《Broken Interface》Broken Interface - Book 2 - Ch 18


Chapter 18

Daniel looked over in shock to see what was happening. Trudy was screaming and running away from an open trap with a live moth crawling out of it.

“To me.” Daniel yelled and started running at them.

This was bad. Trudy was not a fighter and had not been present when the combat group had been briefed on the moths’ skills prior to the one they had fought in the corridor upstairs. She hadn’t been taught the moth’s tricks.

There was a distortion, and a green tether connected Trudy with the moth.

That trick!

He needed to separate Trudy from the moth as soon as possible. Else, it would exponentially drain her life force and use that energy to heal itself.


She did not know what that tether did, but she noticed it sticking to her. She looked confused and disastrously slowed down. Her hand was slapping at the teether and while the light was physically broken as her fingers went through it, the thing snapped back into existence the moment the obstacle was removed and Daniel suspected that if you blocked it more completely it would only reform on a more looped path.

She came to a halt.

“No, Run.” Daniel yelled.

Her instinct to stop and fight the link was exactly the opposite of what she was supposed to do. For the green tethers, you needed to open up distance between you and the moth to break them. If you allowed it to persist for too long, it would suck all the life out of you.

“Run.” He shouted once more, but wasn’t sure if anyone could interpret what he said given how slow the world was. He surely sounded like a chip monk or at least a low-pitched version of one.

One step.

Trudy had stopped and even took a small step toward the moth. Her eyes were completely fixated on the green tether and she had turned to face it.

Memories of Anthony echoed his head. Gabby, Zach and the baby he would not orphan all three.

He clocked Speed to its maximum to help him go faster. The most important thing he could do right now was to get Trudy away from the moth in order to break the tether before the life drain snowballed to the point it killed her.

Zach’s bravery and his exuberance strengthened his resolve, Gabby’s vulnerability spurred him to move faster he had to separate her from it and even if she got hurt a little, things like broken bones were not that much of a concern when there was magical healing.

Fractured bones did not matter. That single thought went through Daniel’s head, and he knew what had to be done.

It took him another three steps to reach her, but he was moving so fast that the moth was still partially in the trap and Trudy’s hand was only coming back to break the tether for the second time.

You have to be alive to be healed, he reminded himself. Save her first and then apologise later.


He grabbed Trudy by the waist, spun, and threw up the corridor away from the moth. It was going to be the fastest way to get her to safety. At the last moment he altered his throw to target a running Jordan, figuring that if she landed on him, he would cushion her and prevent anything too vital from being shattered.

For an instant, he dropped speed and strength to watch. Her legs and arms were failing. It was sort of like she was swimming in the air, but her relatively lightweight and his enhanced threat had done its bit. She was flying and the green teether was finishing. Her back cracked against the roof and Daniel winced, but it was only a glancing blow and barely altered the trajectory. She was still going to hit Jordan and based on when the tether to Ivey had broken that would be more than far enough.


The green tether broke and Daniel ramped speed up to full once more. His curious gaze had cost him a couple of seconds.

He turned to face the moth. It had completely extracted itself from the box, but not flying. Instead, it was tumbling to the floor its wings not functioning properly. While they were broken for flying to the extent, they aided its magic they looked undamaged. Black energy danced over them seemingly unaffected by the tattered holes.

Daniel summoned lightning, and it crackled over the club as the weapon took control of the magic. The moth, with a sixth sense, turned to face him and courtesy of his skill it was like it was moving in slow motion.

The instruction to shut his eyes was sent by the club, and he did exactly that.

There was a white flash which penetrated through his eyelids.


He opened his eyes with bright patches of colours floating in front of his face, interfering with his vision. But he could sort of see. Electricity played over the moth’s wings and that building blackness had dissipated with the lightning having successfully disrupted what ever spell the monster had been preparing to cast.

Instructions came into his head. There was a sense of exactly what to do from the club. The moth was injured. Its sonic organ was destroyed. One wing was torn and several legs were missing. Providing they stopped it from using magic they would win, even with Daniel’s coming crash from overusing speed and strength.

Daniel followed the instructions, knowing he had held speed at maximum output for twenty metres and full power to throw Trudy. He knew he was going to regret the excess shortly, but he needed to win the fight first.

He pushed off, trying to travel the three metres separating him and the moth and a little further as quickly possible. Just as his feet passed it, he slid baseball style like the professionals did to get on a base and then swung the club down. The club distorted, growing into a single, long, sharp point sort of like a unicorn, and Daniel targeted a crack the weapon had identified in the main abdomen of the insect. The point penetrated like it was going into flesh, then slammed into the ground. Daniel couldn’t tell whether he had pierced the eco skeleton on the other side or not, but it did not matter.

He absorbed the backlash and then focused on keeping the spike pressed against the hard floor. It was vital that the monster did not slip off. The entire was an instant and then he was sliding past the insect, but the spike was in it successfully and the club changed its shape slightly to hook the inside carapace and prevent itself from being dislodged. As he slid a victim of his immense speed, the insect was dragged with him.

Speed broke, and it felt like an elephant was sitting on his back. He laid sprawled on the carpet one hand on the club and his eyes opened so he could see the moth.

An ice missile slammed into the moth and his club. The shaft jerked in his hands, but ropey vines had extended to lock it in his hand.

Darkness once more expanded from the centre of the monster to its extremities.

He sucked the breath, watching helplessly as the spell spread and then the darkness went from the wings to gather on an anteni.

He felt the club draw on his raw magic and flex in a way that he recognised was its new anti-magic spell. The fact it was embedded in the moth helped and the gathering darkness burst like a bubble dispersing in a nasty cloud that luckily only spread thirty centimetres, which meant it did not touch his skin.


Another ice missile hit.

A green glow started building around the moth.

The club’s reaction was immediate. It wanted to be gifted a pinch of lightning. Daniel acquiesced immediately.

A spark formed in his fist and then ran down the club and the weapon just as the green solidified Blood Drinker discharged the energy into the monster’s body.

There was the smell of slightly charged insect and the solid green that had been gathered shivered and then collapsed.

“Finish it.” he gasped, hoping that Tamara was coming closer to land her blows more effectively.

Another ice missile hit.

He saw a green glow forming once more, but faster than last time. Horror ran through Daniel and he channeled lightning instantly even before the club asked and this time it did not run along the club instead it almost teleported straight to the moth’s body. Electricity covered it, through Blood Drinker he felt when the life teether it was creating or whatever it was called failed.

Tamara was running closer to them shooting almost constant ice missiles. Every step there was a crack and sizzle as the well-defined ice missiles shot from the end of Mystic Explosion. Each one hit the moth and caused his club to jolt. Then the magic of the moth would make the ice evaporate. That relentless barrage was almost enough to stop the moth from casting magic by itself.

Magic, Lightning, Lightning. Daniel responded to each instruction instantly when they came. Because every breath was not quite as much as a struggle, that the elephant on his back now only felt like a cow, Daniel figured the whole fight had last half a minute. Tamara had stopped walking forward and stood two metres away.

She ceased firing her ice missiles.

Satisfaction radiated through the club.

“It’s dead.” Tamara said shortly after. “I’m getting healing.” She spun and sprinted back the way she came.

To close was all Daniel felt as he closed his eyes. He could hear moaning that had to be Trudy and the deeper sounds of Jordan at the other end of the corridor.

At least they were alive.

He shut his eyes and practiced meditating to control his breathing. There were footsteps.

“You okay Daniel.” He recognised Carly’s voice.

“Yes,” he hissed. “Only exhaustion.”

With a tired groan, he rolled to a sitting position. Tamara had done what she had promised. Three healers had come down to help but no Ivey. His eyes sought Trudy. Her face was whiter than normal and she was not meeting his gaze, but she was alive.

Daniel patted the club. “Good job.”

There was the sound of more people coming down the stairs and fighters turned the corner. Their weapons were not drawn, but they were clearly ready, seven on his count plus the healers and then Alex at the back who, after seeing him came straight over.

“We’re here on guard duty. Ivey and Luke said you guys should keep going.”

“I’m not sure it’s safe.” Trudy stammered. “I waited five minutes. The box didn’t hum once.”

“You broke that part of the moth,” Daniel explained. “It couldn’t do any of its sound attacks. But why didn’t you shut the trap when it moved?”

Horror went across her face. “I don’t know. I panicked.”

“It’s okay.”

“Can I suggest something?” Alex asked. “We’ve got back up, but we play it safe and from now on make sure there are two people opening up traps.”

Everyone nodded at that suggestion.

Daniel remembered the moth they had fought. “And if you ever have to fight a moth and you get linked to it with a green tether. Ignore everything else and run.” He turned to Trudy. “Sorry, I didn’t think to tell you.”

She swallowed heavily, but there was nothing to be said. She still needed experience and there were moths to kill.

“Back to it.” Daniel ordered. Then he spun to face Jordan. “I assume that brief diversion has let you regenerate sufficient mana to keep going?”

“You didn’t have to throw her into me.”

“Sorry. You’re both alive.” Daniel shrugged helplessly as the context was clear. If he had to do it again, then he would. “Do you have mana?”


Jordan went straight over to his pots a look of concentration on his face.

Then he cursed.

Jumped up and slapped down the trapdoor and then started to vigorously move the lever up and down. “Sorry Daniel. It’s incredible experience and we want these working at a hundred percent.”

Daniel waved the apology away. “It’s what we’re here for.” Once he was done, Daniel grew what Jordan asked him too instructed and then fell back into the routine.

“Anyone need anything?” No one said a thing, and he knew he was procrastinating because he didn’t feel like starting another sapient seed weapon. It was a foolish fear he was worried it was going to fail, but even if it did, all he would have to do is to start again.

It was because this one was supposed to be special that he was worrying. His mana pool was full, and he picked up the shield that he was creating for Luke.

This time, he was confident that he knew what to do. Before even sending a trickle of power into the shield, Daniel thought about the image he wanted to create. Its recipient was easy. Luke was a tank. Shield plus weapon abilities. Presumably, Luke possessed a healthy amount of defending skills. Mind you, Daniel did not know what that looked like. The example of tanking he had seen to date did not fill him with confidence. There was Captain Australia whose main skill had been to propel himself at ridiculous speed against an enemy and unleash shield bash and then against the termites there was the memory of that massive tower shield being reduced to half its size as the bugs had munched through the bottom. Specifically regarding magic defensive skills. Daniel was not sure he could recall the impact of any of them. They had been used in his presence, but apparently were subtle enough that they were invisible to his untrained eyes.

Neither of the examples were helpful, and Daniel focused on a different way of thinking. What is the minimum that a shield needs to be able to do? It had to be held by someone and be capable of intercepting a blow without breaking. The basics were easy, but he guessed what he needed to focus on was what additional skills he wanted the shield to have. For example, his club’s ability to deform and create new shapes would not be that useful to a shield, but blocking magic attacks could save lives.

He connected his mind to the club.

Can you help me teach it magic blocking?

Tentative agreement came back to him but unfortunately it did not feel very confident. Maybe or maybe not. What else would be advantageous? Telekinesis to block blows, but there was no base of knowledge in him to gift the ability. While Innate Skill scan said he had the power, it was also locked and because it was something Daniel wanted to gain every telekinesis core they had got had been given to him and then consumed immediately. The idea of him granting the weapon the ability was a pipe dream.

Daniel tried to remember what his mates had talked about. Shields that stopped momentum. That felt like a computer game thing and not possible in real life. Reflect damage. How would that even work? Burn with flames, make the user stronger. The last two ideas Daniel was sure were viable, but he did not know how to create that effect.

What did he have to include? There was a scattering of teeth left that might do something and the moth cores. Dark, twisted life and sound magic, but if he could do none of the above traditional abilities that magic shield granted, then helping it gain an offensive ability would have to be good enough. That twisted life, the green teether would be a useful ability to give a tank. If Luke could suck life out of enemies that would help, it would reduce the healing he needed and also if it was as powerful as what the moth could do, then it would also turn Luke into an offensive powerhouse. Sound could also be useful. It could distract and damage an enemy. Daniel could still remember the moth hurting his ears from within the trap. Dark magic? Well, Daniel did not think dark magic would help a tank apart from letting him hurt his opponent. Maybe if it could use it to blind an enemy, but he did not think that was how that type of magic worked. He remembered that dark cloud and the feeling it had given off. The magic was designed to do something far nastier than blinding him.

Because it was for Luke, he included a further twelve moth cores into the shield, placing them evenly apart and about two third of the distance from the edge of the item to sort of create an inner area so to speak.

Once he finished, they sat in the wood, like all the other cores. Invisible till he used his plant powers and then they stood out like a wart. Preparation was complete. All that was left was to wait till his mana was full once more.


With a sign, he went over and grew the plants that Jordan wanted. This time, instead of the usual one flower he wanted dozens of them. Jordan used his magic to fertilize and then he matured the seeds. He received a thumbs up as Joran relaxed while looking through the pinhole. There would be no more requests till Jordan’s mana had taken ten minutes to recharge. He hoped that what Jordan was doing would be successful because if it failed, it was a lot of bother for no return. Then again, Daniel knew that when you were breeding crop lines results were not always guaranteed and while Jordan was supplementing with magic what he was ultimately doing was cross fertilising different varieties of plants.

Daniel checked his mana, and it showed that he was ready. He moved away from the traps and sat down. Shield on his lap, club on top of the shield, one hand on the club’s handle and the other on the flat of the shield. His mana was full, and he unleashed his power. The club roared to life, and he held the images he wanted in his head as his energy, which was the right frequency to awaken a sapient seed flooded through the shield. The ability to stop or reflect magic, for that he deferred to the club, but the second prong of his creation was how to use the moth cores.

Dark was not needed, but the other two would form the base of the shield’s future abilities. Sound if it was loud enough could physically move things. Daniel focussed the moth’s power on that concept. The weapon artificial or animal would hit the shield that could create noise that the shield could then harness. You could use it directly or if you were really accurate with the ability, you could change the frequency to do stuff like blow up eardrums. One by one the moth cores melted into the wood surrounding them and the wood rushed in to replenish the holes. With each one that was absorbed, he could feel part of the image he was creating being learned. The ability to generate sound consumed the first two cores. Then redirect physical force with sound the next four, blowing out air drums took one and then Daniel focused on twisted life.

A simple concept.

If something hit the shield, follow it back till you reached flesh and suck vitality away from whatever it was into the person you were bonded. One core vanished, then another to make nine, but he felt both his mana and concentration bottom. The club still had power feeding into the shield, and he kept focusing on imagining the life tether. One last core partially crumbled and his power fell away. He was completely exhausted.

The wood started seething, currents spreading the enhanced wood sections throughout the shield like someone stirring a pot. Within about thirty seconds, the wood everywhere was uniform once more and the two and a half unused cores dropped out of the structure.

When he touched them with his mental senses, he could feel that they were dead. The potential they represented had somehow been completed wasted but if he had only put in seven and come to the end with no cores left, he would have been kicking himself. Twenty percent wastage was a bargain as far as he was concerned if it kept Luke safe for longer.

Energy thrummed within the wood as the new seed of consciousness formed.

To relieve the aching pain of mana depletion, he instinctively rubbed his temples even while he knew it was pointless. The instinct to that particular pain was too firmly entrenched.

Magic trickled back into him and once the headache lessened, he touched the shield and sighed in relief. It was definitely a sapient seed shield and it would be perfect for Luke.

After his mana recovered, Daniel did the rounds, spending extra time with Jordan to ensure that the plant experiments were progressing properly. Jordan seemed incredibly excited and was muttering about enhanced mana absorption and directed fruiting.

He couldn’t follow what was being said and suspected the other man was making words up just to confuse him. However, the way he babbled on reminded Daniel of a stereotypical head in the clouds scientist. “Are you having me on?”

Jordan stopped mid explanation and looked at him in surprise. “What do you mean?”

“Are you acting, or do you have something?”

“I have something.” Jordan swallowed. “I think I can improve efficiency, but the plant is made such that if you direct mana into it, then a fruit will grow.”

“I can already do that?”

“Not you, you, any you can do it. Ivey, Janice, Borris, we’ll all be able to grow our food.”


“Yes, as I say efficiency is low currently, but most people will grow an apple in half an hour.”

“Why didn’t you say that instead of mana coefficients, transformation circuits and reducing resonance?”

“I was explaining the process,” Jordan paused. “You were helping me think through the problem. I was using you as a sounding board.” He laughed. “Sorry. You look so confused.”

“That’s okay. Wave me over if you need me to grow anything.”

With a sigh, Daniel went for a little walk and then returned to manufacturing more seed weapons.

Trudy slammed her trap shot. Everyone turned to look at her like they did when a moth was caught. But she did not immediately run over to the lever. “Its empty,” she explained. “I think it’s time for lunch. Plus, I want to see my bubs.”

They all looked at each other and one by one the traps shut as the other three agreed with her.

Daniel picked up Luke’s shield and went to follow. Then he stopped and studied Borris’s work station more carefully. The trap was visually different. Curiously, he reached out and touched the wood. The differences were immediately apparent. The wood was no longer the type that he had forged. In fact, it had changed so much it did not even resemble the initial form. The colour and feel or it had both changed. As he assessed it, Daniel nodded when he understood what had happened. It was intrinsically more solid and as a side effect it was darker because it absorbed more light and smoother because the cells were more tightly packed.

“I finished your test sword,” Borris said.

Daniel almost jumped in surprise. He had been so interested in the altered wood that he had not noticed the other man turn and come back for him.

Borris was holding the weapon out to him. “Then after I saw what happened when that moth got out all I could think about was those sonic attacks breaking a trap next to me. So I fixed it.”

Daniel tapped the modified wood. With time, he could make an accurate estimate, but for now the trap felt ten times as tough and… His mind branched down pathways. There was something else happening. One of the teeth were out of alignment and with his magic he prodded. A burst of power and he forced one side to grow and the other to shrink in order to shift the misaligned tooth back to its correct location. It was mostly a cosmetic fix, but not fully. That out of alignment piece of wood would be under stress every time the lever would pull. Left untreated, the tooth would eventually break. Under his control, it fixed itself.

Smiling at how easy the alteration was he released his magic.

The piece of wood shifted back towards its original position. Not immediately, but he knew it would ultimately get there. That must have been what felt odd. “Have you made this self healing?”

Borris smiled proudly with his entire face. “Not deliberately, but for wood the main additional property it manifests is self healing. Different metals have different effects, some strengthen existing enchantments, iron upgrades so it will not rust and tin becomes anti-magical. Aluminium,” Borris frowned, “well it’s a shit metal to start and even more so after as it becomes super pliable. With metal, existing enchantments might be upgraded, not sure about other materials as it’s only been a couple of days.”

“That’s incredible.”

“Well,” Borris offered the sword to him. “Let’s see what you can do with this.”

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