《Bloody Haze》Chapter 6- 3 months later
3 months later.
‘I told you….wouldn’t regret it. It’s easy money, only your name on a venue and few grand of equipment, easy as man.’ Said Justin, looking through black-out curtains to the street outside.
It’s busy with children playing football on a small patch of grass and an old lady pulls weeds next door. None the wiser.
Smithy looks through the window too. It’s been nearly three months since they unloaded the Yaris and it’s one decision he’s never regretted. Justin left with the bags and come back two days later and handed Smithy seven thousand pound in cash. He was sure it wasn’t a clear fifty-fifty cut, however he kept the contents of his man-bag to himself, so he didn’t push it. Here however, he’d be keeping a closer eye on the weights. He kept the shooter to himself too. He was close to throwing in a river and decided to keep it. He was now in the drug business and he was starting to feel connected to the growing plants and was willing to protect them.
‘How the plants getting on?’
‘Few weeks and be ready to flush out and cut down, have a look.’
‘They’ve blown up already.’ Said Smithy opening a door to the largest room in the house in the next room. The front room they haven’t used to save any prying eyes getting suspicious. Smithy rented it out, using his own name and his wage slips while they were still valid enough.
‘Don’t fuck up the atmosphere, get in and close the door.’ Said Justin pushing Smithy through and closing the door behind him.
‘It’s warm, sweating already.’ Said Smithy stepping into the glare of one of the lights and then stepping as far back as possible. They had thirty plants and for the last ten weeks they’d been nurturing them as if actual money was growing off them.
‘One-year man and I’m out.’ Said Smithy as he wipes growing beads of sweat off his forehead. A crude hole in the ceiling with ducting coming out is attached to a carbon filter, which hums continually sucking the air out and with whatever smells left straight into the rafters. In the corner a fan spins, blowing hot air around the room and into the carbon filter. The fan doesn’t do much for the heat however thinks Smithy, but it’s not his comfort that’s at stake. The thirty plants growing nicely, with his previous year’s wages consisting of half of them are the only thing that matters.
‘If you say so, smelling good already and they haven’t even started filling out.’ Said Justin stroking the leaves and pulling out some dead ones into a little black bucket, almost full of wilting leaves and dead twigs.
‘Is that spidermite?’ Said Smithy leafing through the foliage and brushing his hands over his money. He’d never once seen it, but Justin assured him it’s real and to keep tabs on anything that looks out of place. Eats the bud, destroying the crop within days he said.
‘This here?’ As Smithy pulls back one of the growing buds and shines the light on it by stepping out the way. He can’t imagine anything getting to it other than another poacher himself.
‘Show me now.’ Said Justin, exasperated at the thought of all those thousands being taken by a little spider, which ironically wasn’t a spider at all.
Smithy watches Justin operate methodically, checking the plant from the base all the way to the top. He doesn’t miss a stem and even the leaves get turned over and inspected. He checks the wooden bamboo stick last, by rubbing his hand up and down it and checking if there’s any transfer to his hand.
‘You’re going to give me heart attack man. I’ve already sprayed them, should be alright.’ He said as he analyses the rest with real concern.
‘I haven’t seen them, like a said before.’ Said Smithy trying to suck on all the information he can of the process like the carbon filter above does the smell. It’s the first one for Smithy and what Justin doesn’t know, the first year is going to be the last working with him. Well, that’s his plan as Justin sniffs his own cash at a rate, he feels he might end up pulling out the shooter to protect it at some point. He had to check himself at the thought. He’s been his friend since they were eleven and it crossed his mind more than he could take.
‘I’ve heard of boys losing a whole crop in a few days man.’ Said Justin stroking the plants as he walks through them into the centre. He checks them carefully again, double checking some while continuing to add to the black bucket. He was in his element and Smithy watches on in awe of more money to come.
‘When you flushing them out?’
‘We’ll start in a week….they need a little more feed first. You only get one chance to flush it out, do it too early man and the yield is fucked.’
‘So, you know the right time then ye?’ Said Smithy looking to plants and thinking they’re good to clip now and smoke once dried.
‘This is my first full crop and I’m always learning man, might take a while to get the most out of them, but ye man I’ve got this first one sorted, we’ll get some decent cheddar off it for certain.’ Said Justin pulling out a ready-made spliff and lighting up.
‘Decent yield? What you think we’ll get?’ Said Smithy continuing to watch Justin work, picking out stems towards the bottom and throw them into the bucket.
‘Varies, between six hundred and twelve depending on the THC levels, yield and what else is on the market.’
‘Come down for a cuppa, I can’t stand this heat.’ Said Smithy stepping out and heading down the stairs thinking of what he’s going to do with the money. He’s already replaced everything in his wardrobe for fresh gear and picked up a cheap motor. He hasn’t worked for nearly three months and still has cash left over. He wants a watch to go with his Stone Island jacket and some tattoos to go with his holiday plans. All of them resting on what happens in the next few weeks.
‘I’ll check a few things first.’ Said Justin slamming the door as Smithy left it ajar. Smithy was fascinated by it all and how easy it was to set up and as equally terrified about how easy it was to fuck it up. He keeps making those mistakes of leaving a door open, or not filling the jug of water to the exact measurements so the plants get all the same. It’s got the point where Justin doesn’t even want him around to fuck it up and certainly doesn’t allow him to do it alone.
He reminds himself to relax and take it slowly. Like Justin said, he’s always learning, and he’s been around a few, albeit not to this scale.
Smithy went out and picked up the plant-pots and soil, while Justin got the thirty nursery plants, bought for fifty each off a supplier he knew specializing in it. Justin bought the fans and the carbon filter, and he got the reflective sheeting for the walls and the LED lights from a shop in Hall Green.
It wasn’t difficult once they had a quiet place to set up. Smithy’s name on the lease and the first three months paid up in advance. A few security measures like changing the locks and reinforcing the doors to the best of their ability-for obvious reasons. Blocking the windows to save any prying eyes. Smithy thought of it like a living jigsaw and they were just waiting now for feeding process to complete before they cash in and complete their emergence into the scene.
‘All good?’ Said Smithy handing over a fresh brew and taking the joint in return.
‘All good. I worked on a few with my cousin….like I said before he got sent away, there’s an art to it, some secrets to be unleashed and all that. Takes time to get a bumper pay day.’ Said Justin looking away as if he’s trying to hide something.
Justin must’ve spent more time here than his own place, protecting the crop and nurturing them to life. Smithy wasn’t needed, not really. It’s twenty thousand at least, perhaps over thirty with the good yield. Smithy looks to the counter-top with little bags that used to hold white powder, surrounding a CD case and Justin’s bank card. He needs to keep an eye on this crop, he might be closer to a poacher than he first thought if this habit is a serious as it looks. He can’t keep the thought out of his head.
‘You doing alright on that shit?’ Said Smithy pointing out the bags.
‘Don’t worry about me, got a lot on shottin’ the streets and managing this.’
‘Fairs, I’ll hit you up next week and sort the chop down.’ Said Smithy feeling his place is just the name and taking whatever cash he’s given at the end. Justin can sniff the lot for he cares if he gets his share.
‘This is the beginning man, players now….big fucking players.’ Said Justin with gold on his wrist and a diamond in his ear. Bags full of dried out green ready to go in the back of Justin’s car.
‘I wouldn’t say big….thirty plants is an average grow.’ Said Smithy looking to the bags and wondering if they’re light.
It’s been just over a week since they spent a hazy night listening to RnB classics and smoking another’s dried produce. The whole night, about nine hours they’d chopped all the buds and set them out drying. They could’ve done it faster if it weren’t for Justin rolling one straight after the next. He said it’s the way it’s done. You can’t chop down a crop sober he said, it’s against the rules. Smithy played along, not like it was hard anyway. He couldn’t wait for a smoke of his own produce and settled for taking deep sniffs instead when he was handed a big bud.
‘We’ve got massive weight there, bumper crop.’
‘How much we getting?’
‘I’ve got twenty-eight thousand for the lot from four different guys.’
‘Not bad for a few months’ work.’ Said Smithy thinking about the new car he’s going to buy. He was surprised by the number, Justin must’ve split it fairly.
‘Not enough man split between two, plus bills. I’ve got something in the pipeline mate, easier money, much easier, much quicker.’ Said Justin raising his brow.
‘Diamonds don’t pay for themselves.’
‘No, no they fucking don’t.’
‘What’s going on?’
‘Not sure yet, depends if you want to make some real money.’
‘I’m sure you’re going to tell me anyway man, just spit it out.’
‘Gardeners shop, all in the green my man, all in the green.’
‘That all you got?’ Said Smithy, not quite grasping what he was getting at. Justin’s smile gleamed like the diamond in his ear.
‘Can I trust you?’
‘Seriously asking me that? I’ve known you all my life, you’re a prick but I love ya.’ Said Smithy, grabbing him and smacking a kiss on his cheek.
‘Oh, fuck off you soppy twat, getting all emotional because its payday again. Nah man, I know that, it’s just…it’s just this is different.’
‘Dangerous information?’
‘I’m worried mate, really worried.’
‘Spit it out for fuck sake, words don’t kill man.’
‘It’s a different class of information, dangerous shit.’ He said nervously, looking away as if he’s hiding something.
‘Where you get it from?’
‘From my cousin, guys got ears and eyes man I’ll give that fucker that. He’s like the police, when you owe him, fucking hell he gets man’s talking about all sort of shit when he’s got them on their back the savage.’
‘I need more than that, come on fella, it’s not like I need foreplay like a virgin man, I’ve already got my beak wet on the last job.’
‘How can I forget that? We crushed a fucking dogs head, well I did while you played fucking games with it.’
‘I stopped you running for the door, remember that?’ Said Smithy.
‘Anyway, I’ve got information about a gardener’s shop that can make us rich, very fucking rich.’
‘You’re not much of a salesman, are ye? What you on about with the gardener’s shop?’
‘Use your brain Smithy…..it sells the equipment needed for guys like us. Some grows can’t be fitted out with a few trips to fucking Homebase.’
‘Homebase is closed, I went to B-n-Q.’
‘Oh…fuck off, you know what I mean. Do I need to spell it out to ye?’ Said Justin and like a flash of lightening it was bright and clear in Smithy’s mind. Smithy was already calculating the potential haul and how many shoe boxes full of cash he’d have. All his decisions were being set for him after feeling all those notes in his dirty, yet pain free hands.
‘I must have more than this man, spit it out I’m interested.’
‘My cousin’s given me some information on a potential warehouse full of gear. He said he knows where he picks up his feed and knows when they’re next to land. They have to go at certain times when it’s quiet, save too many customers.’
‘How’s he getting the info?’
‘Cousin knows an insider at the place…..I can’t tell you who he is…. but he’s a top lad. I’ve met him already and he’s game for a cut.’ Said Justin raising his brow and nervously wiping his hands on his legs.
‘Why you so nervous for man?’
‘It’s connected to the last place.’
‘What? That fat fucker involved in it? He out of hospital?’
‘Only spent a week in, gone sober from what I’ve heard and looking for the lads who fucked him over. Some boys have been filled in around his manor.’
‘I don’t give a fuck about that, I’m not worried. His crop?’
‘He’s connected to it, his boys have a bigger operation going, we only took his personal shit.’
‘So, what do you know?’ Said Smithy looking to the rear and not to the bags. He’s looking for the big bastard. He’d heard he was prowling and taking any known sharks for a little trip. Guns in mouths and lump hammers to the hands from the street talk. Smithy isn’t worried. He bought a bullet proof vest to go with his revolver and knows how to keep his mouth shut. He doesn’t expect he’ll need it, however. Smithy was surprised how quickly he was moving with the street life, adapting to what needed to be done. He tasted the cash, spilled some blood and isn’t shy of doing it again. This life is better he thinks. He’s never had so much cash to spend and doesn’t want it to end. In his mind, he was only getting started. This was his life now.
‘Cousin’s contact knows when he picks up his feed for the plants, needs a van load at a time.’
‘You said that already, what do we do? What’s the plan?’ Said Smithy feeling somewhat in the dark, wishing for light to cast off in diamonds.
‘We follow and plant this little bad boy.’ Said Justin swiveling a rectangle of black plastic taken out of his pocket. Smithy couldn’t name it first, until Justin handed it to him and all of it fell directly into place. It was cold and black and about as interesting to look at as a calculator.
‘Tracking device?’ Said Smithy feeling foolish at such a silly question.
‘It’s easy to use man, all I need is a sim-card and to log online to track it.’ Said Justin, as Smithy looks at the simplicity of the device, allowing usage by the untrained he imagines the process.
‘Not one on my motor?’ Said Smithy jokingly.
‘Not from me, I would check every now and then though. Anyway man, you’re not known so don’t need to worry. How do you think I found his place the first time? I knew his boys dealt cocaine and waited for the fuckers to go the shop, I got underneath and planted the bastard. Tricks of the trade man, I’m as dirty as your bathroom.’ Said Justin snatching the device back and shoving it into his pocket.
‘Fuck off you prick, just spent nearly two bags getting it smashed out, looks fresh now.’
‘You mug, it’s a council house, those bastards should pay. I don’t give a fuck, what am I saying man, your money. I’ve spent at least two bags on coke for personal use in the last few months, better on sorting your gaff out. Anyway man, you in or what?’
‘We’ll see, let’s drop this on the fat bastard again and see if we find out where he’s going. How do you see it?’
‘On the I-Phone mate, just log online and wait, easy as that. It sends you the co-ordinates by text if you want, or you can get the full route.’ Said Justin shrugging his shoulders as if Smithy had been making the habit of asking stupid questions and patience was wearing thin.
‘That simple?’ Said Smithy thinking of another haul, a bigger score.
How could it be any more complicated? It’s been months since they smashed in the big bastard. Young men like them, first time with cash in their pockets aren’t going to be able to stop themselves taking a little more. Smithy wasn’t going back to the factory; he now owed his own enterprise. He was a boss. He was independent and surviving without a supervisor to humiliate him and a wage slip to finish him off into a dark depression come Friday. He hits the pub and gets lashed, meeting girls and taking them back to a hotel nearly every weekend. He doesn’t want it to end.
‘It’s not going to be as simple….more cogs and that. You in?’
‘Ye man, see how doable it is.’
‘Look, we’ll just see where it is, if we can find it, and then we can make a decision. We’ve got it good man, nice and quiet with the crop. Should get another twenty-eight, or even more on the next one. We’ll see, ye?’ Said Justin analyzing Smithy’s face and he knew he was on.
‘I’m on it. Let’s load this off and cash in, I fancy a trip to Bicester. I need a new Lacoste jumper.’
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