《Wait, You're Gay Too?! [BoyXBoy]》Bonus: The Wedding


Hiya! :D Tis the Wedding/Honeymoon scene! Yes, it’s adorable. HOWEVER. It does get sad… As in feels. Yes. Your feels will be feeling many feels from the feels of the two boys. (Try reading that out loud c: )


*Have any other bonus chapters you want? Any for a certain character or event (that includes rated-r)? Let me know!! C: *


Jake (one year later, my lil’ apocalyptic minions)

“Jake Metias Atkinson!” My mom yelled, running to me from our rented house. She had a small, red rose in her hand. She said my full name…

“Yes, mom?” I was outside with Liam and Aeron to my sides. Liam was fixing his cuffs and Aeron was continuously fixing his hair.

“You forgot your flower!” She got to me and pinned the flower to my suit jacket for me. I felt like a child… “Honestly, it’s your wedding day and you already forgot one of the most important things.” I sighed, anxiously twisting my Alpha ring around my finger. It was my wedding day… Nathan and I had graduated and finally living in the pack house. We had to travel to Canada to get married, since it was the closest place with gay marriage to be legal. We were getting married, and we were going to look for a surrogate soon… He was so beautiful… I couldn’t wait to take him to Hawaii. He was so excited when I told him. “Jake!” I blinked and looked at my mom.


“Did you not hear me? You need to get to the altar. Natalie said they’re ready.” I nodded and tapped Aeron and Liam.

“Showtime, boys.” They smiled widely and followed me to the altar. They told me good luck before going to the house to walk with Nathan’s maids… I guess. I felt sick. I was going to be sick…

“Get ready!” My mom squealed and sat down next to my dad. Beside them was Nathan’s mother who was with one of the wolves who hadn’t found his mate, Harlan. They had gotten along so well, and they even moved in together. With Nathan off her hands, she has more money for herself… Addison’s parents and siblings were also there, watching me. I heard the doors open, and Liam holding Natalie’s arm began walking out. Behind them, was Addison, holding Aeron’s arm. The girls were wearing thin, long, red dresses than Nathan chose. I was shaking by the time Nathan got to the doorway.

He was amazing…

I had convinced him to wear a white tux, so he’d stand out… And he looked stunning. I watched as he shyly sped walked to get to the altar faster. He’s so cute when he’s shy… I smiled when he got in front of me. I felt the back of my eyes burning as tears began forming. Come on, big boy… No crying! Nathan shakily held my hands, looking up at me with his icy blue eyes… He captivated me with his loving look. Everything went silent, and it seemed as if the world had frozen.

I could see every detail on Nathan… His pink lips were slightly curled into a shy smile. I could see the top of a love bite I had given him a few days earlier. The purple pinkish tint to his skin was still there, letting everyone know he was mine… His hair had been cut and styled almost to perfection. I say almost because his bangs loved to flip up a bit. I could hear his heart, beating quickly. His fingers created a small spark of electricity every time he touched me…


Even after all of this time, I still feel my complete devotion for him…

“Jake?” I blinked, the world suddenly moving once again. I looked beside me. The Officiant was watching me, awaiting my answer. I paused.

“I-I’m sorry… I was just… Watching… Uh, Nathan…” I felt my face get hot, and I heard giggles. The Officiant smiled.

“I see… Jake Metias Atkinson and Nathan Leo Greene, I would ask that you both remember to treat yourself and each other with dignity and respect; to remind yourself often of what brought you together today. Give the highest priority to the tenderness, gentleness and kindness that your marriage deserves. When frustration and difficulty assail your marriage - as these do to every relationship at one time or another - focus on what still seems right between you, not only the part that seems wrong. And if each of you will take responsibility for the quality of your life together, it will be marked by abundance and delight.” I watched as a tear slipped down Nathan’s cheek. I gently reached out and wiped it away.

“I love you.” I mouthed. Nathan smiled and let his cheek rest in my hand.

“Jake, will you have this man to be your wedded husband?”

“I will.” I smiled.

“Will you love and comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him as long as you both shall live?” I nodded a bit.

“I will.” Nathan’s grip on my hand tightened.

“Nathan, will you have this man to be your wedded husband?” Another tear from Nathan.

“I-I will…” His voice was weak, trying not to cry.

“Will you love and comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him as long as you both shall live?” Nathan bit his lip, pausing. He took a shaky breath in.

“I will...”

“To enter into full marriage, please take your partner’s left hand and repeat after me.” I took Nathan’s left hand and pulled the ring from my pocket. “I, Jake, take you, Nathan, to be my husband.”

“I, Jake, take you, Nathan, to be my husband.” I gently slid the ring onto his shaky finger.

“To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, as long as we both shall live.” The Officiant finished.

“To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, as long as we both shall live.” Nathan started crying harder. I gently took a handkerchief from my pocket and gently dried his tears away. I slowly got down to his level, gently touching his cheek. He looked at me.

“I-I’m sorry…” He whispered. I smiled and wiped another tear away.

“Don’t be sorry, Natey…” I whispered back. He looked at me and took in a deep breath, trying to regain his composure.

“Nathan, do you have the ring?” The Officiant asked. He pulled one from his pocket. “Repeat after me. I, Nathan, take you, Jake, to be my husband.”

“I-I, Nathan, take y-you, Jake, to be m-my husband.” He slid the ring onto my finger. I smiled.

“To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, as long as we both shall live.” Nathan glanced at the Officiant.


“To ha-have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to l-love and to cherish, as long as we both shall live.” He softly repeated. The Officiant smiled and raised his hands a bit.

“Jake and Nathan, in so much as the two of you have agreed to live together in Matrimony, have promised your commitment to each other by these vows, and the joining of your hands and the giving of these rings, by the authority vested in me by the country of Canada, I now pronounce you Husband and Husband. You may now share a kiss.” I gently pulled Nathan close and kissed him, holding him close. Everyone cheered, but honestly, I couldn’t quite hear them…

Finally married. I pulled away and smiled at Nathan, gently holding his cheek.

“I love you, Natey… So much.” He smiled and hugged me, wrapping his arms around my neck.


We put our luggage on a cart and waved to my parents, Nathan’s mom and soon-to-be stepdad, Liam and Natalie, and Addison and Aeron.

“Have fun, you two!!” My mom sobbed, smiling. I took Nathan’s hand as we boarded the plane to Hawaii. Nathan and I sat near the front. I let him have the window seat, since this was his first time on a plane.

“Wow…” He whispered. I looked over at him. He smiled and looked at me. “I, uh… I just can’t believe we’re married now…” He laced our fingers together. I smiled and leaned over, kissing his cheek.

“I love you, Nathan Atkinson-Greene…” I chuckled. He blushed and leaned against me. I couldn’t believe it either…


“Wow!!” Nathan gasped, looking around. Wow was right. Hawaii was beautiful, especially at night. I chuckled and held our luggage.

“Wanna go to the cottage? We can drop off our things, then spend some time together.” I smiled. Nathan nodded quickly. I got the keys for our rental car and put everything in.

“What’s our cottage called again?”

“Wailea Sunset Cottage.” I smiled, driving towards it.

“Wailea…” He softly repeated. “Sounds pretty.”

“It is. It has a hot tub and the lawn is on the edge of a beach.” Nathan reached over and held my hand.

“I love you…” I smiled over at him.

“I love you.”

Once at the cottage, Nathan nearly screamed in happiness. It was amazing. The beach was right there, and it was perfect for us. I followed Nathan who had ran into the cottage. I went into the master bedroom to see Nathan lying on the bed, his face pressed to the pillows.

”It’s so soft!” He rolled around on the bed. I smiled and got beside him.

“Wanna go for a walk on the beach before we come back for dinner?” Nathan smiled and wrapped his arms around me.

“Yeah!” I held him, rubbing his sides. He felt terribly skinny… We were helping with his undiagnosed eating disorder, but with what he’s been through, it won’t go away… All we can do is help prevent him from relapsing from too long. Ever since last year when we were still in school, he’s lost twenty pounds, getting him down to a severe weight of nearly under one hundred. I kissed his shoulder, closing my eyes.

“I love you, Nathan… So much. I couldn’t go on if I lost you…” I whispered. Nathan paused and pulled away to look at me. He smiled a bit.

“I love you, too…” I gently took his left forearm and kissed his scars. I could feel the tough tissue under my lips. I kept my lips there, continually kissing his scars small kisses. He watched me, gently touching my cheek. “Jake…” I looked up at him. He gave a sad smile. “I’m sorry for all of my issues…” I paused, watching him.

“What? No… No, Natey… Don’t be sorry…” I pulled him close, stroking his hair. I closed my eyes. “I’m not sorry…. Don’t be sorry…” I kissed his cheek, feeling one of his tears. I pulled away a bit and held his cheeks. “Baby… Nathan, look at me.” His eyes slowly went to me, filled with tears. I smiled a bit, kissing his lips. “Don’t ever be sorry… I love you, and I always will…” I gently laid him down, holding him. He whimpered.

“I-I don’t wa-wanna be l-like this…!” He kept crying. I gently lifted his shirt and kissed every row of his scars. His chest lifted and fell out of pattern. His breathing was uneven from his crying. I held him and kept kissing. I would never stop, not ever. I held his hands as I kept kissing, feeling like crying, too. I knew he didn’t like himself… It hurt so much to see him in so much pain…

“I know, baby…” I whispered against his skin. “I know…” I kissed all the way back up and kissed his lips gently. He wrapped his arms around me and cried into my shoulder. I held him close to me, hoping he’d soon calm down… “Hey,” I smiled and gently lifted his chin so he would look at me. “How about this… We’ll have food brought here, we’ll create a blanket nest and watch some shows, and if you want, we can go out on the beach.” Nathan sniffled, wiping his eyes. He nodded. I smiled and kissed his jaw. I reached over to the nightstand and picked up the phone. After searching for some food, Nathan said teriyaki and rice sounded good again. I ordered some of that and hung up.

“Jake…” I looked at Nathan. He gently touched my chest. “Can we… Uh, watch… Anime…?” He whispered. I smiled and kissed his nose.

“Of course. Whatcha wanna watch?”

“Death Note,” he answered pretty quickly. I laughed and nuzzled him.

“Of course.” I brought him out to the small living room and helped create a hug blanket and pillow nest while Nathan fixed and got Death Note ready. I looked at him. “Why do you like this show?” Nathan smiled back at me.

“I’d never thought werewolves would be real, so it isn’t much of a stretch to assume a death notebook could be real.” He happily pressed play and got in the nest with me. We got into our usual position: Nathan laying against me, but the tangling of the legs are a must. I kept stroking his hair and giving him small kisses while we watched. He started grumbling when the character Light was becoming a complete dick, from what I could tell. Not to mention the so-called Shinigami were scary as hell.

There was a knock at the door. I apologized to Nathan and got up. The food smelled amazing. I went to the door and paid. I came over with two water bottles and food. I got back in my position and gave Nathan his food. He slowly ate, watching the TV. He was adorable as hell…


After finishing a couple of episodes, I looked over to see Nathan had actually eaten all of his food… I smiled and leaned over, kissing his cheek. I was so proud of him…

“Ready to go on the beach?” Nathan smiled and nodded. We got up and walked out. We didn’t need shoes. I held his hand as we walked along the shore. The very slight hint of pink from the setting sun was the only thing keeping the moon from shining its best. I looked at Nathan who was watching our feet walk in the sand. I looked up to see most of the stars. Thank god there weren’t many streetlights.

The stars were beautiful…..

“Jake?” I looked back at Nathan and smiled.

“Yeah, Natey?”

“I love you.” He shyly whispered. You could see his blush a bit. I gently wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him against me. The moon shone on his icy blue eyes. He was so beautiful, out of everything….

“I love you, too...” I leaned in and gently kissed him, his arms wrapping around my neck. “My beautiful husband…”



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