《My love for a Bloodthirsty Prince. [ON HOLD]》New stranger


I got up early in the morning. After I prepared I ordered to maids to bring more foods.

Then I went to my secret room, where Ming qi stayed.

"Hello.... Good morning ma'am Ming!!"

"Good morning..... The castle very changed now.....! "

"Yeah... it seems to be..... Shall we eat now?"

"Yes of course!"

While we were eating I looked at Ming queen. Actually she was innocent besides she didn't know anything above what was going on the castle at now. Should I tell or not about this ? I was puzzled above on this matter. Never mind I should tell it!!

So after I went to prince Jinhu's residence. When I was coming there prince Jinhu not there. So I again turned back to come my residence. Before I moved, I heard some noises. it came from prince Jinhu's residence but actually where was it?

Then I move little again towards the noises.

Actually it was a large room like tortures hall. All of sudden I saw prince was there not only that he had long and little bit wide stick which was bited to criminals.

Then again prince Jinhu hold someone's hair tightly and also that man was tied up with ropes.

"Tell me the truth.... Or should I imagine you've got a cave somewhere or a deserted mine tunnel where you've stowed the loot you've stolen so far from market spot? ;

Besides the intelligence network between thieves and robbers and brigands is incredibly fast when they got a news to a robbery , word spreads like wildfire and they come down on it in their scores".....

Actually on that moment , I saw him as a real beast and merciless person. And I saw dangerous glint in his eyes also some blood dots also Scattered from place place in prince Jinhu's clothes.


Without answer is no , he prodding the saxe knife a little deeper into the flesh of his neck, just holding it back so that it didn't draw blood . On that moment, I was going to fainted . Then I quickly left from there without thinking about it again.

Meanwhile I was clashed to someone again.


"Sorry I didn't see you !!"

"It's ok are you well? " A nice and gentle voice begun to talk. Then I suddenly look at him. Seems to be he was like nice and we'll mannered person instead of prince.

"Yes I am ok thank you"

"Seems to be are you came for meet prince Jinhu , why you turned back?"

"No it's ok I will come in another time " I said with little afraid.

So we talked each other for a little time and we both came to my residence.

"So yue I think we must stop our discussion at now .....!"

"Yes Cheng you're right but how do you know me...?"

"Oh silly girl don't you recognized me?; I am your friend Cheng from childhood...."

"Ah...yeah I can see " I lightly agreed to that and I thought how many people should I have had to know for more....

"Now I came , if you have any trouble please tell me.... I will help you...."

"Ok... Thank you Cheng...."

Then we both aparted from each other and I went to my residence..... Before went I noticed at him.

Such a clam...., gentle ! How nice....why prince couldn't be like him?🙁🙁🙁

Cheng point of view above on yue

I have got to know that some people was caught by prince who worked under auntie ; second queen. Then I went there , while unexpectedly I met yue at there.


Actually I didn't like auntie's werid works but sometimes I have to do it because of her also.

However when I met yue, I had forgotten about what purpose I came for . When I met her, I remembered our old past childhood....!

How nice....! How long haven't I see her?

Upto now she got more beautiful than her childhood. Then I remembered how we played in childhood...! Jinhu, Lia, Fang, Qin fei, yue and me.......How enjoyed??!!!

But what a hell did broked our friendship?!!!

After arised a jealous to auntie above on Ming qi queen she changed everything even if our friendship also......

Then Jinhu become a monster more and more when expelled his mother. And auntie sent me to higher studies...... It was 13 years ago!!!.....

Now I came . Before I came , I went yue's home. On at that moment I got knew that yue was married with Jinhu. Before that she was injured badly when at she was in temple.

However I was surprised when I heard that she wasn't identified me!! How could she forgot her past . Now she was fully different than I saw in at the past.!!!!

Xiao yue point of view above on Cheng.

When I Was met him, I felt that he was knew me earlier. So I thought to read yue's diary book. Actually he seems to be kinda good person but i try to keep him away from me because of being a brother of Jiauang...! But a friend keep for me maybe not a dishonor. So I try keep him as a friend.

After I went to my residence, Jinhu's mother was in shocked.

"Yue...yue where are you going? Are you ok?"

"Yes... I am ok but why mother?"

"No I thought , you were in trouble when going Jinhu's residence."

"No I didn't but when I was going, he was..... working so I came back..."


Then she went to inside. Actually I felt her afraid of me when I was gone. so I decided to write a letter to bring the yue's diary book.

Hi guys 😍😍😍🤗🤗

Thank you for reading

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Hope in next part.

Actually sorry for later update because I had various lots of work....

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