《[Editing] Mr and Mrs Clean Freaks》C̸h̸a̸p̸t̸e̸r̸ 3̸1̸


"And that's what happened" I told him and Keiji took a really big sigh.

"So what are you going to do?" he asked me.

"I'll move on... it hurts me every time that I see him with her" I told him.

"That'd be for the best" he told me and I gave him a nod.

Which was soon interrupted by a loud scream that Komori let out.

"Told him not to die" I said while chuckling, Keiji gave me a small smile before looking away.

"Is there anything that you might need?" he asked me and I shook my head.

"Alright then, come over from time to time. I miss the old times when you used to do that" he told me while chuckling and I nodded.

"You know, I never really expected to be where I am right now. First ranked female setter for a whole year and all" I said truthfully and he nodded.

"No one knew that you'd face the world like you did, and you should be proud of it" he told me and I nodded.

"I better get going, I promised Bokuto that I would give him a few sets" he said, getting up from the couch and walking towards the door.

We bid our farewells and then I closed the door shut behind me.

"I can't really go to Seiko right now because I'll end up third wheeling between the two of them" I said while sighing.

"Better pick up my phone then," I said. Scrolled through some apps before throwing my phone across the couch, picking up the remote control of the TV and started watching some random thing while sighing.

I'm going to have to get used to this... I thought to myself.

And I wish that I it could've been that way, but it wasn't.

No matter how many days passed, I wasn't able to get used to the pain in my heart.

Day in and day out I'd face Sakusa on my way to school, and out of school. We would talk from time to time since neither of us had decided to end the friendship.

And one day, Yuriko was outside of the school. She seemed to be waiting for someone and I assumed that she was waiting for Sakusa.


That was until she saw me and fully stopped me, her face looking serious as if she had something to say.

"I'm here to apologise." She said, something that I wasn't expecting to come out from her mouth.

"Why?" I asked, knowing that Yuriko isn't usually like this.

"No reason, I'll be on my way now." She said, turning the opposite direction even though I thought that she was waiting for Sakusa to come out.

"Guess she wasn't waiting for him after all." I said, walking towards my house as I remembered I still didn't tell my answer to the American team.

I took out a piece of paper, it had a phone number in it. Soon, I started dialling it as I started making my final decision as a third year.

"Hello?" I asked when the person on the other side picked it up.

"Hello, who may I be speaking with?" a woman asked me.

"Kageyama (Y/N)" I told her.

"Oh Kageyama! Have you thought about our offer?" she asked me.

"Yes" I said.

"What's your final answer"

I took a deep breath before thinking about my final answer.

"I won't be taking it, sorry" I said, confidence in my voice.

"Alright, if you do change your mind though, the offer is available until September." She said, I gave her my gratitudes and soon hung up the phone.

"So, seeing as everything went smoothly. The las thing we need to prepare for is sports festival and we will be done for the year." Temiko said as she held Koya's hand.

"Yeah" I replied, this year seemed to go so quickly that I forgot about the graduation ceremony coming up so quickly.

The four of us were taking while working since there was little time till the sports festival.

"Hey um..." Koya started talking, making everyone in the room turn to him and stopping what they were doing.

"Can we start taking pictures?" Koya asked everyone.

"Why?" Bunko asked me.

"So I can show them to my kids when I'm older" Koya said while Temiko started blushing so badly.

"It's also so that we can keep these memories that we have and be able to remember it when we're older." He added quickly.


"Sure, should we take one right now?" I asked everyone and they all nodded.

Koya soon took out his phone and started the countdown whilst we were getting into our positions.




[insert camera noise]

"It turned out really good" Bunko said as he looked at the photograph.

"You better get that one printed so all four of us can have it" I suggested, all of them nodding in agreement.

Later that day, I decided to call Keiji and speak about a few things.

"Are you sure you don't want to take the opportunity and go to America?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I want to stay here. I heard that America is way worse than Japan when it comes to clean streets, so I would like to stay here." I said.

"I'll support your decision." He said. "Oh right, did Yuriko apologise to you?" He asked, I found it weird as I didn't really tell anyone about it yet.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"No reason. Oh would you look at the time, I have to go." He said, clearly avoiding the question but I know even if I nagged him, he would never say it.

"Alright, goodbye Keiji" I said.

"Goodbye (Y/N), make sure to stay healthy" he said and he hanged up, giving me no time to reply to him.

"When will you ever change Keiji?" I mumbled as I called Kita.

He gave me the same supportive words that Keiji told me and we talked for a bit. Talking about his future plans and how the two of us will be able to meet once again in the near future.

"Thanks a lot for everything Kita" I told him.

"No need to thank me" he replied and I giggled.

"I better get going, I still have one proposal left to write" I told him and we gave each other a small goodbye before hanging up.

I looked at the last paper on the table,

"Dear Sakusa..." I said as I started to write all of my feelings into that letter, a few tears here and there that messed up a few of the words so I had to write over them.

Days went by and the sports festival went by, it was the final day before graduation.

The student council all looked at me with tears in their eyes.

"Time flew so fast... that now it's time to say goodbye to this room..." Bunko said as he was the first to start crying.

"I will miss the times we would make events and were exhausted together." Temiko said, soon joining Bunko as everyone started to cry endlessly.

"You know, I don't think the workload was bad. I would do anything to be able to make one more event with all of you guys." Koya said, some of his words being difficult to comprehend due to his loud crying.

"Thanks for everything guys, I will miss all of the ups and downs we experienced in this room for the past months." I said while hugging them, forgetting about the germs that they have for a few seconds.

Once we finished hugging, I disinfected myself a little and decided I would disinfect the rest when I got home.

"One more picture guys! This'll be the last one we'll be able to take in this room!" Koya said as he pulled out a polaroid camera from his bag and took at least five pictures with different poses.

Tomorrow is finally the day... the day where I'll confess everything to Sakusa. I thought to myself as I made my way home, the tears in my eyes falling carelessly on the floor.

I suppose confessing tomorrow will be a good day? That way I can get her answer before summer holidays. I thought to myself as I looked at the circled date on the calendar with the title 'Graduation Day' written on it.


This chapter became like 600 words shorter than the original but since we're taking a different route, it's fine.


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