

These White Foxe’s, unlike their cousins in Southern lands, have really sharp claws and teeth. But what’s worst they are really fast. Even if for adults their nothing just a small fry, but for kids it’s another matter…

“Sorry Asger but I still won’t let you go outside for some time…” I say while looking at fox.

I lift my head up and look around. ‘If a fox has a mate. They will hunt together. So to be safe I should look around some more.’

== End of chapter 6 ==

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