《[Editing] Mr and Mrs Clean Freaks》C̸h̸a̸p̸t̸e̸r̸ 1̸0̸


After my match against Seijoh, it has been officially announced that I had taken third place.


Because the first ranked ace is a third year who lost against one of the teams in the match. Sakusa has a higher chance of becoming first rank before me, which makes me mad whenever I think about it.

Today I'll make sure to take down the first ranked setter, she's in her third year so making her lose when she's one step away from winning would feel really good.

The girls' final match will begin before the boys', that's what been decided. This is because it'll allow the audience to be able to move from one match to the other once it's finished.

Meaning that my match is early in the morning.

"(Y/N)!" Seiko exclaimed, making me jump a bit.

"Finally you're with us. I know that morning matches aren't really your thing, but you need to stay concentrated" she told me and I nodded.

The stadium was more full than usual, a lot of cameras, lots of commentators and reporters.

It has been the first time that I had been so close to winning the nationals...

"We're gonna win" I mumbled to my teammates as they all turned to look at me with widened eyes.

"Gather around, make a circle" the captain said.

Our wing spiker started clowning around with the libero to make sure that we weren't nervous.

"This is our last match of the tournament, this is the first time since two years that we have set a foot into the final court" she told us, some third years gulped while the younger ones looked at her.

"After this match, Seiko will be taking the role of captain. (Y/N), I want you to be the vice and guide her through the hardships that may come in the team" she told the two of us before looking at the younger ones.

"Remember to behave, you can be chaotic at times but make sure that you're not troubling the seniors. You can't allow them to babysit you all of the time" she said, a tear already forming in her eyes before the vice-captain took over.

"Make sure that you guys don't trouble the coach and advisors, they're both good people at hearts. We won't be able to see you guys as much anymore, but I hope that all of you grow into fine women and show the world just how powerful we are. Let's also hang out from time to time we can" she said, half a smile on her face as she got teary.

"This is the last time I'll be able to do this" the captain said as she satanised her hands then made sure to sanitise the rest of the team's hands.

"What are you doing?" I asked as each one of the members stretched their hands.


"This is the final one we'll be able to do as the team is right now, we want you to join this one. Same goes for the coaches. And someone take a picture, so we can keep it as a memory" the vice-captain added for the captain.

Everyone then turned to look at me as the coach asked someone nearby to take a picture.

"Fine" I sighed, I stretched out my hands and put it at the top of everyone else's, a smile on my face.

"Itachiyama!" the captain said.

"FIGHT!" Everyone shouted before raising their arms in the air.

"Let's go, they'll be announcing the names soon".

"Kageyama (Y/N), number 5" the commentator said as I took a deep breath and jogged to the benches, where the coach and advisor were.

We really do need a manager.

But all of the girls tend to go to the boys' team, and I'm pretty sure none of the boys would want to be a manager. But I'll beat them up until they agree to be the manager.

I high-fived the advisor and then the coach.

A few minutes later, the setter had finally entered the the stadium.

Her name is...

"Yuriko Tatiana, number 3" a half japanese half american girl. She had blue eyes and brown hair, light skin colour. Her hair reached to about a bit bellow her chest but she'd tie it up for matches.

She's the girl 90% of the boys in Japan would simp for.

Which reminded me of my first crush, he was one of those boys that simped for her.

She looked at me with a serious expression on her eyes, like she was throwing knives at me. However, I did not let her intimidate me.

Our team was serving first, and lucky me that I was in the starting lineup.

I have to win this...

To make them proud...

I thought to myself as I looked at each one of the third years in my team, the stands where Atsumu, my dad and Tobio were watching. But most importantly... Sakusa.

He is the one I want to make sure that I am able to assert my dominance to.

The captain served, she was really concentrated. Much more concentrated than usual. The ball to which she had served landed on the other side of the court.

Whatever the captain feels, we all feel. I thought to myself.

I took a deep breath as nervousness was started to grow around my body.

The whistle blew and the opposite team served.

"Another service ace!" the commentator said.

The second service ace of the match.

The third one, is where the real game starts.

Our wing spiker did another service ace, our libero smiling as if she knew what the other team was going to do.

"One more!" Seiko told everyone and they all nodded.


I looked at the opposite side of the court where Fukurōdani was standing, Yuriko looking straight at me. (Lowkey forgot that I didn't mention the name of the school again, I allow y'all to call me a clown).

The opposite team served and our libero received it.

I shouldn't use the quick attack yet I thought to myself.

Inconsistency creates possibilities, and that's what I'm here to do.

I looked around as I saw a few of our attackers getting ready to spike the set I'm about to do.

I looked at Chihiro and I faked passed it to her, the ball going a bit higher than her hand as people in the audience started gasping.

"Did she miss the set?" one of the commentators asked.

But they were wrong.

In the blink of an eye, the ball had ended diagonally in the corner of the court as the guy called it a point.

I looked at Seiko and she gave me a big smile with her thumbs up, making me give her a nod in return.

"She seemed like she was going to pass it to Chihiro but instead, she passed it to Seiko (I forgot what surname I gave her, I'll change it later), whom got to the other side of the court in a flash" the commentator said.

Over the tournament, Seiko had been working on her speed, jumping and stamina. As the matches went by, she became better and better. Causing her to be the best ace our team has had in a while.

A few sets went by. This was the last set, the fifth one.

The score was 15-15, way more than what had been planned.

We needed two more points, two more points before becoming the best female team in Japan.

I looked at Seiko and I gave her a nod. She looked back at me with widened eyes before nodding back.

"It's starting" Atsumu said as a certain ravenette looked at him with curiosity in his eyes.

"What's starting?" Sakusa asked as Atsumu shook his head.

"You'll have to wait and see" Atsumu said as he looked at his student from the stands.

Because with the sets that I taught her, she'll be winning the nationals. He thought to himself as Sakusa looked between Atsumu and the court before glueing his eyes to the court.

(Y/N) took deep breaths as she hasn't used her strongest weapon yet, she had used the twins' quick attack in the previous sets but it was finally time to bring in her own refined quick attack.

The ball was served as (Y/N)'s team had received it before passing it over to her.

She got ready to set as she was setting from the corner of the court, her back turned to Seiko who was running sideways, from outside of the court, to running past next to the net before jumping as she was reaching the end of the net.

(Y/N) set the ball in a minus tempo and Seiko spiked it down with all of the power she had in her.

One more point before becoming the best of the best.

One more point before proudly saying to the third years and those around me that we won.

It is just one more damn point before I go crazy and possibly fainting, my energy was already making me drag my feet across the floor.

"That was a quick attack right?" one of the commentators asked the other.

"It seems so. Kageyama had actually used the quick attack from the Miyas from Inarizaki before. You could call this a more refined version that she made for herself" the others said.

The crowd cheering loudly after a few moments of silence.

Atsumu smiled and cheered as loudly as he could at the success that his student had in being able to pull off her own quick attack.

Sakusa who was next to him had a shocked expression as he looked at the girl.

Goddamn it (Y/N) he thought to myself.

You declared myself to be your rival when in fact it's the other way around.

You have surpassed anything that could've been in your way a long time ago.

I didn't get to play against the first ranked Ace to be able to deserve the title of the best male ace in Japan.

But you were able to play against the first ranked setter to make yourself be the soon to be Best Female Setter.

"ONE MORE!" the captain exclaimed.

"AYE!!" Itachiyama said as they were at an advantage.

The final point...

Should be scored by all of us.

I looked at the captain and she gave me a nod.

Seiko served the ball and it was received by Fukurōdani, who then passed it to Yukiro as she got ready to set.

Our team got ready to block as she set the ball to their ace.

Their ace spiked the ball and the libero of my team barely managed to receive it, the third year wing spiker made sure that the ball was passed to me.

I took a deep breath as I prepared the usual sets that the captain likes, a normal, yet simple one that goes at full speed with barely any power whatsoever.

I did the set she likes and then she brought her hand to slam it on the floor, bouncing back up again before reaching the very top of the stands.

The whistle blew and there was a silence in the stadium.

"We won..." I mumbled to myself on disbelief.




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