《Wait, You're Gay Too?! [BoyXBoy]》Ready To Go Home


~Chapter Twenty-Eight~


Taking Nathan to the hospital the next day was horrible… We weren’t able to get through to him. He hasn’t said a word since yesterday…

Nurses and doctors took turns coming in, looking at Nathan, then turning around and leaving. Nathan’s mom had gone to a two week trip for work, in hopes of getting a better position to receive more money. We hoped Nathan would be out before she would notice… We couldn’t tell her yet… They needed her to get a better job…

I stayed at Nathan’s side the entire time. Like before, I didn’t accept food or water, but it was simply because I didn’t want to get up and use the bathroom from fear of losing him somehow… I could feel myself shaking. Natalie had gotten minor cuts and broken bones, along with Liam breaking a leg during the fight. My father managed to go through the fight with bruises… We lost a small, adolescent boy who had no parents… My mother said it could have been for the best… He didn’t have a purpose, and he was on so much medication to keep him sane… He was in a better place…

Nathan whimpered while he slept. He had a severe night terror as he slept and he was put on relaxers and pain medication. The police found the bodies. Everyone besides Cayden was claimed to have been killed by wolves. Cayden was stabbed fifty-seven times… All by Nathan. The police were standing outside Nathan’s room, waiting to talk to him. My family pleaded that Cayden had kidnapped and raped Nathan, and Nathan killed Cayden in defense, but they wouldn’t listen. They needed to talk to Nathan.

I haven’t heard much from Kegan or Larrin about Addison… All I can think of is her dying… It’d shatter everything, including Nathan… Anymore heartbreaking, soul-wrenching tragedy and I don’t think he could ever recover…

A doctor with a nurse came in, holding a clipboard and looking it over. He pushed his glasses further up his nose as he read over Nathan’s papers. I watched as the nurse murmured to the doctor. I can’t make out what they were saying…


“So, this is Nathan Greene?” The doctor looked at me with a questioning face. I nodded. “He is sixteen, correct?” I nodded again. The doctor let out a sigh and looked at Nathan. “He’s the talk of the hospital, you know… We’ve done our best to keep the news reporters and cameras off this floor so the public won’t be allowed to see him like this or force you or your family to say anything…” I nodded and looked at Nathan. The doctor watched me. “Do you want us to give him psychiatric help?” My mom looked up.

“Wh-What? Psychiatric? He’s just been through a hard time; he’s not insane!” My mom yelled.

“Mrs. Atkinson, please. We don’t believe he’s insane. He’s been through traumatic experiences and from his past, there’s a possibly we could lose him…” The doctor spoke in a very calm tone that even pissed me off.

“The past is in the past; people change,” I growled. Nathan was better… He was eating healthily, he was clean from cutting…

“Even so, we’ve seen the worst come from traumatic experiences such as these. Not to mention Nathan has been through several counts of such heinous crimes.” The doctor was writing on his clipboard. “And if he does go through treatment, it will be all free, including medication, if needed.”

“We said n---“

“Mom.” I interrupted her. She went quiet. I looked at the doctor and sighed. “We’ll think about it…” I whispered, holding Nathan’s hand tightly. The doctor nodded and looked over the clipboard again.

“We need blood samples, along with a urine sample as well to see if there is anything unusual.” He nodded his head and a nurse came in, holding a syringe and a blood collection tube. She went back and got a small cup. She came over and swiftly placed the needle into Nathan’s arm, collecting a tube of blood within seconds. She went to his bed pan and poured what was in there into the small cup. Within a minute, she was gone. I looked at the doctor. “She’s very good at her job,” he muttered and walked out.


“Oh, Nathan...” My mother whispered shakily, sitting on his bed and rubbing his leg. She had the instincts of a mother dog; any baby, was her baby. Tears rolled off her cheeks and splattered onto the blue sheets of the hospital bed. “I’m so sorry...”

“Mom… He’s okay now… He’s safe…”

“It doesn’t matter about now… We failed at keeping him safe…” My mother breathed in shakily. “He-He’s been through Hell…”

“Mom, it’s in the past now… All we can do is lead him toward recovery and help him become the same person he was before all of this…” My mom kept crying as she stayed beside him. I wanted Nathan to be okay… I wanted to get him a ring and we could be happy together and he could see that he’ll always be safe… I laid my head on the bed and closed my eyes.

Nathan… Wake up okay… You don’t need psychiatric treatment…


(Two days later)

“The results are in,” the doctor announced happily as he came into the room. Nathan was sipping on some chicken broth while I drank my water. It’d be unfair to eat solid foods in front of him… Nathan looked up and swallowed hard.

“Is it g-good..?” Nathan’s voice was very scratchy and weak. The doctor nodded.

“There is nothing dangerous nor unusual, which is very surprising. There is a spike in white blood cells, but those are fighting off the small amounts of dust inhaled and being in a small place for a while…” The doctor smiled. “All that’s left is the small interview to see if you need treatment.” Nathan paused and looked at me.

“T-Tr-Treatment..?” He whispered. I swallowed hard.

“They think it could be beneficial if you go through psychiatric treatment…” I gently held his hand. “They want you to be healthy and happy… They don’t want to see you back in here for something near suicide or anything…” Nathan’s eyes widened.

“I-I don’t n-need it… I-I have you… You make me happy…” I could see tears welling up in his blue eyes. Oh, Natey… Please don’t cry… He whimpered and pulled his hand away from me. “N-No... I-I don’t wa-want to…”

“Nathan, it’s nothing to be afraid of… We can help you! We know your background and we can---“

“NO!” Nathan cried, his body shaking violently. “I don’t want your help! I want to go home!!” The heart monitor was going insane. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!

“Nathan. Please, calm down. You’re going to scare the other patients.” BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!

“Le-Let me g-go home with Jake!!” He yelled and tore out his IV. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!

“Nathan! Please calm down! You aren’t ready!” I yelled, desperately trying to keep him calm.

“NO!!!” BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The heart monitor got faster. Almost instantly, Nathan passed out from exhaustion. The doctor sighed and wrote something on his clipboard.

“Yes, well… Let’s get him home as quick as possible… If you do decide to give him treatment, just call and we’ll set it up.” I nodded and gently picked up Nathan.

Oh, Nathan… I want you home, too…



Hiya c:

Sooooo We’re getting close to the end!

I know D: It’s sad. But, everyone wants it end somewhere inside them c:

I can’t tell the exact amount of chapters left over, but it’s probably around the 2-5 range…



Anyway! Please please please!!!!


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And Share it! Share it around!!!

P.S. I do have another story in mind to be putting on here c: (Do I hear people wanting some snip-its?!)



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