《[Editing] Mr and Mrs Clean Freaks》C̸h̸a̸p̸t̸e̸r̸ 2̸9̸


"All of you are unique in your own ways, no one has the right to tell you how you should do things or how you should behave" I started saying. "Life can be difficult and hard at times, but don't let it scare you. Because if you let it scare you, it'll make sure that you live a miserable life" I said as I remembered how bad my life was when I was younger.

"But even then, make sure that you're able to fight it and find your right to choose your future" I told them and they all nodded.

"Thank you for coping with my germaphobic self, and thank you for coping with my personality... I hope that all of you have wonderful years ahead" I finished saying and they all gave me a round of applause.

"That was a lovely speech" the coach told me and I nodded.

"It's a shame you won't be participating in your last volleyball match" she said while giving a deep sigh.

"That's alright, I still have to help the student council with the spring festival that is in a week's team" I said while chuckling.

"Then we'll give you this T-shirt so you can keep it as a memento" she said as she gave me my Number 5 t-shirt that I wore last year.

"Thanks a lot" I said as I placed it against my chest and felt tears coming out of my eyes.

"That's alright" she told me.

A day had passed by and I was back to my busy life in the student council's office.

"Did you get all of the planning done?" I asked them.

"Yes, we did everything you told us to do" Bunko told me with a nod.

"What was our theme again?" I asked them.

"I think we were doing the haunted house" Temiko said before Koya shook his head.

"I don't even remember to be honest" Koya said and I started laughing.

"Why are you laughing? This is an important matter!" Bunko said with a serious expression and it made me laugh more.

"Alright, alright" I said as I was calming down.

"So what is it that we're doing?" I asked him instead.

"Because we are only four members, we had to do a small theme that doesn't require too many people" he told me.

"So we chose..." he said as he pointed at a big screen.

"Japanese themed cuisine" he said.

"Do you know how to cook food (Y/N)?" Koya said with a worried expression and I nodded.

"What about you Temiko?" I asked her and she shook her head.

"Bunko...?" I asked him and thank god that he nodded.

"Alright, me and Bunko will make the food while Temiko and Koya will serve the dishes" I told them and we all came to an agreement.

I walked over to Koya and I whispered, "So when are you going to confess?" I asked him as he quickly tensed up.


"I was thinking of confessing during the festival or something, a little bit before the school decides to end the festival" he told me and I nodded.

"I better be there when you confess" I told him and he nodded.

"What about you though?" he asked me.

"What do you mean what about me?" I asked in return.

"I know that you still have feelings for Sakusa even though you may not show it",

he told me and I felt a feeling of hotness growing on my cheeks.

"I-I don't..." I said.

"I know you do" he replied. "You should use this festival as a chance to confess (Y/N)" he told me and I nodded.

"Maybe" I said before he gave a deep sigh.

"You might regret the choice of not confessing to him sooner or later" he told me.

"But I know that he doesn't like me, so what's even the point in confessing?" I asked and he facepalmed himself.

"Maybe you should look at the world in the bigger picture" he told me.

"But remember, whatever choice you make now... can be a benefactor of what the you in the future will be like" he added and went back to work.

I gave a sigh of defeat as I looked at my phone and I remembered that I should invite someone people to the festival.

In the end, I invited Tobio, my father, my grandparents, Inarizaki, Karasuno, Bokuto and Akaashi to come and join the festival that we were holding.

The day of the festival was nearing up and the school was still making sure that the stalls and everything else were in the right places for the people.

The flyers of the festival went around... so I'm certain that people will come again since they enjoyed the last festival that we had... I thought to myself as I looked out of the window.

I looked outside of the window and Yuriko's confession had gone through my head once again.

During my last moments of decision I had a little flashback to yesterday after eating with the team. I had Komori help me with an important matter that needed to be dealt with.

"Did you get it?" I asked Komori after walking Seiko and (Y/N) home.

"Yeah, but why do you need his number?" He asked me just to make sure I wasn't going to do anything weird. Though, I just needed to make sure of something.

"It's about something he told me during the match, don't worry." I said and saved his number on my phone.

Later that night, I was able to confirm my suspicions. To which were right.

I'll give her my answer during the festival in a few days... I thought to myself.

So what choice will I make? The two of them asked themselves, forgetting about the world for a few minutes to decide their final decision.

What would be the final decision that I will make, and will I regret it all...? they kept thinking as a petal from a sakura tree had fallen from the branch.


The two of them watched it fall to the ground before deciding their final answer.

Yeah, let's do that... they both thought as they finally came up with their definite choice that could make them happy or leave them broken for the rest of their lives.

The day had finally come for the two to finally get their decisions open to the world.

(Y/N) was setting up the stall for the Japanese cuisine while Sakusa was waiting near the entrance for Yuriko to arrive.

It was really hectic. Because of Itachiyama third national win in a row, there were many more people visiting the place to see the team members.

And of course, the previous third years were there to visit their friends and teammates to whom they have missed.

Bokuto and Akaashi were the first ones to arrive at (Y/N)'s stall, as her and the student council members finally finished setting it after a few technical difficulties.

They both ordered their food and got a taste of (Y/N)'s food before leaving to look around the festival.

And after Bokuto and Akaashi left, more people started to go to the stall. Coming with hunger and leaving with huge smiles on their faces.

During their break from cooking, Koya had decided that it was time to confess to Temiko.

So (Y/N) made Temiko's favourite food and Koya put it on the table before sitting right in front of her.

"Temiko..." Koya said Temiko looked from her food to Koya.

"Yes?" she replied.

"W-well... you see..." he started speaking up but he kept stuttering, making (Y/N) and Bunko facepalm themselves in the background.

"What is it?" she asked. "Is there something on my hair?!" she started getting nervous because of Koya's nervousness.

"N-no, there's nothing o-on your hair" Koya said.

He took a deep breath before looking at Temiko again.

"Temiko... I've liked you for a while now" he said and Temiko started choking on her food.

"Hey don't die while I'm confessing! That's unfair!" he said as he brought water to her and Temiko started drinking from the cup.

"Thanks..." she said when she stopped choking, her cheeks becoming crimson red.

"I like you a lot... so please be my girlfriend!" he said as he bowed in front of her and Temiko couldn't stop blushing.

"I..." she said, before taking a moment to breathe.

"I like you too" she finished the sentence, a smile on her face and her cheeks were still burning.

"So will you-?" Koya asked before he got silenced by Temiko who kissed him.

The kiss lasted for a few seconds before Temiko was the one to pull away from the kiss. "Yes... I will" she said.

Koya then stood up, standing straight as hell and turned to (Y/N) and Bunko who witnessed the whole confession.

"Thanks a lot for your support!" he said while (Y/N) and Bunko started laughing.

"You're welcome. Now let Temiko finish her food so we can open the place again" (Y/N) said as Temiko started finishing her food.

"Man, I wonder when I'll get a happiness like that" (Y/N) stated as she turned to look at the sky.

"I wonder when I will as well" Bunko replied, the two cookers looking at each other before starting to laugh their asses off.

"I wish those two the best happiness that could go with them" (Y/N) said as Bunko nodded his head in agreement.

Soon Temiko finished eating and the student council were able to open their stall again.

A lot of (Y/N)'s friends came to eat food and to chat with her for a bit, some to which made the area they had full and had to put a line on their stall.

At some point, (Y/N)'s family came along to the stall and got to try her food.

And so did Inarizaki, but due to a certain food lover... they were there for around forty minutes before deciding to move on to the next stall. Kita gave (Y/N) a hug before he walked away with the rest of the team.

Unfortunately for (Y/N), Yuriko and Sakusa had become her stall's clients.

They both ordered their food and it made (Y/N) roll her eyes.

Out of all food stalls, they had to come to this one she thought to herself as she was making their order.

The two ate happily and conversed with each other with a smile on their faces which made (Y/N) want to vomit right there and then.

After a while, they both finished eating.

Sakusa asked Yuriko if she could go with him somewhere by themselves and she nodded, the two standing up from their seats and leaving the place. (Y/N) noticed something fall from Yuriko's pocket and picked it up, soon following after the two that just left the stall.

They both walked outside of the festival, leaving the school gates hand by hand. They went to a near park and started to walk through a familiar path. A path that (Y/N) had seen in her dreams countless and countless of times before.

Don't tell me... she thought to herself as she followed after the two.

Sakusa and Yuriko then stopped walking when they got in front of a large Sakura tree.

"You asked me to be your boyfriend on the day of the last match of the nationals" Sakusa said as he fidgeted with his fingers.

"Yes" Yuriko replied.

"And I have given this a lot of though" Sakusa continued while Yuriko gave him a nod whilst smiling.

"And my answer is..." he started saying his decision as both of (Y/N)'s and Sakusa's heart started to raise a lot.



Unfortunately for y'all, I won't update until tomorrow because of schoolwork. So um... wait for tomorrow yeah?✌️


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