《Wait, You're Gay Too?! [BoyXBoy]》Bonus: Kyrie


Jake (about two years later)

Just eleven months ago, we finalized the adoption of one-year-old Kyrie. The surrogate direction didn't work, so we turned to adoption. It took forever, but it went faster than most. I have the job of being an elementary school administrator and getting a annual salary of about 123,230 dollars. Nathan was able to land a job as being an office assistant for Highmark Inc., and he can work from home for about five to six hours. He also gets weekends off, just like I do.

It's perfect, since we have a one and a half year old daughter. She'll never go to a daycare, and we're proud of that. Nathan especially loves working from home because he's always on a computer, just as I am, and we always chat during the day. He also loves having flexible hours. With both of us working, we always have enough money. We place almost every cent into our shared bank account, then during the summer when only Nathan is working, we tap into the savings.

Now, about Kyrie. We got the hint through my father, who knows a few packs of wolves in the U.S., and Kyrie's mother couldn't take being a single mother and just... Took her life. Kyrie was only a few months old at the time, and the Alpha female was the one to take care of her until we asked about her. The pack was happy that Kyrie would be going to such a good place, especially surrounded by a good pack. And for nearly a year, we spent all of our time trying to get Kyrie.

And eleven months ago, we finally did it. We traveled down there to get Kyrie and bring her back to Alaska. Nathan was excited, having bought so many baby items he nearly filled the entire house. Almost instantly, Kyrie was attached to us. She was such an easy baby... She slept well, she ate well, and always wanted to be held by either Nathan or I.

After three o'clock, I logged off and began to lock up the attendance office of the elementary school. All the kids left about an hour ago, and teachers were beginning to pack up as well. I grabbed my keys and walked out past the main office and waved to my co-worker, Paula.

"Have a good night, Paula." I smiled. She waved back, smiling.

"You too, Jake. Bring Kyrie in on Monday!" I laughed.

"I'll try," I told her before walking out to my car. I got inside and started the car, turning on the radio. I sent a message to Nathan, telling him I was on my way. After I got a response, I drove home. It began to snow as I pulled into our drive way. I parked next to Nathan's car and grabbed my jacket and bag, walking to the front door. As soon as I unlocked the door and popped it open, I heard a shriek from Kyrie.


"DADA!" I heard small thumping as she waddle-ran to me. I laughed and dropped my stuff, kneeling down and holding out my arms to her.

"Baby girl!" I laughed and picked her up as soon as she got to me. I twirled her around before giving her a big hug. "I missed you so much!" Kyrie giggled and tried to hug me with her chubby arms. I kissed her cheek and walked through the living room, toward the office where Nathan was sitting and typing out a few things. "Hey, Natey," I smiled and gave his head a kiss. Nathan smiled up at me, sending out an e-mail.

"Welcome home," he stood and gave me a hug, too. Kyrie touched Nathan's hair.

"Num-num..." Kyrie looked up at me with her gorgeous brown eyes.

"You want num-nums?" Nathan looked up at her. Kyrie smiled.

"Num-nums!" Nathan smiled and walked to the kitchen, Kyrie and I following behind. I put Kyrie in her high-chair before going into the kitchen with Nathan. I kissed his lips, rubbing his sides.

"Have you eaten today?" I whispered to him. Nathan smiled a bit at me.

"I had a sandwich..."

"What was on it?" Nathan paused.

"Uh, ham, lettuce and some honey mustard... I cut off the crusts, though." I smiled more and nuzzled him. I'm so glad he ate today.

"That's totally okay, Natey..." I watched him cut up some banana slices into fourths, along with a small bowl of plain Cheerios. Nathan went to Kyrie and gave her the food. Kyrie squealed and used her chubby fingers to grab the small pieces of food. Nathan is now nineteen years old, weighing in at one hundred and seven pounds. Amazing, really, how far Nathan has gotten. Ever since we even got the tip about Kyrie, Nathan hasn't been depressed or sad...

He hasn't cut for a year. He's getting better with eating, and he and Kyrie take a walk together every day. I'm so proud of him...

I watched him happily kiss Kyrie's hair, watching her struggle to grab the Cheerios. Nathan came back to me with a smile.

"That should keep her busy for a while..." He whispered. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him against me. I pressed my lips to his, closing my eyes. I loved him so much... Nathan wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed back. "Kyrie wanted to go out for dinner tonight..." He whispered.


"Oh, yeah?" I smiled. "Where?" Nathan shrugged. I hummed. "What about we order some pizza, and we'll have a movie night?" I offered. Nathan smiled a bit.

"Can we get pizza with bacon on it?" I laughed, actually very happy he was even thinking about bacon.

"Absolutely! A pizza isnt a pizza without bacon," I kissed his nose. "I can go pick it up and even get some apple juice." Nathan happily kissed me before touching my cheek. He stood on his tiptoes and got close to my ear.

"I'm also in the mood for another thing, too..." He whispered, gently touching my chest. I gave a playful growl against his neck, licking my mark.

"We can plan for that, too." I whispered, holding his hips. Nathan giggled and kissed my lips.

"I love you..." I smiled and picked him up easily, wrapping his legs around my midsection.

"And I love you, Natey," I gave him a nuzzle.


After I got home with pizza and apple juice, Kyrie was extremely excited to watch movies. Of course, the movies will be Disney movies. When you have a child, liking littler kid things isn't a big deal. Trust me, the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song is still stuck in my head after six months. I catch myself mumbling it at work a few times. What can you do, it's catchy.

I put in Monsters, Inc. before setting up to play as soon as we were all ready. Nathan was in the process of cutting up a pizza slice into small bites for Kyrie. I came over and began plating for myself. We got three pizzas. Why? 'Cause I'm a blackhole who never gets full and if it's here, Nathan will eat it, too. And eventually, overcome his fear of pizza.

He's so much better than how he was last year. Last year, I couldn't buy anything that was packaged or in a box unless he was there to verify what it was and what it could do if we ate it. Now, he doesn't do that, but prefers I get items that are not in boxes. And that, is not an unreasonable wish.

I poured ranch onto my plate with my three slices of pizza and set that aside.

"How many slices, Natey?" He hummed.

"Let's try one, then I'll come back for another if I'm still hungry." I nodded and got a slice on a plate.

"Ranch?" Nathan nodded.

"But only a tablespoon..." I nodded again and measured out a tablespoon, spooning it onto his plate. This didn't seem like a lot of ranch dressing, but to Nathan, it was a lot.

"Num-num!" I heard Kyrie squeal, thumping down the hallway as she held her sock bunny made by my mother. I smiled when she slammed into the back of my legs.

"You hungry, baby girl?" I looked down at her.

"Daddy!" She tugged on Nathan's pants. "Num-num!" Nathan giggled.

"Okay, okay!" He smiled down at her. "Just hold on. Go sit in front of the TV with Dada.." I smiled and grabbed my plate and held my hand down to Kyrie. Her chubby hand took ahold of my finger and I led her to the living room and sat on the floor with her. Soon, Nathan came in with his plate and a tray with Kyrie's plate on it.

We went on to eating our pizza and watching the movie. I was so proud when I watched Nathan get up and get another slice of pizza. Even more surprising, he got more ranch as well. Kyrie had fallen asleep during the movie and was laying in my lap. I looked over at Nathan. He smiled shyly at me and bit his lip.

"She's asleep.." He whispered. Tingles went into my hips. I smirked.

"I'll put her to bed," I slowly got up, holding her. I walked to her bedroom and placed her in her bed, turning on her Disney princesses nightlight before shutting her door and leaving a small crack. I quickly made my way to the living room where Nathan was laying on the couch. He ran his tongue over his bottom lip. His eyes were clouded in lust.

"Woof." He smiled shyly.

**To see the rest, go to my book called "Specialty Parts" for the naughty bits! YOU MUST BE FOLLOWING ME TO VIEW THE RATED-R SCENES**

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