《Severing Time & Space》The Ornary Alchemist, Part II


Wu Jian was not sure what he should feel as he stood there, listening to this man degrade him and his clan. Anger? Hate? Worry? He never once imagined that he would find himself facing this man again.

During the tournament that took place in Zahn City, this man had schemed with the Ming Family to cripple him and let Ming Shen win. His schemes were foiled and Father tried to kill him, but the slippery former elder had escaped with his life thanks to his low-grade Spirit Armor.

Wei—for his last name had been removed after he was kicked out of the clan—grinned at Wu Jian with a mixture of condescension and disgust. The look on his face made all present bristle. None looked more upset than Wu Meiying, however.

“Didn’t think we would ever see each other again, did you? To be honest, I didn’t either. The world is a vast place, and you’re just a frog in a well. Ah, but I guess you climbed out of that well a bit, huh?”

“What… are you doing here?” asked Wu Jian.

“What I am doing here is none of your business. You can’t honestly expect me to answer that. I’m not a member of the Wu Clan anymore. What I do is my business and mine alone.” Wei’s grin widened enough to make his teeth visible behind aged lips. He then glanced at Wu Meiying. “I see you’re still keeping that bitch by your side. You really should get rid of her. Woman like her are unbefitting the heir of a clan, but… ahh, I guess a pathetic clan like yours isn’t much of a clan, is it?”

Wu Jian gnashed his teeth together. He could take a lot—people making fun of him, people speaking poorly of his clan, and even people trying to use him for their own ends, but the one thing he would never stand for was someone insulting Wu Meiying.

“Better to be a bitch than a traitorous old man,” Wu Meiying said before he could. “They have a special place in Diyu for people like you. I hear the demons down there enjoy torturing traitors the most.”

Wei gritted his teeth as his face turned red. “Do not think your status and abilities will save you! You two might be special to the Wu Clan, but their influence only spreads as far as Zahn City! You’re not in Zahn City anymore. Your clan has no influence here. If you’re not careful, you may find yourself lying in a ditch somewhere, watching as your life bleeds out of you.”

A crowd had begun to form by this point. No one got close enough that he could hear what they were saying, but they surrounded Wu Jian, Wu Meiying, Hou Jingshu, Zhou Lihua, and the former Wu Wei on all sides, whispering to each other as they waited to see what would happen next.

Before this crowd, Hou Jingshu stepped forward, glaring at the man who had insulted her fiancé. “Wu Jian and the Wu Clan might not have much influence, but I do. One letter to the Imperial Palace will see you thrown in jail.” She gave him a cold smile. “I also hope you have been practicing prudence. If I recall, the magistrate of this city is someone my father appointed himself. It wouldn’t take much to convince him of my status and have him make your life miserable.”

Hou Jingshu had been sent to live with the Wu Clan in secret because her father wanted to keep her from becoming involved in the political machinations of his sons. No one was supposed to know her present location, but that didn’t mean she would stand idly by while her fiancé was being bullied by a traitorous snake either. By informing this man that she would use her influence as the Shang Kingdom princess, she was also letting him know what would happen if he let others know about her. It was a subtle way of telling him to keep his mouth shut.


Wei’s face paled a bit, though color soon returned as he gritted his teeth and glared at Hou Jingshu. It looked like he might say something. Before he could even open his mouth, however, Zhou Lihua took a step forward.

“It seems fate has ordained that we meet again, former head elder Wei.” Zhou Lihua bowed, but it was mocking instead of respectful. “I would like to ask that you keep any sordid words to yourself. My father might only be the head of a small branch, but you should know the Zhou Clan always looks after their own.” She gestured toward Wu Jian, Wu Meiying, and Hou Jingshu. “These three are now friends of the Zhou Clan and therefore under my protection. I ask that you please watch your words in the future.”

Wei was seething with rage by this point, his face redder than Wu Jian had ever seen it, but the man was nothing if not cunning. There was a reason he had avoided being removed from the Wu Clan for so long despite his duplicitous nature. Wu Jian suspected this man had been planning to usurp the position of family head for a long time now. The fact that it had taken so long for him to get caught was proof of his wiles.

He swallowed whatever harsh words he had and gave Zhou Lihua an insincere smile. “Of course, Lady Zhou. You have my most humble apologies for insulting your comrades. While I do think you should choose your friends more wisely, I’ll not say anything more on the matter. I bid you young ones a good day.”

Turning around, the former elder walked away, the crowd parting before him. Once he disappeared, everyone began to disperse. Some of them glanced their way. A few people pointed and whispered. However, most of them simply returned to whatever they were doing now that the drama was over.

“Well… that was unpleasant,” Wu Meiying said with a sigh.

Hou Jingshu bit her lower lip. “I did not expect to run into the former Elder Wu here.”

“The Zhou Clan has been keeping an eye on him ever since he was banished,” Zhou Lihua confessed. “We wanted to make sure he wouldn’t let slip your secrets. However, even I did not expect that we would run into him today.”

“Is that why you befriended us? I had always wondered how you knew Hou Jingshu was the Shang Kingdom’s princess,” Wu Jian said.

Zhou Lihua shook her head. “Father decided to befriend the Wu Clan because of Hou Jingshu, but I decided to befriend you three because you interest me. In either event, it seems former Elder Wu, after making his way to Dahua City, was able to somehow get in the good graces of the Fierce Tiger Sect, which is one of the strongest sects in Dahua City.”

They began walking again, though this time they were headed back to the inn. The group naturally closed rank so they could speak without others overhearing them. Zhou Lihua continued to explain what she knew of Wu Wei and the Fierce Tiger Sect.

“We are not sure how he got into their good graces, but he was somehow able to quickly rise to the rank of adviser. It was also thanks to his machinations that the Fierce Tiger Sect has gained such prominence to begin with. Just a few months ago, they were nothing but a second rate sect. However, now they are in competition for a place among Dahua City’s Top Ten. Rumor has it they began hiring mercenaries from the Dà Plains. They’ve gone from a sect with barely fifteen members to one hundred fifty in very little time, though it seems their numbers have peaked now.”


While one hundred and fifty might not sound very large for a sect, it was still more than large enough to pose a threat to a small clan like the Wu Clan. Wu Jian wondered if the former elder was attempting to build an army so he could exact his revenge on them for banishing him and killing his grandson. That wouldn’t surprise him.

I’ll need to inform Father about our confrontation with the former head elder when I return home. Nothing good can come from letting that man roam free.

“Well, let’s not worry about the former head elder of your clan and the Fierce Tiger Sect right now,” Zhou Lihua continued, her smile returning. “I’ll inform my father about what I have discovered when we return home. In the meantime, we should head back to the inn and get some rest. Wong Jiu will have his answer for us tomorrow, and it will hopefully be a positive one.”

The group returned to the inn, where they met up with Zhou Lihua’s bodyguards, who became very cross with her when they learned about the altercation between them and former Wu Clan head elder. Zhou Chao expressed the most dissatisfaction over what happened. He even blamed Wu Jian.

“That man is formerly an elder of your clan, isn’t he? That means the whole incident is your fault. You had better take responsibility if something happens to Lady Lihua,” he said, voice imperious and arrogant.

Wu Jian’s eyes twitched as they sat around the dinner table. His tone reminded him of the Ming Family’s heir.

Zhou Lihua’s bodyguards sat around the table with them. She said it was because they were currently in an informal setting, and indeed, they were eating dinner in the inn’s parlor alongside many other people, but Wu Jian was certain this situation would be unthinkable if she were anyone else. Much like Wu Meiying, Zhou Lihua lived by her own rules and didn’t let others stop her from doing what she wanted.

“That is quite enough, Zhou Chao. What happened today was in no way Wu Jian’s fault. He didn’t even know his former head elder was living in Dahua City, so he could not have prevented that confrontation. If anything, it is our fault. We knew about his presence here and didn’t take precautions against him,” Zhou Lihua said in a reassuring tone as she defended Wu Jian.

Zhou Chao’s eyes widened, but then they narrowed just as quickly. “But—”

Zhou Lihua’s voice suddenly turned frigid, as did the look in her eyes. “Do not ‘but’ me. You might have earned your place as my bodyguard due to your ability, but please remember that you are nothing more than a bodyguard.”

“… Yes, Lady Lihua.”

While he did back down, Zhou Chao looked reluctant to drop the issue, and he continued to glare at Wu Jian all through dinner. It made Wu Jian very uncomfortable.

He was glad when their meal finally ended and he could go to his room alongside Wu Meiying and Hou Jingshu.

When they entered the bedroom, Wu Meiying removed her shoes and quickly flopped onto the bed. There were only two. It seemed rooms at this inn did not come with three beds.

“Aaaah. I’m so tired,” Wu Meiying mumbled into her pillow. She kicked her feet back and forth.

Hou Jingshu sighed. “I am a bit tired too, but we can’t sleep just yet. We should at least bathe before going to bed. I hear this inn has a bathhouse.”

Wu Meiying lifted her head and looked at them with a sparkle in her eyes. “I do enjoy baths.” She leapt off the bed and grabbed them both by the hand. “Let’s go.”

“Haaaah. Must you always drag us around like this?” Hou Jingshu asked as they were pulled out of the bedroom and into the hallway. Despite her words, she did not protest Wu Meiying’s actions. The smile she wore stood as a testament to her true thoughts.

The bathhouse was not located in the buildings where they would sleep but a separate building. Baths were separated into men’s and women’s sections. Wu Jian didn’t know what the women’s bath looked like, but the men’s bath was large enough to hold several dozen people.

Baths in the Shang Kingdom were made with rice water. Rice water contained starch, protein, and vitamins. Not only did it help remove oil stains and maintain the scalp and hair, but it also helped with rough skin. There were many medicinal functions with rice water as well. It helped with cold hands and feet, lower back pain and frostbite, and aided in relieving fatigue.

After washing himself, he sank into the hot rice water with a sigh of relief, leaning back and closing his eyes to enjoy just a few minutes of peace. It was too bad the peace didn’t last. The sound of a door sliding open echoed behind him, causing Wu Jian to open his eyes and turn his head. He almost groaned in disappointment when Zhou Chao walked in.

Of all the people who could have entered, why did it have to be him?

His first impression of Zhou Chao was that he was arrogant and petty. Their first meeting had not left him with the best impression of the man, and that impression continued to deteriorate throughout this trip. Zhou Chao also seemed to have an unreasonable dislike of him, despite how Wu Jian had not done anything to offend him.

Zhou Chao paused upon seeing Wu Jian. Then he scoffed.

“I see you decided to bathe as well. You must feel fortunate, being able to cozy up to Lihua the way you do. None of this would have been possible if she hadn’t taken pity on you.”

Wu Jian struggled a bit to keep his cool. He was not the type to get upset over matters like this. But it was hard to keep calm when someone acted so confrontational toward him.

“Have I done something to offend you, Mr. Chao?” he asked.

“Your very existence offends me,” Zhou Chao said immediately. “The fact that Lihua spends so much time with you is annoying to no end. You’re just the heir to a small clan in a tiny city, but Lihua is a phoenix who will soon soar through the skies. Her talent will not allow her to remain in Zahn City forever. Mark my words, there will come a time when she leaves that pathetic city to spread her wings. A phoenix spending time with a frog is unfathomable.”

So, basically, he was saying that Wu Jian was a frog and Zhou Lihua was a phoenix. Frogs and phoenixes were certainly incompatible. However, Zhou Chao seemed to be forgetting that they were not animals but people.

Wu Jian did not say anything, however. He stood up, wrapped a towel around his waist, and began leaving.

“Sorry you feel that way. I won’t bother trying to convince you you’re wrong. However, I will say this. Who Zhou Lihua chooses to spend her time with is up to her. You have no business telling her what to do. I hope you remember that,” Wu Jian said as he left. It was the only parting shot he could give.

The last thing he saw of Zhou Chao was the man glaring at him with clear hatred in his eyes.

After leaving the bathhouse and getting dressed, Wu Jian wandered into the lobby, where he found Zhou Lihua sitting on a bench. She was not wearing her normal hanfu. The white robes that covered her body were made from a thick wool that looked soft and comfortable. Her skin was flushed red and a hint of her bosoms peaked out from between the folds of fabric. She opened her eyes as he closed the door and smiled at him.

“How was the bath?” she asked as he sat down beside her.

“It was fine until your bodyguard came in,” he said.

Zhou Lihua winced. “I am sorry about Zhou Chao. I believe he is jealous of you.”

“Jealous? Of me? Why?” asked Wu Jian.

“Because I am interested in you.” Stretching out her legs, Zhou Lihua wiggled her tiny toes, each of which reminded him of sakura petals. “Zhou Chao has been trying to garner my interest for years now, but I’ve just never found him all that interesting. His motives are as obvious as they are self-serving. I’ve no interest in a man like that.”

“And what makes me so interesting?” asked Wu Jian.

Zhou Lihua leaned into him until their shoulders were touching. Leaning down so her warm breath washed over his ear, she whispered, “Do you really want to know? That’s too bad. I have no intention of telling you right now. But maybe if you keep me from losing interest in you, I’ll tell you… someday.”

Wu Jian sucked in a deep breath and shuddered. His cheeks, his entire body even, felt hot. He had never felt this way before. Was it because he was going through puberty? In that moment, the attraction he felt toward Zhou Lihua was undeniable, but he suspected much of the reason had to do with her actions and not her. He took another breath to calm down and began counting prime numbers in his head.

“Then I suppose I’ll just have to make sure you never lose interest in me,” he said after a few moments.

Zhou Lihua’s smile widened and she hugged his arm to her chest. Unlike Wu Meiying and Hou Jingshu, Zhou Lihua’s figure was undeniably womanly and well-proportioned. She also wasn’t wearing any breast bindings. He could feel her soft chest press into him through the fabric of their clothes.

“I’m certain that won’t be hard for you,” she said in a cheerful voice. He didn’t know why, but she seemed happy for some reason.

It was at this time that Wu Meiying and Hou Jingshu entered the room. Both of them had flushed cheeks and were dressed in white robes similar to Zhou Lihua. Wu Jian had noticed a set of robes in the bathhouse for them, but he was not comfortable wearing something like that in public. The two girls stopped when they noticed Zhou Lihua hugging his arm.

“W-what do you think you’re doing?! Let go of Jian this instant! Why are you getting so close to him?!” screamed Hou Jingshu.

“Oh, my. Why are you so upset? There’s nothing wrong with a little skinship between companions. Besides, I think of Wu Jian as a little brother. It is only proper that I show my little brother proper affection,” Zhou Lihua said with a devious smile that reminded Wu Jian of a fox. As if she knew it would further antagonize Hou Jingshu, she squeezed his arm even tighter, until it was resting firmly within the valley of her breasts.

Hou Jingshu’s face turned such a bright shade of red that he thought steam might start pouring out her ears. She pointed at Zhou Lihua with a quivering finger.

“Y-y-y-you!!! That’s not the kind of affection an elder sister would show her little brother! Knock! It! Off!”

While Hou Jingshu shouted at Zhou Lihua (who merely watched the girl with obvious merriment), Wu Meiying walked over to them, sat down, and hugged his other arm. She was still warm from the bath. Happily nuzzling his shoulder, the girl looked completely satisfied.

“As Jian’s first wife, I must also show my affection properly,” she declared with a giggle.

“Not you too, Meiying!” Hou Jingshu’s embarrassed scream rang across the lobby.

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