《I Wonder - Zelink Modern AU》Detention


They started walking to school with Link carrying Zelda's bag. She couldn't help but feel guilty, although she knew Link would've done it no matter what happened.

The walk again was silent, but Link was happy that he was helping so Zelda let him get on with it. Zelda walked with a spring in her step, happy that she had a good time and that she stayed at Link's house.

She was sad it ended so soon, but she was certain that it was much better than all of the sleep overs the other girls had.

Once they arrived at school, they went their separate ways until the end of the day. Although Zelda practically begged Link to give her the bag back, he refused and carried on.

In 5th period Zelda was harassed, like normal.

"Hey, Zel!" One of the girls shouted as she slid across the desk.

Zelda didn't reply, she just looked up, still smiling from the thoughts of the previous day.

"So did you catch the latest episode of Hyrule High yesterday?" She said. Zelda's heart dropped, all the girls other than her were obsessed with this stupid TV show.

"No, I didn't" The girl scoffed, her eyes narrowed as she stared Zelda down.

"Well, did you break his heart then?" Zelda was shocked at how quick the conversation changed. She dropped her pencil case on the floor and diverted her full attention to the conversation.

"What? What are you on about?" She asked, shaking her head.

"You were at Link's yesterday. He so obviously fancies you" She got more into Zelda's face.

"You don't know him. Heck, you've never actually talked to him before" Zelda looked away, and opened her book, as if to politely say get lost.

"Yeah, but I'm not blind"

"Whatever. Think what you want" Zelda shook her head and steadied her breathing, trying not to lash out.

"Okay then, I will"

"You're getting on my nerves" She slammed her pencil down on the desk.

"Oh, sorry. You were probably thinking about fucking your boyfriend"

Zelda stood up and slammed her hands on the desk, bringing all attention to her. "Hey! Link is not my boyfriend! There's no need to keep bringing him into things just because he's a boy and my friend. God, you're pathetic" She stared back as she realised all eyes were on her.


"Zelda! After school detention for 10 minutes!" The teacher shouted. Zelda told Link she'd meet him after school, and she didn't want to be late.

"Are you actually kidding me?!" She shouted as her heart rate started increasing.

"Answering back? I'll make that 30 minutes then" The teacher smirked as she saw the expression on Zelda's face.

She sat down and banged her head on the desk, muttering insults at everyone in the class.

After the school day had ended, Zelda tried to sneak out of the class and hope that the teacher had forgotten. After all, she could just run. She'd never had a detention before, and she weren't a bad kid. This specific teacher really didn't like Zelda or Link, for a reason they both didn't know.

"Zelda! Don't forget you're staying with me" She muttered under her breath as she sat back down.

"Miss, I'm meeting someone"

"Tuff. You're going to have to wait"

Outside the gates Link stood. He was let out a few minutes early so he could make it in time to meet Zelda. However, she was nowhere to be seen.

"Looking for that whore? Yeah, she's already left" The very same girl that was picking on Zelda in class said to him.

"Excuse me?" He said, slightly angered by the irrelevant comment. Although his voice sounded polite and just genuinely confused.

"You know exactly what I mean. She's gone. Said she couldn't be bothered with you" She snickered with her friends stood behind her.

"Ok" Link replied as he continued looking into the school. He sat down and got his DS out.

"What are you doing? She's gone" Link smirked a little bit, although having to interact with these people brought him down a bit, it was almost like a complete joke. He knew that Zelda wouldn't just leave. Not without an extremely good reason, anyway.

They left Link alone and started walking home, but he stayed at the gates where he said he'd meet Zelda.

Zelda sat in the same classroom for 30 minutes, until she was let go. She hung her head low as she waddled out of the school, she let Link down and he probably went home. That's when she saw it.

She stopped in her tracks as she saw the blonde haired boy sat down against the gate, and sticking his tongue out in front of his Nintendo DS.


She started running towards him, she expected it to be a weird hallucination. Link turned to look at her, a massive smile spread across his face.

"Detention?" He asked, standing up and folding the DS. Zelda nodded her head, out of breath from the little marathon she had to run.

"Ms. Hartley?" He said again, raising one of his eyebrows.

"Yup!" Zelda said, picking up her heavy bag that was behind Link.

"Nah-ah. Not on my watch" He lightly grabbed her wrist as some sort of reaction, to stop her from picking it up anymore.

Zelda turned weak from his touch as she dropped the bag, her head swinging up until her eyes made contact with his.

"Sorry" She said, still holding the eye contact. Link reached down and picked up the bag, he slipped his hand down so it was closer to hers, but pulled away as soon as he realised what he did and as he felt his face turn crimson.

They both stood blushing, avoiding each other's eyes as they awkwardly looked around. They both started walking to Zelda's house, in sync with each other.

It was, yet again, another completely silent walk until they reached Zelda's driveway.

"I'm taking that off of your hands now" She said, stopping and putting her hand out.

"Are you-"

"For god sake, Link! I understand that you want to help but I can do it on my own!" Zelda yelled as she stepped forward, closer to his face.

Her eyes had some sort of spark in them, like they were igniting a fire.

Link stared in shock, he wasn't used to seeing Zelda so stressed and he'd never seen her lash out like that. He took the bag off of his shoulders and handed it to her, without muttering a single word.

"I'm sorry. I don't feel well. Thank you, Link" She ran into the house without giving Link a chance to react.

"Zelda!" He shouted as he put his arm out behind her.

He hated seeing her in a bad mood, and although he wanted to run after her, him being around was what caused her to get annoyed. Or so he thought.

He dawdled home with his hands in his pockets. It ironically started raining, so he could see his reflection in every puddle that he stomped over. His phone was out of charge so he couldn't even call Zelda, let alone apologise.

Damn. He thought. Is she okay? I can call her when I get home but... Will that be too long? Will she think I don't care? Why is something so little bothering me so much? Too many questions, not enough answers. He started sprinting, realising just how much he wanted to hear her voice.

It was dark before he got home, but that didn't stop him from going as fast as he could.

Zelda was feeling horribly guilty. She knew how much Link overthought stuff and knew that his mind would be blowing everything out of proportion. She had tried calling him multiple times, but it went straight to answerphone. She didn't think much of it, as she knew that his phone was either turned off or out of charge.

A few minutes later, and Link's phone was up and running. 3 missed calls from Zelda?! He immediately thought of the worst and called her without giving his own heart a chance to beat, not even once.

"Hey, Link"


"Listen, I'm really sorry about doing that. I don't know what came over me. I've been feeling really off lately, and you're the only person keeping me somewhat sane"

"Zelda, I-"

"Shush. Let me finish. I really appreciate your help and I love you... WHEN YOU'RE AROUND AND MAKE ME FEEL BETTER" Her mouth slipped as it felt like she was almost talking to herself. It was so easy for her to talk to him than any other person. She didn't have to build any walls and he was her other half.

"Oh, yeah. I love y- that I make you happy. In the future though, please tell me if you don't feel right. I'm always here, Zelda"

"I know you are. The same goes for you too, you're not just a support robot for me. I want to return all the favors"

"There's no need for that"

"I think I just heard my dad. Sorry, but I really have to go before he catches me. Goodnight, Link" I love you

"It's okay. Goodnight, princess" I love you


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