《My love for a Bloodthirsty Prince. [ON HOLD]》Punishment


Hmm.....yamm..... I woke up with some ecstasy. Then I saw yue still slept besides me. I remembered on previous day how I am slept . I slept on her hip. But I don't know what I am told to her .

Actually yue was beautiful. But I want her ; possess with her, kissed her..

But I don't know she would like me . Never mind I want her and I not let her to leave from me.

"So please yue don't try to leave me; if you doing, I want to punishment to you in my room , so it's better if you submissive to me..... "

I said with my deep lust voice.

Then kissed my beautiful lady and I prepared to go my residence and get ready for the breakfast.

Then I assigned to a maid, after yue had woke up inform to her that I was invited to her to my residence to take with me breakfast together.


When I woke up prince Jinhu was left.

So I get down from bed and prepared .

When I was in my preparing , jiang called me.

"Yue...prince had invited to you to his residence to take breakfast".

(Mock voice) "auh... What?

"Yes yue he want take breakfast with you"

"When did he informed to you?"

"Nearly two hours"

What then I want to hurried now.so I went quickly with jiang to prince Jinhu 's residence.

When I entered to his residence prince Jinhu not yet came.

So I take deep breath.

It's ok..... still he not came 😅😌.

As soon as he had arrived before pass few minutes. Then I and other two concubine of his bowed to him.

"I am sorry ..... prince Jinhu if I am late". I apologized to him.

"If I am a prince , I never let her sorry".


Jiauang told.( Prince 's 1st concubine).

"Wait jiauang till I am talking...."

Prince called.

Then jia( I said to jiauang as short form) looked at me with ignoring me.

"This is should be first and last fault of your if you doing again , then I have to punish you. But I like to give a punishment because you have to learn something when broken my rules."

"What but why"? I asked with impatiently.

"Low down your voice, why don't know who i am?" prince told strictly.

"From now you haven't any meals and water"

What demon did you told?.......😨😤😡😕😧

"But why " before continue he spoke.

"Stop your talking and if you want more then I can give also ".

With deepest sorrow I left from his residence.

Is that guy did I see last day on my hip

How changed people like this?.......

It's ok. I can stay without meals. Because in my previous life , sometimes I skip my meals and stayed whole day without food.

But i worries for some thing that his behavior.

Then I remembered what my father had told.

So I again went to my residence and without going into inside , I went my moonlight garden then sat down.

Then I play my flute. Indervently my eyes got into tearful river .

One,two, three hours later.

Still I was in my moonlight garden and only jiang stayed besides me.

Then few minutes, my body got into weaker and my lips were got into pale. I don't know , I am going to died but I know he can't let me leave.

My flute was fell down from my hand.

Suddenly jiang came to help me; but I rejected her help. Then I said to her to leave me. Lately she went after I ordered to her.


Now no one behind me.

I was feeling that I am going to faint .

Yeah I fainted ; but don't know still I will survive . indervently and slowly my eyes closed. Before that I heard a man voice but I want to tell him something

" you are late prince Jinhu...."

Xia yue's point of view.

I know prince won't me die. But from now he will lead me to the death.even if it occurs, to prince Jinhu nothing one left to hate someone among his concubines . so he will recover me somehow.

But truly I hate him or else I don't want anyone. Other than jia is suitable woman for him. Never mind, from now I have to keep something in my mind that is, I have to suffer his punishment whenever I was wrong or right.

It's ok prince Jinhu I will accept your punishment but keep in mind when a day if I got a opportunity I also give a punishment to you.

Prince Jinhu's point of view

When I was finished my work then I came to look ,how yue was suffering my punishment.

Yeah she was still in her garden without any meal.

Then I saw her flute was fell down from her hand and all of sudden a maid came to helped her but seems to be she was rejected that maids help.

"What a strong?!! Interesting!!!" I thought.

In few minutes , she got fainted.

Indervently, my foots moved towards her.

"Yue....yue...." I yelled at her.

Nothing any responded.

So i got her into my arms as like bridal style.

Then I went her room and called to doctors.

After few minutes, the doctor informed to me to nothing worry about her as she was fainted because of avoided from meals.

Actually I was surprised about my behavior above on react with yue.

"What happened to me?"

Still she was in unconscious state.

Then I kissed her forehead .

"Yue.... sorry me; I just felt that you try to avoid from me; it just like you don't mind me. So that's why I punished you".

Then I came to my residence and indervently to me something was happening in my heart.


After 2 hours I woke up.

The jiang was stayed with me when I was woke up.

On that moment she was in mixing with happy ; sad and werid facial expressions.

Then I ate foods and rested .

Meanwhile she was laughing at me.

"Why you laughing at me?"

So then she told about everything that happened after I fainted.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes ..... I never saw his behavior like that".

Then I smiled as mock voice.

" I never couldn't understand this lizard man".

After jiang went, I thought about that shopseller statement.

Is he started thinking about me?......

Hi guys hope your enjoying 🤗😍🤗😀😃😄

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