《The Goose, the golden egg and the end of the world》Chapter 50


For eighteen months he sat at his computer for hours every day pouring over data for information about his father, finding nothing. The owl, having taken an interest in Solomon months earlier, watched over him for the duration of his fruitless search and had come to feel tremendous sympathy. The owl recognized that Solomon, with his hacking abilities, could be very useful to it in exposing the worst of humanity. Unlike the other guardians, the owl didn't need to be awakened to gain the capacity for speech. It appeared before Solomon on one of the nights that he was sitting in front of his computer and analyzing the data that his spyware had gathered and told him the truth about his father, that he was killed and buried in the desert. The shock of being spoken to by an irregularly colored owl (it was yellow, blue and green), together with the fact that it was the news that he was expecting, did a lot to mitigate his grief upon learning of his father's death. Solomon (real name Ryan Keely) was at this point nineteen years old and living at home with his mother in a house in a Toronto suburb. Ryan told his mother the news about his father without mentioning the owl, telling her that he had obtained the information online. His mother had, like him, been prepared for this news for a while and wasn't overly grief stricken upon hearing it. Having at last learned the truth about his father, Ryan had to decide what he devoted his time to going forward. His mother knew what he had been doing with all of his time and encouraged him to go out into the world having spent his whole life in his room in front of his computer. In addition to mining data for news about his father Ryan had spent the last three years doing freelance coding and had amassed a decent amount of money in his savings account, enough for him to use to travel which he could do while continuing to be a freelance coder. Together with the owl he went to Europe and started his journey in London. The owl and Ryan had had a discussion about what the owl envisioned their relationship being going forward and Ryan was on board with it. During the time that he had spent spying on western intelligence agencies he had come across a lot of disturbing information that he wanted to release publicly but chose not to because he didn't want to draw attention to himself and jeopardize his search for his father. Ryan was no longer restricted by his need to be careful for the sake of being able to continue searching for his father and so felt no reservations about taking the owl up on its offer, which was for him to use his hacking skills to obtain proof of what the owl informed him of so that, when released to the public, the information would be indisputable. They were all ready to go with their first leak: a story about the US military executing captured enemy combatants in Afghanistan because of their inability to adequately incarcerate them, which Ryan had obtain proof of by hacking into the Defense Secretary's MILNET messages, when they were stopped by the intervention of the rooster. The rooster often had to intervene to warn the owl about indiscriminately disseminating information. It's advice to Ryan and the owl was that they should begin by leaking stories that would enjoy maximum public support and wouldn't result in Solomon becoming mired in controversy like he had been in the aftermath of the MI6 leak. The rooster also advised them to create a website that took advantage of the fame of Solomon and publish their leaks on the website rather than relying on the press, this would establish Solomon as the place to go to first for news that you wouldn't be able to find anywhere else, which would make Solomon as powerful as any news organization. Ryan liked what the rooster had to say and adopted all of its advice. The website Solomon.com was launched to great online fanfare with the Bogota releases and the ensuing political upheaval serving as merely a taste of what was to come.

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