《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 74: The Sound of Footsteps


"Hehe, yeah I'll make sure to come back with your money the next time I come", I said in response to Patrick.

"Mhm see that you do", Patrick responded.

Well, I guess I gotta earn some money soon. Hopefully, the Guildmaster will give me some as part of my reward for completing the mission to infiltrate the ABW and figure out their plans which I did. Maybe then I can finally pay back Stella for all the unpaid nights that I've spent at the Big Keg inn.

After leaving Patrick's and going back to our old looks we continued to walk around Whitebridge until we came across a few of the more stubborn protesters. They seemed very surprised to see me.

"Hey, guys. As the people from the Guild told you, none of this is Whitebridge's or Blackbridge's fault. It was all orchestrated by a group of criminals", I told the group of now open-mouthed people with a serious tone.

After they came over their shock one of them spoke out.


"Yeah?", I said, focusing my gaze on the person who spoke out.

"You're back! Oh, this is great news!", the person suddenly said in an overjoyed voice.

Please don't steamroll me. Please. I can easily see this turning into a repeat of what happened in Yarthaw.

"Yes, I am back. Please can you guys stop the shouting now?"

"Of course", said the guy with a meek tone of voice, clearly embarrassed that the people from the Guild hadn't been "criminals" as another person put it.

I still can't believe some idiot thought that one of the people very clearly from the Guild was a criminal. I have a feeling that maybe they were just being petty and didn't actually believe that.

After I was done placating the stubborn group of people I noticed that everything was now back to normal volume levels.


Hmm, I guess the other stubborn people came to their senses or something. Glad to see that my hope for humanity isn't completely misplaced.

I then checked on how Dob and Lob were doing. They didn't seem to be tired at all.

Well, then I guess we should keep walking around Whitebridge. If everything seems to have calmed down after a few more rounds I guess I'll just go back to Melissa and tell her that everything seemed to be fine around town.

After doing another round and almost being done with another round I heard shouting coming from the entrance of Whitebridge. Guards rushed around, some clearly panicking, others being calm but clearly also having no idea about what to do.

Weird. They should be trained to handle most situations. I wonder what's causing them to freak out this much?

Then I heard it. The sound of many many footsteps. It sounded like a group of giants were stomping around. My face instantly became pale.

What. The. Flip. Is. Going. On!

I rushed over to the guards.

"Hey whatever you guys are panicking about go to the Guild and anyone else of importance and tell them what the heck is happening!", I said, trying to keep the fear of what horrible thing was happening from leaking into my voice.

Just put on the mask of confidence James. Just put it on. Everything will be fine. Besides, you don't even know what's going on. It could just be something harmless.

I ran out to the entrance of Whitebridge, the footsteps got louder. I looked out and my face became so pale that it forgot to become pale. A giant mess of people holding, knives, swords, and some bricks were charging right towards Whitebridge. I could tell that most of them were screaming but all of their insults melded together into an unintelligible mess that somehow came out as even more insulting.


"You moth -tards!", was all I could piece together from the mess of obscenities.

What? A moth tard? What is a tard? and why moths? Whatever the thing is I need to stop them, somehow... I can't hurt them though. What if I did some kind of sound thing like I did with the gang in Blackbridge? I can't make it that powerful though because well then it might hurt them and it's Scorpion that should be punished for this, not just some people who got caught up in his scheme. So I'll just do that I guess. I only need to buy some time anyway.

I picked up a random piece of something from the ground and then thought, "Rune Programming" to open the Rune Programming interface.

Okay, so this should be simple. Just a Sound Rune and of course I need some Parameter Runes but that should be it. Thankfully I make that piano thingy for Nate so I know roughly what I should set the volume to. Hopefully, it'll confuse these people for enough time that the guards can spread the word and this can be solved peacefully.

After I was done putting the program together I finalized it and watched as the Runes materialized onto the unknown but clearly nonimportant object.

I should really watch the Runes materialize more often. It really is beautiful.

Then I ran the program. An ear-piercing sound rang out and I immediately covered my ears.

Well, it's probably not that harmful. Well yeah actually everyone should be fine because it's just annoying I don't think high-pitched noises do any damage to people's ears. As for the volume well I think you need to listen to something really loud for a long amount of time before you're in danger of having your ears actually damaged and this isn't that loud anyway.

I looked out towards the people that were charging towards Whitebridge and watched as they stopped.

Heh. I bet they're so confused right now. They've probably never heard anything this high-pitched before. Hopefully, they don't take it as an attack, that would definitely make it harder for them to reconcile with us. Now I just have to wait and hope the people from the Guild and where ever else will show up soon and handle this whole mess.

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