《My love for a Bloodthirsty Prince. [ON HOLD]》Tying into a cage


After few days, king invited to his company to a ceremony . Among them my father also named.

"So we went to that palace"

Meanwhile When we were going to palace , me and my siblings played some joyful games. Actually I was very happy with them.

But if I Knew that happy was valid for only few hours , then I don't know what to do......

inadvertently after 4 hours we went finally to the palace.

OMG..... A huge palace!!!😨😱😳

In my previous life , I never seen like that palaces.

A servant came and told us to follow him

Then we went to special hall which was decorated with various things. Bouquets, floral pots , various clothing arts.

It's so beautiful......

And there was a long mat on the floor and it decorated with pink and maroon and yellow colour. And whole hall was fragrances with Jasmin .

Just one bloom of Jasmin has the power to perfume a whole hall .

When I was entering , there were many ladies and gentlemen. There were ladies more than gentleman like they were willing to marry that evil prince.

What a funny.......?😆😆😆

Most of ladies were wearing with pink and white mix dressers. Actually my hanfu made up on yellow , light maroon and grey and white mix hanfu. In my hanfu there was floral engraved arrangement .

While we were waiting in the hall the king and royal family came. So the king invited to all ladies to enter selection hall. And he suggested to every lady , to wear a face cloth.

In the selection hall there were small tables lined up each for a lady and each lady should have to sit there.

After few minutes, servants came with food on their arms.

Suddenly I remembered that my mother told about something on related selection process of the palace. And I have to eat properly, whether me choose or not. So all one are foods with patiently.


I remembered in my previous life , I eat foods fast because of lack of time. But now, it is full of different. However I ate foods clamly to protect my family honor.

After everyone finished, all one should wait for a few minutes.

All of sudden, a person came from behind the curtains. He was prince Jinhu.

Don't worry ...he can't find me. Because I am in last row corner......ha..ha...how he find me?😆😆😆😊

I saw he walked towards each lady .

Hmm... Nothing could stop him.

Lately he came to last row. With a slow walking he came each one. At last his foots came towards me. He Stayed a little time.

Then I Feared and sweats flooded through my forehead.

Instantly he bend and leaned down in front of me and whispered something.

" Wherever you go, wherever you stayed I will found you indeed ...... My fiancee yue".

Then he grabbed my hand stood up. So I also stood up. Then he moved to hall again that all visitors were stayed.

And he went near the king and stayed in front him and all audience.

"My dear king and my dear visitors I have chosen my fiancee... "

"May I know name and your age please" king asked from me.

Then I noticed that everyone looked at me even my family.

With bow my head," my name is Xiao yue ling"

"My age 17". I told

"Is this our prime minister's daughter no?"

Then he laughed and he officially announced that our wedding will be held after 5 days and he ordered to me to come palace on next day.

Then king finally announced to participate in to ceremony. I looked at my siblings and parents . Eventhough they showed on the outside they were happy, but on the inside they were sad.


Oh... What I did? Why am I choosed?😟😟

It's was too unbearable to me so I left and run away from everyone secretly.

Suddenly a strong arm caught me.

"Yue...yue where are you going"? Qin fei brother asked me.

"Please let me leave brother ..... please" I cried.

Then he grabbed me . "Please let me leave brother " again I cried.

"Don't worry yue; crying makes you ugly please .... Don't cry"

"But brother I did a big fault to you all".

"No you didn't but it may be your chance to change prince into a lovely person".

"What ..... But how"?

"Listen, we cannot find methods easily , we have to test ; to process; come to a conclusion and eventually you may be find it on right time but not now!!!"

"But brother....."

"everyone needs some time and help from a someone to change to other way" . Lately he told.

"But it's like tying into a cage to me" then I told.

"Make sure one-day that cage will be open".

" Thank you brother ; I love too much"

"Me too; now you should wipe your tears".

Then he wiped my tears and kiss my forehead and went again.

Then I took deep breath and went again .

Meanwhile when I was going suddenly prince Jinhu caught me.

"Hey .... Where are you going my fiancee? It seems to be you have had cried. Am I correct?

"Wrong!! why you are following me?" I asked in some temper.

"Hmm.... How do you know my favorite colors and you also wearing my favorites colors"

"Huh ( mock smile) your favorite colors? So what ? I don't mind whether it's favorite color of your or not. I wearing what I wanted" I said in a little angry.

"Ok...ok...make sure if you don't mind to my words, then it will be last day of your family lives eventhough my friend also.

"Did you understand what I say " Prince asked with slyly.

"Smile as you can but I'm not scared to even if they were your threatening!!"

"And you cannot get easily my family lives and your killing skill and warfare only valid for Battlefield not to me".

"Ok yue.....but make sure you now my fiancee and I am the prince of this country; I can do anything what I wanted. And now you cannot leave from my eyes....! " With threatened voice and smile he left .

From that day, both we got started hate each other...........

Hi guys hope you are enjoying 🤗🤗🤗

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