《My love for a Bloodthirsty Prince. [ON HOLD]》A friend and A warning


I woke up early morning. And washed my body and got prepared.

Late I ate my breakfast and went out from my residence.

"Miss yue we are came for to teach you about some facts that normally should know about palace and rituals by a princess"

A higher specialist maids told me.

"Ok then what should do first?" I asked.

"Please follow us" they said.

On that day I walked whole palace within prince Jinhu 's and king and concubines of Kings and prince Jinhu's.

After finished my trial then they taught me about rules and regulations . Besides of those , they told me about rituals and practices must follow in palace.

Keeping all them in my mind I went back again to my residence.

Oh....so many things !!!........😌😧

After few hours I got my lunch. Then later at evening I went to moonlight garden. So Then I felt to draw something. So I ordered to bring that needed to me.

While I was in my drawing one of maid came.

"Miss.... Our one of servant fainted".

"Where is she now?" I asked.

"At the door step" she answered.

Then I went to look whether of her. So I kept her in my bed with help of other maids. Then I gave to her firstaid that I practiced previously.

"Miss yue I am sorry......" She tried to spoke.

"Ok don't worry I will pardon you". Then I replied.

After she had recovered I asked about what had happened to her.

She seems to be good guy but actually I don't know how to keep beside me.

Then I ordered all servants of mine.

"Please listen everyone, from today you have to take your meals at correct time and correctly and I don't allow to work to anyone who missed their meals "


"Yes of course your highness" all maids replied.

After their went I asked some information from fainted servant about herself.

When I was knew all about her , then I felt this guy would be suit for my friend.

"What's your name? "

"My name Jiang xi miss yue"

"Jiang from today your are my friend" I told.

"It's great pleasure to this servant miss yue"

"Don't called servant or miss yue; just say yue"

"But miss yue if someone got knew about this ?"

"Hmm......a good question! Then you called me as friend when we are in along".

"Ok ... right yue"

" Oh....you have quickly learnt".

"Thank you Miss yue for all and I owed you"

" It's ok" later I said.

I felt now I have a friend to get rid of lonesome.


On next day.........

I woke up. And I thought about that only remained 2 days for the wedding!!.

" Jiang......xi"

" Oh.... coming miss yue"

Is there any special event on today? I asked.

" No.....I can't remember; what's the matter miss yue?"

" No I felt that today will be a something"

"Oh....then don't worry about that miss yue; if there any event they will inform to us"

Later she told.

Then I prepared and I wore mixed color hanfu. Then I got my breakfast and went outside.

"Today.... The cherryblossoms everyplace and it's smell nice....!" I thought.

Then I went the garden and looked other planted plants. Their flowers also Bloomed and it's smell every place.

After that I came to my moonlight garden. So I restarted from previous drew.

While I was drawing, the one of concubine of king came.

"How beautiful...... ?" She said with shocking me.

"Oh..... thank you .....!!! "

She understood above on my face expression so she quickly replied again.


"Oh...I am sorry ; I am Yuen shi ; the King's second queen.

" Oh...I am sorry your highness ; please sit"

I said with bowed my head.

"It's ok ; I came here to look you. You seems to be a good princess to me and prince Jinhu"

" Oh.... thank you for your appreciation but I don't understood correctly what you say" then I said.

" Hmm... It's ok. I want to tell you something . You are all control under by my section ; it mean I am the female leader of this palace".

" So what you trying to tell me ;Queen

Yuen shi?". I asked with some curiosity.

" Oh..... I like your way of understand . never mind I want to tell you; if you obey to me then it will good for the sake of your castle life" .

Is this like a warning...........?

I felt like that she was gave me a just warning to my Life.

So just I remembered what father's advise.

" There are good and bad among in the change and unchanged people"

" Take your time as much as you want but don't forget what I said". Then she was left from me giving a warning smile.

Conspiracies in every person and everywhere.......

"Miss yue don't take too mush her warning"

"That is the nature of her "

"Yeah ..... you are right Jiang! But there something even us couldn't explain and also

we cannot mind so easier about our stranger" I said with emphasized my words.

"Yes your right yue" she Said.

"Oh..... now my friend came " I said with joyful way.

" Oh...miss yue don't shy me" Jiang said.

"Ok....ok now you have to help me to finished this!"

"Ok miss yue"

Then I finished my whole painting . Then I heaved sigh .

"This drawing is finished now; but , there are still many things have to be come and finished them also......"

Hi guys hope you are enjoying 🤗🤗😄

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Hope in next part.

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