《Smitten With Him [Editing]》19. The Music Room (Cont.)


Flynn tightened his grip around my neck and did the impossible by coming even closer to me; we were now moulded together. I traced the outline of his lips with my tongue and he opened up, letting me prod my tongue in. For a while, our tongues fought for dominance and then the most disturbing thought came to me: Flynn is the first male I've actually used tongues with.

The thought was soon waved off as Flynn let out a sexy moan and scrunched my hair up in his hands. It was getting messed up but I didn't seem to care that much because it was already messy and the simple act felt amazing.

Soon enough though, something down below started defying gravity but can you blame me? Both mine and Flynn's hard-on crotches were rubbing together and the entire situation we were in was heated enough.

Flynn started grinding against me, forcing out a moan. The feeling was so amazing and sent shivers up my spine and a wave of pleasure through me. I buried my head into his neck and he did the same to me. His hot breath fanned my bare neck and as he sucked and licked on my neck I felt like I was in pure bliss.

My jeans felt constricting but we were at school and I can't just drop my pants anytime I wanted. My hands subconsciously ran from Flynn's waist to his butt, to which I squeezed... Just a little. He let out another moan and that didn't exactly help mini Zach at all.

Before anyone could happen though, I forced myself to pull away because if that something happened, it wouldn't make a great statement when I walk out the of the room.

"Zach." Flynn whispered and be pulled away, breathless.

His eyes were still shut, relishing in the moment and a small smile was plastered his lips.

"Flynn... As feminine as I think you are," I whispered, slightly breathless, "I never actually thought you were gay."

He snorted unattractively like I had earlier and peppered my face with kisses. "I could say the same."

"Hold up," I stepped back a little, "I am not feminine."

"Yeah, you are- maybe not as much as I am but you still are." He came close to me again and put his arms around my waist, running a hand up and down my back and then he came close to me again, placing a kiss on my lips.


Guilt washed over me and I took a step back. "Flynn, you have a girlfriend." As much of a dick I could be, I was not a cheater.

I wasn't betraying Jace, he and I are not together, I can do whatever the hell I want with whomever.

"I...Marcie..." He recalled his girlfriend's name and seemed almost lost at that point.

As much as I wanted to go right in and kiss his again, a surge of guilt was just bubbling inside of me. Every time I see Marcie's face, I'd just feel so regretful and hell, I'm like an open book, she'd be quick to realise something is out of place.

I couldn't bring myself to look at Flynn's face so instead I settled for looking down at the ground though, the decision wasn't so great because Flynn still had a hard-on. I had managed to turn myself off after thinking about me as a relationship wrecker.

"You might want to sort that out." I trailed off and nodded down at his pants. The zip was literally bursting out.

I felt his finger underneath my chin; forcing me to look up at that oh so attractive face of his. High cheekbones, plump lips, perfect nose, chiseled jawline, it was obvious that he had inherited the good genes.

He took small steps towards the piano stool and then shrieked, making me look everywhere around the room rapidly.

"There's a girl..." Flynn said. What the hell does that even mean?

"A what?" I looked next to Flynn, near the curtains and my face blanked.

A girl, who looked like she was in year ten was stood in pure distaste. She was brunette and had one long side plait going down to her waist. She had a beautiful complexion too but it was only noticeable if you looked long enough at her face and pictured her without the huge, thick rimmed glasses that took up a lot of her face.

"You saw nothing." Flynn seethed.

The girl, who's name I had yet to find out looked almost... Scared. "Flynn shut up, don't be an idiot. I'm sure she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"I was in the right place. I was supposed to have my guitar lesson with Benjamin Matthews." Her tone was soft, quiet.

The name rang a bell, somewhere.. I knew of this guy but I couldn't put my tongue on it.


"Benjamin is a dick." Flynn pointed out. "Since he got all muscly, he's just cocky and annoying."

Then as if a lightbulb had flashed above my head, I remembered that Benjamin was some kid in my year group that Liam would accidentally-on-purpose trip over or drop the books of or just simply laugh at. This was all back when I was in year eight and Liam year nine. Since Liam's group of friends are so close to my group of friend's, Flynn was involved and eventually, he was the one who took the worst of it just because he looked the easiest to bully.

Flynn had been all kinds of bullied, whether it was getting thrown into the bin or even having his lunch stolen off him or thrown on the floor so it's inedible and this was after Benjamin had grown up and gotten himself hench enough to scare a lot of people and before Flynn joined Torvux.

You see, the Torvux all group together, nobody messes with them because otherwise they'd get a lot of shit coming towards them and Flynn was only made a member because I requested the highers when I was in year nine so people stopped bullying my best buddy just because of his height or his ability to set new fashion statements or even match clothes perfectly.

"Benjamin is actually very nice." The girl stated.

"No he's not, he's an idiot with no life." Flynn argued, wanted to get his opinion through to the naive little girl.

"Not true!" She yelled.

"It is true!" Flynn yelled back.

"Will both of you just shut up?" the devil himself came storming through the door with his bright yellow checkered shirt, the same one I saw earlier in this music room with Jace. "Can you fags just get out of here?"

He walked up to Flynn, gave a scary looking smile that looked a lot like the Cheshire Cat's and flicked him on the forehead.

"This is gold. Zach and Flynn, fags." He whispered so that the young girl couldn't hear him.

Even though whatever he said didn't make sense and was offensive, Flynn didn't even try throw a swift punch like I thought he would, he didn't even speak.

"Let's go." I dragged Flynn by his ruffled up shirt towards the door of the music room. He picked up his messenger satchel that was thrown by the door and put it over his shoulder and fixed his hair.

I did the same with my rucksack and made myself look at least a little presentable and not like I just had sex.

I glanced at Flynn, seeing him looked a mixture between worried, lost, regretful and scared. He had this weird look on his face that resembled it, his eyebrows were lowered, he was staring off into the distance, his face was in a frown and he just basically looked like he has just found out that he's killed a puppy.

We left the music room and pushed through the lunchtime rush of people in the corridors until we eventually made it to our table.

Since the rest of our group hadn't arrived yet, we found an empty table and Flynn and I sat across from each other. With trembling fingers, he took out his sandwiches from their foil wrapper.

"Dude, calm down." I tried.

"I can't... Ben's going to kill me or even worse, tell everyone about me being... You know."

"I'm worried too but I doubt it would happen. Besides, we're in this together right?"

"Guess so." He sighed. "Nobody knows about me being... You know... And now the last person I'd want to tell, knows."

"Come on, it's not like this school is just surfacing with homophobes, right? I've told my family, they're alright with it." I shrugged.

"You know my dad... He scares me." For a moment, Flynn looked almost terrified, as if his life's been threatened, which it has, basically.

Flynn's dad is pretty scary an Lord knows what attracted his mum to him. Perhaps it's the huge arms or the abs or even the tallness but whatever it was, his mum was blinded by it to not realise the anger problems and short temper.

"Flynn, deep down, your dad loves you to bits and will go to the ends of the earth for you." I smiled.

"That's true. Maybe I should come out to him, it's been long enough." Flynn nodded.

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