《Path of the Conqueror》Chapter-1 Birth


In the endless sea of myriad planes with each plane being very distinctive, existed a plane called Miraz. Home to many races but dominated by humans. A big continent named Nilius. With three main powers Zinovia Empire in the south, Dranes Empire in the northwest and Holy Moon Alliance in the northeast.

There were other powers spread out as well but they are not as powerful as these three. But they are also the ones not to be provoked. This continent was actively at war with other primary planes. And invaded the smaller ones.

Because of constant fighting, it gave birth to many powerhouses. Thus, keeping an edge over the other primary planes. And it soon was going to witness the start of another legend.

It was night and the clouds blocked the light of three moons. Deep in the northeastern territory of the Zinovia Empire, in a forest stood a small mansion. The lanterns were hanging on the walls as the only source of light. In a dark corner of the room man with black hair was sitting on a chair with his eyes closed.

An old woman then entered the room.

"Duke Bane, Lady Vanessa has given birth to a boy. She's unconscious now. But you should inspect the child. There is something odd about the baby."

Zeidan opened his eyes and looked toward the old woman.

After he and Vanessa continued meeting each other, they developed a special relationship. And as a result of that Vanessa was with a child. She stopped going to her home plane. Now that seven years passed away, she gave birth to a boy.

Zeidan's father passed away leaving him with his Dukedom and his throne. They were now at an old mansion in his territory. It was still a secret about Vanessa, so only his most trusted followers knew about her existence.


Zeidan accompanied the maid to a room. The room was lit with candles. Vanessa sleeping on a grand bed with a baby laid beside her. She was looking gorgeous sleeping peacefully. Zeidan moved forward and picked up the baby in his arms. He observed him for a while before looking at the maid.

"My Lord, this is no ordinary child. I have helped with many deliveries. Every child cries after being born but this child didn't even flinch, just stared at me with his crimson eyes. And he spent four years in the womb."

"Enough, go to Grendel he will take care of everything you need. You have served our family for a long time. I know you had many opportunities to betray us and get away safely but you didn't. Your loyalty will be rewarded."

"Thank you, my generous lord."

The maid left the room. The room again became silent. Zeidan sat on the bed with the baby in his hand. A melodious voice reached his ears.

"How's my baby?"

He turned to see Vanessa awake. He helped her to sit up as her body still haven't recovered from the labour. He passed the baby into her arms. She kissed the forehead of the baby.

"Why would you make your mother wait for so long? My little lord, My Zain. Do you like the name Zain?"

"Well, It's a good name, what's not to like?"

"Hmph, my choice is always good. You are one of them, no haha..."

Zeidan quietly saw Vanessa playing with the baby. She had waited for four years to see him. He had never seen her this happy before. Then suddenly she stopped and looked at him with a questioning gaze.


"You are a demon, aren't you?"


Zeidan was a little startled after hearing this. He had the bloodline of Destruction Beast which is the parent bloodline of demons, devils and other destructive races. But it was diluted to the point where one could even say it doesn't exist. No one ever in his family was able to awaken their bloodline.

It was long forgotten bloodline. Even Zeidan only found out about it after he researched for so long to increase his power.

It doesn't mean that the bloodline was useless. Even in its diluted form, it helped many family members to achieve great power. They knew that it was a very powerful bloodline, but the problem was that it wasn't that pure. They tried hard to increase the purity of the bloodline but all in vain.

Vanessa grabbed his hand and put it on the baby's chest. He focused to hear his heartbeat. In a single second, Zeidan understood that the baby had more than one heart. But how many in total?





The baby had nine small hearts!!!

It was unbelievable. Both Vanessa and Zeidan knew that the heart was the core of one's body. The more the hearts the bigger the potential will a person have. They had four hearts but they were not by birth, they had to train hard and push the body through extreme limits to grow them.

Even four hearts were enough to get past the legendary stage but here Zain had nine hearts. Only Novas or beyond could have nine hearts. Like Arch Demon Lords, who could destroy a legion of legends with a snap of a finger. That's why Vanessa asked that question.

He started to feel powerful energy in the tiny hearts. Pure Chaos and Destruction energy were mingling together in the hearts.

"This...this...Vanessa, I don't know what it means. But I can assure you that he will go way beyond our imagination."

"I know, silly. He is our child this much is expected from him. Promise me, you will take care of him."

"Do you really have to go?"

"You know that I can't stay here. But things can change in future. If I don't go they will come looking for me. And right now, we both have our problems. But only you could take care of our child."

"Vanessa, you know that I can go to war with even an entire plane for you. Even if it cost me my life. Can't you give me the coordinates of your plane?"

Vanessa smiled at this sentence. She knew Zeidan would do anything in his power to save her if she gave away the coordinates of her plane.

"No, remember the promise you made to me, no matter what you won't try to save me or do something crazy. Just keep him safe. I promise nothing will happen to me. I may even come back to meet you."

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