《[Editing] Mr and Mrs Clean Freaks》C̸h̸a̸p̸t̸e̸r̸ 3̸2̸


The final day had finally arrived.

I was now sitting in front of my room's mirror, my grandma finishing the hairstyle I had asked her to do.

"What did you end up choosing to do with that Sakusa boy?" My grandma asked, tucking a few strands of my hair behind my ears.

"I've decided to confess," I said as I pointed towards the letter that was sitting in my drawer. My grandma seemed to take curiosity in exactly was written in the letter, I picked it up and put in my pocket.

"I'll give you a quick summary," I told her as I said a gave a quick review of the letter. Since the letter also mentioned Yuriko, I also gave her a quick explanation of what happened during the school festival.

"So, how do you know he's dating Yuriko?" My grandma asked me, her question was making me go through the scenarios at least three times.

"They looked like they were about to kiss," I said, looking at my reflection as my grandma finished the last bit of my hair.

"But if you ran away before that, how do you know that he didn't reject her?" She replied, putting her hands on my shoulder as I looked at the hairstyle from different angles in the mirror.

"Mmm... seeing how I didn't see all of it, you're right. That means that there's a probability that he's not dating her, meaning that I still have a chance." I said, putting on the graduation badge on my blazer.

"Tell him and when you come back, tell me how it went." She said, soon going to the living room to have breakfast whilst I gave myself one last check in the mirror before heading down as well.

"You look great," my father said as he put down all of the plates on the table.

After eating breakfast, I grabbed a few things before heading to the door. "I'll be off," I said opening the door as my father and my grandma were on the doorstep to see me off.

"Good luck, see you later." They both said in unison and I started walking off.

I little further ahead I saw Seiko, Komori and Kiyoomi stopping by the junction of the road that splits into three.

"Good morning (Y/N)!" Seiko said as she lunged towards me for a hug but as always, I dodged it before she could touch.

"Good morning, how are you all today?" I said, briefly making eye contact with Kiyoomi who had been yawning.

"I'm good," Komori said as he went to help Seiko get up. The two being all lovey-dovey once again as Kiyoomi and I had to third and fourth wheel between the two of them.

"I'm good as well," Kiyoomi said as he started to walk away to stop witnessing such scene. I soon started to walk next to him, Seiko and Komori following behind the two of us soon afterward.

"Today's the last day, what are your plans for the summer?" I asked him, he gave me a quick look before looking forward once again.

"Probably volleyball, a bit of cleaning and maybe go to the coast? Komori's family invited me and him to come along, would you like to join as well? They said we could bring friends." He replied, pulling his hair backwards with his hand which was such a good sight to see on the last day of school.


"Oh sure, I'll confirm with my dad first." I replied as I quickly shook my head to prevent the previous scenery from being kept in my head.

Before I knew it, Kiyoomi had already stopped putting his hair back and was back to his stoic self once again.

I was thinking on where would be the perfect spot to give Kiyoomi my letter and before I knew it, we had already arrived at the school gates.

We went to our our homeroom class where we spent a bit of time before heading off to the gymnasium. The third years were on the first few rows, the younger years were on one side of the seatings whilst the parents were on the other side.

The principal soon took a step on the stand, followed by the vice principal and another teacher who had the certificates. He had started speaking his speech, which was a bit like the one we heard last year. Only that this time, he was thanking the student council as well as the girls volleyball team for a great year.

"And now without further ado, Kageyama (Y/N), please step forward." He said, I stood up from my seat and walked to the stands, bowing before and after receiving my certificate.

I looked at the audience, I saw my dad, followed by my grandma and Tobio who had to ask for permission to come my graduation. They all really happy, specially my grandma and dad who were too emotional that they both started crying.

Soon afterwards, I found myself making eye contact with Seiko, Komori and Kiyoomi who had smiles on their faces. I happened to make eye contact with Kiyoomi and he got startled, I started chuckling a bit before bowing to the audience to show my gratitude.

Then, I went back to my seat as the fellow council members went to get their certificates. You could already hear a few cries when Koya's name was called.

People went one by one, a lot of them looking really proud of getting their certificates, some had a few tears. Whilst some, had a stoic expression, and yes, I'm talking specifically about Kiyoomi here.

He seemed to have a few things on his mind as he took his certificate, soon turning towards the audience and bowed before leaving the stands.

I think I know where and when I'll be confessing, I thought to myself as the rest of the names were called.

And lastly, the graduation ceremony finally finished. The students were all hanging around with the third years, their parents and a few teachers who were talking about the future.

I looked around as I found my family talking to Seiko's, Komori's and Kiyoomi's families. They seemed to be amusing themselves a little bit too much as they were all laughing about something.

"What's the joke? I want to laugh as well." Seiko said as if she could read my mind. All the families soon turned towards the four of us, a few of the parents still laughing.

"(Y/N)'s father was telling us an embarrassing moment he had when he was in high school, so we were all saying one as well." Komori's mum said, still laughing here and there.

"Alright, we'll leave you for a bit more talk. We need to stay goodbye to a few people." I said as I temporarily split from the group to find the student council members for one last photo.


"(Y/N) you're here, gather around. We were waiting for you." Temiko said as Koya took his camera out, Bunko trying not to third wheel between them.

"Alright alright. Everyone in their poses, this will be the final pictures we'll be taking as high schoolers." I said, getting into a pose as I heard the camera take a few pictures.

"It was great meeting all of you, genuinely. It's a huge same we all won't be going to the same university." Koya said, he had applied to study Medicine in Germany, Temiko will be going with him but to study English instead. Bunko will be at Tokyo University studying Finance, so I at least can get to see him more often than the other two.

"You better take care of (Y/N) for us Bunko, if you see someone trouble her, beat them up." Temiko added.

"I think it's me who should be protecting him instead if you recall that one incident." I said, everyone starting to laugh afterwards.

"Well, we'll better go to out parents. You seem to have someone waiting for you after all." Koya said as he pointed behind me, I saw Kiyoomi standing a few steps away.

"Good luck. You don't really need it but it's better than nothing," he added as he winked at me, the last tease I'll get from him in a while. The three of them soon walked away as Bunko and Temiko caught on what was happening, wishing me luck as well.

I turner to Kiyoomi who was already looking at me, "could you come with me, please?" He said, I nodded as he started guiding me through a familiar pathway. The path that led to the sakura tree where Yuriko had asked Kiyoomi out.

Which was a bit weird, since I was going to ask him to come to this tree anyways. I guess great minds do think alike I thought to myself as we stopped in front of the tree.

"Hey uh..." he said, scratching his cheek as he tried to put his words into a phrase. It was as if his heart got swapped with his tongue and was now unable to speak.

"I'm not really sure what words I should start with, but, I have been feeling a certain way towards you. I'm not entirely sure if the word 'love' is a little too much, but I am attracted to you. I'm attracted to your laugh, your smile, your personality, your being as a whole. I've heard that love is a ghost, and meeting you proved it to me. So to put it in summary, I like you, will you please go out with me?" Kiyoomi said, bowing right in front of me as he clenched his fists together.

I'm thankful it was just a misunderstanding that I had when I saw you and Yuriko together. I thought to myself as I grabbed his chin, soon making him look to me once again.

"I was planning on giving you this instead since I was uncertain about your feelings," I said, showing him the letter that I was going to give him before putting it back in my pocket.

"But since you said it first, I will tell you my feelings first. You're one of the people I like setting too, you don't ask for a lot which makes it be easier for me. Not only that you're handsome, athletic, have a good personality and you're a delight to be with. I thought you and Yuriko had a thing, but I'm glad that I was wrong, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to tell you all of this." I said.

"In other words, I will be glad to be your girlfriend." I said.

We sanitising our hands thoroughly and started holding hands.

We walked through a sakura petal path together, walking towards a nearby restaurant that all of out friends had decided to eat at as celebration.

"Could I still have the letter?" He asked, I gave it a quick thought before shaking my head.

"It's kind of bad, it'd be better if you didn't read it." I said.

But he's not really the type to listen, he grabbed it from my pocket and started running away with it, a cute laughing coming from his mouth.

Who would've thought he could be such a child I thought to myself as I followed after him, laughing as well as he kept running away. The sunset watching over us, the moon had yet to be up in the sky as we acted like two kids in the middle of the street.


It'd have been perfect if the time froze right there and then, the laughs, the memories, the sceneries. It was all too perfect back then, how I wish to go back to those times. The times where everything seemed to have a happy ending but now it's all dark, too dark and I'm here by myself.


To any Japanese graduates, can any of you confirm that's how a graduation ceremony goes? I did a bit of research but I'm not entirely sure, so any feedback on this will be highly appreciated!

I can't be asked to delete comments of the original chapter so please don't mind them in the upcoming chapters where everything will be rewritten.

Anyways so, that's the new ending of the first book, how did you all like it? I will be publishing the second book whenever I have time but (hopefully,) it'll all be finished before December.

The Description of the Second Book (which is also a new description will be published as soon as I publish this one). Please do check it out so you have a general idea of the new second book I'll be writing.

P.S. Get ready for a rollercoaster. Make sure to bring tissues, and something to comfort you because once this new book starts, nothing will be guaranteed happiness. 😈

No song references, we'll leave them for the second book.

Anyways, love you all, sorry this was published an hour later than I promised!


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