《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 72: Reporting to the Guildmaster


This is really important! I need to go inform the Guildmaster. Hopefully, then they can step in and help to calm everyone down because I think these people are about to explode, more specifically explode with anger. I think I've gotten everything I could from Scorpion now so should I just kill him?

It probably wouldn't be a problem with my dagger although I doubt he is currently hostile towards me so it probably wouldn't do anything. Anyway, it isn't my place to step in. That's the guards' job I guess and whatever legal system they have here. Scorpion will probably know when I go to the Guild due to his informants so this is probably the last time we'll be near each other without fighting.

I guess I'll just go now. I don't have any time to waste!

"Okay well, I'm gonna go walk around a bit before the fighting starts."

"Hmm okay. Don't mess anything up. I may have promoted you but I can fire you real fast and let me tell you when I fire someone, it involves a lot of fire."

Jeez, I get the point. You don't have to be so intense about it. Well time to go mess things up for Scorpion!

I quickly left the ABW's base and headed towards the Guild. I soon arrived and went through the door using my Guild card. The door then opened and let me inside.

Hmm, I guess the Card really does work. It can still tell that I'm me even when I'm disguised like this.

Dob and Lob followed behind me and soon we were all inside the Guild. I saw Melissa in her usual place behind the counter. She looked bored.

I wonder where everyone is? They must be outside yelling about Blackbridge or doing missions or something.


I walked up to the counter smiling.

"Hello, Melissa!"

"Hello? I don't think I've seen you around here before. Can I help you?"

"Ah yes I'd like to see the Guildmaster."

I quickly glanced around to confirm that no one else was in the Guild.

"It's about that mission he asked me to do."

"James?", Melissa said hesitantly.

"In the flesh", I replied, chuckling.

Melissa still looked a bit skeptical so I held up my Guild card.

"Oh, James it is you! I'm not even gonna ask why you look like a completely different person. So why do you look like a different person?"

Hehe. That was pretty funny.

"Let's talk somewhere else. We can talk while we walk."

"Ah yes. Good idea", Melissa replied, "although it would be impossible for anyone to get in here without a Guild card I guess you never know."

Oh yeah, I guess maybe Scorpion's informants can't get in here but better safe than sorry I guess.

Melissa then started leading me through the maze of rooms that one had to go through to get to the Guildmaster. True to my words as we walked I told Melissa about everything I'd been through and about Scorpion's plans.

"That jerk! He's a real piece of work."

Heh, that rhymes.

"Yeah, hopefully, the Guildmaster can help fix all of this before any serious fighting breaks out."


We soon arrived at the very memorable polished wooden doors that led to the Guildmaster's office. Right, when we got there Melissa knocked on the door impatiently, clearly, she also knew that things had to be turned around, and fast.

"Come in", a familiar gruff voice called from the other side of the doors.

Melissa then opened the doors as easily as she had the first time but perhaps a little faster. As we stepped into the room I glanced around at the various sculptures and pieces of artwork that adorned the giant room and was just as impressed as I was the first time I saw them.


Seriously I mean this guy practically works in an art gallery.

I then walked to the back of the room where the old smiling Guildmaster sat and Dob and Lob followed up behind me.

"Ah, James it is nice to see you again. I assume you've come with good news?"

First Stella and now him? Does everyone have Glasses of True Sight or something now?

"Yes, Guildmaster. Good news indeed. I figured out Scorpion's plan. Scorpion being the leader of the ABW and in fact, the ABB which was basically doing what the ABW did but well I'm sure it's obvious."

"Interesting. Very good job. Mind informing me on what it is?"

"Yes of course. Basically, he wanted to start a war between Whitebridge and Blackbridge in order to sell weapons and or iron from his mines to both sides in order to make a profit. That or of course he's just insane."

"Hmm well I have no doubt that he's insane but he doesn't seem like the type to do something for no reason. Whatever the case we need to stop it. I've been holding off because I wanted to make sure we were doing the right thing before doing it and now that we know what his plan is we can proceed. I assume you know the location of their base?"


I then proceeded to inform the Guildmaster of the location of the ABW's base as well as some of the other things that I'd learned while infiltrating the ABW. 10 minutes later we were done talking and the Guildmaster told us to head out and keep an eye on things.

As we were walking out the door I heard the Guildmaster call out.

"Oh and James? After this is over I need you and your friends to come back to my office. I need to reward all of you for this."

I nodded and then waved, Dob and Lob then followed suit and also waved to the Guildmaster who chuckled and then waved back. Melissa made sure to close the doors and then she led us back out to the main area of the Guild.

"Well that was a lot", I said, looking at Melissa.

"Yeah although I have no doubt that the Guildmaster will get it done. He's the most powerful person I know. You being the second most powerful person I know of course", Melissa said with a smile.

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