《I Wonder - Zelink Modern AU》Moral Support


Zelda woke up early for a Saturday, 10:00 to be exact. Her crazy dreams had led her to wake up a lot earlier than she normally would, no matter what day it were.

She leant over the side of her bed to grab her phone and to check last night's recording. The worst thing about the weird sleep talking was that she had to review the recordings afterwards to see what she actually said, if anything. Although the app was only supposed to pick up sounds to shorten the recording. However, it picked up literally any sound whatsoever, so it was kinda pointless.

She remembered her dream from last night, it'd been the same one for weeks. The weird thing about it though, was that it was just an average day in Zelda's life. But all she would say was things that had to do with Link one way or another.

She opened her messages as she started typing a text. No... It's too early. He'll be asleep. She put her phone back down and just layed in bed for a second.


'Morning! Are you up? ^-^' She knew immediately that it was Link, no one else would send that cute emoji face.

'Yep. I'm surprised you are!!'

'Couldn't really sleep last night :/'

She got a little worried. She'd never heard of Link not getting sleep.

'Are you alright?'

'Yeah, just restlessness, I suppose'

Zelda held her breath whilst typing, she always got so anxious asking of things like this.

'Wanna come over today? I have the house to myself until late and I don't want to be alone all day'

'You had me at today' Her heart jumped, as she saw the three little dots once more. 'I'll be over in an hour x'

Seeing the kiss at the end made her immediately smile. They didn't text often so it was quite awkward normally, but when she thought about it, the kiss to her meant something deeper than just an x at the end of a text.

'See ya then x'

She got out of bed and did her normal morning routine, which mostly consisted of prancing around like a ballerina so her bare feet wouldn't get cold on the hardwood floor.

Her father left rather early, so she didn't have to worry about confronting him about Link coming over. He liked Link, but didn't like him visiting because according to him 'all boys have the same mind'.


She threw on some basic jeans and a shirt, not expecting to be going out anywhere.

She heard the door knock as her stomach flipped. Why do I have to be so nervous every time?... I see him every other day she thought as she was walking to the front door.

When she opened it she saw the very familiar face, and she already felt at ease. Link was dressed in his green shirt and some jeans, what he wore most of the time.

"Hello little elf boy!" She greeted him with, closing the door behind him.

"That's new!" He said, taking his hat, scarf and gloves off.

He walked with Zelda into the living room, where they both sat down on the sofa. Zelda wanted to go outside, she really liked the cold yet warming weather. Link however, did not.

After talking about it for a while and Zelda trying to convince him, she remembered something that her dad had told her that morning.

"I know how you wanted to go to that new theme park that opened down town, so I got you a couple of day passes. They're valid until next month, so make sure to use them"

"Link... How do you feel about roller coasters?" Zelda asked.

"That was really random. But roller coasters? I don't really like them. I really hate the 'I'm going to die' feeling you get"

"Well tough. Dad gave me two tickets for the theme park, and we're both going. Today"


"No buts! We're going, and I'm going to make sure you have fun" She held out her hand to Link, who was still sat on the sofa. He grabbed it as she pulled him up, and started running to the front door.

She noticed his red cheeks, and knew that it wasn't from the cold. It didn't bother her though, she found it cute.

She picked up his hat off of the rack on put it on his head, as well as holding the gloves and scarf out in front of her. Her jacket, gloves, hat and scarf were on the rack also so she put those on.


"If you're going to complain then don't bother. We're going, okay?"

"Okay..." He mumbled as Zelda grabbed his hand again and pulled him out of the door.


The park was only a short distance away, a 10 minute walk. It wasn't silent like it were on school days. It seemed that when they were just hanging out without school in the mix that they talked a lot more often and things were a lot less awkward. They both also just wanted to forget about the cold that was attacking them.

Once they'd got there, Zelda handed the tickets over to the tickets guy, and they both went in.

It was pretty busy, but they didn't mind waiting in cues. Link didn't, anyway.

"Where should we go first?" Zelda asked, looking at all the rides.

"Home?" Link asked, although he knew the answer to that. Zelda ignored him.

"We should start with the small stuff, and then get bigger as we go"

A couple of hours going on a few little roller coasters later, Zelda wanted to go to the biggest.

"You know what? Let's go on that one!" She pointed as she grabbed Link's hand with her other one.

"No thank you" Link said, gulping.

"This one doesn't even go upside down"

"But it's still high. And there's only a tiny little bar there that keeps you from falling out"

"Come on! You can hold onto me if you get scared" She said as she yet again pulled him into the queue, that was extremely short.

They were on after only 2 rides, and although excited, Link was completely white. Zelda noticed this as they got strapped in and really didn't like seeing him like that. She normally saw him full of colour and a lot of the time red, and she'd never seen him scared in all of her life.

She immediately felt an urge of guilt, which made her feel uncomfortable as she looked at Link's dilated pupils. She hated it, so she decided she had to act on it and try to make him feel a little bit more comfortable.

His knuckles were gripped around the bar and they were even whiter than his face. The ride slowly set off, climbing the big slope.

Zelda reached out and put her hand on Link's and wrapped her fingers around it. His grip immediately loosened as he turned to look at her, his face slightly more relaxed, yet surprised.

"It's okay" She said smiling. "Just a few minutes and it's going to be over" Link gulped again, looking down from where they were. They weren't even half way up yet. "Hold my hand, and squeeze it as much as you want" She unwrapped his fingers from the bar and intertwined them with hers. Link started returning to his normal red state, as Zelda was already the deep crimson.

Link gripped her hand firmly as he took a deep breath and embraced the reality. So this is happening. It seems that no matter what the situation is, with her I feel better and more at ease. I don't even think that it's a secret anymore. I'm sure her and every one else know by now... But why can't I say it? Just 3 words that I'm sure she already knows. I know I'm going to have to do it at some point- but is sooner better than later?

Link smiled at Zelda as they reached the top. He was still petrified but didn't let go of Zelda's hand.

As soon as they started dropping, he heard sounds of laughter coming from Zelda as she raised both of her arms, pulling Link's up with her. He laughed as well, it wasn't as bad as his mind had pictured. It was really short after the drop, which relieved Link majorly.

As they got off the ride, their hands stayed perfectly connected. Link didn't want to say anything about it, or else he'd get even more embarrassed. Zelda didn't seem to mind though, and she didn't bring it up either.

"Well... What do you want to do, Link?" Zelda asked, facing him.

He had to admit that he was having fun, and was happy to be spending more time with Zelda. He wanted something a little more relaxing though, but also so Zelda would enjoy it.

"We've been on everything but the ferris wheel" He said, pointing at it with his free hand.

Zelda started running, yet again pulling Link along with her.

They arrived at the ferris wheel entrance and entered one of the pods. They were sitting next to each other, hands still intertwined.

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