《My love for a Bloodthirsty Prince. [ON HOLD]》Solidifying Love


So as usually I wake up. Then after I prepared , I went to ming qi's room. She had been woke up and she was engaging her religious work . After she had done her work, she smiled to me and treated her greetings.

"Good morning!! Yue how are you?"

"Good morning I am fine and I think you will be fine also!!".

"Yes ... Yes I am fine " she smiled with her innocent smile"

Then we both went to my dining room and we took breakfast even if I was hoped any reply from my family. Mean while I was talking with Ming qi , a letter came from my family. actually there was what i expected exactly. so after breakfast , i went to my room to read that book. at first , i was little bit in confusing what will be going on after i had read that. whatever happened, now i married with him , so i have to face any matter even the things regard with him.

After sat on bed, I started to read the diary book of Xiao yue.

According to that , yue's family and prince Jinhu's and Cheng are very closetest friends.

According to destiny's joke they were aparted because of a rebel.

How destiny so cruel.......

While I was reading that book , there was written about interested things .......

" I and Cheng.

Happy birthday jinhu


Feelings of love.....😏😏😏😏😍

" So I went to outside for a little after few minutes Cheng was appears before me " yue are you ok?"

After I had read that my eyes got on wet .

Then how prince jinhu become monster.....?

Then I referred some pages again . There was something strange thing that even couldn't believe to anyone

"Today I went to palace, meanwhile I saw something happened in the palace however immediately I went to look prince jinhu .


Then if, was there any connections between them and this? But who did that? Whomever wanted to expelled the Queen Ming qi. so suddenly I went to look prince jinhu .... At sudden he jumped on me " yue I didn't thought you will become like this what you want from me little brat tell me....."

I was stunned when I heard that ."what? What you told I didn't anything else! Prince jinhu I just came here to look for you

" Lier .... Brat....!!! You don't want to tell the truth even , go away from me never come for me I hate you...... hate you.... Go out"

So then this the way how they become aparted each other..... But seems to be there have a connection!

After that Cheng went to his education and jinhu become monster , and our family didn't held any connections with royals from then and second queen replace for the Ming qi position. Jiauang married with jinhu.

So then I felt some fishy feelings about him . However what happened both they were innocent but whomever wanted to broke up those friendships......


I must do something! whether he was demon or not . Right now at least I have think about mother in law . So I must talked with him about his mother.


On Next day......

After I prepared , I had to go a religious ceromony which was held on main hall . While I was going back to my residence, prince jinhu caught my my right arm. On that moment I was afraid if anyone would saw us. Then I looked at him and take out my hand from him. Then I bowed to him.

"Prince jinhu ......!"

"Yue.... tomorrow I go to supermarket side , if you would like to go there you can join with me .....!"


At sudden I noticed him. He was little bit stunned some sweats came from his forehead.

Awww......what happened to him?😳😳😳😏😊😂😁😅

Then I little bit coughed and said " it's pleasure to me..."

Ooow what happened to me also😳😳😳 my sudden response..........

He left quickly . Then I remembered suddenly , tomorrow is the day that informed prince jinhu has arranged for drawing a picture but I have solution for that also. I have already drawn a picture of mine and tomorrow I will be wearing that same dress which was on the picture and Jiang will be pretend Instead of me as the painter after that she will return to Palace when the time is over .

Aww....how my idea?🤗😊😏😉


After day

As usually, i wake up and prepared for going out. actually today was a good day, nicely the ..sun rising , birds were singing...... filled me fresh feelings. so then i went moonlight garden , on there i was thought about going out with prince jinhu..... might be a opportunity to tell about his mother . when i told him, then what may he will say..... i cannot even thought about it!


After few minutes , he came . so as ordinary , i traveled with carriage and prince jinhu went on a horse . however we were all wear simple wearings that usually couples what wearing . Especially the prince jinhu Weared like that even anyone couldn't get recognized him , as a prince.

after came to main town we have had to travel usual way. so then me and prince jinhu were came to look small shopmoles.

By the way , we travel to various shops , lately we came to paint shop.

hmmm.... My idea is working 😉😏😊

"Yue..... Stay here! I have to look for imergency case so I will go and return back quickly...."

On that moment , i was stucked like unable to speak or answering . Instead of that I felt fishy feelings on him like please stay.....😟

Even we don't like each other , on at that moment I wanted him to stay by my side.

Oh...yue what Happened to you...... 😣😣🙄🙄

After he went , Jiang came towards me.


"Ah...ah... Jiang are you done ? "

"What don't you know your plan.....?"

"Oh... I know..."

"Then..? What happened to you? Are you.....make... feelings...."

"Jiang are you crazy ? I haven't"😒

But actually on that moment , I didn't know what was going on me until Jiang called me at twicely. Then if , I still thinking about him or something...!

On that day, I went to bed early...

Even I can't believe what happened to both us. However it was good or not I felt real sad then I closed my eyes.... To recall them what had happened to me.... Today.....

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