《Exiled Kingdom》Chapter XII


Needless to say, the Aserai not only kept their promises, but also did a great job. The Vladians were brought to a fertile land, there was a large amount of farmland, surrounded by dozens of fertile villages, and two villages were vacated for the mercenaries, and a large amount of food was prepared.

After several days of fatigue and hunger, the soldiers were fed to their heart's content.

The next day, Demarcus woke up, feeling energetic and his fatigue was gone. He felt confused thinking about what the aserai did, if this is the enemy's plan, is it necessary for them to pay so much? Does this country bully the weak and fear the strong?

He tried to remember the description of the aserai empire in the game, according to the description the aserai had a gigantic empire in the southern desert areas and their main cities were around the Nahsa river, a river that crossed the entire bronze desert from one end to the other. another therefore their cities were prosperous and the Aserai themselves were skilled in trade, this could be seen as in every major city of Caraldia Aserai merchants were present with their exotic wares brought from the desert and beyond. Of course that was just a basic introduction that didn't delve much into his origins, but in his other life as a mount & blade fan he had read several stories about the various factions in Caraldia and curiously one of them was about the aserai and its origins and this had been written by one of the developers… According to the story, the Aserai took advantage of the decline of the two hegemonic powers that controlled the Nahsa River, but by that time the Aserai were divided into dozens of clans and sub-clans, It was not until the arrival of Asera who unified the clans and gave rise to the Benu Aserai that his empire began. Taking advantage of the oases in the vast desert to establish colonies for their merchants, thanks to that they were the richest faction in Caraldia, of course after Asera's death the various clans began to fight for power.

But how did they manage such a vast territory? First of all, the most prosperous place of the Aserai is Naasha, the capital of the Aserai, it was established by the first Asera king. The area where it was built was the most fertile area under the Aserai and the territory is directly under the rule of the Aserai king! Most of the clans under Aserai jurisdiction are self-governing and pay taxes regularly. While the rest of the territory is ruled by the sub-clans.


Demarcus had a flash of inspiration, remembering that when the mercenaries passed through Ortysia, Derfeck allowed the Vladians to plunder, but once they crossed the river at Quyaz and entered territory under royal jurisdiction, they were much more controlled and had to pay for it. everything they bought, it could be….it could be that….

"Demarcus, come with me to see Axel!" A large hand dragged Demarcus up and interrupted his thoughts.

"Who?" Demarcus asked Laurenz a bit confused.

“Axel, Antonio's nephew. When he was crossing the wooden bridge yesterday, the bridge suddenly broke and he fell into the river, he got a big gash on his thigh from being hit by a broken splinter. We didn't expect that this morning, he started to burn with a fever and even though he is unconscious, he kept saying weird things and the doctor can't do anything”. Laurenz said anxiously.

“Speaking strange words?! It seems that he has come to hell and has met Puddle, there is no hope for him. Olivors saw Laurenz glare at him and corrected himself, "Of course, if Demarcus, whom Wahdarr 'favored', doesn't agree, then even if he doesn't want to live, he can't!"

Demarcus smiled, "I want to help, but I'm not sure I can cure him."

Laurenz comforted him saying, “Antonio understands. But for a person who is about to lose his loved ones, even if there is a little bit of hope, he will try.”

Before Laurenz's expectant eyes, Demarcus fell silent and gradually calmed down from the tension, although he can't save Axel, he just can't forget the help he had received from them these 2 days! Also, he can win his trust back with his own ability without trying to trick them! And without this nickname, perhaps some of Metor's jealousy will subside.

Thinking about it, he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go with you."

"I'll go too." Giorgris got up too.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

When they arrived at a house with closed doors and windows, the house was full of people.

"Demarcus is here!" A word quickly gave way to a passage.

Demarcus saw a young man in his twenties lying on the bed with his eyes closed, his lips were dry and his whole body was very red. He had a six centimeter long wound on his left thigh near the knee and the wound was swollen. He was saying some strange things, his hands and feet were shaking, but someone was holding him tight.

Demarcus first put his hand on Axel's forehead and felt it warm. Then Demarcus gently pressed the swelling with his hands and his wound expelled a bit of green pus. He felt that his fingers were sticky and he had a slight fragrance.


At that moment, the man holding Axel raised his head and looked at him and said: “I applied a perfumed oil of vine leaves to the wound, hoping that it would calm down, but it did not seem to be effective. ”

"This is Seraphiel, a wizard and camp doctor." Laurenz saw Demarcus' doubts and whispered. Such a strong guy is he actually a magician?! Demarcus looked at him and snapped, "Why didn't you use the bloodletting treatment?"

“Should sangria be used? He was considering it, but in case Axel takes too long to recover and we're on the way home he wouldn't make it! Seraphiel explained, "I don't have much oil left and my magic is very weak, I was forced to use it because the other spices don't work." He seemed a bit depressed.

No wonder there is a strange smell in the air, and it seems to be the smell of these people. Demarcus was thinking of some interesting stories about the game that he had seen in his previous life.

"Oh, what's your name? What country doctor did Antonio call you from? Seraphiel asked.

Demarcus hesitated for a moment and thought about how to respond. Antonio, who was waiting anxiously, intervened: “This is Demarcus! The 'favored one' of Wahdarr, the king of the underworld!” After that, without looking at Seraphiel's sudden change of expression, he asked Demarcus anxiously, "Axel...do you still have...hope?"

"I'll do my best, but I'm not sure if he'll do well." Demarcus responded cautiously.

"He Solo gives your best! He Solo gives your best!" Antonio's tired face relaxed: "Do we need to prepare the altar and the Wahdarr statue?"

“What do you need to prepare it for?”

"For Pray!"

Demarcus looked around, except for Seraphiel, who was looking coldly from the side, the others were looking at him with anticipation and excitement: they are waiting to see "God Descend"!

Demarcus laughed in his heart and said solemnly, “I won't pray and I don't know how to pray. But I have some other treatments, to try, if you just want a God to save Axel, then I can just go!

"Hears!" Some murmured in disappointment.

Antonio, however, seemed to understand something, and said it firmly: "Just do what you said!"

The reason Demarcus said it in the first place is to find a way out in case he fails to treat him. Second, he does not want these people to associate him with one God in all matters.

Get everyone to go outside and wait outside!...Open the doors and windows!...Boil a bucket of water, find a few clean sheets and put them in the boiling water! At the same time, find a sharp, rust-free knife and put it in the boiling water!...And bring some more buckets of cold water!...” Demarcus shouted slowly and clearly.

Antonio, Laurenz and Giorgris didn't question him and began to seriously carry out his orders and hurriedly left.

Seraphiel had thought Demarcus was a witch doctor and gave him a hard look at first. Seeing what she had arranged just now she looked quite familiar to him, she couldn't help but ask curiously, "Demarcus, how do you plan to treat him?"

“There is no massive bleeding from the wound and obviously the blood vessels are not damaged, but the wound is red and swollen with pus, he also has a high fever and it is clear that the infection from the wound had caused his high fever, so we must first perform debridement, then reduce his fever.” Demarcus explained it in detail. To modern people, this is just common sense, but in this primitive age, people tend to think it's caused by the supernatural, which is why wizards and witch doctors are so popular and made Seraphiel think Demarcus was a witch doctor before.

After hearing Demarcus' words, Seraphiel's eyes lit up, "This is somewhat similar to the Pear Willow Bark method of treating fractures, 'debridement, traction and reduction'."

"Willow bark pear?" Demarcus was very familiar with this name. After all, Willow Bark Pear was called “The Imperial Medicine”.

"Yes. Do you know her?"

"I'm not familiar with her, but I've heard of her."

“When she was crossing the sea, I wanted to visit her, but she wasn't there. Although many doctors in Caraldia disagreed with her, he healed many people."

Demarcus was moved after seeing Seraphiel's regret and admiration, "You can be my assistant later, will you?"

"Many thanks!" Seraphiel said thankfully. In this world, most doctors have a tradition of passing down their knowledge from father to son. A commoner who wants to study medicine will have to sign an agreement, pay expensive tuition, and serve as an assistant for many years.

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