《[Editing] Mr and Mrs Clean Freaks》C̸h̸a̸p̸t̸e̸r̸ 3̸



I woke up in a foreign room. It wasn't my own room back at home or my room back at the hotel.

So where am I?

I tried to get up only to be held down by a strong pair of arms.

"Stay down" my dad said as he took a seat on the chair next to my bed.

"Father..." I called out as I looked at him, a worried expression on his face and he had really dark bags underneath his eyes.

"I'm here now, it's okay (Y/N)" he said as he caressed my hair. The touch of his hand unlocked a chain of memories, they were all the same yet so different.

He has always been there for me, he was always making sure that I was okay.

"You can go back to sleep" he said as I nodded and slowly started drifting myself to sleep.

I looked at the gymnasium and I saw that everyone was there except (Y/N).


"Kageyama Tobio" the coach said and I made direct eye contact with him.

"Yes!" I said.

"You'll be with Sakusa today" he said. I looked at the black haired who was looking at me already.

"You better have good sets" Sakusa said and then walked away.

"Oh Tobio" I heard a libero call out to me. "Your sister fainted yesterday so we took her to the hospital" he said as he pointed to Sakusa.

"It was mainly him that helped her though, I'm not as strong enough to carry her like him" he said and then patted my shoulder and walked away.

I looked at Sakusa.

He's a germaphobe right? So why would he ever carry my sister all the way to the hospital? I thought to myself as I subconsciously walked towards him.

"Wait!" I said as I called out to the second rank ace in Japan.

"What?" he said with a really furious tone.

"W-what happened to my sister?" I asked him.

"Like hell if I know. One minute she was fine, the other she wasn't and on the third one, she already fainted on the floor" he said. "Is that all?" he asked me and I nodded.

Goddamn it, I wasn't there for her once again.

"Excuse me coach, will it be okay if you get a setter from the girls' court while I go to the hospital?" I asked as I looked at him in the eye.

"If it's about your sister then sure, but be back before tomorrow's practice" he said and I nodded, running towards the hospital.

I reached the hospital. The many people that were in the waiting room, some families were walking around as patients have been moving rooms.

"Where's Kageyama (Y/N)'s room?" I asked the receptionist as he started typing things really fast.

"162" he said. "Second Floor".

"Thanks" I said as I started speed walking down the corridor into the lift. Not giving a single fuck about the weird stares that I was getting from the people here.

I must admit, I was tired.

By the time I reached her room, I was already out of breath as I ran a whole marathon, one without a single stop in it.


I slammed the door opened. The noise echoing around the room as I saw a peacefully sleeping (Y/N) with... with my dad next to her.

"Tobio..." he said as he looked up at me.

"How is she?" I asked, getting a really awkward feeling as I haven't seen my father since him and my mother got divorced.

"40.5 degrees fever" he replied.

"She'll get soon... right?" I asked as I reached to grab her hand.

"Yes, this isn't the first nor the last time it has happened. She's a strong fighter" he said while giving me a weak smile.

"You better head back to the youth camp. I heard you have been doing really well, Tobio" he said and I nodded.

"I'll be going then, goodbye father" I said as I walked out of the room and quietly closed the door shut behind me.

"You can be discharged in the evening, you can begin playing volleyball as early as the day after tomorrow" the doctor said which made me have a big smile on my face.

"Thanks" I said and she nodded.

"Also, I looked at your medical record, you'll be needing a lot of these from now on" the doctor said as she gave me four different medium sized boxes.

"What's in here?" I asked.

"Things that will help you as your health becomes at risk of a factor. Take care of them and always carry with you at least five of each in a bag or something" she said as she excused herself from the room.

"Do you want to go back to the hotel?" my father asked me and I nodded.

"I'll give your prescription to Seiko, she'll be able to take care of you while I'm not here" he said and I nodded. "Also, do you have your mask ready?"

"Yes" I said while putting it on.

As soon as I stepped out of the hospital and into the usual hideous world, my normal self took over as I tried my best to not get any of these germs specially after what happened a few days ago.

"(Y/N)!" Seiko said as she ran up to me.

"What?" I asked.

"I missed youuuuuuu" she told me as she tried to pull me into a hug to which I had quickly dodged from her.

"Hello Seiko" my father said as he unloaded all of the boxes from the car.

"Hello Mr. Kageyama" she said.

"I'm going to need you to do me a favour" he told her and I shrugged it off as I started putting all of the boxes, neatly piled up in the corner of my hotel room.

When I went back outside, they were still talking.

What was he doing? Lecturing her?

"And that's all" he said.

"So it's the same as before but a tiny bit worse?" she asked and my father nodded.

"I'll be going now, take care of (Y/N)" he said as he waved to the two of us and drove away in his car.

"You'll never stop worrying people, huh?" Seiko said as she started bouncing on the spot.


"Are you a rabbit to be bouncing around?" I asked in a serious tone which made her stop.

"Oh yeah, there's a guy who wanted to ask how you've been. What was his name..." she said as she put a hand on her chin. "Komori Motoya I think".

"I'll talk to him tomorrow" I said and started heading inside.

"Also" she said which made me stop and look at her.

"Tobio visited you while you were unconscious" she told me as I looked into her eyes. Her eyes were shiny, they had life in them. Whereas mine... they had no shine left in them.

"Is that so?" I said and she nodded, I turned around and kept walking to my room.

I saw people walking left to right, I was as close yet as far from the walls in the corridor as possible.

I reached my room and sat down on my bed, a box on my lap as I decided to unbox them. I took out my camera and started recording, it was a hobby of mine to record things that I got as a little memory. To be exact, I want to keep it as a memory to be grateful of the people who had given or delivered it to me.

"These boxes came from a really nice doctor at the hospital, she gave me four of them" I said as I unboxed the first one.

"There's a lot of packets of masks, and around ten to fifteen hand sanitisers in the first box" I said and moved on to the next one.

"The next one has basic cleaning and disinfecting cleaning products, it'll come in handy" I spoke to the camera.

"Here's the third one" I said while showing my third box.

I unwrapped it and it was full of healthy snacks, something that my weak immune system really needed.

"A box full of healthy snacks" I said.

I picked up the fourth and last box and carefully, I opened it, what I saw was something that I wasn't expecting.

"A volleyball uniform, a new ball and new shoes" I said as I looked at the (f/c) uniform that I was now holding in my hand.

"I'll wear this tomorrow" I said and put the uniform somewhere safe.

"Welcome back, (Y/N)" the coach said as I stood in line with the rest of the players.

Even though I hated this plague of germs... I must admit that I miss it a little bit.

"Tobio, you can go back to your usual team, as for you, (Y/N)" he said as he turned to look at me.

"It seems like no one can bring the best out of Sakusa ever since you were gone. I'd like you to take up the role of doing it instead" he whispered and I nodded even though I wanted to tell him that I couldn't possibly work with such a selfish and diseased guy.

I went to the court I was assigned to and I took of the jacket that I was wearing, exposing my new practice uniform to the rest of the gymnasium.

I took of my mask, leaving the lower half of my face bare naked and visible to the rest of the world.

I looked at the court like a foreign place in a foreign soil.

I got to my position as the practice game was about to start once again.

[insert whistle noise]

Beginning of the match and I was at the front, middle line. Our libero had received it as our outside hitter had passed it to me, getting positioned for the set that I'm going to do.

I looked around me and I saw that Sakusa was not ready to he set to, so I passed it to our middle blocker who was able to get a point.

"24-24" the score had pointed out that the team in front of us, had drastically improved.

The opposite team had already served as (Y/N)'s team was receiving it with all of their might left. She was passed the ball as she was looking at who to set and saw that Sakusa and another player had started making their way.

But she did the nasty.

She dumped it into the other court as the opposite team's players tried to reach it but failed. They looked up to see a girl who had a glare that could kill anyone within seconds, a big smirk on her face as she looked at the dirty glares that the ones beneath her were giving her.

Her team had served and it was received by the opposite team who tried to slam it but her team's libero had done a miracle to keep it up in the air. The ball got to her, she looked at Sakusa who had a really serious and concentrated face. His eyes were telling all of the players on his side of the court that he was hungry. Hungry to score a point.

(Y/N) looked at him and she smirked once again.

She saw the guy jogging, but jogging faster than usual to the net.

His hunger, is what is going to make us win she thought to herself as she got ready to set.

She set it back to the halfway line of her side of the court as Sakusa had already jumped mid air.

Guess I'll be trying something new today.

The boy had looked at the ball, he brought his arm in the air and delayed himself a little bit for the middle blockers in the opposite team to start falling.

He saw the hands lowering themselves from the net and took a quick chance to slam it as hard as he could and the noise that the ball made once it hit the floor. It echoed in the gymnasium, everyone quickly being silent to look at the sudden loud noise made from a certain court.

"They're both equally crazy" everyone thought as they looked at the ace and the setter who had brought out their skills one step further. But no, they weren't at their fullest yet.


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