《The Lonely Girl》Resources


Dear my lovely readers,

During a time where men like Andrew Tate are becoming the poster children for hating women in a time where we are getting our rights taken away and the clock is moving backwards, I felt like I needed to write this story.

A story where nothing is black and white.

A story where a woman coerced is still a woman assaulted.

A story where a woman's voice is drowned out, despite the main male character being mute himself.

A story where someone who can't speak is heard over the woman screaming at the top of her lungs that this isn't right.

A story where another girl in her situation might be able to see herself, and to see that this isn't okay.

It's not okay.

It never has been.

It never will be.

If you or someone you know has ever experienced something like this, please find the following resources below.

If you're struggling: I see you.

If no one believes you--I do. I believe you. I see you. I hear you. I feel your pain and cry your tears that you can't shed.

I stand with you.

You are not alone, and you will never be alone. Not in this fight.

Society's Armistice:

Shut up, on your knees

Open mouthed for one thing

And not to speak

Face down

On the ground

Where your tears won't make a sound

Rise up

Gut punch

Soak the blood up with a sponge

Scarlet stains

Bleached pain

Til it all just fucking goes away

Spread legs

Stitch yourself red

Keep the monster fed

Un-bleed your womb

Open up for whom

Will break in your new wounds

Sterile bed

in a doctor's den

Do it all again

Crying out

"Someone save me now"

They close your mouth

On your knees

Bruised yellow-purple things

Your god sees

Hands up

Pray for love

Not enough

pale blue face

No restraint

Lying in wait


"Not for her"

Accused abuser

Solemn room

Crowd of doom

Judgment looms

Dark injustice

Cold resistance

Society's armistice

Blue lips

Death's final kiss

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