《My love for a Bloodthirsty Prince. [ON HOLD]》Deal with you


"oh...yue that's not correct , you should tell me at least what's that !"

"Oh..sorry it's a game" I will explain you...... later"

"Oh... princess yue..."

"Oh ...ok but first I need a break...."

"Ok then...."

Actually , dealing with the old people like something new experience as Tanya and play with them is the funniest thing ever 😂.

Huh...two years later... Now I am 19 year s old. I have heard some bad and good news going on from mansion but I didn't went to seeking them . Whatever happens now, now the most important thing is my mother in law.

No anyone wouldn't know about this instead of me and jiang. In this mansion always eyes and ears are ready to split out about anything!!

Later I decided to arrive her , at a far distance temple only know Jiang and me .

When I was thinking about her , suddenly a maid came .

"Princess yue... You need to come to Royal mansion right now!"

"Right now?!"


So after few minutes I had arrived to the royal mansion...

When I was coming there Every officer and the people had gathered there. Everyone wispered about something. After few times the prince and the king had arrived with other royal family. After sat his royal chair , he announced about a fantasy thing .

It was about jiauang; she got pregnant!!

When I just heard about that I was happy but suddenly It was brought me to a great anxiety. even I like children I couldn't bear any child.....

How I am so unlucky.....😩😟

Then I watched about prince jinhu's expression he was little bit confused and not even happy either.

Why this man cannot happy ?....😕

Oh..my elder brother why he was in a hurry mood? He facial expression was not being good like previously.

Actually what has happened to him?

After few minutes the king , announced that our elderst brother got a high promotion from achieve department. Seems to be like the king had expected that qinfei brother's arrive.

Actually whats going on there? When jiauang got pregnant and qinfei brother got a promotion 🙄🤔 is there anything behind the those incident...?

What the impressive thing have i listen, I should go and do congrats to her right now as a concubine of prince jinhu .

I was jumped from my imaginary world by the high pitch speech of the king.

"today is a very especial day to us! We should celebrate our new comer to the royal family . prime minister?"


"yes your majesty....."

"and qinfei , son of the prime minister I promote you to the head of the archive department and congrats to you!"

"thanks for you kindness.., your majesty! "

with an unclear facial expression showed his gratitude to the king.

"prime minister besides these , is there anything to discuss to us..?"

"yes your majesty.."

"ok then bring me those cases at tomorrow to the royal court"

"yes your majesty...."

"ok todays session is over "!. said by the king.

Everyone stood when the king had stood first. while his moving, everyone bowed their heads. All of sudden he stopped before me!

"Oh.princess yue !!! how long didnt see you? How are you?"

Suddenly I was stacked through his calling, I have noticed that everyone focus on me either prince also. Then I brought my head to the little high and answered to him.

"I am fine your majesty hope youre in a good health also"

"ha ha .what a decent girl?? Like your father, I hope you meet again."

"as you wish"

Then he went with his gang then everyone had left except me and brother and father.

When I was saw my father my heart bloomed like flower. then I ran towards them.


"yue my daughter how are you..? "

"I am well father tell me about our family how mother and sister and fang brother?"

I said with a large hug. When at that moment I had felt like I am came home again..oh that feelings I have never experienced when I was tanya...

"every one fine expect without some matters. Father said with a disappointment look after watched qinfei brother."

"what are those ?" I questioned .

"never mind tell me about your life ? is everything ok?"

"yes father until now"

"ok but be careful daughter this palace is the place where peoples mind could change and deal with them"

"ok father I will got it" on at the moment I didnt understood what he did meant.. whatever happened I must believe him.

When I was going jiauangs residence, I saw big brother( qinfei) is going towards to queens residence .when I arrived at my mansion I couldnt keep mind in normal way as again and again my mind keep recalling what did I heard.

[. flashback. remembering it.]

"What could have brought him there? Do I need spying on him? "


Then xiao yue was secretly went there without anyone to sense even big brother. Suddenly jiauang and queen were appeared.

"oh qinfei congrats for your new promotion".

"thanks, your highness"

"you did a great help to me , Qinfei"! (glancing towards jiauang)

"your highness I didnt understand".

Then queen came towards big brother and mumbled something to the ear.

"because of you, jiauang goes to dream about a child!".

All sudden, big brothers eyes went high, feels like he had done something wrong and the reason for the promotion.

"your highness what you mean..." with stammered voice he spoke.

"last night didnt you with jiauang?"

"you ... yo you...ur ...highness... I am sorry for my behave like a bastard..."

"stand up Qinfei its ok even I did not blame you and I do not like to mess up people when I was in happy. so now you must enjoy from your promotion. And keep remember this , if you dare to disclose this secret then your valuable family and sister will fell into my hands get it?

"yes yes your highness"

[. end.]

On at that time xiao yue felt like she was fell into a trap. Whatever happen she should be on alert. All sudden she remembered her mother in law. Then she called to jiang.

"jiang you must do something"

"whats the matter?"

"no... you should bring first queen to our family temple.and I will give you a letter to deliver headmaster of the temple".

"but princess its take too hours and in this rush?"

Before talked , she took a deep breath , "jiang please try take this serious you should promise to protect yourself and queen?"

"yes, yue I will"


"ah what you meant that?"

"nothing go and prepared for the journey"

While both jiang and mother in law were preparing yue had wrote a letter.

After 2 hours, they were left from her mansion via from secret route. Xiao yue felt like she was going to be lonely again and a hell is coming towards her. However, she should face to them! is that her destiny? Then what that predictor did said on festival day? Suddenly she remembered that predictor who was met at festival day then she went to the marketplace.


"Oh. oh, where is she?....... please please''

"did you find me?" suddenly female voice heard.

"I want to know". before I continue, she crossed my line.

"come with me!" then I went along with her to an unknown place.

"do you have any problems with hairpin which I gave to you?"

"oh wait no ...no I meant to be here; I want to know something from you".

"from me, whats that?" She said with a puzzled look.

"you know . You had said something about my life and destiny... so, I came here to ask more about that."

"oh dear sorry I didnt mean anything at that time"

"no no I am exactly sure you are meant about something!"

With frown look, she gazed at me like she was reading my mind

What is ?

"what do you do want know from me?" she frowned.

" if you are predictor then you might be knowing the situation of the palace...". She crossed again the line before I continue.

"yeah. let them happen.... " before I could speak, she continued.

"the implication of your. may bring dealt with you and the feelings of your!"

When I was tried to find, what did she meant with feelings she was disappeared before I raised my head. When I was searching her, I found a message which was left behind a wall.


With an unknown gesture I left from there.


But she failed to catch up, the pair of peeping eyes behind the wall.

"Good luck. My princess the destiny what had arranged for you. will be begin from now on ."

When yue was walking towards the palace she found some masculine voices from an aside of a market spot. When was peeped from there, she found a huge man who was on the horse, covered with his body with a large cloak and with few men.

"is that all?" the stranger began to talk.

"yes, my lord".

"then dealt it with poor people"

"yes my lord"... then the few men left that stranger with some goods. after few minutes that stranger's eyes met yue.

Then at that time, her gazed fell into the eyes of that stranger why she feels the pair of eyes looks like familiar suddenly her thoughts broke by the words of stranger.

"hey who are you?" Fortunately, her face was covered even her eyes reveled. suddenly she got managed to escape from that stranger before he headed the horse towards her, that stranger could identified her.


Hi guys how are you ? hope you are fine while in quarantine ! I know my grammar little bit wrong . So please to be informed me about that . Thank you....

I ❤️ you guys.

Thank you for reading!!!

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