《I Wonder - Zelink Modern AU》I Wonder


It was faster than expected, setting off quickly and keeping up the speed. The sun was shining bright, releasing a glow that Zelda seemed to attract.

Link's eyes couldn't help but focus on her smile, taking in every last detail and trying to treasure it. This doesn't happen everyday he thought to himself. It feels right to tell her now, but if she doesn't feel the same or doesn't know how to react, then it will be awkward with no escape until the ride stops.

She still had a tight grip on his hand, not intending to let go any time soon.

"So what do you think? Did you have a good time?" Zelda asked him with a smile, directing her gaze to face him.

"Surprisingly, yeah. I really did" He replied as he felt more relaxed at the break of tension.

His tummy flipped more than it usually would, as those few words were on the very tip of his tongue. They just seemed to struggle getting out.

Link didn't take a lot of the ride in, and spent the majority of the time looking at Zelda and daydreaming.

He took a deep breath as he felt his own face heat up even more.

"What's wrong? You're getting really warm!" Zelda said as she put her free hand onto his forehead.

"I'm fine... Yeah. I'm fine" He replied, giving Zelda a small smile.

"Something's on your mind" She said, giving him a look of concern. "We'll go back to mine now. If you want, we can talk there? Dad still isn't home yet" She said, trying to persuade him.

"You had me at now"

They began walking to Zelda's house at 3:15. Time had really flown for the two, who wasted time sprinting through the cold. It was starting to snow, fascinating Zelda as she caught some in her free hand.


Link was in a complete daze, wondering what he was going to do and say.

Zelda was a lot more calm. Girls are known as the gender who are very emotional and more nurturing. This applied with her as she'd found a way to cope with the build up of emotions.

As soon as they got into the house, Link was relieved by the warmth that embraced him. He heard Zelda let out a sigh. She finally let go of his hand to take her out door wear off. Link's hand suddenly felt so cold as he did the same thing. He was thinking up an intricate speech in his head, trying to plan out what he was going to say and the escape plan in case it didn't go well.

"We'll talk in a second, I just need the toilet" Zelda said, ruffling her hand through Link's hair.

As soon as she was out of sight, Link picked his phone out of his pocket. He was known as a man of few words, but writing and text communication was so much easier for him.

'Hey, I need to talk to you when you're back. Don't let me stall x'

'Okay then? Just remember I'm always here x'

'Thank you. Same goes with you x'

A couple of minutes later she walked into the room where Link were, and sat down right next to him.

"What's on your mind?" She asked, making eye contact with Link.

He didn't reply for a moment. He didn't know what to say and didn't want to mess up the one chance that he had.

"There's just one thing I have to say first" He said, "Just please don't leave me. I need you" He looked away, blushing yet again.

Zelda got hold of his hand as she put her other on his face, making him look at her again.


"I'm never going to leave you, Link. I'm here forever, whether you like it or not" She said, giving him a reassuring smile. "Now don't stall. I'm here. Tell me everything"

"I'm not normally a words person, so I don't even know if I can get across what I want to get across, but... For a long time now I've had a weird feeling that I think I've identified"

Zelda nodded as a gesture to carry on, but she saw Link get stumped and didn't want to rush him.

"This emotion has such strange effects. People talk about it as if it's something magical, but with that there comes embarrassment, confusion and anxiety. You probably have no clue-"

"Love?" Zelda cut him off, she saw how flustered he was getting and wanted to try and maybe help him asking by actually talking to him. His eyes cowered.

"Y-yeah. Love..." Zelda's heart sank. She immediately thought that he fancied someone from school and felt terrible. However, if Link was happy she wouldn't complain.

"So... Who's the lucky person?" She asked with a slight laugh.

"Well, uh, you see..." He stuttered. He felt like it was now or never, that he just had to come with it outright. Once he was in the moment he thought hey, what's the worst that can happen? "You, Zelda" He said quickly, hoping that the process wouldn't have heard. He covered his face with his remaining hand, still keeping the other one glued to Zelda.

"M-me?" She asked, staying in the exact position she was in before.

"Mhm. You"

She started laughing, confusing Link greatly.

"Link? You really thought I'd leave over something like that?" She said, squeezing his hand more. "Besides, I know the feeling" She said, her tone of voice picking up.

"You do?" Link said, his heart also diving to the bottom of his chest.

"Absolutely" Link didn't know what to say after that and wanted to avoid making things anymore awkward. "Because of you, Link. I know the feeling because of you!"

"What? I don't understand" Link said. He did understand, but some part of him wouldn't accept it.

"I..." She had the same problem Link did. Although she knew what she was going to say, the words wouldn't quite come out. "I love you too, Link" She smiled as she said it, as did Link.

"Really?" He got excited, a lot of adrenaline had built up.

"Really really!" Both of their faces lit up.

Zelda threw herself at the boy, pulling him into a tight embrace. He hugged her back, squeezing her tightly. It felt like they were both trying to make up for years of missed opportunities.

Both of their cheeks calmed down as they both processed the current situation.

The door opened as Link and Zelda sprung apart. Of course Zelda's dad was home early.

"Zelda, what is Link doing here?" He asked.

"We just got home from the theme park so we got a drink" Zelda replied. It was almost as if she had that excuse ready.

"Well, Link best be going now" He said.

Link did as he was told and got off of the couch, his cheeks turning red yet again from embarrassment.

"I'm walking him home" Zelda said.

"No you're not" Her father said whilst blocking the way.

"Well at least let me say bye to him!" He let her through as she ran down the hall.

Her father left them to it, so they were in the clear.

"Link I- " She started.

Link shut her up by pulling her into a hug.

"So I'll see you tomorrow?" Link nodded.

He placed his lips onto her cheek softly, before leaning in and whispering.

"Goodnight, princess"

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