《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 73: Visiting Patrick's Store


"Ah well thank you for the compliment. Now I guess me and my friends here will go look around to make sure everything is going smoothly."

Yeah everything should go smoothly. Especially considering the Guildmaster is now involved.

"Don't worry about it you deserve it and more along with your friends of course."

Dob and Lob smiled at this and gave Melissa a thumbs up to which Melissa smiled back.

Good I'm glad Dob and Lob are getting some recognition. They seem to just go unnoticed by most people.

"Well off we go!", I said, as I turned around and left the Guild.

"Good luck!", Melissa cried out as we went through the door.

"Thanks!", I replied.

Hopefully we don't need it but I guess a little extra luck never hurt anybody.

So we started to walk around Whitebridge to make sure that none of the citizens were going to be a danger to anyone. As we walked around we spotted multiple groups of people still protesting. When we were walking by one of the groups I noticed something interesting.

Some people wearing armor seemed to be talking to the angry people. I stopped moving and went closer.

Hopefully, these guys aren't doing anything bad. No. I refuse to believe that Scorpion is still influencing stuff, the base should've been raided by now by the Guild or at least about to be raided by them.

As I got closer to the group of people I could hear what the people in armor were saying.

"You guys have to calm down. This was all a scheme by a group of criminals. Neither Blackbridge nor Whitebridge did anything!"

"How can we trust you?", a person yelled out from the crowd.

"Yeah! What if you're the criminals!"


"I can assure you we're not."

The person that was previously talking to the crowd took out a Guild card. However, this Guild card looked different from the other ones I'd seen. This one was golden.

"You work for the Guild? Please excuse my previous rudeness.", said one of the people that accused the armored people of being criminals.

"Don't worry about it. Now please go and spread the word. We can't handle a war right now without major losses on both sides and on top of that there's no reason to fight!", said the supposed leader of the group with a slightly heated tone, seemingly annoyed at the whole situation.

"Yes sir", a few people in the group responded while the others just nodded in submission.

They work for the Guild. Interesting. I wonder if Melissa has a golden card like them then or if it's only for the higher-ups. Well, I guess I can ask her later once all of this has died down.

Then the group of previously angry people dispersed and ran off to inform others of what they'd just been told. After everyone that was part of the crowd had run off, the group of armored people jogged away to go spread the message elsewhere.

So I guess this is how the Guildmaster is handling the problem. I thought it'd take longer than this but I'm all for this whole mess being cleaned up as quickly as possible.

After seeing how quickly the Guild workers had dealt with one of the crowds I was a bit surprised.

I honestly thought it would take a lot more than that to calm these people down. Hopefully, every group of these war-monger-ish people calms down that easily.

So we kept walking around and we watched over time as the amount of shouting people decreased greatly until there were only a few stubborn groups left. The people from the Guild kept trying to get them to relax but they kept on shouting and disturbing the rest of the general populace who had now basically all calmed down.


Hmm. Maybe I can help them deal with those last few groups. I bet they'll calm down if they hear it from someone that they know and I think most people have at least heard of me since I killed the Wolf King and stuff. I guess I could just go to Patrick's store and hopefully, he can help get Dob, Lob, and me back to our regular selves. Although I guess he could be out but I have a feeling he'll be there.

So I abruptly turned around and headed towards Patrick's shop.

Hopefully, we don't have to pay to be undisguised.

Soon we arrived at the entrance of Patrick's shop. I opened it and was immediately greeted with Patrick staring at me.

"Ah hello, James. I was wondering when you'd show up. Here to get back into your old shoes?"

"I guess?"

He must be talking about my old look. Kind of a weird way to put it though.

"Well hehe. You know the drill. Follow me, to the back.", Patrick said with the same smile I first came here to get disguise potions for Dob and Lob to make them look human.

So I followed Patrick to the back and Dob and Lob followed behind me.

"So undisguise ah yes.", Patrick said as he rummaged through various bottles each holding a slightly differently tinted liquid.

"Hmmm oh yes. I'm afraid this removes all disguises so if you want your... things there to stay disguised they'll need a new potion. Oh, and of course, this Undiguise potion is not free. Granted I'll let you off since you're probably doing something important. However, I do expect to be paid at some point. Oh and this is rather potent so only take a sip."

"Alright. You have my word."

Hopefully, I don't forget that I owe him money.

After taking the potions from Patrick I followed his advice and only took a sip of the Undisguise potion. In no time at all, I was back to my regular self.

"Ah, nice to be back."

I like being undisguised it's like I'm wearing a familiar piece of clothing instead of something that I just got from a clothing store. Well, that makes me sound like a body snatcher or something. Hehe. Anyway, Dob and Lob should probably get back to their usual selves now, well not their normal selves but their normal human disguises. Best do it here instead of out in the open.

So I had Dob and Lob take a sip of the Undisguise potion before taking a disguise potion of the same make as the one they'd had the first time thus making them look like their original disguised selves. Dob and Lob had taken the potions quickly so right as their disguises were unraveled they were immediately disguised again.

"Thanks, Patrick!", I said to Patrick before heading out the door.

Dob and Lob waved to Patrick and then hurried after me.

"No problem. Come back soon! Preferably with my money!", Patrick said in response.

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