《Wait, You're Gay Too?! [BoyXBoy]》Take Your Place


Last chapter~

Yes, it’s been an amazing journey and finally it’s coming to a close so another adventure can begin C:

I’ve loved every single part (except for when people had issues and couldn’t keep it to themselves) and wouldn’t change it!

So, yes. It is time. Vote and let me know if there is anything I can write as extras (i.e. what would’ve happened if Addison wasn’t Nathan’s friend, or skipping ahead and peeking at their life then) because I’d love to do that the for you all!

And of course, SHARE. The more popular I become, the closer I get to become a better writer and someone like @Amyscence and @xxWhoAteMyCookiexx and @Mouki21

Thank you all for this wonderful experience C: I will see you soon


~Chapter Thirty~


Jake and I have been inseparable ever since we first did it… I can’t tell you how sore I am or how many times we’ve done it, yet I don’t care. Today was the day my mom was getting back and Jake and his parents wanted to have a dinner with all of us… Just to make sure we were all okay, I guess…

After my mom called to tell me she had gotten the job, I told her what had happened… She hung up on me.


“Nathan! Guess what?!” My mom happily squealed over the phone.

“What, mom?” I smiled to hear why she was so happy.

“I got the job!!! We’re getting one thousand dollars more every month now!!” I smiled more.

“No way!? Mom! That’s so great!!! Do you get to come home now?”

“Yes! Jake’s mom called and wants to have a dinner with us when I get back, so make sure you are all clean and nice looking. Try wearing a suit.” I paused.

“Mom. No. I am not wearing a suit.”

“Why not?! You’d be so adorable!”

“Mom. No on the suit.” I heard her sigh.

“Well, okay baby...” She shuffled around. “How are you doing, baby?” I looked at Jake, who was rubbing my back and telling me it would all be okay if I told her...

“I-I uh… Mom… A-A boy took me.” She paused.

“A boy took you?” She repeated in a confused manner.

“Y-Yeah… I-I was kidnapped… I-I was in the hospital f-for a week…” Everything went silent. “Mom?”

“My baby was kidnapped?!!?!!” She screamed. I knew she was crying by now. “Oh my god! Baby! Are you hurt?! Where are you!? I’m coming home as soon as possible!! Oh my god, my baby!!!” She wailed.

“Mom!! I-I’m okay!” But the line went dead… I looked at Jake. He sighed and kissed my nose.

“She’s a mother… They worry...” He whispered in my ear. But it was my mom… What if I had just put her new job position in jeopardy…?

*End of Flashback*

All of our bags were packed and ready to go. I got into Jake’s car, holding my pillow pet given to me by Jake’s mom… She told me to call her mom, so I do… Jake locked the cabin up and got in beside me. He gave me a loving kiss and smiled.

“I love you,” he whispered.

“I-I love you, too…” I whispered back. Jake gave me one last kiss before pulling out of the long driveway. The radio was softly playing music, and Jake was holding my hand. It was very relaxing, but the closer we got to home, the more nervous I became. My mom was going to lose her mind, and I haven’t even gotten to see Addison… Her dad told me she was doing okay, but she had to carry an oxygen tank around with her. Jake told me it was because the water made it difficult for her to breathe…


Not to mention I still get my horrific nightmares…

Jake told me medication could help me, but I am not crazy. I am not a lost cause… Sure, anti-depressants might help me out, but they make you gain weight… And it’d make me worse.

“So, we can stop by my house and drop everything off and get ready, or we can do that at your house.” Jake’s voice broke my train of thoughts… I looked at him and smiled a bit.

“I don’t mind either one...” Jake smiled and kissed the back of my hand.

“Let’s go to mine. You can take a bath, if you want, and we can cuddle for a while…” I smiled more. That sounded nice…

“Okay...” Jake kissed my lips quickly before driving to his house. No one was home. He carried most of the luggage, telling me to go relax in the bath and he’d come to give me a massage to relax me ever more… I went to his room and set the stuff down. I turned on the bath in his bathroom and poured in some bubbles. Hey, it’s a relaxing bath, not a cleaning bath.

Once it was all full, I stepped in. The hot water instantly loosened my muscles and I felt so great… Jake came in a bit later, holding a towel and some lotion. He sat on the edge of the tub. He smiled.

“Gimme your leg.” I lifted it up and he patted it dry. Resting my leg on his lap, he pumped some lotion into his hand before lathering it onto my leg. He used his thumbs to massage my calves and foot, which hurt the most. He kept sneaking kisses on my toes or leg. What a weird-o…. I smiled at him and gave him my other leg when he was done.

“Jake...” I murmured, looking at the ceiling.

“Yes, Natey...” He kept massaging my leg.

“I’m scared for tonight…” I whimpered. Jake smiled sadly a bit and kissed my knee.

“It’s okay to be nervous, but afterwards, it will all be better and we can graduate from high school...” He gave me another kiss. “Go traveling… Start a family…” I blushed and nodded.

“Yeah… Okay,” I rested my head against the side of the tub. “You have magical hands, you know?”

“It’s easier when it’s on really cute and soft legs.” He chuckled and gently set my other leg back in the water. “Does anything else hurt?” I shook my head.

“No… I feel much better now,” I smiled. Jake smiled back.

“Come on, let’s get ready.” He pulled up the plug to the tub. I got out, Jake wrapping a soft towel around me. I giggled and went to his room. I borrowed a black, white and gray plaid button-up. Jake pulled on a black dress-shirt and fixed his cuff links while he watched me pull on blue jeans. I looked up at him and blushed.

“What are you looking at?” I giggled. He got close and kissed my lips.

“Just my totally hot mate get into my clothes.” He whispered. I playfully pushed him away.

“Get some pants on,” I giggled and brushed my hair. He got into jeans as well and sprayed some scent-y stuff on him. You could see his muscles underneath his shirt…

“Are you ready?” Jake smiled at me. He slipped something into his pocket as he waited for my answer. I nodded and smiled too.


What is in your pocket…?



I was shaking as I drove to the park for a dinner. I was going to be announced as Alpha… And Nathan’s ring was sitting in my pocket.

I am so nervous….

Nathan was happily humming beside me in the passenger seat and looking at the trees and homes that we passed by. I smiled and held his hand tightly as we pulled into the park parking lot. We got out to see my parents, Nathan’s mom, and the whole pack. They all waved at us as we made our way towards the line of picnic tables. I heard a shriek and saw Nathan’s mom run to us. She hugged and kissed and held Nathan like he would disappear otherwise…

“M-Mom! I’m okay..!”

“MY BABY!!! Oh, my god, I’m so sorry!!!”

“Mom!” Nathan grabbed her shoulders and looked her in the eyes. “I’m trying to get over it… A-And you doing this… Isn’t helping…” She was crying.

“I-I’m sorry…” She held Nathan and cried into his shoulder. I let them have their moment and went to my dad. He smiled and pat my shoulder.

“Jake, we lost a few of our wolves…” I paused.

“What do you mean?”

“Well… They were not okay with you being Alpha because of…. Your…” He paused and watched me. “You know.” My dad was always awkward about talking about me being gay.

“Yes, dad. I know.” He sighed in relief.

“But, most stayed…. Liam did a fine job changing the minds of those who were unsure.”

“Did he now?” I smirked at Liam who was nuzzling on Natalie. Liam chuckled.

“I have your back, brother.” He boasted. I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath.

“When do we start?” I asked my dad.

“Whenever, Jake.” He smiled. “You’re in charge now.”

“Then… Let’s do it now…” I smiled. He nodded and got everyone to sit down. I took Nathan’s hand and went to the end of the table. Everyone watched me, and my dad got to my side.

“Everyone,” everyone got quiet. “It is my pleasure, and complete honor to crown my son, Jake Metias Atkinson, as Alpha.” I stood proudly as everyone cheered and clapped. Liam had to have been the loudest. My dad held out a ring with silver markings. “Here, my son… Take your place.” I smiled and took the ring, sliding it onto my right ring finger. My dad stepped away. I swallowed hard.

“Hello, everyone…” I smiled. “It is time I have chosen my Beta… I couldn’t trust anyone other than Liam.” Liam’s dad pat his back and ruffled his hair. Natalie rewarded him with a kiss. I looked at Nathan and kissed his cheek. “And my Nathan… Sweet, loving Nathan..” I slowly pulled out the ring and smiled nervously. “We can’t get married just yet, but… Until then, this will have to do..” I slowly got down, and Nathan started to cry. I slid the ring onto his finger, and Nathan kept sobbing, but out of happiness. He nodded a lot before I stood, hugging him. He buried his face into my neck, crying. I smiled when people clapped and cheered… I had all the support I needed.


During the dinner, everyone was so happy. Nathan had to be the most comfortable I’ve ever seen him in social events such as this… I gently got Nathan’s attention and pointed to his mom. A wolf who never found his mate, was talking to her. They smiled and got along well…

“I want her to be happy..” Nathan whispered. I smiled at him.

“I’ll make sure that happens.” I promised him, kissing his cheek. I paused, and sniffed.


I looked up at saw Addison, two tubes in her nose. She still looked like herself. I got up with Nathan. When Nathan saw her, he started to sob. They hugged and Addison cried as well… They were best friends who both thought each other died…

“W-Wow, Natey..” Addison breathed. “Y-You look great..” Nathan cried and held her.

“S-So do you…” He whispered. Addison cried harder, apologizing. Larrin, holding her new baby, calmed Addison down.

“I-I’m so sorry, Nathan!! I-I shouldn’t h-have l-listened!!” Nathan smiled sadly.

“I-I forgive you, Adi…” He said softly. “I don’t kn-know i-if we can ever be friends l-like before… But I want to try…” Addison smiled and hugged him again.

“S-So do I…” I brought them to the table so Adi could eat. She ate slowly, and you could hear her breathing… It was slightly labored…

“Jake!” I looked up and smirked, seeing some of our wolves who went to school in a different city run up. Two of the boys who were around my age were best friends, like Liam and I. Aeron came up to me and pat my back.

“Well, Alpha,” he laughed. “You need to visit more often now!”

“I plan to, you old fat-head!” I jumped up and got him in a headlock. My mom scolded us, snapping her fingers. Aeron laughed and looked at me.

“Mind introducing me?” He asked. I nodded.

“This is my mate, Nathan.” Aeron smiled.

“Nice to meet you,” they shook hands.

“And this is our best friend, Addison.” I looked at Aeron, whose face was pink and his eyes bright. He watched Addison, and smiled nervously.

“H-Hi..” He quickly got down and took her hand, kissing it. Addison looked at me, then at Aeron.

“H-Hi….” She whispered back. I smirked. He always bragged about being single… Now, I don’t think he’ll ever want to be that way again. Nathan held my hand.

“Jake..” He whispered. I pulled him over under a tree to talk to him.

“Yeah? Is there something wrong?” Nathan shook his head. He smiled and hugged me.

“I love you..” He said, burying his face into my chest. I smiled. That was the first time he’s ever said it first…

“I love you more, Natey…”



*sigh* My beautiful BoyxBoy story has come to an end. Yes, it’s very sad, but I am happy it came to a close!! So, just like before, if there are any extras I get asked a lot for (i.e. when Nathan and Jake have a child, Addison, etc.) I will add it on. But for now, this story is over

Thank you all so much for your support! I really couldn’t have done it without you! Check out my other works and I hope to meet you again C:



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