《New Beginning in the Magical World》Chapter 62: RUN!


Chapter 62: Run!

I think we have just found the greatest discovery in our history.

A great ruins lies near the dreadful place of enchanted forest, it was found inside a cave and the empire have decided to convert that place into our own laboratory. I can't wait to work there in the future. However, there still some places inside of that ruins that we can't access.

But thanks to this ruins the magic technology of the Gregorian empire have advance by leaps and bounds and due to the sensitivity of this discovery the Great fortress in the central continent, the only entrance to the empire was further strengthen and more defense was added to it.

I hope one day we can finally uncover the secrets of this mysterious civilization.

The last entry of Khyther von Byacht and a proud member of the Gregorian high wizard council before going missing.

-Recovered in a secret chambers inside the Great fortress of Helios empire.


"Come on hurry, hurry." Callisto yells as he picks up a soldier and carries it on his shoulder, since this soldier carries a huge and heavy shield he runs slower than the others.

"What did you see inside the fog? Why does it sound like there's an army running towards us?" I quickly ask while running towards the city wall.

But Callisto ignores me and only takes another glace towards our back, before he decided to also carry me on his other shoulder while Michael follows on his back.

"Hey, hey, hey put me down this is embarrassing, I can run on my own, you know." I said loudly while my head dangles on his back.

Although my age in this world is only of an 11-year-old boy, but my mental age is already older than that, and besides my body doesn't look like an 11-year-old kid at all. I don't know what happen, but since the day I transmigrated into this world, it seems like my body has adapted to the age of my soul, as it quickly matures much faster than normal.

"Later young master, we need to get you to safety first." Said by Callisto as we get closer to the city gate.

"Damnit, don't tell me it's the mutated creatures, did the parasites in the fog manage to infect an entire army of them? and is this my fault? Did my attack disturb them? Is that why they decided to attack us now?" I quickly ask one question after another as what have I done sinks into my mind I might be the culprit in why is this happening to us right now.

I might have triggered those mutated creatures hiding inside the fog to attack us, by accidentally hitting them with my experimental skill sword of destruction.

"Come on hurry up and closed the gate and you, over there sound the alarm, go, go, go quick." Callisto said as he throws me on the ground together with the soldier on the other side of his shoulder.

Yes, you heard that right he throws us on the hard ground without any care. Well, I can understand him, after all, he was in a rush to get on the top of the wall, to supervise everything. And besides, he was the only person I know who has a special skill to see the flow of energy around him with his naked eye.


So, whatever he saw inside the fog is already enough to push him into this degree of urgency, it seems like I unknowingly disturb a huge crowd of monsters that is now ready to reck havoc in our city.

"Callisto what's going on? Why did you sound the alarm?" A stern voice suddenly said upon landing on the top of the city wall.

It is my father's voice, it seems like he just leapfrogs from our mansion into this place, as a rank 5 Grand knight he is even capable to fly in the sky for a short amount of time. So, this kind of thing is pretty normal for everyone, but not for me although I have already seen a lot of things that are impossible to happen on earth. However, it still feels different to see a superhuman in person.

Can you imagine, if you were on Earth and then suddenly a superman landed in front of you, but instead of wearing his cape and suit he is wearing metal armor that has a great resemblance to the medieval era. Yeah, that's what I'm feeling like right now, a great feeling of surprise and fear.

Surprised because of his sudden appearance and fear for the consequences that I have made. Although my father is known for his kindness, he is also known for being strict, and based on what have I done for the past few weeks, I'm sure that my father would not be happy to hear it at all.

"Master Hubert!" People say around me as they all give some kind of hand salute before resuming their work.

"Sir Hubert, it's a long story, but I think young master's attack has disturbed an army of mutated creatures inside of that fog, and now they're all making their way into our city. I have no other choice but to sound the alarm, to keep our people safe in the hope that they could make it inside of one of the six underground shelters before those monsters reach the city." Callisto answered while solemnly staring at the place where the noises are coming from.

"Wait...What?" Father says as he turns his head towards me.

"Lucas, did you enter the fog and attack a mutated creature? Is that the cause of the loud sound earlier?" He asks while staring at me seriously.

"Wait ah although it is true but this is not my intention at all I didn't know that my skill would hit something inside the fog I just let it go I have no choice I had already lose control of it." I quickly denied it while giving Michael a side glance in a hope that he could understand my hint to help me explain everything to my father.

"My lord we don't have time for this they would arrive any moment now." Michael says in alarm as sweat beads appear on his forehead.

"How many are we talking about here Callisto? Can you give me a rough calculation on how many unwelcome visitors are we expecting and how strong are they?" Father asks worriedly while overlooking the vast expands from above the city wall.

"I'm sorry master Hubert, but even my capabilities have their limits. The only thing I know is that we're expecting more than what we can handle, and most of them have an energy strength of beginner knights, while there's a few that is comparable to the strength of sir Anton and Kyle." Callisto explains to my father as the sound of drumming footsteps gets near.


Then suddenly an ear-piercing shriek from at least a thousand creatures reverberated into the entire city signifying their arrival.

"Archers ready your bow and arrows, Soldiers raised your sword and shield be prepared for our enemy." Father yells as he commanded the soldier to stand guard on the city walls to make sure that no mutated creatures could bypass us and enters the city.

"Evan, I want you to go and lead some of our soldiers to guide our people to safety and make sure to leave some soldiers behind to guard the entrance, then get back here once you have already settled everything inside." Father says as he ordered Evan and some of our soldiers to manage the evacuation in the city.

During these past few weeks due to the nature of this fog, due to my initiative, I lead some of our people to construct 6 underground shelters in different parts of the city in the hopes that this would be a place of haven in cased of something bad happens to us. However, I hope that we would never have a need for this in the future, but it seems like we can never avoid our fate, and I have a hunch that our needs for such shelter would become common as we remain trap inside of this fog.

There are no assurance on when this disaster would be over, and the longer it last the more bad it is for us. Our communication with the outside world has been cut off for several weeks now and we don't even know how the Turox kingdom have reacted with our special circumstances, we never even heard anything about them since the beginning of this event. The last piece of news we got, is from the time when the family members of the Stratnan family have forced themselves inside the fog, which is a dangerous thing to do and a gamble that we can never replicate especially now, that such mutated creatures exist inside of this ominous fog. It's far too dangerous to send any expedition outside of this city, at least, within the premises of our wall we would be safe as there are no such parasites or mutated creatures that can harm us.

The worst thing, is that, until today we still haven't got any clue on what causes all of this chaos, and a lot of things have still remained unresolved till to this day. Heck, We don't even have any idea on what's the situation of Gaspar, since the day he was kidnaped by that magic beast towards the enchanted forest we lose all of his tracks, since we still haven't explored that place as there's still a huge wall of vines filled with thorns that stop us from entering the premises.

And this sickening fog filled with tiny parasites have also started after that event, which leads me to a conclusion that the enchanted forest itself is alive, and it's aware about the danger of our unknown enemies and It might also be the reason why it raised that wall of thorns, to try and stop anything from entering nor leaving the forest.

In addition, everything becomes more complicated from the day that we discover that this parasites inside the fog have the capability to create a monster as it can infect any humans or animals that cause some severe mutation. Once it happens everything is already too late, as no one can save them anymore, and the infected people will lose all of their sanity and would only crave for flesh and destruction. The only way to stop them is to kill the host of this virus before it caused further damage.

The good news, is that this parasites aren't that difficult to deal with. Given that the infection hasn't spread far to your brain, because thats the time where mutation would start to take place.

But there's still a solution to minor infection and that is to leave the fog and exposed your body to sunlight or go to places that is rich in mana elements as parasites really hate that thing. Once a person managed to do all this stuff the symptoms of parasites infection on his body should subside and be gone within 24 to 48 hours. The only problem is the fog almost covered everything around us, except for the city of Florentine, so we're like people stranded on an island being bashed away by a strong storm in the middle of the sea without nowhere to go.

Although we are still in luck as Gaspar managed to bring an entire bag of rare magical fruits before getting kidnap by a magical beast. Those magic fruit has now been transform into vials of potent potion with the help of our personal potion master Ethan, and this potions could help us train more knights in order to defend the city. Talking about knights, the ten great knight family of the Florentine city, each one of them actually has their own tragic past, that I just learned recently, out of studying the past history of my family. And believe me, all of them suffers from different problem but despite of all that challenges they still choose to remain on our side, even though they could go to other nobles to serve.

I once again lost in my thoughts as my mind wanders somewhere, but I woke up due to Callisto's sudden shout.

"They're here!" Callisto announced and after saying those words shadows of different figure hidden by the fog could be seen running towards us until they hit the crystal shield that Callisto have put between the fog that separate the grass plain.

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

those are the sounds that you can hear as they started hitting the barrier that he put out.

Everything happens very quickly and it only took them several seconds before they managed to break the barrier that Callisto have put in place as he didn't really put any of his power to reinforce it as it would only be a waste of energy against the siege of a thousand beasts.

Besides our city wall is far more stronger than the barrier that Callisto has made in haste, and it has proven it's value several times already, but today I believe is the day, where we could see the limits of this structure.

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