《Number 7》Chapter Number 61 - Thank you for your business.


"It certainly has been a busy day."

"Yeah, that's for sure."

Two nurses walked through the halls of a hospital late at night, one of the two carrying a sleeping child in her arms.

Both of these nurses seemed to have dark lines under their eyes from exhaustion, yet even so their smiles were peaceful as they walked through the corridors.

"Well, this is the last one for the night. Then we can go home."

"And then we come back again tomorrow."


The two chatted idly as they approached a room, sliding a keycard to unlock the door before entering into a nursery.

Spread out before the two women were rows upon rows of cribs, filled with newborn children of all kinds. The sounds of crying and laughter filled the ears of the two as they entered, placing this sleeping child into its own crib.

"Ah... there's so many of them... should we try and put them to sleep before we leave for the day?"

"If we did that we'd be here all night. The moment you got one to sleep another would wake up. Let's just leave for tonight!"

"Hmm... but I mean... is it really alright to just leave them?"

"It will be fine. I'll keep watch over them for tonight."

As the two chattered, a voice was heard from the doorway, causing both of them to turn around.

"Head Doctor Adam! What are you still doing here this late? Shouldn't you be home resting!? Don't you have multiple operations to perform tomorrow?", one of the girls asked.

The man who walked through the door was handsome and tall, and wore a lab coat which complemented his flowing golden hair. He walked forward with a kind smile, approaching the crib of a crying child as he took it in his arms, rocking it lightly before it calmed down.

"Does that matter? As a healer of people and as the head doctor of this hospital, it is my duty to ensure that all matters are settled at all hours of the day. When you work a career... it doesn't matter how many hours you are on the clock. What matters is that everything gets done."

Gently placing the child down, the man moved onto the next with a smile, carefully handling each child that he took into his arms.

The two nurses watched, impressed and ashamed as they too soon began to do the same, caressing each child before they calmed down and fell asleep.

"Forgive us, Head Doctor. We were going to go home without caring for these children.", one woman stated with guilt.

"Resting is important as well, and I have no intention of forcing you all to work beyond your hours. I was only referring to myself when I spoke just now. If you two are tired, then do not push yourself beyond what you have already done. After all... it is quite late. You two have worked enough."

"Head Doctor, don't say such things. Your rest is surely far more important than ours. Please head home for now! We will take care of this!"

As one nurse said this, the other nodded vehemently as they both looked to the man with expectant gazes.

"Ah... but even if you say that... I will merely go up to my office to sleep."

"Eh? You won't return home?"

The nurses looked to the man with confusion as he placed down another child, to which he nodded gently.

"I don't have a wife or family to return to. This hospital... the people here... my employees... They are my family. And I have no intention of neglecting any of them."


As the two nurses heard this, they choked up with emotion, unsure how to even respond to this kindness.

"So please, will you leave me?"

"I... I see."

"If... if that is what you wish..."

The two placed down the last couple of children, waving to the man with bright smiles as they left the room.

"He... is truly kind."

"I can't believe a guy like that is single."

"I know... right? He's got the looks, the money, the position, the status, the personality... how on earth could such a man still be single?"

"I might just have to go for it."

"Haha! As if. He would pick me over you."

"Are you sure about that?"

The two giggled to themselves as they walked, however as they walked through the hallways on that night, they heard the sounds of footsteps.


Both girls immediately perked up, wondering to themselves why so many pairs of footsteps could be heard.

'If it was just one then I would think it was just another nurse... but why does it sound like an entire group of people are approaching?', one thought.

In the dim lighting of those halls, turning a corner, the two saw it.

An entire unit of armed men.

Wearing suits and ties, these men shuffled through the halls without restraint, causing the two women to immediately step out of the way as they watched with fearful expressions.

'What are these people doing here?'

'It's so late at night... and are those weapons!?'

'Is this... is this a robbery?'

As the two women wondered these things, they noticed it.

In the center of this group of men - walking with a dignity that none of the men surrounding her held - was a woman.

"What... what are you doing here?", one of the nurses asked, her voice quivering as she struggled to get the words out.

At this, the woman stopped in her tracks, and likewise each of the men stopped alongside her.

"Were you speaking to me?", she asked as she faced the nurse with a penetrating smile.

Touching her finger to her cherry red lips, the woman's smile deepened as she let out a light laugh, thinning her sharp eyes that landed on the two nurses.

"Ah, I suppose you were. Well... that should be none of your business. But if you must know, then I have an appointment."

"An... appointment?"

As the nurse uttered this question, the woman made her way through the group of men, who parted for her without even a hand motion, allowing the woman to approach the two.

"I have an appointment with your head doctor. Is there... an issue?"

"Er.... no. There is no issue at all... I merely... to think that he was taking appointments at this hour..."

"Oh, but this isn't a doctor's appointment. I suppose you could call this... a business proposition."

The woman slunk herself between the two nurses, glaring up to them with a sensual smile as she thinned her eyes.

The two wriggled in discomfort, breathless at the way the woman carried herself.

"Yes... I am here to make a deal and come to an agreement with the doctor. And if things go well... then we will be partners for life. If not... then I suppose I will move onto the next potential partner."

As the woman said this, both of the nurses felt an emotion which welled up inside them, overflowing.


'Is she trying to marry the head doctor?'


Complete and utter defeat.

'There's... no way we can compete with... this.'

"Do take care. If you work here... then I will likely be seeing you again at some point. Although... I don't plan on being here all too often."

The woman slithered her way back to the center of her soldiers, once more marching forth as the group made their way through the halls.

The two nurses were left to merely watch, unable to do anything aside from accepting the situation.

"I suppose the head doctor was looking for a wife then?"

"But... to think he would consider a woman like that..."

"He... is truly far beyond us."

"Do you really think he would go with such a woman though? I mean... she was... she was..."

The woman found it hard to get the words out, closing her eyes as she took in a raspy breath.

"She was terrifying."


"Good evening, Madame. I had heard that there was a person who had risen her way up to become the 2nd in command of the 3rd branch... but to think that person would be a woman..."

The head doctor sat across from Ally inside his office, both sitting up straight without giving an inch to the other.

"Do you dare disrespect the Madame?", one of the henchmen behind her stated coldly - however this statement was met with the hand of the woman.

"That will be enough, Jared. We have come to negotiate. Negotiations are free of violence and threats... therefore I would like to keep this a negotiation as long as possible. Preferably to the end... however, that will depend on you, DOCTOR."

"Haha... just as I remember... This is indeed how a negotiation begins with you people. Of course, I mean no disrespect. Only that it has been... a short while since the last time I have had one of these negotiations."

The doctor spoke with a smile, not allowing himself to be disturbed in the least even in the face of the woman and her numerous henchmen.

"Let us get onto the main topic then. I am quite a busy woman, and I have no intention to waste either of our time with idle chit chat. We would like as many children as you would be willing to offer us. Name a price."

The woman spoke sharply, not hesitating for a moment as she presented this deal to the man.

"Ah. But do be cautious. After all... if I feel that you are trying to cheat us..."

Flicking her hand, the woman threw a dagger with a quick motion as it pierced through the air, cutting off just a tuft of the man's hair as it grazed him and landed in the chair behind him.

"Then I will not hesitate to ensure that you leave here with nothing."

Thinning her eyes, the woman flashed a deadly smile.

"Not even your life."

Plucking the knife from the seat behind him, the man gazed upon it as he flicked it around like a scalpel.

"Yes... I can see why you were able to obtain such a position. You certainly hold the correct skills and mentality. Ahem... very well. Five thousand Sin per child. That is what I will offer."

The man didn't so much as flinch in the face of such a menace, to which the woman closed her eyes with a murderous grin.

"I see. Five thousand sin per child, eh? That’s your offer?"

With the snap of her fingers, every weapon in the room was aimed at the man.

"What exactly is fair about that offer?"

However even when faced with these weapons, the man continued to speak calmly.

"It is true that we can tell each mother that their newborn child was weak and died for various reasons. By doing this, we can escape any suspicion of such a deal occurring behind their backs. However you seem to forget that there is more to it than simply making such a statement. What would happen to the mother if there was no body to be found? We must tell them that we will pay for and arrange a funeral on our own so that she does not try and obtain the body for herself. Furthermore, with every death that happens in our hospital, our reputation will decrease. We must do proper damage control to ensure that the information is censored, and that it is not found out that a number of children died in a large batch. This would produce far too many suspicions. Therefore with these costs in mind... I have listed my price of five thousand per child."

The man explained his logic while under threat, not budging as he folded his hands, placing the knife beside him gently.

"Ah. I see.", the woman replied. "However you seem to forget something, good Doctor.”

At that moment, the tone of the woman became one of sarcasm as she imitated a newspaper headline.

“'Scandal fails. Head Doctor Adam attempts to sell off newborn children to mafia group. Negotiations break down, ending in the deaths of 25 children.'”

As she said this, the woman leaned forward as she rested her chin in her hand, gazing upon the man with a dangerous smile.

“We have many contacts in the media, and if you were to wake up to this article... what would you do?"

With the wave of her hand, all the men around her lowered their weapons, leaving the room immediately as the two were left alone.

The door closed, and the woman seemed to gaze into the soul of the man, whose eyes widened at the arrogance of allowing her men to leave.


Veins spread across the eyes of the man, however as he spoke the woman cut him off.

"Did you think that violence was the only method I had? Did you truly think I could become what I did... if I didn't have any other tricks up my sleeve?"

Reaching her hand across the table, the woman grabbed her knife back as she twirled it around, soon slipping it back where it belonged.

"Anyone who relies only on violence... will be defeated in this world immediately. Surely... you understand that, Doctor."

"Three thousand."

"One thousand."

As the doctor made another offer, this offer was met with one which was far lower than anything he would have been willing to take.

Beads of sweat made their way down the neck of the man as he was overwhelmed, unsure how to even respond to such a threat.

"You... I underestimated you."

Grabbing a handkerchief and patting his face, the man smiled with resignation as he let out a sigh.

"Very well. One thousand."

With the snap of her fingers, a man entered the room with a briefcase, opening it quickly to reveal that it was filled with bills.

"Twenty five thousand. There is your payment. And if there will be nothing else... then I will take my leave."

Standing up, the woman swayed as she exited the room, her heels clacking as the man followed her through the door.

Stopping for a moment, the woman didn't so much as turn around as she made her final statement.

"Thank you for your business."


Lounging at a couch with one eye closed and the other half open, the creaking of a door caused the blonde haired man to fully open his second eye as he slowly sat up.

"You've returned rather quickly."

"Yes, well, the negotiations went rather well. Or at least... as far as we are concerned."

The man let out a light chuckle as the woman slithered into the room, taking a seat without reserve as the man followed her with his open eye.

"The results?"

"Twenty five newborns at a rate of one thousand each."

"Oh... that is good news."

Sitting forward, the man opened his other eye as he began to calculate in his mind.

"It is true that all of those newborns have likely been held by their mothers before... therefore they will not be quite the same as your child. However... a deal is a deal. You've provided more than enough to cover your end of the bargain. And as I have stated before... I do not break my promises."

Standing up as he began to pace, the man let out a sigh with a smile as he gazed up at nothing in particular.

"You know, there is something that I am curious about. You said that you were able to purchase them for only a thousand. But knowing that doctor, he almost certainly would not have made such an offer on his own. Did you haggle with him?"

"That is correct."

The woman replied to the question of the man without concern, promptly stating what had happened.

"His original offer was five thousand. After reminding him of the power we hold... or more particularly, of the power that one who has control over the media holds... he instantly was silenced."

With a sly smirk, the man once more nodded at the response of the woman.

"It really is something else, isn't it? Control over the media can determine everything. The ability to paint anyone as righteous or evil... the ability to demonize one's enemies and raise oneself far above the people of this world... haha... in the most literal sense, he who controls the press controls the world."

Tapping his hand to his chin, the man stopped in his place for a moment.

"But... there is something that is strange to me."

Turning back to look at the woman, the man met his eyes with her as he spoke.

"Why would you go through the effort of saving me money by bargaining if you have fulfilled your quota? You can take your daughter now and leave, as much of a shame as it is. Therefore the amount of money you spent out of my pockets... it shouldn't matter, no?"

Crossing one leg over another, the woman leaned forward in her seat as she looked up to the man with a seductive smile.

"You are correct. I could have simply thrown your money at the man, obtained the children, and left this place without any concerns. I've worked quite hard, after all. It certainly wouldn't be strange of me to take my child and leave. However..."

Putting her hand to her lips, the woman grinned sinisterly as her tone became that of a snake.

"I couldn't just let him underestimate me like that... now could I?"

"Hahaha... you truly were fit for such a position. It will be quite difficult... perhaps even impossible to replace you as my 2nd in command."

The man shrugged his shoulders, taking his seat once more as he motioned to the door.

"However... a deal is a deal. You may do as you please from this point out. I will not stop you."

"I have had every intention to do that from the start."

The woman said this without budging, to the surprise and confusion of the man.

"Are you not excited to see your daughter after two years? She has grown old enough to begin speaking. She is quite intelligent too, and extremely obedient. Yet you sit there, as if it does not concern you. Why?"

Tilting his head as he failed to understand the actions of the woman, the man was clearly baffled at her lax demeanor even as she obtained the very thing that she had fought so long for.

"I have lost interest."

Making this statement, the woman's smile grew all the more as she thinned her eyes - in delight.

"It is true that I entered this underworld with the intention of saving my daughter from you. However..."

Brushing her hair with a sensual motion, the woman sat forward as the man widened his eyes in surprise.

However, that surprise quickly turned to a smile.

"I suppose as time passed... my desire to regain the life I had... my desire to save my child from your clutches... wavered... and soon molded into something else."

"And what is that desire?", the man asked with a grin so grand that he could hardly contain his trembling.

"I wish for nothing more than to watch as the other mothers of this world lose the very thing that I lost. That... is my goal. And if assisting you in your work can allow me to see such a thing... then I will remain in this place until I die."

"The child. May I keep her?"

"Do as you please."

"She will become a monster."

"I do not care."

The woman stated this without flinching, not a single motherly desire invoked within her even as the man prodded.

"After all... she was no longer my child from the day that you prevented me from holding on to her. I am nothing more than the stranger who happened to bring her into this world."


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