《My love for a Bloodthirsty Prince. [ON HOLD]》CherryBloosms


After we came back to home, every one went their room. When I was on my bed , I felt various things . That shop seller's saying, barbaric prince, parents and siblings......

On that night only gave me a bothering not a sleep.

I heaved a big breathe.

Huh..... What will be going on......!


After day....

I woke up usually then I prepared and went to living room.

When I was coming , all members were gathered.

"Good morning" Qin fei brother said.

Then I also replied.

Father coughed . "Shall we eat now ?" Then he said.

When I was eating, I felt something was happened. Then I ask from my mother.

( With a smile) "nothing daughter you should eat more " then she told.

So I looked Qin fei brother. Then he signed to me as nothing was happened.

After our ate, few hours later.

One of maid came and informed that royal carriage was coming.

So I went to room to bring my things.

Meantime, my eyes got into tears.

When I was leaving, "yue sister" Lia shouted.

" Did you remember this? we brought it , on lantern festival day ".

"Yes of course why not?" I told. Then I hugged Lia . My tears more and more increased.

"Don't forget us; I remember you always" finally Lia told.

"When I got a time , I will visit you to see you all and you also should come to see me" then I told again.

Then both brothers came and hugged me tightly.

"We will come to see you when we got time"

" Ok.....my dear brothers"

Then I came towards the parents .

"You no need to cry my daughter " my mother said while she was wiping my tears.

Then again she " you should be with happy and smile" told me with great a pleasure.


But I Know , inside of her heart was worrying about me.

Then father turn towards me .

" Be careful daughter there is an enemy and friend who is changing and not changing in the palace; so keep it in mind and work to prince"

"Ok ..... My father" . Finally I told.

Father left from me with hidden tears.

Then I went and got into carriage.

Finally I drew all figures into my mind of my family members.

Then I left from them with great deep sorrow.

After little time, I saw that cherryblossom trees on both side. And it's flowers float in the wind and fell down to road which I was going.its like a side carpet and so then I felt like mother of nature was blessings to my marriage with prince Jinhu.

After four hours , I came to the palace.

When got off from my carriage, some maids were arrived.

"Welcome miss yue; we are your maids of servants " .

"Follow us we will show your residence". The one of maid told me.

Then they show me a big palace that crafted big dragons pictures.

When I was entering , another palace could be seen . So I went there and that maids told me , that another palace was mine.

So I entered my residence and looked around them.

All Chinese crafts and ornaments, architecture, could seen here to the naked eye though I was in my previous life , only I saw them through pictures.

And I went to the window, in front of that there was also moonlight garden and the cherry blossoms trees.

After few hours, I felt that I was alone.

No Lia or Qin or Fang brother.even my parents also.

Instantly my eyes got into tears again.

"This is not a wedding; this one like a punishment to me". I thought myself.


Then I walked whole around palace. Only I could see maids, crafts , buildings only.

Exactly I felt I was isolated. I have no friends even now also no one talks with me.

Lately I went to my moonlight garden.

Then got a sihu to erase my lonesome.

It's music made me to got rid of that lonesome. Sometimes that cherryblossom flowers were fell down with winding apart from trees to help that music makes more meaningful............

At last, the night came .

I took my dinner with alone.

Then after I had finish, one of maid came.

"Miss yue prince Jinhu has sent you this flower bouquet to hand over you"

"Ok then keep it on table and tell him that I had got it".

"Ok miss yue" then she left.

Then I looked at that flowers bouquet.

"Is this guy that shopseller had told above and why he behaves like romantic guy now?"

Then I remembered that father's statement.

Also I remembered that Qin fei brother's statement.

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