《Smitten With Him [Editing]》24. Behold, The Over Protective Mother.


thank you guys for 100k+ reads! Honestly, I never thought I'd get that far but turns out that people actually like the content that I write xD

We haven't had a picture of Liam for so long so here you go guys! The oh so sexy Matt Lanter.

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I felt like crap.

Waking up in Flynn's embrace scared me shitless and I bolted it out the door but then, realising I was butt naked, I had to go back in and borrow some clean clothes off Flynn from his dresser because mine were sticky from last night.

And that was how I ended up sitting in the freezing cold outside my house, waiting for somebody to open the door. Dad's car wasn't in the driveway so I guessed he were at work so that meant Liam and Mum were at home and those two sleep like logs, let me tell you that.There was no use ringing anybody either, my phone died ages ago.

Just for safe measure, I stood up off the front porch and knocked again on the door, really hard.

A couple minutes passed and then I heard the door make unlocking noises as somebody fumbled with the keys and then finally, a voice spoke. A female.

"Zach? What are you doing?" I twisted around from my seat and stood up straight, as if I was a soldier.

Naomi was only wearing hot pink knickers and bra and nothing else. Seriously? Who answers the door with only that much clothing on? Her hair was disheveled and she smelt funny, kind of like Flynn's room. They both had funny smells to them, it smelt like sex.

My eyes shifted from her petite frame to the postbox on the wall, she might've thought I was staring at her in a pervy way even though that was most definitely not the way I was looking at her.

I hurried inside the house and kicked my shoes off before running upstairs and jumping in to my bed but that was when I realised I wasn't the only one in my bed.

Liam was there and that meant one thing.

He had sex in my bed.

He had sex... In my bed. What's wrong with his bed?


I quickly got temperamental and slapped his arm and threw the duvet off him and he sluggishly pushed me away but it didn't really make a difference.

"You had sex in my bed?!" I yelled at him.


"Yes, you did!"

"Shut up. It's too early for this."

He twisted around under the duvet and faced me, rubbing at his eyes. Naomi walked in behind me and cussed. I twisted around to face her then regretted it when I saw a boob. She had a towel in her hand and scrambled to cover her boobs up.

I looked to Liam who just shrugged and sat up, throwing the duvet over my head as he got up. I hastily threw it off me and cursed when I saw Naomi and Liam sucking each other's faces off. My first instinct was to split them up but that wouldn't really work so I settled for a hit-and-run and kicked Liam in the shin and ran down the stairs as if there was a swarm of bees chasing after me.

Liam yelled cusses at me and I almost tripped down the stairs from the adrenaline rush. Mum walked out of her bedroom, looking confused and all, her hair was dishevelled and stuck out in places it shouldn't and walked up to Liam. Upon seeing Naomi, he dragged Liam by the ear to her room and all I could hear was a bunch of yelling.

I went back upstairs and walked into my room, wincing at Naomi being more than half naked.

"Breakfast?" I asked her with my back turned as she clasped on her bra again.

"I'll make French toast if you want?" I only nodded and walked up to my dresser, throwing her a hoodie and seeing that she already took the curtesy to put on Liam's sweatpants. It had been a thing for a while now- Naomi would make food for us when mum wasn't around because Liam and I were pretty sucky at cooking and would end up setting the kitchen on fire one day.

Soon enough, the smell of toast and eggs were in the air and Naomi and I were making small talk.

"Where were you last night then?" She smirked.


"I... Er, nowhere."

"Really, because I know those clothes aren't yours. They're much too big and not what you would usually wear. Plus, they look kinda familiar to me."

"It's just...super skinny jeans and a t-shirt? How could it look familiar?"

"I don't know. The shade of brown on the jeans maybe? I might've seen it somewhere." She shook the thought away as she served me some French toast.

I just waved it off, Flynn isn't the only one to go all colour mania on his choice of jeans. Looking into his wardrobe, he had more coloured jeans than I could ever imagine. He's just as bad as those girls who buy different lipsticks in so many similar colours.

"What's cookin' good lookin'?" Liam said, which was quite cringey might I just add. Sure; he was whipped but honestly, seeing him all lovey dovey is extremely painful to watch.

"Enjoyed the lecture from mum?" I snickered.

He glared at me before clearing his throat. "Actually, I told her you screw Jace every time you see him, just to make it fair on me."

My mouth literally gaped to the floor. Naomi was standing right there and he just said something he really shouldn't have said.

"It's fine, I kinda guessed it ages ago." Naomi waved off. "It's not exactly difficult to guess, ey?"

"What? How?!"

"No straight guy can perfectly coordinate a outfit quite like you." she snickered. "And I have my own gay-dar."

"Oh my god, please don't tell me you're another crazy fan girl?"

"Uh, I wouldn't put it that way but-"

"You are, aren't you?"

"She is." Liam answered for her.

I nearly face palmed myself, I thought I already had a whole army of fan girls squeezed into one tiny form- Trisha.

Obviously I didn't.

Fuck it.

"If you guessed that I was gay then... Does that mean-"

"Probably." She shrugged. "I don't see what the big deal is."

"You don't see- Nobody can know!" I tugged at the end of my hair.

"So who's this Jace person then?" Naomi wiggled her perfectly shaped eyebrows suggestively.

"His lover." Liam butted in.

"He is not my lover." I glared at him. "He's a friend."

"So, who's house were you at last night then?"

"None of your business!"

The pair just smirked and Naomi went to the cooker and started on Liam's slice of French toast. "You didn't do the dirty, right?" Naomi asked.

I blushed, "no, I didn't."

"He's lying! Who was it then?" Liam stifled a laugh.

"None of your-"

"It was Flynn. Like I said, I could tell who those trousers belong to. He wears them like everyday." Naomi squealed. "You totally banged Flynn!"

"Mum is right upstairs!" I shushed her.

"Right, sorry." She pursed her lips together but there's was still that hint of a smile playing on her lips.

"Flynn?" Liam questioned. "Doesn't he like, have a girlfriend?"

"It's an open relationship." I shrugged. Flynn was definitely sexually active and his girlfriend was also and everyone knew it. Flynn did not seem like some amateur while we... Did it.

"That's so... Wrong." Liam grimaced.

I shrugged and put my plate in the sink. "Just for the record, we did not go all the way."

Liam cringed, "thanks for the picture, lil bro."

"No problem." I snickered.

Mum came downstairs some time after and didn't look very happy. Quite the opposite actually.

"Zach, did you go and see Jace yesterday?"

"No! I swear." I told her.

She came closer to me slowly, too slowly, like a cat about to pounce on its prey.

"I'm going to ask once again, did you-"

"No! I didn't, for God sakes, don't you trust me?" I crossed my arms.

"Of course I do but if your going around sleeping with him then you should tell me right now."

"Mum, believe when i say that I am still you're little virgin boy." That was a white lie, technically, I'm a butt virgin.

She nodded and went to the kitchen. I turned around and took a long exhale, pulling at the strands of my hair.

"I don't understand why she's banning me from seeing Jace." I whined at Liam.

"It's only two weeks." He countered.

Naomi grinned and came over to me, ruffling up my already dishevelled hair. "Time will pass quicker than you think."

Yeah, I sure hope so.

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