《Once Upon a Time in a Foreign Land》Chapter 068 : Ximen Yixiong


Yixiong and his friends waited for a while until they were sure that the wall had completely stopped moving. They advanced to the end of the hallway. To the left of the now hollow, there was another room. From within the passageway, where they stood huddled, they could see that in front of them was an old dressing table made of wood.

"Zhengyi and I will enter the room in front of us. You keep watching here." Shanquan patted Yixiong on the shoulder. After saying that, he stepped into the room. Zhengyi immediately followed what Shanquan was doing. Yixiong was standing right at the end of the hall. Even though his left foot had already half stepped into the newly opened room, he didn't move forward. Shanquan's words were obvious.

From the outside, Shanquan gazed at the entrance of the passage. He was now standing opposite Yixiong. Shanquan looked thoughtful for a moment. He then went back inside.

"You wait here a moment," Shanquan said to Zhengyi before he went back into the passage.

Once inside, he poked Yixiong to follow him back toward the candleholder. After the two of them were in front of that thing, Shanquan straightened the candleholder that he had tilted to open the secret door. There was a smooth rumbling sound like before. The wall of the niche then moved forward, and the niche disappeared. Shanquan pulled the candleholder to the side again so that it was tilted like before. There was a slow rumbling sound followed by the wall going in and forming an alcove.

"Now we are sure that this candleholder can function properly," said Shanquan.

"There must be a similar mechanism in the next room," Yixiong said.

"You are right. There must be a way to open this door from the outside. But our time is very limited. It's not enough to investigate that. So, for the time being, let's use this method first." Shanquan pointed to the candleholder.


Shanquan stopped talking. He shone his flashlight at the hall ceiling. He tried to see if there were objects hanging or attached to the top. There was nothing there.

"We don't know how long this door will be open. Maybe after a few minutes, this door suddenly closed itself. So I'm asking you to stand guard right next to this chandelier. If later, suddenly, the door closes itself. You just push the candleholder to the side, just like I did."


After that, Shanquan came out again, joining Zhengyi.

Yixiong couldn't see what his two friends were doing. But he could still hear their voices. They seemed to have forgotten that they have to keep their volume not so loud.

"This dressing table and stool look clean." Zhengyi's voice sounded so sure. "So it's plausible that someone touched it relatively often."

"I agree. This dressing table and stool must have something to do with how to open this side aisle." Shanquan's voice also sounded sure.

"Shall we check these tables and stools now?"

"Later. Now we have to find another way out of this room." Shanquan's voice was firm.

After that, Yixiong couldn't hear any sound. They seemed to have moved away from where they had been standing. Yixiong was waiting in silence for a long time until suddenly he heard approaching footsteps. In an instant, Zhengyi had appeared in front of him.

"Now it's Xiongge's turn," Zhengyi said.

"What turn?" Yixiong didn't understand what Zhengyi meant.

"Dage asked Xiongge to go there."

"Where is Dage now?"

"Xiongge saw a dressing table in the next room, right? Well, it's a rectangular room. The dressing table is in one corner. Currently, Dage is standing in the corner diagonally opposite the corner where the dressing table is."


"Ah! Dage wants me to take your place with Dage there?"

Zhengyi nodded. "Be careful where you walk. Stuff is scattered everywhere. There are narrow passages where there are no piles of stuff. Xiongge can use it as a walkway."

After hearing Zhengyi's explanation, Yixiong immediately walked away from Zhengyi. After exiting the alcove, Yixiong walked carefully down the narrow path. Since the room wasn't huge, in no time, he was beside Shanquan.

Shanquan pointed down at the towering wall in front of them. There was a dog door which was quite large. Even a large dog would easily pass through that door, likewise with children or adults who were small. However, maybe not all adults could pass the door.

Ah! I understand! Dage must have been afraid that the big Zhengyi would get stuck in the dog's door if he dared to try to enter it. So he asked me to come here.

Yixiong shook his head while holding back a laugh.

The two of them crouched in front of the dog's door. Shanquan touched the plate that was the door leaf of the dog door. It was effortless to open the dog door. He just pushed it, the plate opened outwards at once.

This is a surprise. I thought we should spend a few minutes trying to figure out how to open this door!

"I'll try to get in through this dog door. You stay here," said Shanquan.

Uh? Dage himself would try to get through this door? I thought he would ask me to try first.

Shanquan put his flashlight on the floor. He then lay face down. Pushing the dog's door open, it moved forward in a slithering manner. Little by little, his body passed through the dog door until finally, his whole body made it into the door.

"Give me my flashlight, please," Shanquan asked Yixiong when he reached the room behind the dog door.

Yixiong quickly handed the flashlight through the dog door, which was still open. "Can I come in now?"

"Wait a minute. It's so cramped in here. I'll check this room first," said Shanquan. "Besides, we don't know how to open this dog door from this side. I'll try to find out about it. It might take some time, so I want you to wait there patiently. If within twenty-five minutes I can't open this dog door from here, please open the door from there."

The dog door closed again. Just like earlier, Yixiong had to wait for a while. In fact, he had to wait a lot longer. It seemed that Shanquan was examining the adjoining room attentively. Yixiong was restless. Minutes passed. The dog door wasn't open yet. Finally, Yixiong could breathe a sigh of relief. Twenty minutes later, the dog door opened from the next room.

"I've found a way to open this dog door from over here." Shanquan laughed.

"Is the method so complicated that it took Dage more than twenty minutes?"

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