《Smitten With Him [Editing]》4. The Royal Family Deserve A Royal Kick Up The Backside.
"Aunt Stacy, always a pleasure to see you." Liam greeted sickly sweetly and all posh-like, making me snicker to myself.
"Uncle Frank! I'm so glad you're here!" I fake-grinned at him. Uncle Frank wasn't as snobby as Aunt Stacy, but still snobby nonetheless. Sometimes I got along with him and other times I hated his guts.
I'm pretty sure that he doesn't feel the same way and in fact, hates my guts twenty-four seven.
"Zach!" I heard my voice being yelled by a rather familliar and irritating nasily voice.
"Oh. Ew." I cringed as Molly and Trisha both hugged me at once. "Please don't touch me."
Trisha and Molly, even when they realise we don't like them, don't like holding grudges.
They act as if nothing had ever happened. I mean, after the whole New Years party chaos, Liam and I had to lecture them.
And now, they're hugging me as if we're the best of friends.
They let go and I wiped off invisible dust from my shoulders. "What's up." I said monotonously and without enthusiasm. I didn't really care what they had to say.
Trisha and Molly changed. A lot. Liam also noticed this as he cocked an eyebrow and had a questioning face. His eyes were focused on Molly's bare legs, because she was wearing shorts.
Well, Liam will always be the perverted and hormonal boy he really is.
They both grew a lot taller and even with heels on, it was very visible. They matured. Molly wore light denim shorts and a tank top and Trisha wore dark denim jeggings and a cropped t-shirt with the words 'Eat, Sleep, Repeat.'
I couldn't believe they were wearing heels, just to visit us. I mean, I understand for occasions but really? To travel for two hours in the car?
I thwacked the back of Liam's head and he shook out of his reverie, I glared at him through slitted eyes and he started to greet them both.
"Frank!" My dad's voice boomed throughout the hallway. "How are you?!"
"Mick!" Frank grinned and walked to my dad just to give him a noogie.
"Our bags are in the car, you should go get them." Molly said without even looking at me or Liam but instead, her red painted nails.
"Get your own damn bags." I huffed and earnt a slap from mom.
"Go get the bags. Now." she said.
I sighed and walked with Liam to their Mercedes S Class.
I grabbed two Chanel bags and Liam grabbed two Louis Vuitton bags.
"You have a perverted mind." I stated.
"Come on, they've changed right? I'm a man. It's normal."
"She's your cousin. Ew."
"I appreciate a nice set of legs. Not Molly. Ew. Don't you?"
"Uh..Sure." I said and walked to the house.
I put the bags down by the stairs and went back out to get the rest, seeing Liam struggle to carry three bags.
I shoved him, making him drop all the bags and he glared at me, then realised what I was doing and chuckled.
They're not our bags after all.
I took out the last of the bags, another Chanel one that must've cost a fortune.
"Come on." I said to a struggling Liam and went into the house.
I put the bags near the rest and followed Liam into the living room, where we all sat.
"Aunt Jen," Trisha directed to my mom. "How do you do your eye make up? It's really nice."
"Oh yes; the eyeshadow is a really nice shade."
Suck ups.
Well actually, they sounded as if they genuinely did like my mum's make up. It was that , or they're just really good actors.
"Oh, thank you dear. I use the Nars palette. It's called Summer Dream."
I cocked an eyebrow at the situation. My dad and Frank were in a deep conversation with eachother and Aunt Stacy, my mum and the twins were talking really nicely to eachother.
This is so wrong.
I turned to Liam, who was one again, staring at Molly's legs so I, once again, thwacked him over the head and earned a glare.
"We're going to talk. Come on." Molly said, dragging Trisha, Liam and I to the kitchen.
"Right," she said and leaned on the counter. "I'm taking Zach's room. It's the comfiest and it's an ensuite."
"No. we've decided the sleeping arrangements." I stated. "You're sleeping on the air bed. In the spare room next to your parents or in the living room."
"Shut up. You're listening to me, got it?" Molly seethed and glared at us through slitted eyes.
Kind of reminded me of a snake.
"Er, how about no. Stop being such a bitch. Trish is alright, why can't you be?"
Trish grinned and came to stand in between Liam and I.
"Fine." She said and spoke normally; not through gritted teeth like before. "Can squish in with one of you?"
"Trish can, you can't." I said and grinned. I figured, it was hilarious to make Trisha turn against Molly. Wrong but, hilarious.
"What? That's unfa-"
"You have to be nice to us and earn our respect." I said and recieved a look from Liam that said 'hell nah.' Probably because Mol would end up having to sleep with him if she's bearable.
"Actually I'll sleep on the air bed with Mol." Trish said.
Molly huffed and stomped her feet. "ok fine. The blow up bed it is."
I grabbed a suitcase and hauled it upstairs hastily and put it in the spare room. Liam followed and the twins grabbed the last ones.
"By the way, heels just for a two hour journey? Bad idea." I said.
"Yeah. My feet kill." Molly sighed and Trish agreed.
I walked into my room and everyone seemed to follow when I didn't want them to. They made themselves comfortable on my bed and I cocked an eyebrow while I grabbed my laptop and phone.
"Can you like.. Go?"
"Why? We can watch a movie. I brought 'The Princess Diaries' it's my favourite childhood movie" Trish announced and pulled the disk out from behind her.
"What? No." I gave them a weird look and opened up my homework on my laptop. "I have things to do."
"Like jerk off?" Liam chuckled and I glared at him.
"Shut up."
"It's normal." He said and ruffled my hair. Then he continued on talking about how normal it is to jerk off when you're a teenager.
I slapped his hand away "Go away, get out!" I said and he scoffed and stopped talking.
"Are you not cold? It's winter and you're wearing stupid outfits and there's no heater in this room." I stated vaguely. Mum is pretty strict when it comes to the house bills, even though there isn't a heater in my room, she's choosy about when to put the heaters on around the rest of the house.
"My outfit is fabulous." Molly said.
I grabbed two hoodies out of my closet and gave them it, only to hear them complain about the strong aftershave smell which didn't appeal to them and the colour not matching their outfits.
"This colour sickens me." Trish started, "dark green? Yuck."
"My favourite colour actually," Liam faked hurt.
"It's disgusting. D-I-S-G-U-S-T-I-N-G." She drawled out slowly as if I was a five year old.
"If you're going to do that you can make your way out of my room now. I don't even know why you're here. When I'm here, I prefer to be alone. It's my own space." I rolled my eyes.
Molly got up and started to investigate my room, touching my photos and posters on the wall and my aftershaves.
She sprayed the air in front of her with Naive, one of the aftershaves that I use most. "This smells good."
"Stop wasting it."
I continued to do my homework, I found it hard to focus with the continuous chatting.
"Seriously, get out my room." I said and buried my face in my hands.
"Fine. We'll go to Liam's." she said and in a millisecond, Liam stood up and ran down the flight of stairs to his room, probably to lock it. Molly followed, in an attempt to race him to his room but that's unlikely because Liam has been running track for three years. I snickered and opened up an excel spreadsheet. As a member of the prom committee, my part was to record how much we spend and on what. I also had to find some caterers and a DJ and most importantly, a venue.
"Ooh prom. I wanna help!" Trisha's voice rang in my ear and I felt the bed dip, meaning she's sat down behind me.
"Oh please! I remember my prom. I was on the prom committee as well you know."
"I don't care."
"What do you need help with?"
"Finding a venue first of all."
She took the laptop off me and typed something in to google, it came up with a website that had the headline, 'find the perfect palace'.
She did some more clicking and typing before showing me a particular venue, it looked like a country house, everything was wood and it was surrounded by gravel.
"No, too old. Something modern." I said.
She showed me another venue, it was large and it had a car park and drop off point. The inside looked like a dream prom place, it was perfect but overpriced.
One picture showed the white tiled dancefloor lit up with small white dots and colour changing lights moving around the room. Another picture showed the dance floor with people on it and DJ playing.
The last picture showed a very pretty garden with a large array of flowers in different colour with benches for eating and a buffet table.
"Keep it in mind. It's a nice place."
"No problem. We have lunch time now so come downstairs."
I started to walk downstairs, but then I was shoved and nearly fell down the stairs. My breath caught and I steadied myself. I turned around and gritted my teeth. "You bi-"
"Come on, you don't think I've become a better person? I still hate you and you still hate me."
I walked down the rest of the stairs, turning around every now and then to make sure Trisha doesn't try anything else. I finally reached the bottom and noticed she was a few steps behind me so I grabbed her wrist and pulled her down aggresively, only to earn slaps on my arm and shoulder multiple times.
I dragged myself to the kitchen and saw my mum and Aunt Stacy cutting up some salad and chatting.
"What's for lunch?" I asked.
"Quesadilla. Would you mind setting the plates?" Mum said.
I groaned and took some plates out of the cupboard and put them in to Trisha's hands, only to see her jaw dropping as if I just offended her by saying that her Louis Vuitton bag didn't match her Jimmy Choo's.
"Stop being a drama queen and set the table."
She scoffed and lay the plates down on the table, putting in more effort than I thought she would. She set the granite placemats that we never use and basically made it look to perfection. Every plate had a bowl, a napkin and a ring and a glass.
I didn't even realise we owned napkins and rings, isn't a little farfetched? I mean, it's only us eating, not the Queen on England. She didn't even allow me to set the table because she thought I'd ruin her perfect setting. She asked mom for the napkins, placemats and napkin rings.
"Oh, Trish, the table looks stunning, almost like a restaurant. Thank you for that." Mom smiled and Trish smiled back.
I've noticed that both Trish and Mols are sucking up to my mum big time. They probably talk behind her back or something. I came to realisation that Molly and Trisha are kinda, sorta, bearable. Molly wasn't as reluctant as Liam and I thought she'd be about the sleeping arrangements and she actually said she'd sleep on a blow up bed.
You see, these guests are like the royal family, only wanting the best. With no doubt, Molly and Trisha slept in a queen sized bed back at their house that was perfectly made up and matched to their bedroom. Now, they are sleeping in a blow up bed that can barely fit two people.
Aunt Stacy has decided to ignore me, which is probably for the best. If I open my mouth, the only thing coming out of it would be cusses.
"Smells good, what is it?" Liam said, walking into the kitchen smiling with Molly trailing behind, laughing but not because of the plate setting just oddly laughing for whatever reason.
I cocked an eyebrow, Liam and Molly laughing together? Isn't that like illegal in our books?
Molly and Liam must have conversed about something that's unknown to me, without me or Trish. It was expected, Liam was usually the most liked and if Molly had to tell one of us something, it would be Liam. It's fine, it was used to it but I would always get the same annoying thing said to me ever so often: 'Why can't you be more like Liam?'. I was always compared to him.
Whatever happened between Molly and Liam, it caused them both to become happy. Probably Liam and Molly worked some things out and they no longer held a grudge over eachother.
But Liam hates the twins.
So it was a little freaky and it's only been half an hour.
I was completely lost. Maybe I shouldn't look so deep into this. It was a little weird though for them both to come downstairs together genuinely happy. Something happened and I was beyond curious. I needed to know. It was as if my life depended on it, I doubt it was even about me but come on, It had only been half an hour since everyone came in to my room, hating eachother's guts and complaining about my hoodie choice.
I sighed, I will find out at some point. Just not right now because right now, I'd like to enjoy my Quesadelia.
I sat down at the table, next to Liam and made my plate, deciding now is the right time to interrogate Liam as everyone was distracted.
"What went on in your room?" I asked and cocked an eyebrow.
"Um.. nothing. Just.. Molly told me something. It's not important." he said. "And, it's nothing about you, don't worry."
I sighed, I wanted to know more. "told you what?"
"She.. wanted to throw a birthday party for uh, her friend and wanted my help." he said almost questionably.
I knew whatever he was saying was lies. He never usually stutters or thinks about what he had to say, meaning he never says 'uh' and takes thinking time in between his sentance.
Something was up.
"So how long till you leave?" I asked casually to the guests and earned a cold hard matching brown eyed stare from dad.
"Well, our house is getting repainted. I'd say for two weeks." Uncle Frank said.
"What about Molly and Trisha. Don't they have school?"
"They're already on half term. They finish earlier than you."
Ah, yes, the end of term is coming up. That means I have to see Molly and Trisha for all of it meaning my week off is officially ruined.
I groaned loudly which mum wasn't too happy about.
Two weeks of Molly and Trisha? I'd rather move out the house.
"We'll have so much fun. Isn't it Zach?" Molly grinned evilly.
"Hooray.." I said with no enthusiasm whatsoever.
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