《Axe from North》Chapter 3. My new family.


Chapter 3. My new family.

Darkness and emptiness surrounded me only for a moment. It didn’t take long until wave of emotion and feelings surged through me once more.

‘I can’t really see anything but it feels like I am in water. Lyru talked about rebirth so I guess I am still in it. In my mothers belly...’

Out of nowhere drowsiness took over me. For some reason I feel really tired. So I dozed off.

‘Damn! That was nice sleep. I feel like newly born.’

‘Ah. Wait I am still not… Ha Ha…’ I try to joke. Well there is nothing better to do in this situation.

‘Mmm. Normally it would be annoying but somehow that thumping of mothers heart is really calming me.’

‘Ok’ I decided to move my limbs and get better feeling of my new body.

I start by moving my legs gently.


‘Opps! Sorry mother for giving you my falcon kick.’ In my mind I make image of myself bowing my head down and apologizing.

After apology I try moving my arms and touching myself.

‘But it is really hard to control them.’ I put all my concentration to moving my body.

‘Oh. It looks I am already quite big. Most likely it won’t be…’ Once more I am starting to feel really tired. It took only few moments until sleep came to me.

‘Ahhh!’ I shout the moment I wake up.

‘It’s really annoying but I got to be careful. It looks like I don’t have a lot of stamina. I am still baby so I need to take everything easy.’

‘I got to take care of my new body. I will definitely won’t repeat mistakes of my past life…’

‘Haaa…’ I sight heavily remembering my old life and my family. ‘I wonder how they have reacted to my death?’ I know they were lousy as a family, but still I kind of miss them even including that annoying double faced bitch.

‘No, no! I won’t get depressed. I got to move on. It’s a new life, a new beginning.’ I thought while trying to move my arms. I know I said ‘I will take it easy’, but I got to do something, to not let past take over me.

It’s been some time, maybe week. Can’t be more precise since my new room came without a clock or windows.

But ‘that day’ finally came.

‘Phew… I am prepared. I am not afraid. Now show me this new world!’ I shout to give more confidence to myself since I am really nervous. Of course this monologue is still in my mind, since I can’t make a sound at the moment. And the only way of communication with outside is by using my falcon kick.


Mothers muscles is starting to push me out. Well I can’t really do anything in this situation so I am leaving everything to nature.

“#O*&%^$#*(*) &*%*% 7%*&(^%& $^$^&__”


As soon as my head got out I started hearing talking around me. Of course I can’t understand ‘well it’s a different world.’

Someone embraces me.

“%$& %&*^%!”

Suddenly I remember that my eyes are still closed. Most likely I was too nervous to notice it. So I am trying to correct this mistake of mine.

For a moment light blinds me ‘ah it’s been so long I didn’t even notice how much I missed it.’

The first thing I see is the man who is holding me. ‘Wow’ what I see before me took my breath away for a moment.

The man, which is most likely my father, has a scar over his left eye about 6 – 7 centimeters long, thick eyebrows, full face beard which is also more than few centimeters long, strange red straight line like a tattoo starting from below one eye and ending below the other. His hair is dark brown and quite long, going below his shoulders with some small braids weaved in them. As much as I could see his arms are bulging with muscles and he is wearing what looks like a fur vest.

‘He’s ‘The Man’. His looks… One word ‘Macho’. Is he even human?’ I am still in shock.

“%#*& @%&)*(&? @^%)_(*&.” Asked woman in a deep voice. Since I was still shocked by how my father looks I didn’t really pay attention to it.

I immediately noticed that my new father frowned and looked at me. ‘Huh, what? Did I do something? Oh yeah I am not crying. Need to start crying before I get slapped.’ I remembered hearing somewhere that new born need to cry.

“(^^&%$ &%^ *(^*)(&^$.” Said a woman again.

‘Sad thoughts, sad thoughts… Shit I can’t concentrate at all…’

My father is taking me in one hand and turning me a bit sideways.

“Wouaaa wouaaa wu wu wouaaaaaaaaaa.” I am starting to cry from the bottom of my soul.

“#$%# %#&#%.” said father happily.

“#$^&. *^% *&*^$%^#.” said woman in a deep voice apparently my mother.

Father started to move towards bed.

Well I guess you are wondering what made me cry. Right? Answer is really simple I saw my new beautiful mother.

‘It isn’t a woman. It’s a monster, I am telling you it’s a monster from heeeelllll.’ Don’t be alarmed, these are just some thoughts in my head now.

“Wouaaa wouaaa wu wu wouaaaaaaaaaa.”. Ahh, youth. There was a time I had hopes and dreams of a beautiful mother and a loving family.


‘Damn you, Reality, you heartless bitch!’ Once more don’t mind me. It’s just some random thought.

‘Ok! OK!!! Ok! Need to calm down. Let’s look at this rationally. She is my mother… She still might be a good mother…’

‘No, no, no it’s not how good of a mother she will be. The problem is what kind of CREATURE she is.’ You know I am really trying to calm down, I really do. But …

‘And here I was amazed by my father. About how manly he is. But he’s a frigging LADY compared to my new MANLY mother. Her whole body is full of huge bulging muscles by the way of course they are bigger than fathers. Like it should be. Her hair is brown about my fathers length, currently they are really messy, sticking to her face from sweat. Adding more to the charm of my new mother. Strange no beard somehow I was really expecting it… And also I didn’t want to look a lot, because it made me feel like wanting to vomit, but I saw hear body and it is full of scars…’

‘Ahh, I don’t care anymore. Please LYRU are you there!! Smite me if you can! I changed my mind, let me go to that spirit kingdom.’ One must always know when to fight and when to give up. Of course I am not running away, I just think someone more suited should take my place.


“$% $%! %^$&(*%^ &%$ &$*#$!” laughed my new father but my mind was already occupied by serious praying to the spirit in heaven…

==== ====

Father’s point of view.

“Gurd! Gurd!” I heard my wife’s voice from inside the house while I was chopping wood.

I immediately put my axe down and run inside.

“What happened, Jensina?” I ask in an anxious voice.

“It’s time. My waters just broke down. Hurry, help me get to the bed.” I see a speck of fear in my wife’s eyes which was really unusual. Since I know how fearless she is. But it is our first child.

We prayed to the heavens and all spirits of nature that our firstborn would be healthy. My wife especially. And I don’t think she can handle another death after her sister Friin.

“Come lie down. I am going to prepare warm water and some towels.” I said while putting my wife on the bed. Which is simple straw covered with bears fur

I warmed water on fire and took clean towels, which we prepared before hand for this day. I and my wife been in few other child birthing’s so we knew well what to do.

The labor was long and I believe really painful but my wife is a strong and brave person so she never let it show.

“I already can see a head just a bit more.” I said with a smile.

** From hear on MC heard them but didn’t understood. Their words is what meant to be in place of ^$#@#$$ **

“Come on dear you can do it”

“Push!!!” Sweat is running down my spine, since this is the most important moment.

Finally the child is born. And as I am carefully wrapping him in a towel.

“It’ a boy!” I shout happily to my wife.

I look to my wife and I can see that she’s really tired. Her hair is a mess and body is covered in sweat. Her breathing is deep and heavy. Bringing new life to this world is truly not easy.

“Is he ok? Why he’s not crying.” As Jensina asks me, I understand that I let my guard down too soon. We were even told ‘if child cries you will know that his lungs are working fine.’ And here I almost made a fatal mistake.

“Give him a gentle slap on the butt.” Says my heavily breathing wife while focusing all her attention on child.

I try as gently as I can turn him sideways in my hands.

“Wouaaa wouaaa wu wu wouaaaaaaaaaa.” But suddenly he started crying on his own. As if knowing what worried us. What a good son.

“Didn’t even need to hit.” I give a wide smile while saying this to Jensina.

I could clearly see that she was really tensed up all this time. Since only now her body is relaxing a bit.

“Good. Let me hold him.” Asks my wife in a tired voice with a hint of joy.

“Wouaaa wouaaa wu wu wouaaaaaaaaaa.” Boy is still crying while I am taking him to his mother in bed.

And right before I give him to his mother he stops.

“Ha, ha! He really knows, who his mother is!” I laugh happily. While standing near bed, where my wife with a smile on her face is holding our firstborn.

‘This is truly a miracle of life…’

== End of chapter 3 ==

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