《[Editing] Mr and Mrs Clean Freaks》C̸h̸a̸p̸t̸e̸r̸ 3̸0̸


The aim is to have these last edited chapters published before 12am UTC+1, after that I'll rewrite book 2 whenever I have the time.


I looked at the scene in front of me as I hard Sakusa correctly say that Yuriko had confessed to him during the finals of the national.

My heart was telling me to get out of there, my mind however did not want to leave the place at all. It wanted to stay there and see his final answer.

Yuriko slowly started to get closer and closer to Sakusa, and I started to head back. Ignoring what I was there to do as I felt a certain keychain drop but I didn't care anymore to be able to pick it up.

I eventually found myself in an empty classroom and decided to cry my eyes off there.

I got a sudden text from Tobio and Kita and I took out my phone.


Where are you?

You've been looking for you.


I needed a break from everything.


What happened?

Could you come to classroom I

tell you to?


Of course.

He replied and then I sent him my location before I went to check Tobio's messages.


Dad, grandparents and I

are going to head back. I'm

sorry that we couldn't stay

any longer.

That's okay, I'll see all of you




I love you, nee-san.

I love you too Tobio.

And stop calling me



See you later

He replied and I put my phone away.

The room falling silent until I heard someone knock on the door.

"(Y/N)?" Kita asked me and I told him to come in.

I quickly lunged forwards, towards him to be exact and ended up hugging me.

"What happened?" he asked me as he hugged me back while caressing my head.

"Why is life so miserable Kita...?" I asked him.

"Sometimes life can't be the way that you want it to be" he told me, a silence in the room soon falling in.

"But why is it, that whenever I try to love someone... life decides to not make me able to have them" I said, a tear soon falling from my eye.

"Because life is a bitch" he said. "But what happened?" he asked me again.

I explained the whole thing to Kita, my eyes starting to tear up again as I remembered the scene.

"If you want to rant... you can do it now" he said and I nodded.

I started ranting about everything, my stupid life, my mother who keeps trying to get involved in it, my stupid love choices and everything else that has been bothering me for a while now.

And after all of the ranting, the tiredness was taking over me. I kept trying to keep myself awake, but I lost the battle and drifted off to sleep.

I heard (Y/N) rant until all that was left in the room was the quietness and (Y/N)'s quiet breathing.

"You must have lived a harsh life (Y/N)..." I said as I caressed her hair once more.

I called Atsumu and the others and sent them the location I was in.


The door obviously got slammed opened with a lot of force letting out a really loud noise.

"Shhhh!" I said as I felt (Y/N) move a little bit.

"Sorry..." Atsumu whispered as he and the others walked in.

"So what happened?" Suna whispered as he looked at the sleeping body of (Y/N) right next to Kita.

"A lot, does anyone have her best friend's number?" I asked and they all shook their heads.

"I have Akaashi's though" Atsumu asked.

"Of course you do, Akaashi is fine too. But we can't let her go home like this" I told the team and Suna quickly started calling Akaashi.

I was about to leave the festival until I got a sudden call from Atsumu.

"Hello?" I asked as I replied.

"Hey um... do you have Seiko's number perhaps? And could you come here as well please?" he asked me and I looked at Bokuto.

"Yes, I'll be there in a second" I said before calling out to Bokuto.

"Bokuto" I said and he turned to me.

"Yes Akaashi?" he asked me.

"You have two options right now, you go home by yourself or you come with me and wait" I told him and he took a moment to think.

"The latter I guess?" he said and he followed after me, walking to the location that Atsumu sent.

When we got there, we found the whole team of Inarizaki there. All quiet as (Y/N)'s head was laying on Kita's shoulder.

"What happened?" I asked them.

"You'll have to ask her yourself when she wakes up, but she needs to go home" Osamu said.

"Actually no, get Seiko to come here and take her to her house so that (Y/N) doesn't have to get to hers" Atsumu added.

"Alright," I said as I sent Seiko a message and she replied nearly straight away.

There was silence in the room...

The corridor was silent as hell...

Until someone's footsteps started to be heard, they were as if the person was stomping someone without a break. It echoed, the closer it got to the room, the louder.

The door soon opened itself, revealing a black haired girl, she was panting.

And behind her, was a light colour haired boy.

"Thanks... for taking... care of her" she said while panting to regain her breath.

"We'll take her to Seiko's house" Komori said as all of us nodded and soon left the place.

"Could you not try to kiss me?" I said as soon as I grabbed Yuriko's face because I did not want to be kissed by such person.

"Why? I thought you had feelings for me." She told me and out of pity, I started laughing. "Why are you laughing?" She asked, I simply looked at her before showing her a text message from Akaashi that I had. Confirming that Yuriko indeed did not like me, only pretending to do so so (Y/N) didn't have a chance with me.

"Tch, and so what if I did pretend to like you?" She asked with a smirk on her face, looking as if she was winning anything.

"Not much I can do now since I wasted months with you. However, I will make sure that you apologise to (Y/N) for tormenting her." I said, depending on her answer, I've already prepared measures to ensure she apologises no matter what.


"And what if I don't?" She said, her smirk still on her face as I took out my phone and started to write an email about her to a journalist. Stating that she was a bully and still is before showing it on her face.

"So what's it gonna be? Akaashi already said that he'll gladly testify if the news gets out." I said, looking at her now terrified face.

"Fine, I'll do it," she said, her fists clenched and soon walking away.

I gave a deep sigh and started to walk around until I saw the keychain I've been looking for months on the floor. "Where have you been?" I said as I picked it up, disinfected it and put it in my pocket.

"It seems like Sakusa really went and did it" I said while sighing.

"It was bound to happen sooner or later" Komori said.

"However, I don't understand as to why he chose a girl like her when he liked (Y/N) since the beginning" he added and I nodded.

I gave another sigh.

"She'll need time to get over this" I said as Komori gave her a piggyback and we made our way to my house.

I took out the keys to my house and opened the door.

"Are you sure you can take over (Y/N)?" he asked me and I nodded.

"You should be going home, it is really late" I told him and he nodded, giving me a small kiss before waving me goodbye.

I dragged (Y/N) to the guest room and changed her pyjamas.

I took a deep sigh before calling her father and telling him that she'd be staying at my house for the weekend.

I then took a shower and went to the guest room once again, only to find an awoken (Y/N).

I woke in a unfamiliar room, I looked around and I noticed that this was Seiko's house.

I looked at the time and the clock was ticking to 9pm.

I then remembered the scene once again.

The park, the petals, the stupid sakura tree... they were all the same. I thought to myself before seeing the door opening once again to see Seiko.

"So you're awake?" she asked me and I nodded.

She sat down next to me and gave me a hug, "Don't worry, I just took a shower" she told me and I nodded.

"Honestly, you're such a stupid girl" she said as she gave me a smack on the head.

She then hugged me once again as I felt a tear fall from her eye into the pyjamas I was wearing.

"Do you know how worried I get whenever you decide to do things on your own" she said, the tone of her voice sounded broken.

"I'm sorry..." I said as I started crying once again.

"Don't worry about it" she said.

"Well... I'm sorry for making you worried" I said as I started hugging her back.

"You're an idiot!" she said.

"Hey, I'm not you! I actually have braincells!" I replied back at her.

"Well at least I have someone smart as a best friend!" she told me.

"At least I have a dumb ass who can't even answer the first question of the maths homework!" I said, the tears now changing into laughs as the two of us were now insulting each other.

"We can watch movies if you want" she told me.

"Do you have (favourite snack)?" I asked, and she nodded, leaving the room to get the snack that I asked for.

I soon started to get a message from someone.


Hello, are you okay?

You fell asleep on Kita's

shoulder and your eyes

looked puffy so I was

wondering if you were okay


Yeah, thanks for worrying.


Are you sure?

You know you can tell

me everything, (Y/N).

I'll tell you tomorrow.



Sleep well then.

Thanks, goodnight.

Seiko eventually came back with the snacks in her hand and she sat down next to me once again.

"Hope that these will make you feel better" she said as she put the snacks on the bed.

And so the marathon started, we watched all different kinds of movies.

The marathon was filled with everything, from crying to laughter, from screaming to excitement. It had everything.

Eventually, we were both trying our best to not fall asleep but we gave in and fell asleep next to each other.

I woke up with a missed call from Keiji and a missed call from my father.

I called back my father and he quickly picked it up.

"Are you okay?" he asked me.

"Yeah, why?" I replied to him.

"I heard that you were staying at Seiko's house. So I wanted to make sure that everything was okay" he said as I could hear the traffic in the background.

"Yeah, I'll be staying until tomorrow" I told him and he gave me a hum of agreement.

"Alright then, take care" he said and then hanged up.

I heard the doorbell ring and I went to check who it was before opening it.

"Hi Komori" I said as I waved at him.

"Hello (Y/N), is Seiko here by any chance?" he asked me.

"She's asleep right now but yeah she's here" I told him.

"Oh yeah, I brought Akaashi with me. I saw him walking down the road to your house and he told me he wanted to speak to you" he said as Keiji looked ever him to look at me.

"Hello (Y/N)" he said.

"Hello Keiji" I said as I invited the two of them in.

"I'll go wake up Seiko" he told me.

"Don't die!" I said, Seiko is not the type to be in a happy mood when someone wakes her up.

I sat down in the living room with Keiji sitting across me.

"So... what exactly happened?" he asked me.

I took a deep sigh before explaining everything to him, "Well you see..." I started saying as Keiji looked at me in the eye when I talked, giving me his full attention.


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